Gallon a day water drinkers?



  • deborahjr
    deborahjr Posts: 29 Member
    I drink SOOO much water out of choice. At least a gallon a day. I have a jug on my desk which takes at least 1.5 litres and fill it up about 3 times just while at work. It stops me getting so hungry, clears up my skin and I'm hoping it will help hydrate my skin so it retains elasticity a bit....we will see. But water is AWESOME!!
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159
    ok lets settle this water debate once and for all. i work as a health care professional and i know water is critical in maintaining normal function of all of our internal organs promotes good circulation and yes it does help with skin and weight loss. the 8 glass a day theory came as way to make sure our body would stay hydrated for normal bodily functions. as we exercise we lose fluids in the form of sweat and our electrolytes get depleted and thus water can help restore whats lost.

    now how much water should one drink when losing weight and exercising?? research indicated that you should drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day. so if you weigh 300 then you would drink 150 ounces of water a day if exercising 5 x a week x 60 minutes a day.

    What research was that?

    Beat me to it!

    (edited to fix quote brackets)
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    I am a water drinker. If drinking water could make you thin, I would be invisible!:smile: But I am still an avid believer in drinking at least 8 glasses a day. It is good for your body inside and out!

    ^^^ this is me too
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    I drink AT LEAST a gallon of water every day. I usually drink 2-4 pitchers of water. I guzzle down about 8-12 glasses at the gym (more toward 12 on weight days) and one to two pitchers of water at work... and probably a glass or two before bed.

    I do NOT drink anything else though, aside from water. I do have protein shakes, but I consider that to be food, not a drink.

    I love it. I feel great, hydrated, and energized all the time. Drinking lots of water can help speed up metabolism and of course helps you shed water weight (also with eating low sodium amounts). I highly recommend it. Your body gets used to it and you start craving it in large amounts, daily.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    I am a water drinker. If drinking water could make you thin, I would be invisible!:smile: But I am still an avid believer in drinking at least 8 glasses a day. It is good for your body inside and out!

    this is me too
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 99 Member
    On an exercise day I drink about 4-5 litres of water, it gives me so much energy and stops me getting migraines. Also my skin glows and I rarely get spots. It keeps hunger at bay too. I only ever drink water and 4 cups of tea a day. Diet soda to me is a massive treat!
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    The only thing i would caution is that when drinking too much water it is possible to keep your body from being able to reabsorb the nutrients nessecary in the urinary tract. Just like when you don't get enough water it flushes out nutrients, when you get too much you can keep it from reabsorbing nutrients because of the level of water the body must break apart. I would think though that the water level would have to be more than a gallon a day. Good luck ! :)
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Would a gallon a day mess up electrolyte balance?
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I bought a 32 o cup and I keep it at work. I dont like to drink it real cold. Just a little cooler than room temp. I fill it up every 2 hrs. Since doing this my hair and nails look great and my acne is barely there. Also i have some extra skin in my waist that so far isnt sagging as much. Water also helps with flushing sodium.
  • whitefang66
    whitefang66 Posts: 38 Member
    only time i drink water in any quantity is when i am working out, to keep hydrated. i carry a bottle of chilled water with me all the time tho in case i want a drink, stops me buying crap sodas/fizzy drinks
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Iif I'm not mistaken that is nearly 4 litres a day. Why would you need to drink that much?

    Sure, water (liquid) is good for our systems, but I just don't think you are ging to get a lot of extra benfit from going overboard.
    You will get lots of extra trips to the loo though!

    1 gallon = 3.78 litres

    TL;DR Water is the best drink health and money wise.

