Too Fat to go to the gym??? WHAT!?!?



  • MaryChaCha
    MaryChaCha Posts: 20 Member
    I know when I go to the gym, I think people must be thinking bad things about's probably all in my head! Most people go to the gym to work out! More power to anyone who works out, regardless of size!

    As for being the girl in the weight room, I've had guys tell me not to use their bench because it's already loaded with the big plates. I've looked at them, thanked them, then benched the big plates in front of them! That usually shuts them up!

    Keep going to the gym. I'm headed there now!
  • missymuffet459
    I bet in any gym there will be those that stare and think rude thoughts. Who cares what they think!!!

    So far I have loved my gym. Everyone is so friendly and as soon as you walk in you are greeted by everyone. Maybe some of the ones that are extremely fit or even some of the trainers might be thinking rude thoughts. However, I could really care less. I am making an effort to change and that is all that matters.
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    I've had comments shouted at me from cars when I was simply standing waiting for a bus, so it killed any desire I ever had to work out outside.

    I LOVE my gym though - really supportive people, and lots of different body shapes.

    I do look at people in the gym, but this is what usually goes through my head:

    "Wow, I like her top, wonder where she got it?"
    "Hmm, wonder how long she's been working out, I'd love to look like her"
    "He looks scary, bet he's a really nice person though"

    It's only fleeting glances, and I bet people do it to me. I think if you're in the gym, for whatever reason, you're already winning the battle.

    I'm going tomorrow morning, and I can't wait! Oh, and I wear running tights, or tight pants and running shirts, and I'm five foot two and 182lbs. Yeah, it probably doesn't look good, but it's comfy for me so I don't care.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    I have a lot of respect for fat people that regularly make it into the gym. I know it's not easy even for myself, cant imagine what it's like for some of these people.
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    No, I haven't.

    However I have a feeling that people who make fun of overweight people going to the gym have a few cognitive reasoning issues.
  • naples89
    naples89 Posts: 33 Member
    Yea most people could not care less if fat people or working out. If anything its a positive thing because you are there exercising.
  • CassandraM22
    I've only been to a gym once and I kept feeling like people were looking at me funny. My sister says it was all in my head but I dont know. I was uncomfortable. People make fun of folks like me (334lbs) anywhere, hell at my place of work one of the managers calls me "wobbles" because I dont walk as smoothly as others.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    when i first started strength training, some imbecilic musclehead started imitating me. I'm pretty sure he did it because of my weight, and it really hurt my feelings. I didn't stop doing what I was doing, but there are a lot of jerks at the gym who want to intimidate and belittle others just because they think they are so much better than them.
  • torirodsmom123
    This is exactly how I feel!!!! Need better work out clothes!!
  • turbophoenix
    turbophoenix Posts: 152
    The last time I went to my gym, there was a woman there on the treadmill that was probably about 300-350 pounds. I could tell she was uneasy but she walking at a decent pace and was doing her best. A few of the gym bunnies were annoyed because they couldn't get on treadmills together so they started giving her dirty looks and whispering/laughing about her.

    She stopped and got off the treadmill and I could tell she was completely crushed. I immediately went over and told the girls off at which point I realized one of the girls WORKED THERE (hence why I haven't been back since). Then I talked to the woman (her name is Shelly) for a little while over a bottle of water. I told her I was proud of her and that everyone has to start somewhere, etc. Shelly said, "they hate me because I'm fat and they're mad because I'm in their gym and they have to look at me. How am I supposed to get skinny so I am acceptable if they hate that I'm here." I really felt terrible for her.

