Stop bashing!



  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    Amen! What's the real point blather on about what we like to see in other people, or to achieve our fitness goals, WHATEVER they might be? I kinda thought I joined myfitnesspal, not myunsolicitedopinionpal.

    *snort* awesomeness!!!
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    I'm fairly new here, and I see it :(

    I will tell someone if they are posting something that is in the nutrition forum...but if I see someone who I think doesn't look good (not that I do very often) I just won't say anything. Who needs that? If you're brave enough to post a picture of yourself, kudos to you!

    Thank you for that outlook! I recently posted in the women in fatkinis post. Why? because I am indeed a fat chick and thought it would be good inspiration not only for myself but for others. (that was the whole idea of the post mind you) some people actually think I shouldn't have posted because I am "too" fat. I wish more people had your out look!

    Don't criticize where someone came from or is at, praise where they are going or have reached!
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Are you bashing the bashers? Does it feel a little weird?

    I'm not bashing anybody. I'm stating a fact.

    It's called bashing, and yes you just did it. You state that you don't like when people are mean to other people so you yell at the mean people. Really doesn't make you any different than the mean people, you just chose a different topic to try to bash on. I agree that it happens and maybe shouldn't but that shouldn't change how you get healthy.

    I'm not "yelling" at anyone. I'm stating my opinion. Last time I checked, stating an opinion and bashing were two different things. Also, take note of how I said the action was disgusting, not the people doing it. Case closed.

    He had a point. ANYONE'S opinion can be taken the wrong way. Even someone who wants bashing stopped by bashing those that state their opinion on their preferences. How you chose to take a comment, opinion, or whatnot is completely up to how you chose to take that persons response.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Someone get this woman a drink!!
    I'm glad someone posted this tonight. :)

    I have whiskey.. I've had plenty
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Ive never seen any bashing going on and Ive been on this site for a few years. Maybe I missed it (thank goodness) or it was a rare random thing.

    Pretty sad if so.

    Ditto. I really don't think there's a bashing problem here. I rarely see someone being slammed for being skinny or fat. Most of the "bashing" I see is when someone posts something that's BS or recommends something that's unhealthy or dangerous (or for being a Beachbody coach lol). They should be bashed. Some people are more outspoken than others and some have different ways of getting their point across....just like in the face to face world. There's no problem here....move on.

    There's whole threads dedicated to slamming people because of their weight or body type. I posted a link on my wall to one this morning. It made me feel bad.

    Wow. Didn't see that one. I guess I'm due for a bashing! :happy:
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I personally agree with all except that some people on here have ED issues and I think it can be beneficial to tell them they need to stop losing weight for their health because this is about our health, but other than that, I don't see any point is trying to decide how someone should look. Unless they are entirely unhealthy, like 300lbs and it would be better for them to lose or 90lbs at 5'10" and they should gain some, I wouldn;t comment anything except positive words. I must also add that any criticism of that type should be constructive and polite or it could just discourage the person.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I agree with you here!!!! Nobody has the right to judge a person's body or how they live. The ones who judge will have opinions about other people...keep it to yourself. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. I came across 2 threads that were bashing overweight people and I think it's sad people will actually make themselves look ignorant by saying hateful things outloud like that.
  • YoshiZelda
    YoshiZelda Posts: 340 Member
    Finally someone has spoke up. I see so many posts of people attacking each other back and forth. It's beyond sad.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I have ZERO tollerence for these things: excersize- blames the world
    2. excuses..." my family, my work, the holidays....vacation...yadi yadda
    3. binge-eating constantly
    4. not logging-anything at all up without even trying
    6. drinking/party-ing excessivly
    7. trying to date me/ stupid messages
    8. bad advice
    9. stupidity...".i dont know what im doing wrong"
    10. rudeness/ cursing

    I came here to lose weight, and strugle like millions of other people, and we are all here for support, guidence and suggestion on getting fit, excersizing and eating habits. We want to be held accountable and need real support. not a bunch of binge eating lazy "tomorrow is another day.." every other day- crap. So with that said, being rude and disagreeing are totally seperate, and calling you out on your bull is not bashing. Its an opinion and solicited advice when you post.

    HOWEVER: making fun of how someone looks, weighs, belittling and name calling- or whatever the case- like that -is not cool at all.
  • rgf95
    rgf95 Posts: 2,543 Member
    Well said. There is a line from Shalespear about protestnig too much. The bashers should look inside - But again, let's be careful about bashing bashers! lol
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I see threads on here all the time with people bashing others for looking a certain way.
    Please, just stop. It's disgusting.
    We are all here for the same reason. To lose weight and get fit, obviously.
    Stop bashing people for being too big/too little and focus on YOUR body and YOUR goals. Not everyone else's.

    Thank you! I get sick of all the fat and skinny bashing around here. Just chill out and focus on your own self. Geeze. :P
  • sassydebbie67
    I see threads on here all the time with people bashing others for looking a certain way.
    Please, just stop. It's disgusting.
    We are all here for the same reason. To lose weight and get fit, obviously.
    Stop bashing people for being too big/too little and focus on YOUR body and YOUR goals. Not everyone else's.

    Those who bash need to feel better about themselves.

    So True!!
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    Well I don't come to the boards too often because of going on some of the boards to see bashing of others. We came here to support one another. I was even on a board where someone was bashing in my opinion what another person was eating, and her snacks were basically fruit with maybe a small chocolate candy. I was like wow, this is what makes people leave. I've seen bashing happen, and I go to message/friend the person. But it is too late as the person has deleted their account!! It is truly sad!! We are all here to support one another not to bash others. Thankfully on the profile pages it is nothing, but support so that is where I try to stay. The person who started this post I totally agree!!
  • kathym42
    kathym42 Posts: 26
    Ive never seen any bashing going on and Ive been on this site for a few years. Maybe I missed it (thank goodness) or it was a rare random thing.

    Pretty sad if so.

    I haven't seen any of it either, I keep my page and diary private so maybe that's why? I'm here for me, and no other reason..hope I don't see wouldn't make me happy
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I see threads on here all the time with people bashing others for looking a certain way.
    Please, just stop. It's disgusting.
    We are all here for the same reason. To lose weight and get fit, obviously.
    Stop bashing people for being too big/too little and focus on YOUR body and YOUR goals. Not everyone else's.
    Fanaticism is the brother of doubt.....:flowerforyou:
  • LesterBlackstone
    LesterBlackstone Posts: 291 Member
    Are you bashing the bashers? Does it feel a little weird?

    How Meta.
  • iris8pie
    iris8pie Posts: 224 Member
    ive been part of lots of forums and ive never seen so many meanies....I just figured its just 'cause everyone is hungry.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Are you bashing the bashers? Does it feel a little weird?

    I'm not bashing anybody. I'm stating a fact.

    but it's not a fact it's an opinion..same as someone else posting their opinion about what they would or wouldnt want their bodies to look like..

    just because it's your opinion doesnt make it any more true or factual than anyone else's opinion.
  • kathym42
    kathym42 Posts: 26
    ive been part of lots of forums and ive never seen so many meanies....I just figured its just 'cause everyone is hungry.

    this reply made me smile :laugh:
  • aegisprncs
    aegisprncs Posts: 240 Member
    Are you bashing the bashers? Does it feel a little weird?

    Exactly!!! :noway: