Zara & Friends July Challenge...



  • Lavern77
    Lavern77 Posts: 108 Member
    my calorie burn goal is 500 per day. Missed it on Monday since I burned 400, but yesterday I burned 600 so I guess I evened it out.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    my calorie burn goal is 500 per day. Missed it on Monday since I burned 400, but yesterday I burned 600 so I guess I evened it out.

    well done honey... x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Today is Thursday...

    Did lots of cleaning and gardening Monday, 5am and lunch time walk and spin class Tuesday, Gym Wednesday and 5am Jog today and lunch time walk. Done well with my food. Feel like I am doing really well this week. Set a Xmas goal of 102lbs lost. Another 34lbs. Massive goal, but I am going to try my best so need to be really strict now. Would put me at 199.... Incredible thought!

    Monday: Steps: 8409.

    Tuesday: Steps: 15,675.
    Miles: 6.85.

    Wednesday: Steps: 11,297
    Miles: 5.2.

    Wednesdays Total: 35,381 / 70,000
    Miles: 15.72 / 35

    (Over 5 miles traveled so far today...)

    Hope your all doing well too.... x
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    You're doing amazingly well Zara. I know you can hit 199 for Christmas. You are sooooo determined. xx
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Scale is moving in the right direction! yey! Three more pounds to go to get my goal for this month.

    Fantastic. x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Thursday 12th July...

    Steps: 11,178
    Miles: 5.42

    Week Total: 46,559.
    Miles: 21.14

    Sharon, well done on keeping up the logging. Your doing great! x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Friday 13th July...

    Steps: 12,912.
    Miles: 5.76

    Week Total: 59,471..
    Miles: 26.9
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Saturday 14th July...

    Steps: 15,096.
    Miles: 6.59

    Week Total: 74,567 / 70,000
    Miles: 33.49 / 35

    Steps in, but need another 1.5 miles today (Sunday to meet my goal...
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Saturday 14th July...

    Steps: 15,096.
    Miles: 6.59

    Week Total: 74,567 / 70,000
    Miles: 33.49 / 35

    Steps in, but need another 1.5 miles today (Sunday to meet my goal...

    Wow! You're really storming this challenge. Amazing babe. x
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Ok, so this hasn't been my best week. The ear infection really knocked me, then had several nights of night terrors and sleep paralysis due to some stressful stuff to deal with at work and in my personal life. Have physically only just managed to haul myself into work due to fibro pain and anxiety.

    Anyhoo, that's enough of the depressing stuff. The good news this week is that I have been discharged by my psychiatrist! It feels a bit more as if I have my life back again.
    Today I actually had a day to myself. I didn't wake up til 10.45am. Felt so awful that I went back to bed at 12.30pm and slept til 5pm!! I feel a lot better tonight.

    I've logged most days this week and been drinking more water. It's a start :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Ok, so this hasn't been my best week. The ear infection really knocked me, then had several nights of night terrors and sleep paralysis due to some stressful stuff to deal with at work and in my personal life. Have physically only just managed to haul myself into work due to fibro pain and anxiety.

    Anyhoo, that's enough of the depressing stuff. The good news this week is that I have been discharged by my psychiatrist! It feels a bit more as if I have my life back again.
    Today I actually had a day to myself. I didn't wake up til 10.45am. Felt so awful that I went back to bed at 12.30pm and slept til 5pm!! I feel a lot better tonight.

    I've logged most days this week and been drinking more water. It's a start :)

    Hi sweetie, I am having similar problems at night and am finding it very hard to keep going. The exercise is keeping me sane though, so i am just rolling with it. It is making it very difficult though! Fybro is bad as a result to and anxiety with having no sleep. Totally understand where your at. Well done on logging and getting food logged. Hope this week is a better one for you..

    Love you lots xxx
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Saturday 15th July...

    Steps: 1,678
    Miles: 0.73

    Week Total: 76,245 / 70,000
    Miles: 34.22 / 35

    Steps in, but was 0.78 miles of my 35 mile goal. Just didn't get chance to get them in yesterday. Still quite happy with that. Feeling exhausted as I am not sleeping so I will just be managing as much as i can. Struggling though... Just going to aim for the 70,000 steps this week! x
  • julieagburton
    julieagburton Posts: 13 Member
    I know July is over half over, but I would liek to join.
    My goals for the remaining of the month are:

    1). track what I am eating ( I have a terrible time with this)
    2). NO EATING after 8pm
    3). walk at least 10000 steps a day
    4). Be down under 200 lbs!!!
    5). Drink my water!!!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I know July is over half over, but I would liek to join.
    My goals for the remaining of the month are:

    1). track what I am eating ( I have a terrible time with this)
    2). NO EATING after 8pm
    3). walk at least 10000 steps a day
    4). Be down under 200 lbs!!!
    5). Drink my water!!!

    Great goals! Nice to have you!!! xxx
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Monday 16th: 13,740 steps.
    Tuesday 17th: 10,606 steps.
    Wednesday 18th: 12,584 steps.

    No gym as I haven't been sleeping and I am exhausted, but been up at 5am and out at lunch time walking. I have been doing well with the food, no chocolate and I am doing great with the water. Today is Thursday got in over 12,000 steps so far. Have a personal trainer session tomorrow so I am resting up ready for it tomorrow... x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Thursday 19th: 12,469.
    Weeks total: 49,399 / 70,000.

    Today is Friday. Had my PT session and got a new weights regime to go along side my cardio. Was challenging and i enjoyed it... Looking forward to watching my progress with this,,, x
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Aargghh.... I just can't fit everything into my days.

    Super busy at work all week. Trying to do the housework in the evenings.
    Was stewarding for the Torch relay today.
    Doing a transport run for the rescue tomorrow- a parakeet, a pigeon and 6 guinea pigs.
    6 mile sponsored walk on Sunday for another rescue (which may just kill me because I'm so unprepared).

    Eating is erratic but not awful. Not getting to log til late, late late... then am too tired (actually tonight I am too drunk... hic).

    Going to bed now.

    Love you all lots. Especially you Zara. You are owning this challenge. xx
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Well, we did our sponsored walk yesterday. Six miles through beautiful but muddy woodland to raise money for a local wildlife hospital. I did it with my friend (11) and her friend (also 11). It took us about 3 and a half hours which wasn't bad considering the conditions and that the girls wanted to stop more frequently than I was hoping. I'm super proud of them though and we raised £160 between us.

    Hope you're all rocking it. xx
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Well, we did our sponsored walk yesterday. Six miles through beautiful but muddy woodland to raise money for a local wildlife hospital. I did it with my friend (11) and her friend (also 11). It took us about 3 and a half hours which wasn't bad considering the conditions and that the girls wanted to stop more frequently than I was hoping. I'm super proud of them though and we raised £160 between us.

    Hope you're all rocking it. xx

    Hi sweetie, your doing so well. very proud of you! well done mrs!!! x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Friday 20th:12,680.

    Saturday 21st: 8906.

    Sunday 22nd: 4923
    Miles: 2.15

    Weeks total steps:75,908 / 70,000
    Weeks total miles:33.16

    Did well all week, but then did absolutely terribly with food over the weekend. Had pizza for step daughters birthday and then a family bbq for her birthday with lots of food and booze. going to make up for it though! x