Yummy, Yummy in my Tummy



  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Part of why Western culture consumes so much more meat than our predecessors is because we don't have to raise it, see it live, and then kill it. It's a lot of work to get meat to the table to consume. So much easier to just order chicken nuggets or a hamburger without thinking about where the meat came from.

    My grandmother (born in 1899) wrote a small book about growing up on a farm in Nebraska, and their diet was much different in that meat was not a part of every meal. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables in the summer, canned stuff in the winter, grains, eggs, etc.

    I love that there is a movement towards locally grown, humanely raised beef, pork, and chicken. I try to purchase meat that way any time I can.

    Lioness, congrats on being able to provide such clean food for yourself and your family.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    But another point that was brought up as to why Westerners eat more meat is because the meat in the grocery stores in of sub-standard qualtiy...............

    I can sit and eat a pound of conventional hamburger in one sitting - for 1 meal............

    1 pound of fresh, grass fed beef will make me about 3 meals. It is more satisfying and you will eat less and be more satisfied too, there fore eating less and having a qualtiy protein that is more filling, satisfying and just tastes better.

    Part of why Western culture consumes so much more meat than our predecessors is because we don't have to raise it, see it live, and then kill it. It's a lot of work to get meat to the table to consume. So much easier to just order chicken nuggets or a hamburger without thinking about where the meat came from.

    My grandmother (born in 1899) wrote a small book about growing up on a farm in Nebraska, and their diet was much different in that meat was not a part of every meal. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables in the summer, canned stuff in the winter, grains, eggs, etc.

    I love that there is a movement towards locally grown, humanely raised beef, pork, and chicken. I try to purchase meat that way any time I can.

    Lioness, congrats on being able to provide such clean food for yourself and your family.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    no offense to anyone....but it's an animal that is used to feed people.....i'd say it would be offensive and barbaric if the post stated, "We plan on killing these animals for the pure fun of it" but it was said that they were going to be turned into food...which is part of the food chain...as mommared said....if u dont like it just dont look...*Loves her meat* ...but bison i've never had...and have only heard good things about *drools* (A little envious) i almost got some but was following a budget and at 8dollars a pound i skipped out maybe next week ill get some and try it
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    But another point that was brought up as to why Westerners eat more meat is because the meat in the grocery stores in of sub-standard qualtiy...............

    I can sit and eat a pound of conventional hamburger in one sitting - for 1 meal............

    1 pound of fresh, grass fed beef will make me about 3 meals. It is more satisfying and you will eat less and be more satisfied too, there fore eating less and having a qualtiy protein that is more filling, satisfying and just tastes better.

    Part of why Western culture consumes so much more meat than our predecessors is because we don't have to raise it, see it live, and then kill it. It's a lot of work to get meat to the table to consume. So much easier to just order chicken nuggets or a hamburger without thinking about where the meat came from.

    My grandmother (born in 1899) wrote a small book about growing up on a farm in Nebraska, and their diet was much different in that meat was not a part of every meal. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables in the summer, canned stuff in the winter, grains, eggs, etc.

    I love that there is a movement towards locally grown, humanely raised beef, pork, and chicken. I try to purchase meat that way any time I can.

    Lioness, congrats on being able to provide such clean food for yourself and your family.

    Definitely...and at the expense many go through to get local or grass fed meats, you don't waste it. In the "old times" much more of the meat was used, including the lard/tallow, organ meats, etc. This effectively brought up the fat content of the meal and left a greater level of satiety. Along with the meal, a side was typically a vegetable, either fresh or preserved, and a bit of bread which the meat drippings were sopped up with. Other parts of the animal were also used - tallow was not only used as a food source but also provided an ingredient for home candle and soapmaking. The hide was skinned and tanned.

    A single chicken or turkey provides a myriad of meals all the way to the bone and marrow. A pound of bacon not only provides breakfast for a week but also cooking fat. It takes my boyfriend and I some time to go through a small sampler pack of grass fed steaks.

    We're not exactly an anomaly in this country with meat - many nations eat meat, it's just a matter of how much use they get from a single animal. Some would never dream of eating a snake...to another, that's a damn fine feast - and it eliminated a predator in the midst.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    not offended at all, but I bet they'd look better on my grill! LOL
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    not offended at all, but I bet they'd look better on my grill! LOL

    LOL, that cracked me up!!! I can't wait to be able to put it on my grill. I just might break out the smoker and smoke a roast over that weekend, long and slow cooked.
  • annaliza
    not offended at all, but I bet they'd look better on my grill! LOL

    LOL, that cracked me up!!! I can't wait to be able to put it on my grill. I just might break out the smoker and smoke a roast over that weekend, long and slow cooked.

    Party at the lioness' house?????? I AM SO THERE!!!!!!

    Ahhh, Lioness, you do have a knack for starting controversy...part of the reason why I love reading your posts.

    I don't have access to buffalo around here but I sure am looking forward to deer season!!! We just purchased a new deep freezer just for deer meat!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I grew up here on a dairy farm (just hay now as was too small to continue) so I know first hand where many of our foods come from.
    I go deer hunting every year and grow a big garden.

    While I respect anyones wishes to have the diet of their choice if they don`t like meat I can`t condone someone insisting "their" perspective be the only one considered.
    Polietly disagree or move on to another thread is the simplist way to deal with stuff.
  • pdxmomof2
    I grew up here on a dairy farm (just hay now as was too small to continue) so I know first hand where many of our foods come from.
    I go deer hunting every year and grow a big garden.

