Six Week Challenge?



  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    I should also mention that I am in need of some extra motivation right now. I fell of the wagon completely this weekend. I ate nothing but crap. The good news is that I did not get much from the food that I ate so I don't see myself doing this again any time soon. I have been weighing in every Wednesday, so I will wait till tomorrow to post my stats. After this week, I will go ahead and shift my weigh in's to Monday.
  • holly122677
    Hey, is it too late to join in the 6 week Challenge? If not here's my goals

    SW 9-5- 170lbs
    9-12 - 168 lbs
    9-19 - 164 lbs
    9-26 - 161 lbs
    10-3 - 159 lbs
    10-10 - 157 lbs
    10-17 - 155 lbs
  • everyday
    Same here did TOO MUCH eating over the week end.

    Manage to stick to my cals yesterday- its taken me awhile (to long) to get back in the swing.

    My w/o are very sporadic, I am doing the 30 day Shred, but only have 2 done, so far. A bit of TM (treadmill) & stretching.

    I know CONSISTENCY/ Moderation with the healthy food choices & w/o's is the key to seeing results.

    Have a good night all:smile:
  • chelsea756
    Just checking in. Everyone doing well? Today I completed my workout, added in weight training and stuck to a healthy diet.
  • everyday

    Looks like your doing well, especially w/ the added WT!! I did TM warm up a Shred & stretching. But went over my daily cals @ dinner.... hambugers & ff . Keep up the GOOD job :smile:
  • chelsea756
    Hamburgers and fries are my weakness. Have you ever tried Boca burgers, it's a veggie pattie but really good. Morning Star also makes a spicy black bean burger, I've started getting my hamburger fix from that. You may want to try it. It'd be great if I could find a healthy alternative to ff. Good job on the workouts, everyone has their fallouts with food choices. Just make better ones today and don't let it ruin the rest of your week. I tend to have one bad day and that blows off my whole week, hoping this site will get me out of that funk.

    Hope everyone else is doing well, we've almost got one week down!
  • everyday
    I have only tried the nuggies by Morning Star... I will look for the spicy black bean burger!... Thanks:smile:

    Really the burger was ok... grilled the problem was the MUCHO fries! :frown: Should not of ate one, if I cant handle with in reason.

    Make today count!!
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Hamburgers and fries are my weakness. Have you ever tried Boca burgers, it's a veggie pattie but really good. Morning Star also makes a spicy black bean burger, I've started getting my hamburger fix from that. You may want to try it. It'd be great if I could find a healthy alternative to ff. Good job on the workouts, everyone has their fallouts with food choices. Just make better ones today and don't let it ruin the rest of your week. I tend to have one bad day and that blows off my whole week, hoping this site will get me out of that funk.

    Hope everyone else is doing well, we've almost got one week down!

    That is a tremedous idea. I love boca burgers, and as luck should have it I have some in the fridge. That will make a great dinner. That is what I will have for dinner. With sweet potato fries. And some other extra veggie. What do you think would go well.
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Alright ladies, I am ready to get started. I had a bit of a snag yesterday because I felt very badly. My stomach was really upset and I had a headache so I missed my Krav Maga Class :grumble: . Anyhow, my starting weight for this challenge is 167. Here are my measurements.

    Bust - 42
    Ribcage - 33
    Natural waist - 30.5
    Belly Button - 33
    Hips - 40
    Butt - 42 1/2
    I forgot to measure my arms and legs I will add that later tonight.

    Here are my goals.

    SW - 09.09 - 167
    09.14 - 166
    09.21 - 164.5
    09.28 - 163
    10.05 - 161.5
    10.12 - 160
    10.19 - 158.5

    This challenge actually works out really well for me because, if I stay with it and meet my goals each week I should break the 160 mark at the last week. That would be amazing. I have not been below 160 since high school. Early high school. With any luck this time I will also be more firm. I am so incredibly excited about this. YAY. :happy:
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Okay so my here are my arm and thigh measurements

    Left arm: 14
    Right arm: 14.5
    Left thigh: 26
    Right thigh: 26
    Left calf: 15.5
    Right calf: 15.5

    I wish I could say it is all muscle but alas it is mostly flab. But that WILL change. I think it is really weird that my thighs are only 4.5 inches smaller than my waist.
  • everyday
    Alright ladies, I am ready to get started. I had a bit of a snag yesterday because I felt very badly. My stomach was really upset and I had a headache so I missed my Krav Maga Class :grumble: . Anyhow, my starting weight for this challenge is 167. Here are my measurements.

