Your weight loss: private or public?



  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    Very much private. I think telling other people your intentions is a really stupid thing to do. No one will be happy for you, they will all try to undermine you or point out where you go wrong or just be generally irritating and talk about it. No one wants anyone else to lose weight, that makes them more of a threat. Do it yourself, for you, and let them all comment when you succeed, rather than to make you fail.
    You must have really ****ty friends, I've had nothing but positivity!
  • Journalartista
    Journalartista Posts: 84 Member
    Can't get any more puplic then putting my body out there on Youtube. :)

    Inspiring my art "fans" is much of my motivation.
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    Very much private. I think telling other people your intentions is a really stupid thing to do. No one will be happy for you, they will all try to undermine you or point out where you go wrong or just be generally irritating and talk about it. No one wants anyone else to lose weight, that makes them more of a threat. Do it yourself, for you, and let them all comment when you succeed, rather than to make you fail.
    You must have really ****ty friends, I've had nothing but positivity!

    Same here. If people are trying to undermine you then its time to question your friends, not your decisions.
  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    I'm not yelling it from rooftops but I'm not hiding it either a few family members and a few friends know I am working on getting healthier all round not just loosing weight. On here my profile and diary are public was difficult at first (I am very shy) now I'm OK with it as it helps to add gentle sort of accountability. In the end do what makes you comfortable, it's a very personal choice :)
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Public, I am a so excited it about the results I am getting that I have the sneaking suspicion I have become a complete bore on the subject :laugh:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Pretty much everyone I know knows about my goals. *shrug* Most of them are like "WTF?" though but... "hmm, tell me more?"
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    Private - for me it's not a journey, it's a long-overdue maintenance issue!
  • BecomingElle
    BecomingElle Posts: 112 Member
    I have friends that when I'm eating better tend to offer me cupcakes and other delicious but bad for me things 'because one won't hurt' and 'you shouldn't deprive yourself'. If they know I'm eating healthy they won't let it go and just keep offering it. If they think I'm not then when I say no, they don't care why. It's really quite interesting to discover things like that.

    I can really empathise with this! I have some other "curvy" friends who feel more comfortable in their own skin if we all kind of stay bigger together haha so they kind of do the whole "don't deprive yourself" routine. Then there's people who are already thin, people like my sister, who someone feel like their own beauty or whatever is threatened by the fact that I could possibly look good too. She's the kind of girl who will ask me to come stand next to her in the mirror so she feels better about that piece of pizza she just ate...
    Very much private. I think telling other people your intentions is a really stupid thing to do. No one will be happy for you, they will all try to undermine you or point out where you go wrong or just be generally irritating and talk about it. No one wants anyone else to lose weight, that makes them more of a threat. Do it yourself, for you, and let them all comment when you succeed, rather than to make you fail.

    I actually really understand where you're coming from. Weight loss is something a lot of people I know want but aren't willing to really go's "easier" for them to stay the way they are. And I completely understand how they feel "threatened" about the fact that you have the power to do what they won't, and that you could possibly look better than them when you've been their "chubby friend" all this time. I really do think a lot of people become threatened and try to sabotage people trying to lose weight, sometimes without even realising that they're doing it...... especially if you're a young female surrounded by other young females, who are just downright competitive by nature! hahaha
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    The only people that knew in real life were my husband and my daughters, apart from those people I didn't tell anybody. Therefore, when anybody else commented that I looked slimmer I knew they weren't just saying it to be nice, but it really did show.

    Besides which, if people know, they tend to give advice even when it is not asked for nor sought and that irritates me.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Very much private. I think telling other people your intentions is a really stupid thing to do. No one will be happy for you, they will all try to undermine you or point out where you go wrong or just be generally irritating and talk about it. No one wants anyone else to lose weight, that makes them more of a threat. Do it yourself, for you, and let them all comment when you succeed, rather than to make you fail.

