Zara & Friends July Challenge...



  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Stayed under calories today but no exercise. I have an ear infection so my balance is a bit rubbish and I feel quite poorly :( Hopefully the meds will kick in soon. x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Stayed under calories today but no exercise. I have an ear infection so my balance is a bit rubbish and I feel quite poorly :( Hopefully the meds will kick in soon. x

    Its friday now. Hope your feeling much better. Love ya x
  • dawn3171
    dawn3171 Posts: 4 Member
    I just found your challenge, Is it too late to join?
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Wednesday 4th July.

    Steps: 10,831
    Week 1 total: 35,577\70,000

    Miles 4.73
    Week 1 total: 15.53\35

    Had a graze box that had some chocolate drops! Doh!
    Did some strength training.
    Drank 9 glasses of water!
    Joining the gym Tomorrow!

    Rock it girls! X
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Thursday 5th July.

    Steps: 18,079
    Week 1 total: 53,656\70,000

    Miles 8.16
    Week 1 total: 15.53\23.69

    Had a chocolate yogurt. Im naughty... i know!

    I joined the gym. It is such an amazing gym! i love it. I got my second highest step day ever on the fitbit. Unfortunately my HRM decided to stop working so i don't know what i burnt! Hopefully it's just the battery. Will have a new one in the next few days! Fingers crossed! I hated working out without my hrm! x

    Drank 9 glasses of water, maybe more as i was glugging like mad at the gym.

    I have no phone for a week or so but will still try to check in each night and update!

    Weathers so bad here. Torrential rain, not sure how i am going to get my steps in. Got to go and pick the kids up so that will get some in. Had a nightmare morning with Virgin, that has come to nothing in the end and has stopped me going to the gym. Im so angry at them and just need to go crazy at the gym to get it all out, but can't! Frustrating! Hope your all having a great day! x
  • I have not had as much fresh fruits and veggies this week due to being tight on money until Tuesday. Then I am having hubby pick up some fruits and veggies for me. I have been craving them too. Been really good with my water though. At least 10 cups if not more each day.
  • I just found your challenge, Is it too late to join?

    Oh no we want to have us join us
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I have not had as much fresh fruits and veggies this week due to being tight on money until Tuesday. Then I am having hubby pick up some fruits and veggies for me. I have been craving them too. Been really good with my water though. At least 10 cups if not more each day.

    It is hard work when money is tight? Do you have an Aldi near by? It is a life saver for fruits and veggies! They always have super 6 here 39p for 6 different fruits and veggies. I adapt my diet to what is on offer! well done on the water! x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Friday 6th July.

    Steps: 5,562
    Week 1 total:59,218 \ 70,000

    Miles 2.43
    Week 1 total: 26.24 / 35

    Had a rest day yesterday. I felt so tired and unmotivated. It paid off though because i have hit it hard today. Will update tomorrow on figures at the end of today.

    I started resistance training at the gym. There is a circuit of 8 machines, they dont have weights on but the resistance builds the faster you go and i could really feel it working. I've got a little routine going now...

    Walk the mile there.
    Bike 5k.
    Vibration plate to do my physio exercises i got given last week. Surely doing them on there can only be beneficial.
    1.5 miles walk/jog on treadmill
    1.5k on hand bike.
    20 mins on cross trainer / elliptical.
    20 mins on stair master.
    1000m on rowing machine...
    Walk the mile home.

    Some times i will add a swim. I am aiming for 1000 calories plus per session on none work days, and it worked! Feel great afterwards and enjoying the full body workout. One things for sure makes getting my water in easier! Loving the gym! Hope your all having a great workout! x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Saturday 7th July.

    Steps: 18,489
    Week 1 total:77,707 \ 70,000

    Miles 8.57
    Week 1 total: 34.81/ 35

    Had a good day yesterday exercise wise. Killed it at the gym. Food not so good... Ate almost all the 1268 calories i earnt.. at least it evened out though. Today has been my nephews birthday party and i ate way too much cake... Back onto it full throttle tomorrow!!! xxx
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Sunday 8th July.

