Zara & Friends July Challenge...


You all know me well by now! Here is the July challenge as promised. It is here to keep us all motivated. Set your own goals, and check in daily or every few days to update and let us know how your going! I will be checking in daily to see how you are all doing. Here are my aims for the month...

1. Get to 16 st 7lbs.\231lbs (-7lbs) Big aim but I would love to be at the 70lb lost mark.
2. NO chocolate. (My friend is bringing me a Kitkat chunky peanut butter Tuesday, I am going to eat that as I've been looking forward to he giving it me for weeks but that IS the only chocolate I will eat in July! I have to kick my chocolate habit.)
3. Walk 70,000 steps \ 35 miles per week.
4. Join the gym and some classes.
5. Support you guys on here each and every day.
6. To keep improving my plank time and to post once a week how long I've done.
7. To start strength training at the gym and sit ups etc at home.

Lots of aims this month, but I am feeling super motivated and I am confident that if we all commit to this we can encorage each other to keep doing this. I have set this up for people on my friends list. I am open to others joining but only if you are really going to be comitted!!! No slacking off half way through! Lol.

Zara xxx


  • Okay so my cast comes off mid-July, July 16th to be exact. So I won't know exactly how much exercise I will be able to do but I need this kick in the *kitten*.

    1. Drink 10 glasses of water a day. I have been getting lax on this and I am just sitting here at home so getting up to go to the bathroom is not an issue.

    2. Eating fresh veggies and fruits every day. At least 3 times a day. No frozen or canned or frozen until the 3 fresh are done.

    3. Do 20 minutes a day of strength exercise. I can do upper body while I wait for this cast to come off.

    4. Lose 5 pounds this month. I should be able to do that without a problem. That would get me to 30 pounds loss total.

    5. Try to see if I can do some sit ups even with this cast on, put it on a yoga ball (both legs) and get going on sit ups. I would like to get to doing 100 a day by the end of the month.

    6. Post each week as to how I am doing on this.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Wonderful aims sweetie. Very inspiring you keeping going with the cast! Must be really difficult! Very proud of you... Great to have you on the challenge. I must start drinking all my water too, I've not been very good with it either!!! Xxx
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Thanks for posting the challenge Zara. Hello to everyone else.

    Well, to start with I need to say that I've been off track for a couple of months. Since I went back to work full time I have been really struggling with eating due to anxiety and tiredness which is why I've been avoiding logging. Have stuggled to build exercise time into my new schedule plus am exhausted all the time. I know I've put weight on because my clothes are tighter and I feel sluggish but I haven't weighed myself (too ashamed and cross with myself) so it's been a bit of a downward spiral. I'm guessing at least half a stone.

    So, my first goal is to weigh myself tomorrow and be honest with myself. Will log my weight and deal with it.

    Am going to set a goal of 4 pounds. I just want to see the scale moving in the right direction to start with.

    Will aim for three 45 minutes sessions of dedicated exercise a week.

    Drink more water.

    Will try and log food most days.

    Sharon. xxxxxxxx
  • Hi my little plant pot ;-)

    So sorry I have not been here much but you know the score!

    FABBY aims you have darlin and you are absolutely working your *kitten* off!! Loving your status updates and I read them every day so please do NOT think I do not - when I am fully on my feet again I will send you the bestest thing in the world! ;-*

    OK - MY goals for july....

    1) Aim to lose 5-6lb ( I have put on that although I THINK it is salt retention!! )
    2) To drink my 8 glasses of water again - I have fell SO badly off the wagon with this ( and processed crap and take aways ) !!
    3) To basically cut back on eating bloody fruit and nut cadburys chocolate!! I must have gone through about 10 bars in 2 weeks and I have not been eating lunch although sometimes breckie and my food has been EVERYWHERE although I DO have a VERY good reason...
    4) After the op tomorrow I will be HOPEFULLY up and ready for my Biggest Loser Dvd 5 x 30 min a week and I am just doing toning - I have a Miami, Barbados, Jamaica etc cruise to be ready for in Dec ;-) !! ( We decided until I am better no point going now lmao )
    and last but no way least be a much more supportive friend!! :-D !!!