    I don't believe it is stupid
    Everyone is happy for me
    No one is trying to undermine me
    No one is pointing out where I am going wrong because they can see I am doing it right.
    They all want me to succeed and lose the weight
    No one sees me as a threat
    No one is trying to make me fail

    I have supportive friends and family that want me to succeed, I am assuming you don't and that is a shame, as the support really helps.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I told some friends at work that I was trying to just eat healthier, and I get questions like 'are you allowed that on your diet?' :grumble: I'm not on a diet, I'm just eating less crap and doing more exercise. They don't listen though, and tbh, I wish I'd never told anyone.

    Someone at work the other day mentioned that I post loads of photos of my food and say how many calories I've burnt - and then I pointed out that they don't have to read it if they don't want to, and often people write about how much they've drank the night before - something I don't care about. It's not down to anyone else what I want to put on MY profile.

    And when I'd lost 4lb and mentioned about it, that same person was like 'yeah but you probably just went to the toilet' lol, such a stupid answer. I posted on FB this morning about how I've lost 6.8lb now and 2.5". I don't care what they think - soon I'll be a super minx and they'll want my secrets :laugh:
  • Bub1971
    Bub1971 Posts: 106 Member
    I keep it private to friends but public to MFP friends.:smile:
  • SallyNitro
    SallyNitro Posts: 8 Member
    I have friends that when I'm eating better tend to offer me cupcakes and other delicious but bad for me things 'because one won't hurt' and 'you shouldn't deprive yourself'. If they know I'm eating healthy they won't let it go and just keep offering it. If they think I'm not then when I say no, they don't care why. It's really quite interesting to discover things like that.

    I keep mine private just for this fact. I have one friend who knows I've done some pretty stupid stuff to try to lose wieght and she always gives me her "One Eyebrow Face" whenever I turn down food.
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    Private. I've had to deal with comments from family members DEMANDING to know how much I've lost. Why? It's none of their damn business. After half a dozen times I finally lost my temper and told them outright it was none of their business, so hopefully they won't be asking again. I haven't made a single comment on facebook or twitter either. Constantly seeing other people post about their attempts to lose weight on facebook was demoralising at first (they were successful and I wasn't) or just plain annoying (they go on fad diets, spam everyone about it for a time, stop the diet, gain the weight back, then go on another fad and spam about that... you get the idea). I do now try and support others who're trying to lose, but I'm still conscious of how others can take posts about weight loss in a negative way (because I did), and I don't want to make anyone else feel bad -- and I have a lot of friends who are either trying to lose weight or who NEED to, but aren't trying for whatever reason.
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125
    I talk to my sister about it, she is also on a weight loss path. I do post on my FB about the water fitness classes; or about going to the Y. I have a lot to lose, so it won't be that noticeable to others. In January, I lost some weight and coworkers would ask me if I did. I told them I lost a little.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I don't mind making it public at all. I have nothing to hide.......
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Guess you can say public.

    I don't go around advertising that I'm working to lose weight, reshape the body etc but people have noticed and ask questions and drop comments/compliments. Over the months people around me have also started on losing weight and getting into shape and have asked me about my personal experiences which I'm happy to share.

    I am the same way. I don't advertise or tell the world. I do have a FB page dedicated to my weight loss/fitness journey but that's about it. Oh and a semi-blog page kinda thing via Men's Health Forums.
  • TeTeAngel
    TeTeAngel Posts: 66 Member
    I am public with people commenting about a noted loss. The others that are quiet, I am quiet.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Very public I'm afraid.

    I get obsessive, way over the top - can't go to a barbeque, refuse a bit of birthday cake, won't have a biscuit when offered, no I won't have a muffin thanks, I'm on a diet!

    Nothing to do with any change of appearence, just a complete change in the way I act - can't keep THAT private!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Mine has been public since I started last July and there are times I really regret that. It's caused some ugliness among my friends group that I wish I could erdicate.

    But on the flip side, without the support of a lot of my friends I don't know if I would have made it this far. So it's been a double-edged sword for me.