    Forgot to put my fitbit on today! Doh! going to walk the 0.2 miles so i get my 35 miles in so week one has been a success steps wise... Was bad with the food this weekend though! Back on track tomorrow!!! xxx
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Friday 6th July.

    Steps: 5,562
    Week 1 total:59,218 \ 70,000

    Miles 2.43
    Week 1 total: 26.24 / 35

    Had a rest day yesterday. I felt so tired and unmotivated. It paid off though because i have hit it hard today. Will update tomorrow on figures at the end of today.

    I started resistance training at the gym. There is a circuit of 8 machines, they dont have weights on but the resistance builds the faster you go and i could really feel it working. I've got a little routine going now...

    Walk the mile there.
    Bike 5k.
    Vibration plate to do my physio exercises i got given last week. Surely doing them on there can only be beneficial.
    1.5 miles walk/jog on treadmill
    1.5k on hand bike.
    20 mins on cross trainer / elliptical.
    20 mins on stair master.
    1000m on rowing machine...
    Walk the mile home.

    Some times i will add a swim. I am aiming for 1000 calories plus per session on none work days, and it worked! Feel great afterwards and enjoying the full body workout. One things for sure makes getting my water in easier! Loving the gym! Hope your all having a great workout! x

    Great to hear you so full of life hun. Sounds like a great workout. x
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Sunday 8th July.

    Forgot to put my fitbit on today! Doh! going to walk the 0.2 miles so i get my 35 miles in so week one has been a success steps wise... Was bad with the food this weekend though! Back on track tomorrow!!! xxx

    35 miles- that's fantastic! Well done.

    You're going to have another fab week. I know it! x
  • flipsit
    flipsit Posts: 111
    Well, my week has been ok foodwise. Didn't quite fit in the exercise I planned due to an emergency trip this weekend to collect some poorly bunnies and get them into rescue spaces. Having an ear infection hasn't helped much either.

    Logged 6 days out of 7 though.

    Hope everyone has a great week ahead. xx
  • Lavern77
    Lavern77 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi everyone, I'll join in.

    Goal to get off the 4 lbs that I had gained back by the end of the month.
    Burn 500 exercise calories per day.
    Convert to doing pushups on my toes instead of my knees.
    Avoid white foods, such as, white breads, white rice, white potatoes, etc......
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Well, my week has been ok foodwise. Didn't quite fit in the exercise I planned due to an emergency trip this weekend to collect some poorly bunnies and get them into rescue spaces. Having an ear infection hasn't helped much either.

    Logged 6 days out of 7 though.

    Hope everyone has a great week ahead. xx

    well done on logging 6/7, that's great progress... You've been a very busy bee. Hope you got some rest in somewhere and the ear is feeling a lot better!!! x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hi everyone, I'll join in.

    Goal to get off the 4 lbs that I had gained back by the end of the month.
    Burn 500 exercise calories per day.
    Convert to doing pushups on my toes instead of my knees.
    Avoid white foods, such as, white breads, white rice, white potatoes, etc......

    Hi sweetie,

    Nice to have you here. Great goals. Good luck with the push ups! That is a toughie!!! Your doing great! Good luck with the white foods, know i could never cut them out all together! xxx
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Sunday 8th July...

    Forgot to put the fitbit on! Doh! Ate way too much cake at the nephews party too. Back on the straight and narrow today! (Monday) Had heart burn and felt like a bloated pig last night. Not nice!!! Glad to be being good again!

    End of week 1 stats:

    Steps: 78,417
    Miles: 35.12

    Joined gym...
    Started Strength training at home.
    Failed on the chocolate.
    Did well on the water.

    Big aim for this week is to not eat chocolate and to get to the gym as much as possible. My hrm is not working properly which i am gutted about, it really helps motivate me! Will just have to do my best without it! x
  • Lavern77
    Lavern77 Posts: 108 Member
    Scale is moving in the right direction! yey! Three more pounds to go to get my goal for this month.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Scale is moving in the right direction! yey! Three more pounds to go to get my goal for this month.

    whoop whoop!!! x