Planet Fitness: Judge-Free zone?



  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    We belong to Gold's Express, and I like it so far...We had previously belonged to the park district gym, but when all you are using is the free weights and a treadmill, why pay the membership for tennis and basketball courts. I don't care for the "lunk" alarm concept, but I also think the guys that throw down their weights after their reps come off looking a little ridonkulous (how the heck do you spell this??) as well.
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    Everyone that belongs to PF, please deactivate your account on here. All the so called experts on here say it's not a real gym, so why should we be on a fitness site. Hahaha! Unreal!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    The whole business is a contradiction. All marketing that successfully draws in insecure, judgmental, hypocritical beginners. And most of those beginners, stay beginners. The entire establishment promotes and encourages mediocrity, by design.

    that's kind of how I feel about it- I just hate the fact the corporate peoples run it feel that way- but I also feel like its' a great second gym (that whole 24 hrs thing) and also - if the people ARE going-and doing something- good for them.

    The gym sucks- doesn't mean all the people by default do as well.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Everyone that belongs to PF, please deactivate your account on here. All the so called experts on here say it's not a real gym, so why should we be on a fitness site. Hahaha! Unreal!

    Uh sorry, with those guns, I don't even believe you work out at PF. I mean, eat pizza and bagels at PF.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I've noticed alot of the anti-PF folks on here look like pro bodybuilders so it makes me wonder if they even go to them.
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    Everyone that belongs to PF, please deactivate your account on here. All the so called experts on here say it's not a real gym, so why should we be on a fitness site. Hahaha! Unreal!

    Uh sorry, with those guns, I don't even believe you work out at PF. I mean, eat pizza and bagels at PF.

    lol, thanks for the kind words. :) I always seem to miss the bagels and pizza. I'll have to change my work out times. I will confess though, I do take a few Tootsie Rolls on the way out. :)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Everyone that belongs to PF, please deactivate your account on here. All the so called experts on here say it's not a real gym, so why should we be on a fitness site. Hahaha! Unreal!

    Uh sorry, with those guns, I don't even believe you work out at PF. I mean, eat pizza and bagels at PF.

    lol, thanks for the kind words. :) I always seem to miss the bagels and pizza. I'll have to change my work out times. I will confess though, I do take a few Tootsie Rolls on the way out. :)

    The only time I ate a Tootsie Roll was the day of the tour, for some reason I just don't think about it. I've missed all the pizza and bagel days, too. I was just curious to see if there's a mad rush, or if everyone plays it cool.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I've noticed alot of the anti-PF folks on here look like pro bodybuilders so it makes me wonder if they even go to them.

    They get kicked out, and on top of that PF doesn't have the equipment needed for a proper workout there.
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    I've noticed alot of the anti-PF folks on here look like pro bodybuilders so it makes me wonder if they even go to them.

    They get kicked out, and on top of that PF doesn't have the equipment needed for a proper workout there.

    I have never seen anyone kicked out of mine. There are some roid heads in there that never get bothered by the staff. Even one of the trainers looks like a pro and he's huge. Not sure where your PF is, but maybe it varies from state to state.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    I've noticed alot of the anti-PF folks on here look like pro bodybuilders so it makes me wonder if they even go to them.

    They get kicked out, and on top of that PF doesn't have the equipment needed for a proper workout there.

    Maybe the PF that YOU went to doesn't have the proper equipment.

    You realize that they are franchise, and not all the same?

    Also, I would say all gyms count on people paying for their membership and never showing up....Not just PF
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member


    Is worse than this?


    Got it.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Maybe the PF that YOU went to doesn't have the proper equipment.

    You realize that they are franchise, and not all the same?

    Also, I would say all gyms count on people paying for their membership and never showing up....Not just PF

    Agreed that most gyms count on people not showing up. I think some training gyms are definitely not like that though. There's the money difference in membership prices. They are counting on getting $150/month, and at that price, people are going to show.

    And yes, franchises aren't all the same, but they do need to adhere to the same basic principles or they forgo their rights.

    By proper equipment, dumbbells over 100lbs. A squat rack. A bench press. Hell, any free weights at all. I've been to several. The closest one to me has a huge cardio deck and a small circuit. And pizza. No professional trainers (sorry, I don't consider the certificate downloaded from a one day online class to be a professional).

    Better than no gym? Sure.