    While I respect anyones wishes to have the diet of their choice if they don`t like meat I can`t condone someone insisting "their" perspective be the only one considered.
    Polietly disagree or move on to another thread is the simplist way to deal with stuff.

    Very well said Carl! Most of all people need to learn to agree to disagree! :heart:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    not offended at all, but I bet they'd look better on my grill! LOL

    LOL, that cracked me up!!! I can't wait to be able to put it on my grill. I just might break out the smoker and smoke a roast over that weekend, long and slow cooked.

    Party at the lioness' house?????? I AM SO THERE!!!!!!

    Ahhh, Lioness, you do have a knack for starting controversy...part of the reason why I love reading your posts.

    I don't have access to buffalo around here but I sure am looking forward to deer season!!! We just purchased a new deep freezer just for deer meat!

    I was not trying to start a controversy. Everyone posts things that they find to eat meat or not meat and that is the only thing that I also did................... :flowerforyou:
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    Gonna say one thing everyone is entitled to their own ideas sheesh people why is it always the same people bashing others down for expressing their opionions or feelings for a post ??

    This kind of nonsense has driven good folks off of this site

    It's really getting old. With all due respect if you post something with a title and the content isn't something I expected to see why should I shut up and back off the post why can't I give constructive feedback on my feelings or how I perceive something??

    Quite honestly I was a little taken aback too when I opened the post, I like a good steak - but it was not what I was expecting.

    so with that said everyones opionion has value to it
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    This post turned my stomach a little. I believe a person should have a little more respect for the animals they are eating. I don't know how you can look at photos of live animals and think, "Yummy, Yummy in my Tummy", and drool at the idea of having them on your grill. :sick:

    I won't say you don't have a right to post whatever you want on a public forum, but don't tell people who find it tasteless that they don't have a right to post their opinion in return. At least I know better than to click on a Lioness post from now on. :tongue:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member

    Do you use everything on the buffalo? I know some people in other countries use the brain. I know my grandma talked about eating the testicles (pig). She says you eat everything from the rooter to the tooter. I was like what? :noway: " Then I found the name of a cookbook
    Testicle Cookbook: Cooking with Balls by Ljubomir Erovic. :laugh: I'll stick with steak myself.

  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    "" People don't get reincarnated. Besides, God said we could eat meat so it must be ok. :flowerforyou: ""

    People not being reincarnated is your own personal belief and personal OPINION, which does not make it fact. Second, we are not supposed to bring religion into the forums.

    I appreciate learning about everyone's different view points but stating your personal beliefs as facts does not help the discussion any. I was not condeming anyone for eating meat, I was mearling trying to let people know the sensitivity of the topic for some.

    Just curious, why did you come back to this thread if it bothers you so much?

    because everyone is entitled to their own opionion and last time I checked freedom of speech was a Constitutional right
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    "" People don't get reincarnated. Besides, God said we could eat meat so it must be ok. :flowerforyou: ""

    People not being reincarnated is your own personal belief and personal OPINION, which does not make it fact. Second, we are not supposed to bring religion into the forums.

    I appreciate learning about everyone's different view points but stating your personal beliefs as facts does not help the discussion any. I was not condeming anyone for eating meat, I was mearling trying to let people know the sensitivity of the topic for some.

    Just curious, why did you come back to this thread if it bothers you so much?

    because everyone is entitled to their own opionion and last time I checked freedom of speech was a Constitutional right

    I don't think our founding fathers envisioned the internet when it came to freedom of speech. The point is if it bothers you, why do you keep returning? just for the sake of arguing?

    I'm sure that Lioness doesn't care one way or another what people think of her posts. Her freezer will be full, I think her idea is wise and humane, and truth be told, whenever I see a picture of a buffalo, I do in fact think to myself

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am having Venison tonight - it's in the crock pot now! MMMMM - I am sad though-it's the last bit we had....
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I am having Venison tonight - it's in the crock pot now! MMMMM - I am sad though-it's the last bit we had....

    We had squirrel last night basted in home made BBQ sauce and baked in the oven with onions and peppers.

    One of our neighbors has started hunting (out of season) and shared with us last night. I made some beer based home made BBQ sauce, sliced up some onions and peppers and baked in the oven. We also had salad, sweet potato and green beans with it.

    YUM YUM YUM!!!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Born and raised on a farm....I've heard both sides of the arguement before. It always makes me laugh when people are yelling at you wearing their leather tennis shoes....I just keep my mouth shut if they don't know where those came from:laugh:
    Just thought I'd give you kudo's for raising your own food :smile: Good for you!
    Sorry you caught so much slack on the subject.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I remember seeing someone kill a chicken for my family one day when I was a kid. I won't say how it was done but it happened in our yard. I'll just say the chicken didn't die right away as I recall. I wasn't raised on a farm but my uncle lived on a farm a couple miles from the tiny town where I lived and we spent a lot of time there. I think small town and farm kids sure learn and see and accept a lot of things that city kids don't. PETA would have had a heyday back then.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I remember seeing someone kill a chicken for my family one day when I was a kid. I won't say how it was done but it happened in our yard. I'll just say the chicken didn't die right away as I recall. I wasn't raised on a farm but my uncle lived on a farm a couple miles from the tiny town where I lived and we spent a lot of time there. I think small town and farm kids sure learn and see and accept a lot of things that city kids don't. PETA would have had a heyday back then.
    Well said.