

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just time to pop in and say HI, have had computer problems at the office today. Will try and catch up tomorrow.

    DIL#2 is still pregnant:sad: :sad: Her labor went from 3-4 min all day Sunday to 10-12 min yesterday. So I guess it will be more waiting for grandson #3 to show up. My DIL called to give me the update this am and I gave my 2 cents worth of what this grandson should be named...I guess my Son is giving her a hard time about a name...she liked my reasoning and is hoping it will work with my son....we can only hope:huh:

    Will check in tomorrow and hoping that I have more time.

    Log it, drink it(water that is) and Move it...cause that's what it's gonna take to get us in shape:wink:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Laura: Will be thinking about your DDIL and sending good thoughts her way...keep us posted!

    Sundance: I wish you luck with your MIL. I don't know what to say except you are a wise woman not to play certain games with her regarding favorites. I think you just have to "keep the door open" and let her know you would love to have her spend time with you, her son and your children any time she is able to. That's the best you can do and your husband will be thankful to you for your effort. My MIL was a dear to me but I had more of an issue with my FIL. He was not warm or friendly with my boys and it was obvious that he preferred his other, older grandchildren. It broke my heart but I never made an issue about it and just kept my mouth shut. As he got older (and my boys got older) he softened and made an effort to get closer to them. I know that he respected me for continuing to make an effort to include my boys in his life and my husband was grateful that I didn't ever complain about it to him. Anyway, sounds like you are on the right track. I am sure it is more difficult living in the same town. We did not.

    I am enjoying this wonderful, crisp MT mountain air. Walking is a joy and it's great to be outside. Having said that, I am struggling with some foods since the wedding. I am having too many extras each day that I do not need. Have to keep focusing on healthy real food!

    Take care, you dear Ladies! Love that you are here:heart::heart: Kackie
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Evening All,

    On a positive note-dropped another .5, I'll take it!:smile: Also, gave blood today-that wasn't on the agenda for today but got a text that the type I am was low so went ahead with it. Always feel good afterwards! My veins are very hard to find but the supervisor got it right the first time!

    I notice a few people are mentioning joint problems and therefore having trouble finding suitable exercise. I have horrible knee problems but thanks to someone on here mentioning it, I've found that Youtube has a variety of seated exercises videos-ranging from 8 min.-25 min apiece. Just found a neat seated Yoga workout there today. Best of all it's free! Hope this helps! The sparkpeople ones are good ones on there too.

    Love, love my Birkenstocks-my feet problems have improved alot after getting them. Not cheap but worth it-I live in them, don't even wear slippers anymore. My crocks help my knees more though. Hopefully after surgery for my toe (next week-ugh), I'll finally be able to wear gym shoes comfortably again.

    Enjoy what's left of the evening! Don't forget to remember to be grateful for the small things!:smile:

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    We continue to move along on our journey. Tonight we are camped beside a beautiful reservoir at American Falls, Idaho. Tomorrow we head for Yellowstone National Park. Hope you are all doing well! Mary, the Happy Wanderer who will be home in ten days
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: We drove Jake’s brother to the airport and came home on the ferry so the day became a sightseeing event----actually wherever we go around here is a sightseeing adventure. He was a great house guest---fun to talk to, agreeable to the things we had planned, appreciative of all we did, and the dogs liked him. But, we are used to being alone, so it feels great to have the house back to normal. Bernie, the cat, spent the whole time under bed and now he is prowling around again. This afternoon Jake did the laundry and I worked in the yard for three hours. Then we finished eating all the doggy bags and leftovers so we can go back to our regular healthy eating tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: We ate some yummy food over the weekend full of sodium and a lot of other stuff I never eat…..it was a great vacation but I am so glad to get back to the nutritionally sound foods that are normal for us.

    :flowerforyou: My body is especially sensitive to sodium and it didn’t surprise me that my weight was up almost 5 pounds from a week ago….the good thing is that I know what it is so it doesn’t freak me out.