    Bust - 42
    Ribcage - 33
    Natural waist - 30.5
    Belly Button - 33
    Hips - 40
    Butt - 42 1/2
    I forgot to measure my arms and legs I will add that later tonight.

    Here are my goals.

    SW - 09.09 - 167
    09.14 - 166
    09.21 - 164.5
    09.28 - 163
    10.05 - 161.5
    10.12 - 160
    10.19 - 158.5

    This challenge actually works out really well for me because, if I stay with it and meet my goals each week I should break the 160 mark at the last week. That would be amazing. I have not been below 160 since high school. Early high school. With any luck this time I will also be more firm. I am so incredibly excited about this. YAY. :happy:

    belldandy I like your enthusiasm.. GOOD LUCK!! :smile:

    OK girls... I weight in this am I am the same 149, I can't expect any change if I don't change my eating habits.:frown: Only stayed clean & in my calories 2 days out of 7. Aiming to do better this week!!

    Have a happy Fri & keep mov -N!
  • aariel22
    It is weigh in day, no? I got to 150!!! That is my pre-prego weight and I am really excited. I can't believe that I was over 200 at one point. I am still working towards a goal of 140 (as I was overweight pre-baby), but I feel like I have finally figured out how to keep my metabolism up while eating the right amount of food.
    I think I weighed in last week at 154, and my weight fluctuates so much that I want to weight in at 150 for a few days before I count it as my real weight.
    Part of my motivation to loose weight was because I am getting married next summer. I tried on a few wedding dresses and they actually looked good. I still have the pooch in my belly, but that is a more approachable issue that I will keep working on.
  • HOLLEE85
    OH OH I want to join I hope it's not too late. Here's my stats

    weight-154 mini goal-150 total goal-130

    I will only chart down my weight every week than once the 6 weeks are up I will chart all my measurements.
  • chelsea756
    Weighing In - 132lbs as of today, so I lost 3lbs! I usually gain it all back during the weekend. I just need to stay focused.
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Great job everyone! Impressive losses so far. I am on a different weigh in schedule since I did not post my weight until Wednesday. I will shift my schedule so I can join in on the weigh in fun
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    OH OH I want to join I hope it's not too late. Here's my stats

    weight-154 mini goal-150 total goal-130

    I will only chart down my weight every week than once the 6 weeks are up I will chart all my measurements.

  • mskellyw
    Hi guys! I'm so glad to see that everyone is still here!

    I've had a major tumble off the wagon...

    My ex broke into my house Tuesday and stole a bunch of stuff (creepy, stalker-ish kinds of stuff) and erased a bunch of stuff on my computer. I had to leave the next day for a trip to Canada to interview for grad school, so spend all of that night and the next morning filing police reports, changing locks, etc. I went out for drinks with friends on Tuesday night because I was so freaked out and was trying to calm myself down, then woke up sick on Wednesday. Between the stress, travel, and illness, diet was kind of at the bottom of my to-do list!

    Sooo... I just got back home and I'm super-scared of the scale tomorrow! I'm going to weigh-in just to see where I'm at (I know it's going to be bad, but I feel like I need to know). Then I'll do my "real" weigh-in on Friday. I'm going to skip the weight-lifting tomorrow since I still have a cold, but food logging is 100% back on.

    Good job to everyone who had losses this week! I'm going to go back and read everyone's posts tomorrow (just kind of skimmed right now), but I'm SO exhausted right now that I can barely focus on the screen!
  • mskellyw
    I weighed in this morning and I’ve only gained one pound! It feels weird to get excited about a gain, but I was expecting so much worse than that! Now I'm at 179 and I’m 100% confident that I can lose that again by Friday and hopefully catch up to where I want to be by next week. I usually retain water like crazy when I fly for some reason, but I drank coffee to stay awake yesterday which I don’t normally do, so maybe that helped with my water retention?