    And one more thing. This may apply more to me, rather than to others, but it was an important aspect in getting fit. I want to see the hard bodies in fantastic shape working out. I want to see what I can aspire to if I try hard enough. Someone strolling at 1.5 mph on a treadmill isn't going to motivate me. And I want all the motivation I can get!
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    And one more thing. This may apply more to me, rather than to others, but it was an important aspect in getting fit. I want to see the hard bodies in fantastic shape working out. I want to see what I can aspire to if I try hard enough. Someone strolling at 1.5 mph on a treadmill isn't going to motivate me. And I want all the motivation I can get!

    I read this as "fat people who are trying to lose weight and better themselves don't motivate me" I'm judging you.

    Got it.

    I'm not sure why if you hate PF so much, you have been to "several"
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    And one more thing. This may apply more to me, rather than to others, but it was an important aspect in getting fit. I want to see the hard bodies in fantastic shape working out. I want to see what I can aspire to if I try hard enough. Someone strolling at 1.5 mph on a treadmill isn't going to motivate me. And I want all the motivation I can get!

    I read this as "fat people who are trying to lose weight and better themselves don't motivate me" I'm judging you.

    Got it.

    I'm not sure why if you hate PF so much, you have been to "several"

    I've been fat. VERY fat. So don't to make it sound like I'm fat-shaming. What do you think fit-spiration it? Photos and sayings of people with fantastic bodies who are working to their very max. That's what I want to be. I'm motivated by the people who have reached their goals through years of dedication. Sorry if that makes me a bad person in your eyes. I know where I want my body to be, and I have a LONG way to get there. I want the tips and tricks and motivation from the people who are there. Anything else would be akin to taking college classes taught by middle schoolers, IMO.

    And yes, I've been to several. I do have friends that are members. People sometimes work out with their friends.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Why do I judge those that go there? I've been a few times to the ones in my area. (Field trip of sorts) And I guess if you're totally new to fitness, it's a foot in the door. But the ones around here have people working that do not care, nor know a thing about fitness. They are dangerous, when instructing people incorrectly how to use a machine. They don't carry heavy weights. They are getting rid of squat racks.

    When I see people in a PF, I think they are not serious about fitness. When you're going to a gym that has pizza night, candy on the front desk, bagels for snacks, there's a fundamental disconnect in getting and staying healthy.

    I'd love to see some real stats about PF members. For example:
    1. How many who join are still regularly attending one year later
    2. How many who join have reached any fitness goals
    3. How many who join can do any weights, vs. cardio
    4. How many who join are training for anything specific

    And compare those stats to other gyms that aren't in the same category.

    Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Of course some who go to PF will be successful. But frankly, PF does not want you to succeed. They want you to stay fat, but pay just enough that you don't care about spending that money each month, so you don't cancel your membership.
    wow. You really believe all of this don't you?

    you get of things what you put in...regardless of where you are. I hate their commercials and their business model, but it was affordable for me and there are PLENTY of free weights at mine and a squat rack...and i deadlift.

    I am VERY serious about my fitness.

    I am attending more than one year later
    I have reached MANY goals
    I rarely do cardio
    I am training to be in a powerlifting meet.

    I have gone from being extremely weak from 3 herniated discs to being strong and capable.
    I bench over a 100 pounds now and can deadlift almost 200... where i started with the 45 on bench and 65 on deadlift.

    Your conclusions are so messed up based on your opinion. WHO CARES what food they have there?
    NEWSFLASH...if i just smashed the crap of the weights for over an hour i think i can afford to eat whatever snacks they have... i dont because i dont like to eat right away when i lift BUT the fact that it is there should have NO BEARING on your opinion of me going there.

    I want a better gym, but i sure kick butt at PF while I am there because I DECIDE to... and so do many people I see at mine.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    And one more thing. This may apply more to me, rather than to others, but it was an important aspect in getting fit. I want to see the hard bodies in fantastic shape working out. I want to see what I can aspire to if I try hard enough. Someone strolling at 1.5 mph on a treadmill isn't going to motivate me. And I want all the motivation I can get!

    I read this as "fat people who are trying to lose weight and better themselves don't motivate me" I'm judging you.

    Got it.

    I'm not sure why if you hate PF so much, you have been to "several"

    I've been fat. VERY fat. So don't to make it sound like I'm fat-shaming. What do you think fit-spiration it? Photos and sayings of people with fantastic bodies who are working to their very max. That's what I want to be. I'm motivated by the people who have reached their goals through years of dedication. Sorry if that makes me a bad person in your eyes. I know where I want my body to be, and I have a LONG way to get there. I want the tips and tricks and motivation from the people who are there. Anything else would be akin to taking college classes taught by middle schoolers, IMO.