    :bigsmile: I have three pairs of Birkenstocks and I love them. My feet are usually cold so I wear them with colorful cotton socks.

    :flowerforyou: Bigpal, I don’t know what you are eating, but there may be some adjustments in what you eat that will improve your weight loss…..also, don’t miss any opportunity to walk……it’s great exercise.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies, I hope you all are having a nice Tuesday. Mind was a good day, I took a group of young adults (all with speciail needs) to do their volunteer job at a retirement center. It is lots of walking folding, bending etc. They love it that they are able to help and feel so produtive . I love watching their faces each time they complete a job. Than I came home to my 19 year old who wanted to cook dinner tonight so with a little set up she ran with it. So proud of her she is showing more and more skills to independant life hopefully in a year or 2 she may be ready for her own apartment.

    It was such a good day food went well.

    I read all of your posts thank you for being open. Hope you have a good Wednesday Everyone not feeling well hope you get better.

    Liz .


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Still working on that crossstitch bookmark. I figure if I can get a little done each night, it'll get finished.

    One of the things I really need to do (but don't seem to be able) is not to eat in the evening. Even tho for the most part I eat healthy things, I need to curb that snacking. Some of it is because I'm busy during the day and, literally, don't have time to eat. Maybe one of my goals should be that after dinner I work on that bookmark.

    Walked sideways on the stairmaster today for an hour. I wonder....you can't regulate the resistance on a treadmill, but I wonder if the resistance is increased if you increase the incline? Not sure what exercise I'll do tomorrow since we're having the preconstruction meeting at 8:30. I probably should do something at home, just not sure right now what I'll do. Think I'll do the bosu DVD tomorrow

    There was the Newcomers Board meeting this morning, we had to leave early. Want to be sure to be here for that slide!!! (some things are VERY important)

    Linda - I'm sorry, I can't give you any motherly advice. I lost my mother when I was 9.

    Amanda what you have to say is so inspiring, how you were able to pull something out of your closet and know that it fits. My father was quite overweight and he lost a lot of weight mainly by eating smaller portions. He'd always tell people "I eat anything I like, just a smaller amount"

    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    Darcy - congrats on selling your home! Where in NC was it?

    I got a mini-trampoline at Play It Again Sports at a reasonable price. Yes, many times they seem to have real good things at a good price. I did find out, tho, that I put my name on a mailing list for them to call me when they got a step in (for step aerobics). They never called me, yet when I went there they had one. Not sure why they didn't call, you would think they'd want to make a sale. But oh well...I've learned not to rely on that wait list. I did one time sell them a DVD, now they aren't buying them but they will take them on consignment. I left one with them and every time I went into the store, I couldn't find it. I was always given one reason or another why I couldn't find it. Then I was about to ask for it back and was told that it was sold so I got the money. Not like it was a lot of money

    Sounds like the slide is here. I hear a big truck. Gotta run

    OK, we now have a water slide in our garage!!!! It's interesting, on the box it says that you have to keep all the packing material in order to return anything. Yet, for the life of us, we have no idea how you were supposed to get that slide out of the box without cutting it open. We took the parts out just to be sure there wasn't any damage (there wasn't) and that all the parts were there (as far as we can tell, they are)

    petalsandpaws - you are such an inspiration! Continued prayers for your hubby.

    Kathy - congrats on giving blood. What a wonderful thing you did!

    Went to a friend's house for dinner tonight. had two of the cheese sausage balls I took, tried one flax chip with spinach dip that the host made, a chicken thigh, some (about 7) shrimp, 2 zucchini fritters that another lady made, a piece of blueberry pie a lady made, a bit of salad (it had dressing on it, but I didn't want to be rude and not have any) and some of the chocolate cookies I took. Had 64oz of ice tea. They were trying to be nice and bought this diet iced tea. I usually don't buy the diet, but on the other hand I didn't want to hurt their feelings. After dinner we played bowling on the Wii. That is the first time I ever did it, it's not bad at all. Tried the tennis, but I don't know the first thing about tennis. Don't know how I won so I had no idea what I was doing....lol