    chelsea756 - My everyday diet is fairly consistent. I eat eggs, veggies and toast for breakfast. Usually one whole egg (pastured, from a local farmer) and sometimes an additional egg white. I cook that with mushrooms and frozen spinach and put it on a slice of gluten-free flax toast. Sometimes I add a slice of Asiago cheese or smoked turkey breast. I find that I have to have adequate protein at breakfast or I crave carbs and sugar all day. For lunch I eat a big salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, lentils and tofu with Newman’s Own light Italian dressing. Dinner is usually more protein (often chicken) with a veggie and brown rice, quinoa, or a gluten-free bun. I snack on light organic string cheese, almonds, greek yogurt, fruit, peanut butter, and on the days that I lift weights, a protein shake or bar. I try to eat mostly organic, very little sugar, no artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, preservatives, etc. I’m allergic to gluten and I don’t eat red meat.

    Also, good job for adding in strength training! It really does make such a HUGE difference!

    belldandy1 - I love Indian too, but cooking it well is really labor intensive. I live alone so I’m not a huge fan of cooking everyday either. I always cook breakfast, but for dinner I often cook a crockpot of chicken and keep it in the fridge to eat all week. I also cook a pot of grains at the beginning of the week and keep that in the fridge. Do you have a Tader Joe’s near you? They have a lot of pre-made, but still fairly healthy Indian sauces you can buy and add to chicken, rice, veggies, etc that really cut down on cooking time. Or I suppose you could make some yourself and freeze them in individual portions and add them to stuff you quickly cook up during the week. Just a thought!

    I’ve always thought about trying krav maga, but I think I’m too much of a wuss. I used to do a little xing yi nei gong and ba gua (Chinese martial arts), but they were never really my thing.

    everyday - I just noticed that you’re in AZ. What part? I did the Shred for two and a half weeks before going on vacation a couple months ago. It really works, but I’ve found that I HATE the cardio/strength interval thing. I know it’s really effective, but my take on it is that if I’m not actually doing it because I hate it then it won’t be effective for me! I really like weight lifting, walking and yoga-type stretching, so those are the things that I’m doing right now.

    Also, I know how you feel about fries--they’re my weakness too! Almost any kind of potato is! I can do sweet potatoes without going crazy though, so I try to stick to those, although when I was in Vancouver this weekend EVERYPLACE has yam fries! (And I mean the fried ones, not the good oven kind!) So I’m a little afraid that my ability to resist overeating them might dissolve when I move there!

    aariel22 - Congrats at getting back to 150! Hopefully I’ll be there soon! I’m sure getting married must be great motivation.

    everyone else - Welcome! I hope you all had a great weekend!
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Hi everyone! Is it too late to join? I know I'm a little behind, but I started a 6 week challenge for myself today to try and slim down as much as I can by my 30th birthday which is exactly 6 weeks from today. I'm officially down 7 pounds, but my weigh in day is Wednesday and I think I'm going to be happy with the results! :flowerforyou:

    I'm in the midst of doing a major overhaul on my lifestyle. I have pretty severe PCOS and as far as I can see it's preventing me from getting pregnant (not to mention there are added problems in that area to begin with) so I actually have the goal of hoping to start trying to get pregnant around November if everything turns out as planned. You guys have really sparked my interest with all the talk of organic food (which is what I'm shifting over to) and I think I could really learn a lot from this group! :happy: :flowerforyou:

    What is your weigh in day?
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Hi everyone! Is it too late to join? I know I'm a little behind, but I started a 6 week challenge for myself today to try and slim down as much as I can by my 30th birthday which is exactly 6 weeks from today. I'm officially down 7 pounds, but my weigh in day is Wednesday and I think I'm going to be happy with the results! :flowerforyou:

    I'm in the midst of doing a major overhaul on my lifestyle. I have pretty severe PCOS and as far as I can see it's preventing me from getting pregnant (not to mention there are added problems in that area to begin with) so I actually have the goal of hoping to start trying to get pregnant around November if everything turns out as planned. You guys have really sparked my interest with all the talk of organic food (which is what I'm shifting over to) and I think I could really learn a lot from this group! :happy: :flowerforyou:

    What is your weigh in day?

    Welcome. I don't think it is too late to join. I am actually trying to figure out what our official weigh-in day is myself. Some weighed in on Friday and some on Monday.