Six Week Challenge?



  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    I am a little confused about what our official weigh-in day is. Is it Monday? I meant to post my weight yesterday, but I weighed myself in the morning and forgot to post it. I lost a pound! This means that I met my goal for this week. Yay! My goal for the coming week is to exercise 5 days between now and next Monday. Wish me luck.

    SW - 09.09 - 167
    09.14 - Goal (166) Actual (166) (-1 pound)
    09.21 - 164.5
    09.28 - 163
    10.05 - 161.5
    10.12 - 160
    10.19 - 158.5
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    My weigh in day is Wednesday and I am SOOOO excited. I hit my 10 pound goal today! I'm down to 157! Woohoo! :happy: I'm not going to add a goal for each week, I hope that's okay. I did put an ending goal! :happy:

    SW - 09.09 - 161.4
    09.14 - 157 (-4.4 pound loss)
    09.21 -
    09.28 -
    10.05 -
    10.12 -
    10.19 - GOAL - 149

    How is everyone else doing?
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    My weigh in day is Wednesday and I am SOOOO excited. I hit my 10 pound goal today! I'm down to 157! Woohoo! :happy: I'm not going to add a goal for each week, I hope that's okay. I did put an ending goal! :happy:

    SW - 09.09 - 161.4
    09.14 - 157 (-4.4 pound loss)
    09.21 -
    09.28 -
    10.05 -
    10.12 -
    10.19 - GOAL - 149

    How is everyone else doing?

    Great job! I am doing good. I am still trying to get into my exercise routine. The diet is going well.
  • aariel22
    I am confused on the weigh in day as well. I am a bit obsessive about it and weigh myself everyday. I don't really trust my scale at home as it weights differently depending on how I stand and where I put it. I try to do it the same each time, but I expect it to vary by a few pounds either way. Unfortunately I went through this thing where I was 154 one day, then 150, then I weighed in at the gym at 155. I didn't fully believe the 150 (scale error or dehydration?), but the pound gained from 154 really bugged me. It was the first time that I had gained weight since starting to really work at this. I lost motivation and discipline and ate whatever was easy for 3 days while camping. Today I weighed in at 151 which is great. I feel like the calories have not glommed onto my body yet. It is hard to resist the temptation to fast or something to make up for the excess, even though I know that it is healthier to just get back on my routine of allotted calories and regular exercise. PHEW!
    Thanks for letting me vent here. I don't really talk about the ups and downs of this weight loss process with my friends because they don't really understand how hard it is. Thanks for being here!
  • chelsea756
    Great Job everyone! Doesn't sound like there are too many set backs. I was out of town last week so I slacked off a little on my diet. I still managed to get some exercise in though. The first thing that went into my suitcase was my running shoes and I'm proud to say I actually hit the gym at the hotel.

    SW - 09.04 - 135
    09.11 - 133.5 - ACTUAL 133
    09.18 - 132 - ACTUAL 132
    09.25 - 130.5
    10.02 - 129
    10.09 - 127.5
    10.16 - 126
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Hello everyone, I am glad to see that everyone is doing so well. Seems like we have lost some people though. Hope they find their way back.

    aariel22- I hate the scale thing. My scale does that whole changing dramatically depending on the way you stand on it thing.too. Today it said 118 when I was standing on it weird. Thats a laugh i haven't weighed 118 since I was in middle school. I know what you mean about the friend thing. All of my friends are either naturally thin and don't get the whole dieting thing, or they are overweight like I am and resentful because I am losing weight.

    chelsea756 - That is awesome. I know how hard it is to keep motivated while out of town. The fact that you actually lost is amazing. I always gain weight when I am out of town.

    I did okay this week. I did great with working out during the past week. My goal was to work out 5 times I think I made it 4 times and I will be going for a run later today. I started doing the Couch 2 5k plan, but i cannot follow the plan quite yet. I am too out of shape. Right now I am running for 1 minute and resting for 5. I plan to increase that to running for one minute and resting for 4 today. Hopefully starting next week I will be able to run for 1 and rest for 3.. My goal is to workout 6 days in the coming week. I did not do as well with my diet. I only lost one pound which is fine, but I want to lose 2 in the coming week so I can play catch up a bit so I can make my goal weight.

    SW - 09.09 - 167
    09.14 - Goal (166) Actual (166) (-1 pound)
    09.21 - 164.5 Actual 165 (-1 pound)
    09.28 - 163
    10.05 - 161.5
    10.12 - 160
    10.19 - 158.5
  • chelsea756
    This week I didn't do too well. I lost a pound but it could've been more. I just wasn't motivated and didn't run everyday like planned. I did have one accomplishment though. On Wednesday night I ran 4.25 miles, before then the most I'd ever done was 3.75 miles.

