What is your job?



  • I think the profile picture says it all.
  • OldMotherMcBurney
    OldMotherMcBurney Posts: 1 Member
    No job, been ill for a while. Sitting on *kitten* all day-hence the weight gain. Studying for a post-grad diploma in psychology- 4 months to go until completion.
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    Head Bartender
  • Dangerdede22
    Dangerdede22 Posts: 33 Member
    I work 2 jobs my main one is taking care of people who are mentally handicapped and need help doing day to day activities. I work overnights in a high behavior home, but my client sleeps through the night so mfp time. I also work as a clerk at a gas station, I have worked there so long I could quit if I wanted to but I'd miss it a lot.
  • mali240
    mali240 Posts: 126
    im a SAHM, sit back and play with my little munchkin all day...
  • JeepBrah
    JeepBrah Posts: 150
    personal training
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Communications Officer, Sales and Marketing Coordinator for a software company.
  • Aryel168
    Aryel168 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm an RN (nurse educator) working for a large corporation= corporate slave.
  • MiriamManc
    MiriamManc Posts: 22
    I manage a administration department :)
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    I'm a 911 Telecommunicator / Dispatcher. I enjoy my job. Being able to help other in their time of need can be very rewarding. But the sitting for 12 hrs a day is horrible for dieting. :)
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm a case manager at an apartment program for mental health clients. Most of them are fairly independent, so once all my paperwork is done (which only takes like an hour a week) and everyone has their meds, I just need to be here and available in case of an emergency. I have a lot of down time... it gets pretty boring.
  • iris8pie
    iris8pie Posts: 224 Member
    Im the produce manager at my local organic food co-op! I get to hang with farmers alot.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Hurrah! As of April 13, I became Retired! :love:
    Before that was the accounts manager for a company that calibrates lab equipment.
  • iris8pie
    iris8pie Posts: 224 Member
    Hurrah! As of April 13, I became Retired! :love:
    Before that was the accounts manager for a company that calibrates lab equipment.

    congratulations! that must feel amazing!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Marketing Specialist & Graphic Designer in an Italian restaurant. 90% of my job revolves around doing artwork for our streamers, banners, flyers, menus etc. Sometimes I'm also being used as a Spanish interpreter most especially by my co-workers.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I work for an environmental company and I work in compliance (licenses and permitting).

    I have been with them for 6 years and as of Nov 2011 have been a full time telecommuter. :)
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm a writer, substitute teacher, and grad student. As a writer I make my own schedule. Teaching, we are on summer break right now yay! As far as grad school, I took a break. I resume classes for my Master's in the fall.
  • livingrose
    livingrose Posts: 16
    I work as a laboratory assistant in a hospital Microbiology department.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Hurrah! As of April 13, I became Retired! :love:
    Before that was the accounts manager for a company that calibrates lab equipment.

    Woop woop!! Congrats :drinker:
  • kidral97
    kidral97 Posts: 23 Member
    biller for physician practice & patient care tech @ rehab hospital prn