    And yes, I've been to several. I do have friends that are members. People sometimes work out with their friends.

    I'm shocked you're friends with people to go to PF, I can't believe you would associate with such people..
  • breahremington
    Why do I judge those that go there? I've been a few times to the ones in my area. (Field trip of sorts) And I guess if you're totally new to fitness, it's a foot in the door. But the ones around here have people working that do not care, nor know a thing about fitness. They are dangerous, when instructing people incorrectly how to use a machine. They don't carry heavy weights. They are getting rid of squat racks.

    When I see people in a PF, I think they are not serious about fitness. When you're going to a gym that has pizza night, candy on the front desk, bagels for snacks, there's a fundamental disconnect in getting and staying healthy.

    I'd love to see some real stats about PF members. For example:
    1. How many who join are still regularly attending one year later
    2. How many who join have reached any fitness goals
    3. How many who join can do any weights, vs. cardio
    4. How many who join are training for anything specific

    And compare those stats to other gyms that aren't in the same category.

    Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Of course some who go to PF will be successful. But frankly, PF does not want you to succeed. They want you to stay fat, but pay just enough that you don't care about spending that money each month, so you don't cancel your membership.
    wow. You really believe all of this don't you?

    you get of things what you put in...regardless of where you are. I hate their commercials and their business model, but it was affordable for me and there are PLENTY of free weights at mine and a squat rack...and i deadlift.

    I am VERY serious about my fitness.

    I am attending more than one year later
    I have reached MANY goals
    I rarely do cardio
    I am training to be in a powerlifting meet.

    I have gone from being extremely weak from 3 herniated discs to being strong and capable.
    I bench over a 100 pounds now and can deadlift almost 200... where i started with the 45 on bench and 65 on deadlift.

    Your conclusions are so messed up based on your opinion. WHO CARES what food they have there?
    NEWSFLASH...if i just smashed the crap of the weights for over an hour i think i can afford to eat whatever snacks they have... i dont because i dont like to eat right away when i lift BUT the fact that it is there should have NO BEARING on your opinion of me going there.

    I want a better gym, but i sure kick butt at PF while I am there because I DECIDE to... and so do many people I see at mine.

    Well said! I can understand judging the business model, perhaps, but I think judging the people that go there is pretty misplaced. I've belonged to a few different gyms and in each one, there were people on each end of the spectrum- heavy lifting AND walking 3 mph on the treadmill. Neither of the two bothered me.

    Edited for typo
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Why do I judge those that go there? I've been a few times to the ones in my area. (Field trip of sorts) And I guess if you're totally new to fitness, it's a foot in the door. But the ones around here have people working that do not care, nor know a thing about fitness. They are dangerous, when instructing people incorrectly how to use a machine. They don't carry heavy weights. They are getting rid of squat racks.

    When I see people in a PF, I think they are not serious about fitness. When you're going to a gym that has pizza night, candy on the front desk, bagels for snacks, there's a fundamental disconnect in getting and staying healthy.

    I'd love to see some real stats about PF members. For example:
    1. How many who join are still regularly attending one year later
    2. How many who join have reached any fitness goals
    3. How many who join can do any weights, vs. cardio
    4. How many who join are training for anything specific

    And compare those stats to other gyms that aren't in the same category.

    Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Of course some who go to PF will be successful. But frankly, PF does not want you to succeed. They want you to stay fat, but pay just enough that you don't care about spending that money each month, so you don't cancel your membership.
    wow. You really believe all of this don't you?

    you get of things what you put in...regardless of where you are. I hate their commercials and their business model, but it was affordable for me and there are PLENTY of free weights at mine and a squat rack...and i deadlift.

    I am VERY serious about my fitness.

    I am attending more than one year later
    I have reached MANY goals
    I rarely do cardio
    I am training to be in a powerlifting meet.

    I have gone from being extremely weak from 3 herniated discs to being strong and capable.
    I bench over a 100 pounds now and can deadlift almost 200... where i started with the 45 on bench and 65 on deadlift.

    Your conclusions are so messed up based on your opinion. WHO CARES what food they have there?
    NEWSFLASH...if i just smashed the crap of the weights for over an hour i think i can afford to eat whatever snacks they have... i dont because i dont like to eat right away when i lift BUT the fact that it is there should have NO BEARING on your opinion of me going there.

