Why did you gain weight?



  • blondiebonce
    Started off with anorexia aged 14...went from 9 stone to 6stone. Then, I had rubbish therapists tbh, and they encouraged me to eat anything. This didn't bode well for me, so I'd eat and then feel so guilty I wouldn't eat for a while after. Finally found a good treatment that worked for me, and steadily went up to 9ish stone again. THEN I got M.E. Couldn't exercise. All energy (not much anyway) went on studying for my ALevels. Went up to higher than 11 stone.
    To be honest, after my eating disorder, I still struggle. I find I'm eating a lot better now, trying to find a healthy balance but the weight isn't budging :( Well...the first (nearly) stone did, but this next stone is making me want to cry.
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    A med used to treat my bipolar disorder. It also caused metabolic syndrome. Which is a double whammy...it's hard to lose the weight.
  • cfieds
    cfieds Posts: 29 Member
    Went from an active job on a sales floor to sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day...from 3a to 11a.
    And I managed to throw out my back at the beginning of spring, leaving me fairly unable to move.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I used to use the excuse that it was an injury in the army that did it. but really it was horrible diet and an inactive lifestyle, workaholic.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I was the fat kid in school. My stepmom says I was never fat until my parents divorced so possibly I ate my emotions? I honestly don't remember much because I was very young. I'm assuming I wanted to eat so my parents let me eat. I'll tell you one thing though! I can't WAIT til my 10year high school reunion next year! ;)
  • tsanchezsuccess
    I had a baby 4 months ago...ugh never been this heavy...
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522
    I don't know. I've never been skinny.
  • futuresizeeight
    Got out of an emotionally and physically abusive household where the rest of my family sided with the abuser over me. The abuser was my stepmother of 2 years, who my father married less than a year after my mother died. Then I quit smoking cigarettes (because I couldn't afford them anymore, but I'm glad I did) and started working from home all within the same year, after injuring my knee badly. When I stepped away from the abuse and pain, starting the healing process caused me hardcore anxiety, plus brought up major food issues dating back to my childhood. I've always been overweight, but that's how I gained the last 50 pounds.
  • Jishmeister
    Jishmeister Posts: 108
    Boredom. And never really excercised. I actually didn't start being aware of my weight until after high school. That's when I gained it all and it didn't help I had a job at a call center. Basically, I had a very sedentary lifestyle.
  • merry_abandon
    merry_abandon Posts: 140 Member
    Because of a still-unknown stomach issue, I wasn't allowed to eat breads, dairy, eggs, or citric acid for about six years (from third grade to eighth). In 9th grade, I finally got over the stomach problems, and rediscovered all of these foods. Chocolate, bread, ice cream... I just binged and binged. Fortunately everyone in my family has a fairly fast metabolism, so I was never overweight, but I went from being a stick to being far curvier than I ever wanted to be. Going to college meant I was eating raw ramen (so lazy), cake in a mug, and french fries on a regular basis. I knew I was gaining weight, but I just didn't want to give up the terrible foods!
  • CrazyGraciegirl
    I began homeschooling and quit seeing my friends so I stayed online all day, became less active, and ate twice as much because I was home all the time. I was only overweight for about a year but now I will eat healthier! :D
  • ShawtyHotPink
    I really didn't have a good excuse
  • Meloyelo2010
    Meloyelo2010 Posts: 171 Member
    10 years ago I was 200 put on 25lbs with my first pregnancy, lost it and found myself in a ****astic relationship. Stopped really caring for myself, eating properly and working out. Follow that up with a terminally ill mother who died 4.5 years ago and I've put on 50+lbs since then. A lot of poor eating habits, choices and such.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I was overweight my whole life. I've always loved food and eaten too much of it. My parents would try to stop me, but I'd just sneak into the kitchen after they'd gone to bed.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    contentment with my significant other.

    he moved in, I cook for him...we go out to eat...and I just started eating what I wanted without really watching portions, or watching anything. It was nice while it lasted ... gained 30 lbs
  • jhunt90
    jhunt90 Posts: 78
    Part of it was depression, I didn't have a lot of friends and didn't go out much while my niece (more like a cousin) had tons of friends and a boyfriend and I guess I was a little jealous and sad that I wasn't as likable as she was. The biggest reason was when I hurt my knee really bad in a soccer tournament and had to have surgery, was out for 9 months, I was so scared of getting hurt again that I didn't play or run anymore, then I just gained more and more and more...Depression got worse when my aunt passed away. So yeah! lots of reasons. I do think the knee injury was the biggest reason
  • alliewowie
    alliewowie Posts: 31
    I thought the effort I'd have to put into getting in shape wasn't worth what I'd have to go through to get there. I was so convinced it was something I'd never be able to achieve, I didn't try hard enough and gave up too fast. I told myself I was just meant to be fat, and that it was okay. I HATED to exercise, I didn't want to give up foods I loved (which I thought I had to do to lose weight), I used every excuse I could think of, but in one word I was LAZY. Thankfully I woke up and realized I was completely miserable, none of my clothes fit me anymore, I was exhausted, and obese and I needed to do something about it. :D
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    Because, for the longest time (my whole life, pretty much), I just didn't care. I shoved whatever I wanted in my mouth, ate when I wasn't hungry, the whole shebang.
    Now I shove whatever I want into my mouth in moderation (while tracking it all) and I've lost 15lb doing so! :D
  • LarStar
    LarStar Posts: 102 Member
    I grew up in a house of disordered eating. My Dad is bulimic and my Mom is a sugar addict/binge eater who hides food and puts the entire family on extreme diets. When I was 11 I became a vegetarian in an effort to control the foods I was eating and reject their food, but it turned out that I made a 12 year commitment that did more harm than good. Fast Forward 10 years, I was diagnosed with binge eating disorder and started seeing two eating disorder Drs who acted as pseudo parents and helped me to move out of the house as well as help me to understand my eating disorder and get to the root of my own eating. I struggled with my eating disorder and different anti-depressants for a couple years before meeting a performance coach by chance who took me under his wing and gave me a good talking to, convincing me to start "eating for my blood type" by eating meat. There was something special about him and I trusted that I was in good hands. Once I started to do that, the weight started to come off, but I relapsed and went back to extreme dieting and unhealthy eating habits. Now, almost 5 years after being diagnosed with an eating disorder, I have worked through the emotional contributors and learned how to identify my triggers and deal with them effectively, so I can focus on the weight loss side of things. I'm SO happy to be here on MFP in a community of people who know all about eating and overeating; I feel like this time it's really going to work because I am ready to do it slowly and gently instead of trying to race my way skinny. Most days I am in the right mindset, but at times, my obsessive eating disorder brain steps in and I struggle; I'm thankful for each of you sharing your own story and your weight loss journey; it helps me to stay motivated and to know, on the hard days, that there s a whole world of people out there who understand <3
  • nikitamo827
    I don't have a good reason at all why this happened. I already had lost 35 lbs for my wedding and was finally happy with my weight--then after the honeymoon, I wasn't working for a little while and being home made me start putting on weight. Now that I work, sitting at a desk ALL day, after I come home and cook, I just don't have the strength to exercise. I saw the scale go up pound by pound and some days it went back down and I kept thinking, "it'll go back down" and before I knew it (10 months later) I am 10 lbs heavier. I am so sad and hurt. I can't believe I let this happen to me AGAIN.