Do You Believe in Ghosts?



  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    Nope. If you want me to believe something exists, I need evidence.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    I believe anything is possible. Given the small percentage of brain power humans actually use, the countless unexplained things that happen all over the world daily, and all of the unexplored places, etc. You just never know.

    its a myth that we use only 10% of our brain.

    The myth's durability, Gordon says, stems from people's conceptions about their own brains: they see their own shortcomings as evidence of the existence of untapped gray matter. This is a false assumption. What is correct, however, is that at certain moments in anyone's life, such as when we are simply at rest and thinking, we may be using only 10 percent of our brains.

    "It turns out though, that we use virtually every part of the brain, and that [most of] the brain is active almost all the time," Gordon adds. "Let's put it this way: the brain represents three percent of the body's weight and uses 20 percent of the body's energy."

    Oh if its from a scientist then, it must be 100% factual. My mistake.

    Oh, yeah- you mean those people who dedicate their lives to research and have a much more complete view of existing research. I'll take their word over people claiming they had a nighttime visitor that no one else saw.
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member
    The very first thing that should have came to every ones mind especially on Sunday is GOD, Jesus Christ, the holy spirit. Where is your faith people. I believe from the depths of my soul in the holy spirit. I know Jesus Christ died for our sins. Is this your ghost maybe not but it is the spirit after death. Even science says energy can not be destroyed. Billions of people of this world believe in some form of religion and God. Are you such and atheist that you will go against this common highly documented phenomenon? Perhaps you will find out one day but I know where my soul and my families souls are going after death. I have more faith in God than I do in myself!!!!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    No. if they existed we'd have proof by now.

    there are LOTS of videos and pics from all over the world... That you try to find some logical explanation to everyone of them, well thats different.

    i just dont think those vids hold up to scrutiny. if a video did come along that was real i think it would be verified by numerous groups. and it would be the top of every news program.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    The very first thing that should have came to every ones mind especially on Sunday is GOD, Jesus Christ, the holy spirit. Where is your faith people. I believe from the depths of my soul in the holy spirit. I know Jesus Christ died for our sins. Is this your ghost maybe not but it is the spirit after death. Even science says energy can not be destroyed. Billions of people of this world believe in some form of religion and God. Are you such and atheist that you will go against this common highly documented phenomenon? Perhaps you will find out one day but I know where my soul and my families souls are going after death. I have more faith in God than I do in myself!!!!

    energy is not destroyed but it does change forms. so the energy in our body dissipates through decomposition.

    if there is a soul my guess is that its not energy as we know it. of course thats just a guess. :)
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    The very first thing that should have came to every ones mind especially on Sunday is GOD, Jesus Christ, the holy spirit. Where is your faith people. I believe from the depths of my soul in the holy spirit. I know Jesus Christ died for our sins. Is this your ghost maybe not but it is the spirit after death. Even science says energy can not be destroyed. Billions of people of this world believe in some form of religion and God. Are you such and atheist that you will go against this common highly documented phenomenon? Perhaps you will find out one day but I know where my soul and my families souls are going after death. I have more faith in God than I do in myself!!!!

    energy is not destroyed but it does change forms. so the energy in our body dissipates through decomposition.

    if there is a soul my guess is that its not energy as we know it. of course thats just a guess. :)

    My thoughts exactly (except for the soul part). I believe that the energy from our body breaks down with the body.

    I really am that much of an atheist. I like knowing that the atoms making up my body were once bits of stars.
  • Mctree20
    Mctree20 Posts: 137
    Non believer. But like to hear others stories.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Yes, but only in movies.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Find it milding amusing that people get cranky when asked a simple opinion question. No right or wrong answer, just what do you believe.

    Anyway.. I do believe. Had a ghost in the house I grew up in. My mother used to ehar a woman weeping heavily throughout the house. Could hear low, awful moaning at night. I heard man laugh, woman scream. Bells would ring throughout the house. It was eerie.

    In the apartment I shared with my hubby up until about 2 months ago, I always used to have this sensation that someone was standing next to me. One time felt someone touch me on the neck. For about a month before I left, things were falling off the wall. Never told anyone about it, especially my ex who doesn't believe in such things. However, told him about it after I left because he is going to move and I basically said good, the apartment is creepy. Turns out that he often got the sensation of someone standing next to the bed and one time thought he saw someone going out the window but of course no one was there. His sister visted us in November, she said she felt someone hit her in the back one time and his mother, who visited in December, used to feel like there was someone in the bedroom with her, running their fingers up and down her arms (she was staying in our bedroom where he felt someone was standing next to the bed). It was the first time either one had visited us, he never said anything about his experiences, I certainly never said anything about mine to them as they are from Africa and don't speak English.

    As I said, its been two months that I moved and since then I have never had that sensation of standing next to me in that time.

    I have tons of stories that family and friends told me but those are the ones I personally experienced.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    My thoughts exactly (except for the soul part). I believe that the energy from our body breaks down with the body.

