Dating site or Fitness site?



  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Nudes, please.
    It's him!
    The creepy guy :angry: - lol
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    not to be rude...but most of your pics involve a lack of clothing...ever think that you could be sending guys the wrong message. Think like a dude for a second....and realize that while you are probably intending to show progress/etc... all they see is 'scantily clad girl'

    Wait, so you're telling me that men belonging to a FITNESS site can't possibly see a women on the same FITNESS site in WORKOUT clothes and think anything aside from "SHE SHOULD SHOW ME HER BOOBS, LET ME ASK!".

    Please. Just because she has a nice body and is showing it in pretty modest workout clothes doesn't mean she's sending ANY message aside from "I take care of and am proud of my body". Think like a man my rear-- maybe think like a total creep.

    so are you saying that men on a fitness site think differently than other guys? are they a special new breed? I'm sorry, but the majority of guys I know (no offense guys) see a girl in a bra and think "oooh boobs"

    I have no problem with progress pictures...and the message that you're indicating is what I'm seeing.... So before you chastize me anymore, realize that I was simply presenting a different perspective.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    sshook hit it on the head...its all good natured and fun, if you see a chick in lingerie or a guy in your inbox asking for pics, you report them and proceed on your journey (you dont HAVE to report the lingerie pics tho lol).

    Some people LOVE that report button...snif..i lost some good pics that way
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    There's a website for anything and everything that interests anybody. My only expectation is for the people on THIS website to abide by the I believe all of this is addressed there, including close up photos of breasts and photos in underwear and how low shorts and other bottom half apparel can be.

    If you want to see/post your boobs, go to the boob site. If you want to see where someone has shaved their pubic hair, go to the shaved pubic hair site. I'm sure there are plenty of both.

    And, you don't have to be half fricken naked to show your progress.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I'm not chastizing anyone here. I appreciate everyone's input... I just didn't think my pix were suggestive in any way! I work out in old tanks and shorts. The beauty of working out in the privacy of my own home lol
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm not chastizing anyone here. I appreciate everyone's input... I just didn't think my pix were suggestive in any way! I work out in old tanks and shorts. The beauty of working out in the privacy of my own home lol

    Your pictures are not suggestive in any way. You are not sending any kind of wrong message. And while you can't control a man looking at your pictures and thinking of your body, you have every right to expect that he not send a message asking for visual confirmation of his fantasy.

    Your body *is* beautiful, so of course men will be attracted. But that doesn't send any kind of message other than that you worked hard. Unless you have "Message me if you want to see more--one low cost of $9.99" on your profile, you're not the one causing the problem.
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    There's a website for anything and everything that interests anybody. My only expectation is for the people on THIS website to abide by the I believe all of this is addressed there, including close up photos of breasts and photos in underwear and how low shorts and other bottom half apparel can be.

    If you want to see/post your boobs, go to the boob site. If you want to see where someone has shaved their pubic hair, go to the shaved pubic hair site. I'm sure there are plenty of both.

    And, you don't have to be half fricken naked to show your progress.

    Many people are proud of what they have achieved! Losing 100 lbs and now wearing a bikini is a big achivement! Flaunt your success!
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    I have asked the same question, except I like to flirt and well love nudies, boobies and BACON!!!

    In all seriousness, flirting is fun and if you are offput by people flirting than you are probably in the wrong place. I think it is natural for people who are driven by adrenalin to improve their fitness which in turns drive the adrenalin even harder to have peaked libidos. I know since I have begun endurance training and losing weight mine is much higher.

    Having said that, I am a firm believer that ALL men MUST know where the creep line is. Being a creep is not so much about what you say, but how serious you are when you say it and when. I am not sure asking someone who embraces nudity for nudes is inherently creepy, but if you are asking random women who happen to post fitness pics for nudes so you can get off that is creepy.

    But...well...I guess that makes me a creep
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    But...well...I guess that makes me a creep

    The first step is admitting you have a don't trip on your way to the bacon-covered boobies you want to flirt with.
  • BROscience_PHD
    BROscience_PHD Posts: 215 Member
    Somebody asked YOU for nudes? aaaand your complaining about it?
    _answer: "take it and run"
  • thebaconbeast
    thebaconbeast Posts: 560 Member
    The answer is bacon.

  • I'm not chastizing anyone here. I appreciate everyone's input... I just didn't think my pix were suggestive in any way! I work out in old tanks and shorts. The beauty of working out in the privacy of my own home lol

    Yeah, but you look great in them and it makes people want to see more. The abs help this as well.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    not to be rude...but most of your pics involve a lack of clothing...ever think that you could be sending guys the wrong message. Think like a dude for a second....and realize that while you are probably intending to show progress/etc... all they see is 'scantily clad girl'

    Wait, so you're telling me that men belonging to a FITNESS site can't possibly see a women on the same FITNESS site in WORKOUT clothes and think anything aside from "SHE SHOULD SHOW ME HER BOOBS, LET ME ASK!".

    Please. Just because she has a nice body and is showing it in pretty modest workout clothes doesn't mean she's sending ANY message aside from "I take care of and am proud of my body". Think like a man my rear-- maybe think like a total creep.

    so are you saying that men on a fitness site think differently than other guys? are they a special new breed? I'm sorry, but the majority of guys I know (no offense guys) see a girl in a bra and think "oooh boobs"

    I have no problem with progress pictures...and the message that you're indicating is what I'm seeing.... So before you chastize me anymore, realize that I was simply presenting a different perspective.