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Almost 11:00pm on the west coast! I was sitting here wanting to eat something sweet, but I know that I cannot stop with just a few, so it;s easier to not start.
    So, I just sit and read your posts and keep drinking water. I do have some calories left, but that sweet craving has passed now! :drinker: :drinker: Today was a busy day, doctor apt for my daughter, she also got her braces off her teeth today. 6 years of wearing them,she was so excited!! Well half of what I was saying disappeared. I am 2 tired to re- write it :ohwell: :ohwell:

    DeeDee, I hope you did not wake up with the HA this morning! Hope your feeling better! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    rpphillip-thanks for the MIL advice.My girls are old enough to see the favoritism of their cousins, so they don't like their GM very much,and don't like to go to her house.They feel that her feelings towards them are not genuine.

    exermom,arewethereyet and linder4866. thank you so much on the information where to find used exercise equipment.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    2youngatheart, welcome back, glad that you are feeling better!:drinker: :drinker:

    lizmil79-Bless you for volunteering for the adults with special needs.Imagine what a gift you are giving them!:happy: :happy:

    darcylaw- it is so hard to not seek comfort foods when we are under stress.Try to do something else for 20 minutes before you decide to eat that comfort food, unless it is in your calorie allotment! Come read these posts, or you try to verbalize that no matter how much we eat when we are stressed or scared it is not going to deal with the issues of what is really going on. I know for me that if I do this it just makes things worse, because I am then mad at myself for giving in to those comfort foods!
    Praying for you :wink: :wink:

    exermom- are you putting in a huge pool or what? With the size of that slide, it must be a big pool! I wish we could put in a pool,but we have an electrical pole too close to our backyard.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Welcome to all the new ladies, you have found the right blog, just keep coming back and reading these posts.:flowerforyou
    : :flowerforyou:

    Barbie, I am so grateful for you starting this blog! :drinker: :drinker: Thank you everyone for sharing and caring!

    We can do this ,one step ,one day at a time! Blessings to all:heart:
    Linda SundanceB
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    I thought I was feeling a little better when I woke up this morning, but I've been out with the doggies and just had breakfast and I've had a coughing fit and feel exhausted again. So no work for me again today :drinker: :drinker: Honestly joking apart I still don't feel well enough to go.

    I went to the doctors yesterday - was in two minds with having this dreadful head cold, but went anyway. Basically he said he'd arrange a blood test to make sure I'm not anaemic and to check my thyroid, but he thinks the symptoms (feeling in a fog, moody, no energy everything too much effort, dizzy) are all due to the menopause! I'm having a blood test tomorrow so I'll wait to hear about that, if all is clear I'll look into going on to HRT. Has anyone tried HRT I've heard lots of negative things, my friend thinks the menopause is something to "go through" without medication - she's done it herself, but as she said she didn't seem to suffer too much with any symptoms. I'm not sure I can cope with another 10 years of feeling like this!

    :flowerforyou: Linda SundanceB sorry you are having problems with your MIL but you sound as if you are handling it well. Would she come to your house if you invited her over? Or could you maybe meet on neutral territory - a shopping trip or something with you and your girls with lunch thrown in.

    :flowerforyou: Hugs and best wishes to everyone - I'd better phone work and tell them I'm not coming in.

    Viv xx
  • bigpal
    bigpal Posts: 19 Member
    good morning to all hope everyone has a wondeful day yeasterday was a better day for me hope today will be to its raining here in ky but maybe ill get some exercise in anyways
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    No headache yesterday!!!! I'm really grateful for that, don't have a clue what might have been causing them!
    Tonight I'm having dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, and I'm having the fried oyster salad:love: , and two glasses of wine , a slice of Italian bread and olive oil, and I still have left over calories!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    I had something last night I have't had in a long time, a couple pats of butter on my sweet potato, I usually eat it plain or with the no calorie spray butter, I am down 1.1 lb. this morning, of course I had (TMI sorry) a really good poo this morning!!!!!:blushing:
    I'm thinking I might need to add a little butter back in every once in awhile!!!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: come often and let us get to know you!!! This is a fabulous group of women, lots of good advice and information, support and motivation!!!!