    SW - 09.04 - 135
    09.11 - 133.5 - ACTUAL 133
    09.18 - 132 - ACTUAL 132
    09.25 - 130.5 - ACTUAL 131
    10.02 - 129
    10.09 - 127.5
    10.16 - 126

    Three more weigh-ins left!
  • aariel22
    I weighed in today at 152. This is not great, but not terrible either. I have been out of town and I allowed myself to be treated by different hosts to richer meals than I make myself. I am just glad that I haven't gained. I still want to make my goal of 150 for next week, so I will be extra careful in the days to come. I am so looking forward to the 140s!

    chelsea 756- great job on the increased running. I am new to this running thing and if I try anything more than 1.5 mi, I end up walking. You motivate me to try for a little longer run.
    Great job ladies!

    sw 9.04 154:smile:
    09.11 - 153:smile:
    09.18 - 152:smile:
    09.25 - 151 (actual 152)
    10.02 - 150
    10.09 - 149
    10.16 - 148
  • chelsea756
    Uhg, I did not do very well over the weekend. I feel like I've gained back every pound that I've lost. I need to work extra hard this week to get back on track. So far today has started out great, instead of running my usualy 2.5 miles I did 4! I hope I can keep it up and stay focused.
  • chelsea756
    This board has been quiet this week. Hope everyone is doing well with their weight loss. I feel like I did good this week. I exercised everyday, I usually miss at least one day and I got back on track with my goals. I just need to be good this weekend with food choices so I don't have a repeat of last week.

    SW - 09.04 - 135
    09.11 - 133.5 - ACTUAL 133
    09.18 - 132 - ACTUAL 132
    09.25 - 130.5 - ACTUAL 131
    10.02 - 129 - ACTUAL 129
    10.09 - 127.5
    10.16 - 126
  • aariel22
    Where is everyone??? Come on people, don't be shy! It is hard to support each other through this process if you don't post your ups and downs.
    We are in week 4 of the 6, so we need a pulse of energy to get us motivated to finish the challenge. Maybe this coming week people can make an extra effort to do something that benefits their goals, but is really fun too. I don't know- exercise in a beautiful place or treat yourself to a fancy (but healthy!) meal. I am going to try and spend a lot of time outside being active this weekend.
    I had my TOM last week, so I think that is why my weight went up, but then dropped again so that I have met my goal for this week. It is such a good feeling to be in a rhythm where I can eat a reasonable amount, keep active and slowly shed a pound a week. I am now down 22 pounds since I started in June! I have ten more pounds left for my major goal, but I will be so pleased if I can meet this 6 week challenge and get into the 140s!
    Good luck everyone!!

    sw 9.04 154
    10.02 - 150:smile:
    10.09 - 149
    10.16 - 148
  • chelsea756
    CHECKING-IN : This week started off good but my birthday was on Wednesday and I slacked off. This just means I have to make it up next week. I haven't been too far from my goals so I'm hoping it won't be too hard. Hope you're all reaching your goals!

    SW - 09.04 - 135
    09.11 - 133.5 - ACTUAL 133
    09.18 - 132 - ACTUAL 132
    09.25 - 130.5 - ACTUAL 131
    10.02 - 129 - ACTUAL 129
    10.09 - 127.5 - ACTUAL 129
    10.16 - 126

    We're in the FINAL week!
  • aariel22
    Hi all,
    After a really active weekend, I got sick and have not moved much from my couch the last few days. lost a pound, but it is likely dehydration since I have been eating take out a lot and binged on brownies on Sunday. I am re-motivated to keep the weight under 150.
    Maybe it is just you out there, Chelsea, but no matter, we are trying to stay on target. staying the same weight is better than gaining, and being under 130 is awesome!
    Happy birthday!

    sw 9.04 154
    10.02 - 150 (actual 150)
    10.09 - 149 (actual 149)
    10.16 - 148
  • chelsea756
    I hope I can keep it under 130. My goal weight is 120 but everytime I get to 130 I gain weight. Hopefully this time I can get these last ten pounds off. We'll see how well that goes with Halloween coming up. I sure hope my kids don't come home with a bag full of Butterfingers. If so, I'm in trouble! I should just tell them we aren't trick or treating this year =) I'm sure to win Best Mother of the Year award that way =)
  • chelsea756
    Checking In

    SW - 09.04 - 135
    09.11 - 133.5 - ACTUAL 133
    09.18 - 132 - ACTUAL 132
    09.25 - 130.5 - ACTUAL 131
    10.02 - 129 - ACTUAL 129
    10.09 - 127.5 - ACTUAL 129
    10.16 - 126 - ACTUAL 128