    I don't think this is how the majority of people act but it does happen and when it does, it's really difficult for the person that's being singled out. :/
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    the other day some douche I know was drinking beers with his buddies in the parking lot of the H.S. track I work out at after a softball game, saw me stretching n *kitten*, he yells out to me "cut it out Mark , cut it out" I yelled out to him "Haters gonna Hate, except your mom, she loves me sweaty"

    His friends laughed their fcckin *kitten* off at him
  • lucy0326
    lucy0326 Posts: 54 Member
    A while back I did have something happen at the gym. It still pisses me off to think about it :explode: I go to a gym where they have a women's room where women can go into and work out without having to feel uncomfortable in front of the men. I was waiting for a treadmill and right when Im about to go get it this girl ( size 0 type) steals it from me before I can get it, when I told her that me and another lady where there before her she looks at us and actually told me ... " It looks like you've been over weight for a while what will it kill you to wait. Its not like a few minutes on the treadmill will make big difference." I wanted to yell and cry at the same time. there I was trying to be healthy and here she was making me feel like I wasnt good enough for the gym:cry: Before I could do anything one of the other girls who heard the whole thing stepped in, she was actually a worker there and asked her to leave. I left without working out that day but I went back. I wont let anyone stop me from being healthy.
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    nooooo....i think it's all in your head, the same way i get thoughts in my head when people are whispering and i think "it's about me" lol

    whenever i see a heavier or older or a person with limited mobility i'm thinking "damn....good for them for getting here and putting in the work." they're showing and proving to me that as i get older, or if i encounter something that limits my mobility i can still go to the gym and take care of my health.

    I saw this one guy about 2 weeks ago, he had obviously had a stroke and his right side had limited movement and was smaller. but he was still training that arm/side of his body to the best of his ability. and i was thinking "damn and my azz was complaining earlier about wanting to get here" that motivated me. every little bit helps. thanks to all who put in the time and effort in spite of!
  • BryVia12
    BryVia12 Posts: 181 Member

    Some people are looking at you because they admire you:love: This blog changed my life.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Sure, people will make what?
    What are we to do...hide?
    I had some kids ask me to show them how to do a back flip.
    I was glad to show them:smile:

    Little did I know they were filming me for YouTube, and I was the guy in that vid "Fat Guy Dive Fail"....

    Yep! The world loves making fun of fat people.
    Just go to YouTube and search "funny fat people" and the vid list is endless.
    Fat people falling down,,,ect...:bigsmile:
    What else can we do but lose the weight?
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    Sure, people will make what?
    What are we to do...hide?
    I had some kids ask me to show them how to do a back flip.
    I was glad to show them:smile:

    Little did I know they were filming me for YouTube, and I was the guy in that vid "Fat Guy Dive Fail"....

    Yep! The world loves making fun of fat people.
    Just go to YouTube and search "funny fat people" and the vid list is endless.
    Fat people falling down,,,ect...:bigsmile:
    What else can we do but lose the weight?

    Well you look muscular in your profile picture. :)
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I've never gotten bad looks at the gym - but every time I go I walk out wishing I had something better to wear. I realize that no one wants to see skin tight outfits on someone out of shape (any more than I want to wear them), but WHY WHY WHY can't there be comfortable "training" clothes for those of us that want to exercise in something other than sweats and t-shirts....

    I TOTALLY get what you are saying. I always put on a long sleeved shirt right away, then think to myself "Why the hell am I putting this on, i'm going to boiling 30 seconds after I start". I still refuse to wear capri's or shorts as I don't need the neighbourhood staring at my cankles.
  • Caffeine_Addict
    Caffeine_Addict Posts: 178 Member
    You guys are totally awesome. That is literally what my excuse has been. My hubby is a soldier and everyone at the military gym's are pretty much in great, if not perfect, shape. I'm about 75 pounds overweight, so I'm not in any kind of shape, but round, lol. I'm going tomorrow for the first time...and I'm scared to death...but your comments have helped me some. Thank you! :)

    This is awesome. Go kick some butt, woman!!
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    People laughed at me when I went to the gym, and made comments like "Why do you even bother. Fatty"

    So it's not always in the persons head... people can just be ****s.
  • Lefty634
    Lefty634 Posts: 56
    I was on the treadmill one day and saw a lady come in and sit on the Nustep and had to take a break to catch her breath just from walking in. She was heavy and she would work for a few mins and then rest but kept after it. After a few weeks they had her listed as member of the month and I said hello and told her I was so impressed by her effort. Since that time she has lost a ton of weight and is a competitive speed walker and been featured on the Joy Fit Club on the Today show. She is a super sweet lady and a great inspiration and the rude people would be honored to call her their friend.