    Hope everyone has a most fabulous day:bigsmile: , drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , log your food!!!!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello lovely ladies

    It's another hot day in London. I visited MIL in the nursing home and wheeled her out into the gardens for a while. We sat in the shade but even that was too hot for her. She's been so down every time we visit her recently, I truthfully think she's had enough. I took her a little gold guardian angel brooch that used to belong to my mum and pinned it on for her - I told her that it's her gold medal in honour of the Olympics. It cheered her up for about two minutes but after that she was down again. It's very hard to see her like this and I always feel exhausted when I leave her, although her memory of anything only lasts a few minutes.

    Anyway, to cheer myself up I am going to go for my second long walk of the day and try to stay in the cooler parts of the park. I was going to walk down by the river (we are two minutes walk from the Thames) but I think it may be quite crowded in some parts. I will take two bottles of water with me - don't want to get caught short so to speak!

    Off I go - have a good day if possible my friends.
    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Good day -

    I finally got out to the new Whole Foods store yesterday thinking since it was during the work week, insanely hot and RAGBRAI would have people drawn to another portion of the state that shopping there would be easier. Ha, parking lot was pretty full, and several aisles in the store were so full of people and carts that I had to give up, turn around, and try another aisle. Very interesting store, I looked at quite a few items and some things that I send for are found on their shelves. Gluten-free items and lower sodium things, natural items, super produce section......all pluses and will draw me back again. But Trader Joe's is still my main store. It's small, friendly, accommodating and you can make a trip through it fairly quickly.

    Enough about food right?

    Still no service call regarding my Internet connection. I'm a pretty wimpy individual and I cannot bear the thought of trying to call this company again to try to get them out here.

    Enough rambling for today. I am wishing everyone the best today and everyday.

    Here's to you. :drinker: :drinker:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: thankful it's Hump Day - Wednesday,

    Kackie- sounds like you dealt with your in laws like a true diplomat...hope that's helpful to Sundance

    Kathy- Congrats on that loss:drinker: every little bit adds up. Giving blood what an example you are to us:flowerforyou:

    Mary- just hearing that you are enjoying your traveling vaction gives me the memories of when we visited Yellowstone back in 1985 when our sons were little boys:wink: Great memories.

    Barbie- sounds like the visit of the BIL was a total success...even the "sodium" gain. But we know from experience that you will get that back under control this week as life returns to normal:flowerforyou:

    Liz- what a great victory for your daughter cooking dinner:drinker: All you do with the special needs young adults demonstrates that you have great patience...and that is great atribute to have:flowerforyou:

    Michele- A pool slide:love: and the pre construct meeting...your pool will be installed in no time. Bowling on Wii...I've done that a time or two at Son #3's..I've always enjoyed it, and no fear of a broken nail when I bowl that way:laugh:

    Linda- great job of supressing those late night munchie cravings:drinker: When I find myself wanting to nibble I head to the success stories here on MFP and after seeing a few before & after pictures it gives me the where with all to keep going and NOT nibble. Most of those stories people have lost so much more than I need to that I figure if they can do it so can I...of course there is Barbie & Amanda here too that helps keep me on the straight and narrow:flowerforyou:

    Viv- sorry you are under the weather...as for menopause and symptoms...well I take Black Cohost and Estroan (I buy them at WalMart) Once I started taking them it took about 2 weeks for the Menopause symptoms to go away. I rarely have hot flashes or night sweats. Every time I think I don't need them anymore I stop taking them and when I start getting the hot flashes again I start taking the pills...one of these days it will all go away but until then I just keep taking them:ohwell: My doctor said that if it works for me to keep it up so I do:wink:

    bigpal- hope you are able to get in some exercise inspite of the weather:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee- Congrats on the loss:flowerforyou: Enjoy that dinner out it sounds wonderful:love:

    Amanda- I know it's exhausting when you are trying to lift the spirits of someone else. Glad you are able to find the time to visit your MIL:drinker: Walking by the Thames:love: when hubby and I visited in 2009 we loved to walk down there, so much to see and just to enjoy being there. So wondering, is your shop in an area that will be crowded with people for the next several weeks during the Olympics? Hubby & I remember how busy the tube was during the work week people going to and from work so we always waited until after the going rush in the morning and after dinner in the evenings to get on it. I can't even begin to imagine how busy it will be with all the additional people there for the Olympics:noway:

    Lin- once the novelty of the new Whole Foods wears off it should be easier to get around:flowerforyou: Imagine that many people wanting to eat healthier food:wink:

    Welcome to all the newbies, jump right in and let us get to know you:flowerforyou:


    Had my weigh in today and am down 1.2 lbs...that was a really good feeling:love: I just read an article about why you aren't losing weight and it had some really good points. Like not all calories are created equal and that if you are doing your regular housework and it doesn't get your heart rate up it doesn't count as exercise, they are both points that I already knew but it was good for a reminder.

    Best get to the papers on my desk. Everyone have a great day...drink plenty of water, log that food and move your body:drinker: We are on this journey together and we can do it as we cheer each other on:bigsmile:

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy Hump day from steam-steamy Omaha! It's going to be up in the 100s again today, but then "only" in the low 90s tomorrow, so yeah for some cool air! Who knew we'd ever be hoping for the 90s!!! :glasses:

    Yesterday was a crazy day. I went to work for the first time since mid-May and spent nearly 4 hours dealing with almost 380 emails. Bleh. I did get organized and began work on a big project for my October class, so I got something done. My boss also added some time to my workload, so that means a little extra money starting in August. I just adore my job but I am getting to the point of wanted to cut down, but as the primary breadwinner, I can't. But the boss and I explored some things that could change next year to get me out of the clinicals in my fall class....3 10-hour days that just kill me.

    It was soooooo humid last night we only got one plant planted outside....you just couldn't even stay out for more than about 10 minutes unless you were sitting in the shade. One of our sprinklers was not working, so that got repaired this morning. That part of the yard is rather crunchy! :sad:

    Well even with my Jimmy John mixup, I was 14 calories under my goal. I got a turkey tom sandwich and a bag of chips. I thought there was only 1 serving in the chips (aren't most small bags 1 serving) and AFTER I ate it , noticed there were 2 servings...so 300 calories on jalapeno chips! I again said no to ice cream last night to keep under my goal. :bigsmile:

    Robin: well all I can say is YAK lol :laugh:

    Lizmil: I think sometimes hubbys don't want us to be successful in losing weight, either intentionally or unintentionally sabotaging us. Some of them are threatened by the thought of having a nice-looking wife that other men might want to ogle. Or they may feel bad because they are overweight themselves. My wonderful DH (he really is) used to bring me treats when I had a bad day (all those 10 hour clinical days!) until I finally asked him to stop because that was contributing to my weight. He was truely upset at the thought of helping me be unhealthy and for the most part, stopped. Now he asks me if I can have a treat, and it's only once in a great while. He treats me in other ways by helping to stretch my back or rub my feet. I'm so lucky to have him! :love:

    Michelle: are you getting a pool at your house??? Lucky you! :smile:

    Linda: I'm sorry; I thought you were in London. Where are you? For most people 3000 mg sodium a day is recommended, but most people in AMerica get way more than that. A "low sodium" diet is 2000 mg and very low is 1500 mg. I don't have any medical issues, but because heart disease runs in my family, I try to eat less than 2000 mg a day. Usually it's not too hard because we don't eat much processed food at all. But occasionally there are things like Joe's Crab Shack where one steam pot has over 10,000 mg of sodium. When I over indulge in sodium, I drink extra water the next day hopefully to flush it out! :drinker:

    Amanda: what a great feeling to get into old clothes! Good for you! :flowerforyou:

