Why did you gain weight?



  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    Laziness, low self esteem, no exercise, going out too much trying to keep up with friends...so partying, and just generally bad choices
  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    15 surgeries all clumped together and I couldn't workout for several years. I was used to working out 4 hours a day and then nothing.. I gained 60 pounds. And it has been a struggle ever since.
  • laulyn
    laulyn Posts: 70
    Got a divorce,left my job in the fitness industry, started a job driving an average of 1000 (yes that 3 zeros) a week while going to school, graduated from college and started a HIGH stress job (CPS, ugh!). It snow balled and I gained 65 lbs in 4 years. It seemed to creep up, but looking back, that is a huge gain in that amount of time. I am moving forward with a lesson learned, a very heavy lesson. Lol.
  • robinoes66
    robinoes66 Posts: 4 Member
    "Late" life pregnancy coincided with menopause and hypothyroidism. Add to that a back injury requiring surgery and not moving. AND I ate more calories than I burned!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have PCOS and blood sugar problems, so I developed an incredibly terrible sugar addiction, leading to severe binges. I recently lost 13 pounds through will power, but the last week has been a terrible 'relapse'. Today is day 3 of being back on the bandwagon though :)

    For those with diabetes and insulin resistance, you'll understand the drug addict-like response to sugar when you eat it. Just gotta cut it cold turkey unfortunately!!
  • It_never_ends
    It_never_ends Posts: 105 Member
    Well I didn't do it on purpose. LOL
    I simply enjoy the taste of food to much and have no self control.
  • findingbalance2012
    findingbalance2012 Posts: 4 Member
    I had a broken heart and did not want to go through that ever again , gaining weight made me sexually irrevalant and men did not pay the same kind of attention to me as they did when I was thin. Pizza and cupcakes were my news lovers ...they never rejected me or made me cry ... my weight protects me and keeps my heart safe. Safe , but not healthy ... I am ready to shed the " protective gear" .
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    I'm an emotional eater. I started gaining weight when I was about 6 years old (which is when my mom decided to start homeschooling me). I was bored, never went out, didn't have many friends, and wasn't very active. I usually maintained my weight throughout my life. Getting taller, gained a little more. I am an emotional eater as well. If I was bored, happy, depressed, angry, ect. I would eat. I ate because it made me feel good. At the ages between 13-16 I used to take band classes and walked to school and back. Then I got my license and never walked. I tried to go to the highschool and walk home with my friend/neighbor. At the age 16 I was 180lbs. I tried walking, dieting, exercising, but I never really TRIED to lose weight only tried to stay active. By the age of 17 I started the South Beach Diet with my mom and list 20lbs, then I started weight watchers and lost another 20lbs and got to my low of 144lbs by my senior year. I gained it all back within a matter of months, because I was bored and depressed. I had never had a boyfriend and never had been kissed. I didn't care about myself and had really low self esteem. Years went by, I became engaged, that didn't end well and I had gotten to 200lbs. I stayed around the 200lbs range till I became pregnant and then gained 50lbs. Which thankfully I quickly lost most of it, not all. Since my pregnancy I have been hovering around 225-220s. I finally broke the 220 mark and am ALMOST back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
    So that's my story. :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Depression medication, plus working in fast food.

    PS i still work in fast food ;)
  • rgshudson
    rgshudson Posts: 5
    lack of motivation to stick to exercise, health issue and stress
  • AnnaBeach7
    AnnaBeach7 Posts: 10 Member
    Always during emotional events. 5 pregnancies, divorce, job change, financial trauma. Food has always been my drug of choice. Gained and lost 30-50 pounds 6 times since age 18. (never ever reached "goal" ...always a bit of self-sabotage i think...)Here we go again.....Spent too much time over-analyzing why I was self-medicating with food and too little putting action into place this last time...results are due to action, not analyzing..!

    You are not alone. Most of us who are over weight have a story. Hang in there. Best of luck.
  • WelcomeToWonderland
    Meds =]
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Eating whatever I wanted but walking everywhere kept me skinny fat for a while, then I stopped walking everywhere and still ate whatever I wanted... that was college. (at 125)

    Then I met my husband, started on birth control before the wedding to get my body used to it, gained ten pounds in three months. (at 135)

    Then the First Year of Marriage happened, where we drank wine with a lot of dinners, snacked a lot, and I ate close to the same amount of food as my husband who is a foot taller and was 90 pounds heavier than me. Combined with a job where the bosses would buy us starbucks frapps just about every day, ate out a lot for lunch... Another ten pounds. (at 145)

    Went off birth control to get pregnant, hormones went crazy, another 8. (at 153- this 8 went mostly to my chest so I wasn't really complaining...)

    Pregnancy #1 - gained 40, lost 33. (at 160)

    Pregnancy #2 - gained 30, lost 22 (at 168)

    Started MFP - lost 20lb. so far.

    So now I've lost all the weight I can blame on the kids, and have to lose the weight that was all my doing. :laugh:
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Beer, sugar (in all forms) compounded by repeated Low Fat Dieting.

    Cue metabolic disaster area.
  • abbyph311
    abbyph311 Posts: 45 Member
    I have 2 kids but can't blame them as I was under 130 when I left the hospital both times. The little ones actually helped me stay in shape. I was always on the go and forgot to eat most times LOL. Once they grew a bit older I slowed down, that plus age and the weight snuck up on me. I was around 160, just started eating healthier and exercising then I was in a car accident that broke my leg. 8 months on crutches and I was up to 177. Now starting all over again to become a more healthy me :)
  • sigma54
    sigma54 Posts: 28 Member
    A combination of factors:
    -Was never thin even as a child (slow metabolism, preferred watching others rather than being active)
    -Sleeping too much
    -Chronic depression
    -Medication for anxiety/depression
    -Probably the thing that was responsible the most for my initial weight gain was anxiety and panic attacks especially in class at university... I found that apple juice helped calm me down... but then I drank lots and lots of apple juice!

    Main issue now is difficulty in keeping up an exercise regimen through the winter. During the summer, I'm quite good but as the fall and winter comes along, hibernation mode kicks (it's cold here in Canada ;-) in and I just want to eat more and sleep more! I need to find some way to keep on track all year long!
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I was always about ten pounds over, but I had 3 kids and after the last one I just stopped caring for a bit. When I hit 200, however. I was like OH EFF THIS and started working on it.

    I hate getting old! The baby weight with the first two just fell off.
  • EvilMomma
    EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
    I gained weight when I moved to Los Angeles from Montana. I was used to walking everywhere (I lived a 30 minute walk from the university and walked to and from school daily, sometimes 2x's a day; walked to the store, walked to friends' houses, etc). When I got to the big city I was overwhelmed by it all, everything was too far away to walk (I worked an hour's drive from home) and found comfort in food. I still live in LA (25 years later). I've finally figured out that 25 years is too long to react to a situation; now I'm fat because I'm (or was) lazy, indulgent, and willing to make excuses.
  • KLovesTy
    KLovesTy Posts: 37
    I had my second child and was on bed rest off/on a lot. when I am not pregnant my weight only fluctuates by 5-10 lbs as I am a generally healthy/active person.
  • meliad
    meliad Posts: 71
    Pregnancy!! It was as if I could not stop eating.