    I really am that much of an atheist. I like knowing that the atoms making up my body were once bits of stars.

    yeah...dont know if there is a soul. would like to think there is. would love to think there is some big adventure after this life.

    and i too love to marvel at the fact that the atoms in our bodies were once inside stars. we are all billions of years old! :D
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    I want to believe.

    I can't say there will ever be any substantial proof, but why would I deny the possibility?

    I've had objects launched at my head randomly at work plenty. The scariest was a 15lb mixing bowl dislodged from a high shelf which hadn't been touched all morning, only missing my head by a foot. I've also had many uncomfortable moments of feeling like someone was with me while I was alone. I haven't seen anything though, because I do not wish to see anything. I feel like you have to be open to the possibility to experience it.

    I say I believe most because children are some of the most clairvoyant beings I have ever encountered.
    Some kids just have that special connection.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    My mom passed away unexpectedly in 2007. I was crushed. About a week later, at 3am, I woke up to wind whipping around my room, curtains blowing like crazy. I looked at the foot of my bed, and there was my mother, standing there. She was transparent and didnt move or say anything, but she was there. A few days later I spoke to my brother, who lives about a mile away from where my mother and I lived. He was telling me that a couple nights before (the same night I had my experience) that he woke around 3am and the wind was blowing all around his room, he didnt see anything, but he woke his wife and said to her " my mother is here". It was crazy that we both had an experience like that on the same night. We also both realized that even though the wind was blowing our curtains all around, etc. Our windows were only open a crack, not enough to make the wake us on a normal night. lol It was actually a good experience for me, made me feel like my mother is still here with me! So YES! I believe in spirits!!

    Love this story. :smile:
    I've heard similar stories from people I know that have had very similar experiences such as yours. Glad it was a nice experience for you.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I do believe.
    I also believe we have a ghost living in our house right now. Her name is "Lois" and is non threatening.
    She's welcome here as long as she feels she needs to stay. :happy:
  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104
    I definitely believe. I've had too many personal experiences and strange occurrences within the family not to.

    I think it really boils down to whether you've had an experience with a ghost or spirit. Those who have, believe, those who don't...well, don't believe. My boyfriend has never had an encounter with a ghost, and he's definitely a non-believer.

    (And let's don't forget aliens either! ;-D)
  • jonesygetshealthy
    jonesygetshealthy Posts: 66 Member
    Hm. I'm pretty self-conflicted with this.
    On one hand, I'm not sure how to separate spirituality from religion- I am irreligious and personally do not believe in deities or other supernatural beings (though I completely accept that others do!) :)
    But, I have seen and felt some things that I can't explain rationally as anything other than being supernatural. A few years ago I was in my downstairs bathroom combing my hair after a nighttime shower... it was really pouring rain outside. I walked out of the bathroom and looked out from the window on our front door which leads to our covered porch- and there was a small, elderly man that was bent over with a cane standing right in front of me. I yelled and fell because it startled me, and when I got back up, there was no one there. No wet footprints from anyone coming up onto the porch, no one hobbling, walking, or running from my house.

  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    I absolutely do! And aliens too.

  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    I have never had an experience myself, but my mom and a good friend have. Thy are both completely normal and didn't do it for tv, so Yes believe. Just because you don't always have scientific proof doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Some things cannot be explained. Spirits are real.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    I do believe.. i have had several experiance..

    when i was younger my dog died in my room... :( the next night, i heard footsteps in the hallway, my door opened and my "dog" jumped on my bed, circled around my feet and went to sleep.. i heard the dog inthe hall, saw the door open and felt her on my feet.

    my current house has had several experiances. expecially in the attic (where my studio is). i have had the lights go on and off, i have had the radio unplug from the wall. i have seen shadows run across the top stairs.

    i went up one night before it was my studio and the walls were lined with boxes, with a path down the middle. i was very quiet as my child had just fallen asleep. as i walked to the end to grab the box i wanted i turned around and there was a crib side across my path. not only was it across my path, but it was wedged UNDER a wooden sewing table. if this had fallen over, it would have made a very loud noise (wood on wood) .. there was no sound.. i had to unwedge the thing to get past it.

    another time while sewing a shadow appeared darkenign my machine. the only way for this to happen is if someone is standing between me and the light behind me. i asked it to leave.. it did.

    i have also had the light turn on and off.. when i told it, it was easy to turn it on and off.. but hard to make it blink fast.. well, it made it blink. i left the attic.

    im not truely afraid , i belive it to be my great grandfather who built and died in the house.. but it does make me twitchy sometimes.

    one last one. if anyone is still ready.. i had my two dear dogs pass away with in weeks of eachother and one night soon after the second one died. there was all this noise in the hallway (their collars used to make a ton of clinking noise) my husband who was nearly asleep told me to quiet the dogs down.. i had to remind him that they died.. it was that loud..
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    I absolutely do! And aliens too.


    I do definitely believe in the possibility of life on other planets. This universe is too big to be just for us.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    I most certainly do not