    Um... FITNESS site -- where you will see people in WORKOUT clothes. The idea is that people will be showing off their bodies because they've undergone a transformation and/or are working hard and are proud -- not because they want messages about nude photos. There is a huge difference between appreciating another person's body and being a complete jerk assuming they are offering sexual services (LIKE SENDING NUDE PHOTOS). You, my friend, are defending the jerks. Have fun with that. I'll be over here assuming all men aren't total pigs.

    you are missing my point entirely. Just because I understand a different perspective doesn't mean that I agree with it! The only thing I'm defending is that everyone views things differently. Also, I never said that I assume all mean are total pigs...I made a reference to guys that I know (and fun fact - I don't know them all). So please, if you would like to harass me, please read what I'm actually saying, not what you're reading into. kthanks

    I am not missing your point - you seem to be missing mine. I am saying it is not even valid to suggest (whether you agree with it personally or not - but if not, WAY TO TROLL) because women posting pictures of themselves in work out clothes should not have to think "I shouldn't do if I do this, I'll get requests for nudes". That is absurd and basically telling women they are responsible for people being creeps. They aren't. Creeps are creeps. And you actually suggested that she "think like guy". Maybe what you meant to say was "THINK LIKE A CREEP"
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    There are creeps everywhere. You could be a member on some Disney For Kids website and some guy would be creepin on mothers. A few creeps don't represent the majority. That's just life.

    Women posting boob pics? That's their right. Yes, it is a fitness site, but just because they like to show off their girls doesn't mean that they aren't tracking calories, working out, or getting advice on the message boards. I troll the boards a lot, does that mean I'm not serious about working out? I have tracked my diet every day for 3 months, work out, etc.

    Point is, just because you don't like a particular trait about someone, doesn't mean that they aren't here for fitness.
    Secondly, there are creeps, nice people, bad people, etc everywhere. Why would this place be any different?
    Third, people are allowed to flirt whenever and wherever they should so choose.
    Lastly, who cares?
  • bigboytriathlon
    bigboytriathlon Posts: 25 Member
    hahahaa, this thread made my day. honestly, i never thought of this site as anything other than a social media weightloss and motivation forum. I think the human body is beautiful and should be shown off, both male and female, but I think there needs to be some form of etiquette.
    Etiquette, however, is a two way street. Knowing that there are are trolls on here asking for nudies (and I am not a prude), I would ignore, delete and report. i mean, nobody is asking me, and in fact, maybe I should be more offended by that!?!??!?! Ok, not really, nobody needs to see me naked.

    I digress; four step process, 1) Kepp up the hard work, 2) Take time to motivate others, 3) Know and communicate WHY you are here and 4) Ignore, delete and move on
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    hahahaa, this thread made my day. honestly, i never thought of this site as anything other than a social media weightloss and motivation forum. I think the human body is beautiful and should be shown off, both male and female, but I think there needs to be some form of etiquette.
    Etiquette, however, is a two way street. Knowing that there are are trolls on here asking for nudies (and I am not a prude), I would ignore, delete and report. i mean, nobody is asking me, and in fact, maybe I should be more offended by that!?!??!?! Ok, not really, nobody needs to see me naked.

    I digress; four step process, 1) Kepp up the hard work, 2) Take time to motivate others, 3) Know and communicate WHY you are here and 4) Ignore, delete and move on

    I asked you for a nude photo spread with my Friend Request. You denied me. =\
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    not to be rude...but most of your pics involve a lack of clothing...ever think that you could be sending guys the wrong message. Think like a dude for a second....and realize that while you are probably intending to show progress/etc... all they see is 'scantily clad girl'

    yay for victim blaming :noway:
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I hadn't been on here a while but last I checked, this was My Fitness Pal, not Plenty of Fish. So why are guys asking me for nudies and girls posting their boobs as their profile pix?? lol

    LMAO! hm i have noticed this too. although i haven't been personally been propositioned (and i'm thankful for that because... well that's just weird). i've noticed lots of boob shots. not that it bothers me. i am a bit jealous of the girls who have them because i don't have much left after losing weight. haha!
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    not to be rude...but most of your pics involve a lack of clothing...ever think that you could be sending guys the wrong message. Think like a dude for a second....and realize that while you are probably intending to show progress/etc... all they see is 'scantily clad girl'

    yay for victim blaming :noway:

    omg. Well the "victim" word is out there. Next will be "bully."
    Great.Cue cliche crapfest dialogue.
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    I hadn't been on here a while but last I checked, this was My Fitness Pal, not Plenty of Fish. So why are guys asking me for nudies and girls posting their boobs as their profile pix?? lol

    LMAO! hm i have noticed this too. although i haven't been personally been propositioned (and i'm thankful for that because... well that's just weird). i've noticed lots of boob shots. not that it bothers me. i am a bit jealous of the girls who have them because i don't have much left after losing weight. haha!

    Dont want you to feel left out...nudies, boobies or bacon accepted lol!

    Congrats on weight loss!!!!