    I have a glass that's 500mL and I drink 4-6 glasses of that a day. I don't drink that much water because I think it's going to help or science/broscience tells me to, but water has no cals, fat, sodium, etc.. All the stuff I want to drink (empty calories, haha) have that stuff and more. I try to replace what I was eating with better choices and water is one of them. Also, water is free so I'm not busting my husband's wallet with 4 2L bottles of Mt. Dew every payday.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    i drink about four litres a day,..
    PERSONALLY - it clears my skin on my face, it stops my hunger cravings and overall i feel good..
    the days i dont work out i maybe dont drink as much.
    but i push myself to drink water all the time. I carry water everywhere with me as i used to not drink enough and get migranes
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I am a bonafide water convert. When I began this journey in Mar '11, I think I drank 1 glass of water/WEEK
    (that consisted of a 2 oz drinking cup swallowing meds in the AM)

    I completely *POOF-POOFED* the idea of water helping one bit.

    A friend on my journey here challenged me to "UP MINE"- that is, *TRY* to drink @ least one 8 oz. glass a day
    and sloooooowly INcrease my consumption over the course of many, many months to where I was drinking
    @ least 8 glasses a day.
    I took her challenge. I didn't notice *ANY* difference-except for having to *pee* all the time (ugh- who has time for that???)
    and was tempted to give up, but she CONTINUED to cheer me on........
    Soon my lazy weak bladder muscles began to get toned-

    SHORTENED version>>>>>>>>16 months later, my body *CRAVES* water. I can EASILY- without even thinkin' about it,
    consume the "minimum" am't suggested (8-8 0z) before dinner time. 20-30 oz of it in the AM before I leave for work.

    I didn't see the benefits IMMEDIATELY-
    and I erroneously thought the MAIN reason was to trick my stomach into thinking it was *FULL*- yeah, my stomach was NEVER that naive. It KNOWS the difference for sure.

    What it did was start my kidneys functioning the way they're DESIGNED to- and force the liver to do its job- that is, process FAT- burn it, NOT store it.
    Those 2 organs work together.

    Like I said, made a believer out of me.

    SO, I now ENcourage YOU who read this: UP YOURS as well
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    YES!!!! I ended up in the hospital for 3 days because of it. Flushed all the sodium, etc., out of my body. Please, please, please be careful when drinking too much water. There was some debate on MFP when I announced that I had been hospitalized for it. The doctors said it was possible to become "dehydrated" by drinking too much water. I know it wasn't a medical term they were using, they were just stating that I was flushing all of the things out of my body that my body needed.
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    YES!!!! I ended up in the hospital for 3 days because of it. Flushed all the sodium, etc., out of my body. Please, please, please be careful when drinking too much water. There was some debate on MFP when I announced that I had been hospitalized for it. The doctors said it was possible to become "dehydrated" by drinking too much water. I know it wasn't a medical term they were using, they were just stating that I was flushing all of the things out of my body that my body needed.
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    Would a gallon a day mess up electrolyte balance?

    YES!!!! I ended up in the hospital for 3 days because of it. Flushed all the sodium, etc., out of my body. Please, please, please be careful when drinking too much water. There was some debate on MFP when I announced that I had been hospitalized for it. The doctors said it was possible to become "dehydrated" by drinking too much water. I know it wasn't a medical term they were using, they were just stating that I was flushing all of the things out of my body that my body needed.
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    Sorry, couldn't figure this posting thing out. Wish I could delete two of the above posts.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    YES!!!! I ended up in the hospital for 3 days because of it. Flushed all the sodium, etc., out of my body. Please, please, please be careful when drinking too much water. There was some debate on MFP when I announced that I had been hospitalized for it. The doctors said it was possible to become "dehydrated" by drinking too much water. I know it wasn't a medical term they were using, they were just stating that I was flushing all of the things out of my body that my body needed.
    how much is too much???
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    16 cups = 1 gallon.

    Since it's gotten hotter outside I find my self drinking or getting close to 1 gallon.
    Mostly out of boredom sitting at home (better than snacking too much!)

    Someone earlier said that a gallon is too much but drink 6 bottles a day...
    There are 8 16.9 bottles in a gallon, so you're not that far away.

    Drinking half my body weight is 17 cups!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i hate plain water, but my crystal light, tea, coffee, diet pepsi probably adds up to over a gallon.