    Sarah. 27. Pleased to meet you all :-D
  • Hi everyone!
    I was browsing around on the message boards looking for some support and saw this challenge! Hope its ok for me to jump in!

    Here are my goals for July:

    1. Get back on track with my water drinking. Half of my body weight in ounces every day. No excuses!

    2. Shake the couple of pounds I gained on vacation, plus lose 5 pounds additional.

    3. Make it to the gym at least three times a week, plus find ways to exercise at home on the days I can't make it to the gym.

    4. Finish the book I am currently working through. It's a book written by a cognitive therapist about weight loss and dieting called "The Beck Diet Solution" --- Has anyone read it?

    Thanks, ladies!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Day 1: 1st July.

    Steps Walked: 10,884.
    Miles: 5.43.
    Did Race For Life.
    No chocolate.

    Doing well...

    Hope your all rocking it! X
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Well, I kind of missed yesterday because I didn't realise it was July already. Doh!

    Anyhoo, I weighed myself today after a long break. I've put on 4 pounds so not as bad as I expected but that's still 15 pounds since Christmas. Ho Hum.

    So, my starting weight today is 275 pounds. I've set mfp for one and a half pounds loss a week as that seems manageable calories at the moment.
    Am under my calorie allowance today and have logged. I did 2 hours housework but not logging that because I want to see how much dedicated exercise I can fit in. Previously, it's been easy for me to think that because I've been active I don't need to exercise as well. Am planning a session tomorrow.

    Really pleased to be on the challenge with all of you. xx
  • Okay yesterday I didn't do so well eating wise. We went out to eat for lunch and then had Mac and Cheese for dinner. I stayed under in my calories but crap went in me. I also realized this morning that I have been eye balling my creamer going into my coffee and been putting much more than I thought. When I measured, man I love my coffee sweet, I have been putting in 3 1/2 tablespoons and here I thought I was using only 1 1/2 tablespoons. Such a difference in calories.

    Money is tight until next Tuesday so it should be interesting. Also we have a 3rd of July party to go to tomorrow. Our friend does it every year since no one has to work on the 4th so everyone can party. I may have 1 or 2 drinks while we are there but other than that it is the food that I am a bit concerned about. I know that there will be Tri-tip, beef, and hamburgers and hot dogs. I think if I just keep to the beef and a salad and so fruit I should be okay. Going to try to stay away from the sodas that I know will be there, unless there is diet and I use that to have a mixed drink with.

    I also didn't drink my water. I joined another challenge as well this month where we are encouraging each other to drink 10 glasses a day. I am already at 13 for today.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Well, I kind of missed yesterday because I didn't realise it was July already. Doh!

    Anyhoo, I weighed myself today after a long break. I've put on 4 pounds so not as bad as I expected but that's still 15 pounds since Christmas. Ho Hum.

    So, my starting weight today is 275 pounds. I've set mfp for one and a half pounds loss a week as that seems manageable calories at the moment.
    Am under my calorie allowance today and have logged. I did 2 hours housework but not logging that because I want to see how much dedicated exercise I can fit in. Previously, it's been easy for me to think that because I've been active I don't need to exercise as well. Am planning a session tomorrow.

    Really pleased to be on the challenge with all of you. xx

    Well done for plucking up the courage and weighing and not as much as you'd feared so its all good! It is so hard when you've got a sedentary job, and I'm only there 3-4 days! Your there 5. Takes a lot of determination to exercise aswell! I know you can do it though! You'll be in the 60s by the end of the month! X
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Okay yesterday I didn't do so well eating wise. We went out to eat for lunch and then had Mac and Cheese for dinner. I stayed under in my calories but crap went in me. I also realized this morning that I have been eye balling my creamer going into my coffee and been putting much more than I thought. When I measured, man I love my coffee sweet, I have been putting in 3 1/2 tablespoons and here I thought I was using only 1 1/2 tablespoons. Such a difference in calories.

    Money is tight until next Tuesday so it should be interesting. Also we have a 3rd of July party to go to tomorrow. Our friend does it every year since no one has to work on the 4th so everyone can party. I may have 1 or 2 drinks while we are there but other than that it is the food that I am a bit concerned about. I know that there will be Tri-tip, beef, and hamburgers and hot dogs. I think if I just keep to the beef and a salad and so fruit I should be okay. Going to try to stay away from the sodas that I know will be there, unless there is diet and I use that to have a mixed drink with.