    BigPal: I am wondering why you can't exercise? For joint problems, water aerobics or even just water walking is great....no stress on the joints. Do you have a pool nearby? I just went through a 3 year spell where I tore my left calf muscle twice and had to pretty much stop exercising...not even swimming or water aerobics....no movement of that calf at all. It was tough to start it up again. Do you have other medical problems? Or is it a time thing? Can you walk around the block once a day...that would only take a few minutes. Be sure to drink lots of water! They say 1/2 ounce per pound of body weight. I practically drown in all the water i have to drink LOL :laugh:

    Laura: still on the grandbaby watch? I 'll be praying for an easy delivery and healthy baby!:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: no head ache today! Yay I hope that lasts and that you have a great day :flowerforyou:

    Cindy: 2 pounds a week is a reasonable goal. You go for it! :happy:

    JV: for joint problems, I'd say water aerobics or water walking :flowerforyou:

    Darcy: such an exciting time in your life...a whole new beginning. It's easy to eat when you are anxious, so be sure to stash healthy snacks that are easy to get to. Good luck on the job search! :drinker:

    2young: I'm so sorry to hear about your head injury. I hope you are well on the way to a full recovery now. :flowerforyou:

    Well I am sure I missed some of you, but I hope we all have a productive and healthy day. Take care, meg
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Trying to catch up after not reading this thread for a few days. Wow! We've had a lot of posts.

    Gotta love my DH, with his warped sense of humor which he thinks is helpful. This morning's conversation:

    Me: I have to say it sure does feel good to get on the scale each day and see it moving down instead of up.
    DH: I knew there was something wrong with that scale. I've been meaning to mention it.

    Luckily he smiled right after he said it or I would have either cried or hit him. He's actually quite proud of me. Today makes 26 days in a row that I have walked our 2.65 mile circle.
  • sylwheat
    sylwheat Posts: 125
    Hello Ladies ! Stumbled across the topic today and would love to join in! I am not familiar with the message boards/topics. How do I enter, or start or be a part of ???
    Thanks and good luck to all. We can do this journey - together !!
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    slywheat- Welcome! Just keep coming back and posting. You will find everyone here to be very encouraging and helpful.

    We spent yesterday kayaking with friends. A beautiful day on the lake and lots of calories burned!

    Today through Friday, I have to go into work for training on how to use i-pads in the classroom. All of my 7th and 8th grade students will have them. On one hand it is exciting to be learning how to use new technology with my students. On the other hand, it is cutting into my summer!:frown:

    Need to go and get in some exercise time! I had to sit too long today.

    Deb A
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!very stressful day,was in court with a friend.
    Did my pool,got the ok to add the squats,etc ex after the shin splints.
    Moving day is coming soon.Can`t wait.
    Hope everyone had a great day.
    Anyone under the weather,hope u are feeling better soon.
    Exhausted,calling it a night.
  • wreckedredhead60
    wreckedredhead60 Posts: 40 Member
    Evening Ladies. Just browsing through the post and catching up on everyone's goings on. Had vein ablation surgery yesterday and just took the bandage off that was from foot to thigh. Have some mighty pretty bruises to show off when I have my ultrasound tomorrow.

    It was a beautiful day today in PA, but looks like it is going to be another scorcher tomorrow. As much as I hate winter - I hate being super hot. You can always add more layers, but once you are naked that is it!

    I'm new to this kind of continuing thread - so I'm guessing you just log on and catch up and post something occasionally - so that's what I'm doing.

    So good to have people to talk to that understand how you are feeling. I started this journey on June 18th and at last weigh in I had lost 10 lbs. It seems to be coming off way to slow, but I guess it is true that the older you get the harder it is to lose weight. I've been keeping my calories below 1200 and walking at least five days a week and have been sticking to it - so that's half the battle for me. Willpower is not my strong suit. I am a lover of bread and sweets. Have never been much for veggies, but surprisingly broccoli tastes pretty darn good when you are hungry.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all.