    I want a better gym, but i sure kick butt at PF while I am there because I DECIDE to... and so do many people I see at mine.

    kicka$$, for sure :heart:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Why do I judge those that go there? I've been a few times to the ones in my area. (Field trip of sorts) And I guess if you're totally new to fitness, it's a foot in the door. But the ones around here have people working that do not care, nor know a thing about fitness. They are dangerous, when instructing people incorrectly how to use a machine. They don't carry heavy weights. They are getting rid of squat racks.

    When I see people in a PF, I think they are not serious about fitness. When you're going to a gym that has pizza night, candy on the front desk, bagels for snacks, there's a fundamental disconnect in getting and staying healthy.

    I'd love to see some real stats about PF members. For example:
    1. How many who join are still regularly attending one year later
    2. How many who join have reached any fitness goals
    3. How many who join can do any weights, vs. cardio
    4. How many who join are training for anything specific

    And compare those stats to other gyms that aren't in the same category.

    Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Of course some who go to PF will be successful. But frankly, PF does not want you to succeed. They want you to stay fat, but pay just enough that you don't care about spending that money each month, so you don't cancel your membership.
    wow. You really believe all of this don't you?

    you get of things what you put in...regardless of where you are. I hate their commercials and their business model, but it was affordable for me and there are PLENTY of free weights at mine and a squat rack...and i deadlift.

    I am VERY serious about my fitness.

    I am attending more than one year later
    I have reached MANY goals
    I rarely do cardio
    I am training to be in a powerlifting meet.

    I have gone from being extremely weak from 3 herniated discs to being strong and capable.
    I bench over a 100 pounds now and can deadlift almost 200... where i started with the 45 on bench and 65 on deadlift.

    Your conclusions are so messed up based on your opinion. WHO CARES what food they have there?
    NEWSFLASH...if i just smashed the crap of the weights for over an hour i think i can afford to eat whatever snacks they have... i dont because i dont like to eat right away when i lift BUT the fact that it is there should have NO BEARING on your opinion of me going there.

    I want a better gym, but i sure kick butt at PF while I am there because I DECIDE to... and so do many people I see at mine.


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Why do I judge those that go there? I've been a few times to the ones in my area. (Field trip of sorts) And I guess if you're totally new to fitness, it's a foot in the door. But the ones around here have people working that do not care, nor know a thing about fitness. They are dangerous, when instructing people incorrectly how to use a machine. They don't carry heavy weights. They are getting rid of squat racks.

    When I see people in a PF, I think they are not serious about fitness. When you're going to a gym that has pizza night, candy on the front desk, bagels for snacks, there's a fundamental disconnect in getting and staying healthy.

    I'd love to see some real stats about PF members. For example:
    1. How many who join are still regularly attending one year later
    2. How many who join have reached any fitness goals
    3. How many who join can do any weights, vs. cardio
    4. How many who join are training for anything specific

    And compare those stats to other gyms that aren't in the same category.

    Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Of course some who go to PF will be successful. But frankly, PF does not want you to succeed. They want you to stay fat, but pay just enough that you don't care about spending that money each month, so you don't cancel your membership.
    wow. You really believe all of this don't you?

    you get of things what you put in...regardless of where you are. I hate their commercials and their business model, but it was affordable for me and there are PLENTY of free weights at mine and a squat rack...and i deadlift.

    I am VERY serious about my fitness.

    I am attending more than one year later
    I have reached MANY goals
    I rarely do cardio
    I am training to be in a powerlifting meet.

    I have gone from being extremely weak from 3 herniated discs to being strong and capable.
    I bench over a 100 pounds now and can deadlift almost 200... where i started with the 45 on bench and 65 on deadlift.

    Your conclusions are so messed up based on your opinion. WHO CARES what food they have there?
    NEWSFLASH...if i just smashed the crap of the weights for over an hour i think i can afford to eat whatever snacks they have... i dont because i dont like to eat right away when i lift BUT the fact that it is there should have NO BEARING on your opinion of me going there.

    I want a better gym, but i sure kick butt at PF while I am there because I DECIDE to... and so do many people I see at mine.

    Aside from Crank, I have a few other kick *kitten* people on my FL that go to PF. We don't have one here.

    I love that this 2 year old thread was ressurected by someone to tell his lunk alarm story.