    I also didn't drink my water. I joined another challenge as well this month where we are encouraging each other to drink 10 glasses a day. I am already at 13 for today.

    Parties are so well, well done for preparing yourself mentally for it! Well done on the water and sit ups today! Its easy to slip with things portion wise and its good you have recognised it. Your doing amazing! Very proud of you! X
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Monday 2nd.

    Steps: 13,386
    Miles: 5.85
    Total miles this week 5.85\35.
    No chocolate.
    6 glasses of water.

    Need to do 8 glasses today! X
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Okay yesterday I didn't do so well eating wise. We went out to eat for lunch and then had Mac and Cheese for dinner. I stayed under in my calories but crap went in me. I also realized this morning that I have been eye balling my creamer going into my coffee and been putting much more than I thought. When I measured, man I love my coffee sweet, I have been putting in 3 1/2 tablespoons and here I thought I was using only 1 1/2 tablespoons. Such a difference in calories.

    Money is tight until next Tuesday so it should be interesting. Also we have a 3rd of July party to go to tomorrow. Our friend does it every year since no one has to work on the 4th so everyone can party. I may have 1 or 2 drinks while we are there but other than that it is the food that I am a bit concerned about. I know that there will be Tri-tip, beef, and hamburgers and hot dogs. I think if I just keep to the beef and a salad and so fruit I should be okay. Going to try to stay away from the sodas that I know will be there, unless there is diet and I use that to have a mixed drink with.

    I also didn't drink my water. I joined another challenge as well this month where we are encouraging each other to drink 10 glasses a day. I am already at 13 for today.

    Well done on noticing the difference on quantities with your creamer. I've been quite surprised when I've measured things out too.

    Hope you have fun at the party. Sounds like you have a good plan for it. x
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Monday 2nd.

    Steps: 13,386
    Miles: 5.85
    Total miles this week 5.85\35.
    No chocolate.
    6 glasses of water.

    Need to do 8 glasses today! X

    Another great day. x
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    So, quite a good day today. Food was under. Walked to work and did an hour of yoga this evening. x
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I was looking through the posts and saw this challenge. Hope it is ok if I join in

    My goals for July
    1. drink at least 8 cups of water (I haven't been doing as well with the water lately)
    2. do strength training 3xs a week
    3. exercise 5xs a week
    4. walk at least 10,000 steps a day
    5. try a new workout
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    So, quite a good day today. Food was under. Walked to work and did an hour of yoga this evening. x

    So proud of you. You rocked it! How did you feel after exercising? Xxx
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I was looking through the posts and saw this challenge. Hope it is ok if I join in

    My goals for July
    1. drink at least 8 cups of water (I haven't been doing as well with the water lately)
    2. do strength training 3xs a week
    3. exercise 5xs a week
    4. walk at least 10,000 steps a day
    5. try a new workout

    Welcome!!! What's your name? Great goals! Not too different to mine! Do you have a fitbit? Amazing loss by the way! Very inspirational! X
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Tuesday 3rd July.

    Steps: 11,176
    Week 1 total: 24746\10,000

    Miles 4.88
    Week 1 total: 10.81\35

    No chocolate :-)
    Did some strength training. Plank time 2 mins 30. (Previous best 1min 30, started at 58 seconds)
    Drank 9 glasses of water!
    Joining the gym Thursday!

    Rock it girls! X
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    I was looking through the posts and saw this challenge. Hope it is ok if I join in

    My goals for July
    1. drink at least 8 cups of water (I haven't been doing as well with the water lately)
    2. do strength training 3xs a week
    3. exercise 5xs a week
    4. walk at least 10,000 steps a day
    5. try a new workout

    Great to have you with us. Fab loss btw. x
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    So, quite a good day today. Food was under. Walked to work and did an hour of yoga this evening. x

    So proud of you. You rocked it! How did you feel after exercising? Xxx

    I felt ok. I had trouble holding some of the positions but that should get better in a couple of weeks as long as I stick to it. I have such weak arms anyway. My back feels much better today as well so the stretching must have helped a lot.