what to do... hubby only eats crap!



  • dianniejt
    dianniejt Posts: 175 Member
    My husband has been the same weight since 1990. He lives on candy bars, cookies, chips and hostess fruit pies. I do the shopping and the cooking. There are things that I make for myself and my kids that I know he does not enjoy. I make something seperate for him. I don't mind. I however will not cok differently for my children. They can either eat it, maike something for themselves or starve. I no longer keep a bunch of junk food in the house for the kids and I and my husbands is kept seperate just for him.

    I have tried to change his eating habits but he doesn't enjoy it. I am not doing this for him. I am doing it for me. So I let him eat what he wants and I eat what I want.
  • kittyhug1986
    kittyhug1986 Posts: 60 Member
    I am in the same boat. My husband is very supportive of me; however, he is constantly wanting to eat out, and then starts listing burgers, pizza, chinese, and I then my mouth starts watering. Worst of all is when I am making dinner he starts snacking cause it isn't ready when he gets home (I work too and we get home about the same time so there is no way I can have it ready when he gets home). So watching him eat all this snack type food...and then with him starting to name all the foods he wants to eat out... I dont have the best will power, it is hard to fight the urges. He doesn't seem that considerate when it comes to the fact that I am watching him eat crap that I am trying not to eat...IT MAKES ME WANT TO EAT IT!!!
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I made it a point to make sure my life style change wasn't a burden on anyone else. When I was eating sugar free jello and my spouse was eating Oreo's I just sucked it up. It's my burden not theirs. That's the approach I took. Eventually you'll see they'll make changes on their own.

    My feelings exactly. While I'm eating fruit as my desert, my hubby's munching on a piece of cake or ice cream. You want this badly then you'll ignore his bad eating habits and do this for you!
  • chellie47
    chellie47 Posts: 97 Member
    I guess I am lucky... Hubby picked up Greek yogurt, and a ton of fruit and veggies for me today. :) His version of diet bread lol Potato bread but it was 99% fat free... It is my journey..but I am glad I have such an awesome husband. The good side is he doesn't pressure me at all. Yesterday I made oven roasted cauliflower and other veggies and trout... He loved it!