Do You Believe in Ghosts?



  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    My sister in law has seen spirits since she was a kid. She hates it. My husband (her brother) can do some freaky weird stuff that I won't even go into here, lest you all think I'm crazy! Paranormal talents run in their family, at least three generations back. I wasn't a believer but after 13 years with him, I can't deny it.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    No. if they existed we'd have proof by now.

    there are LOTS of videos and pics from all over the world... That you try to find some logical explanation to everyone of them, well thats different.

    i just dont think those vids hold up to scrutiny. if a video did come along that was real i think it would be verified by numerous groups. and it would be the top of every news program.

    The Ghost Adventures team is most noted for their evidence of an apparition walking across the camera in a place of high activity. It was all over the news and talked about for a long time. It became old news eventually, like everything does. There is video evidence that cannot be explained sometimes.

    I wont go and give any of my stories of unexplained phenomena (my family has...history that will make me sound like... eh nevermind) , but I will say that I believe that there is a possibility for too much negative energy could start creating very bad things. Kinda like when someone walks into a room where a realyl bad fight had just taken place.. they get a bad vibe in there. Rooms where strong feelings of anger or sadness often people the heebie jeebies. Now this could be because the individual may or may not know what happened. But if its all created in our mind and the mind is stronger over body, then how can anyone dismiss it as not true? the afterlife is a frontier you cant explore, because no one has come back from exploring it.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I believe, there have been times when I have been on my own in the house and felt 'something' call it what you will, apprehension, me getting myself worked up, the fact that I watched Paranormal Activity on my own and then went to bed with the covers over my head. Probably the most hairs on the back of your neck standing up for me is the shot of that kid at the top of the stairs in the Amityville house. Regardless of whether it is fake or not, that scares the bejesus out of me.

  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I believe, there have been times when I have been on my own in the house and felt 'something' call it what you will, apprehension, me getting myself worked up, the fact that I watched Paranormal Activity on my own and then went to bed with the covers over my head. Probably the most hairs on the back of your neck standing up for me is the shot of that kid at the top of the stairs in the Amityville house. Regardless of whether it is fake or not, that scares the bejesus out of me.


    that picture always gets me.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I believe, there have been times when I have been on my own in the house and felt 'something' call it what you will, apprehension, me getting myself worked up, the fact that I watched Paranormal Activity on my own and then went to bed with the covers over my head. Probably the most hairs on the back of your neck standing up for me is the shot of that kid at the top of the stairs in the Amityville house. Regardless of whether it is fake or not, that scares the bejesus out of me.


    that picture always gets me.

    Wasn't the Amityville house a hoax?
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Wasn't the Amityville house a hoax?

    Pass either way anything ghost related with kids in it scares me to the point where my wife said when we have kids shes making them stand on the landing in the middle of the night and point at me in those long white night gowns a la the ring *shudder*
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Wasn't the Amityville house a hoax?

    Pass either way anything ghost related with kids in it scares me to the point where my wife said when we have kids shes making them stand on the landing in the middle of the night and point at me in those long white night gowns a la the ring *shudder*

    LMAO! That's funny.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member

    I was always skeptical what with being science minded.

    Then I saw my dead cat walking through my kitchen!

    My mam has seen a lot of dead relatives too, she's a freaky lady.
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    I managed to get a hot girlfriend... So I suppose anything is plausible.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I didn't until I was driving along a road I drive all the time, ALL the time, in the early evening, with my teenage children in the car..when something jumped out the hedge in front of me, so much so I had to slam the breaks on hard, but there was nothing there, but after we got over the shock, I turned to the kids and said did you see anything?

    Thing was, we ALL saw a man on a horse, but it was not there, but it jumped out in front of me, from a long unused and over grown gateway, and it was enough to make me do an emergency stop, and if I had been alone I would have just dismissed it, but we all four of us saw it, a sort of misty shape that was somehow a man on a horse, who then just disappeared....

    I don't usually tell people this in case they think I am a nutter....
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Part of me says no, the other half says yes, yes I do - I've lived in 3 different locations that all had activity that I could not find scientific explanations. I've seen things that I know shouldn't have happened, had others tell me of similar experiences that occurred in the same locations. I've gone as far as looking for excuses: mice, leaky pipes, settling floors, neighbors, mold, high EMF, ect.... But I've seen, felt, and recorded things that I can't prove.

    As scientific as I want to be, there are somethings out there that just can not be explained with logic.

    Those, then I believe are part of the paranormal. Something beyond the "norm" and can be both wondrous & frightening. If this included "spirits" of those past this mortal coil, ok. It also could include alot of things that weren't even human (heck, alot of people believe in demons & angels).

    So yes, I do, as much as the scientist in me screams otherwise. And I'm ok with people saying they aren't or saying i'm foolish. Fine, peachy - and when something finally happens to you, then you'll understand.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm not quite sure. I think it is definitely possible, but I'd have to have some kind of experience before I was a true believer.
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    I've had too many experiences in my life that I am a forced believer, and I'm the type of person that likes to deal with facts and things I can prove. Here are a few of my experiences:

    Every time a family member is about to die in my family, the TV would turn on to an old TV station that used to show her favorite soap operas at my grandparents house. Also, things like lights would be on. I always thought my grandma was joking when she said that stuff happened, but when my grandpa was in the hospital and my mom was cleaning and taking care of her house, we could walk in to the TV on and only certain lights on. We would turn them off when we would leave too. My grandma never came home, and we were the only other people with keys. My grandpa died not too long after. The house was owned by his mother.

    I was convinced there was a ghost in a new apartment we moved into when I was younger, and would wake me up during the night shaking my bed. I was 13 or 14 years old at the time, and I ended up sleeping on the floor in my moms bedroom. It came to a point where my mom had the school psychologist talk to me. I def didn't tell them I thought there was a ghost in our apartment, just that I was having trouble sleeping. I also used to go for walks in the morning before school, and a few months into this going on I was walking around our complex. I could see someone else walking around early too, not too unusual. But everywhere this woman was supposed to be at, or where we should met up, she was never there. I thought it was really eeerie to the point I went home and locked the door. Could be nothing, but still makes me wonder. Years later and I completely forgot about all this happening, a psychic said to me, "You used to have an old woman shake your bed at night." It took me a few minutes to realize what he was even talking about.

    When I was in high school, the seniors were taking us (freshmen) to a haunted house in an extremely secluded area. I actually didn't realize at the time that it was a real haunted house they were taking us to and I actually didn't discover that until a year or two later. We were dared, in pairs, to go into the house and play this old piano for a few minutes and then to come back out. OK no big deal. The house was creepy, and you can't go further into the house since it was so old that holes were in the floor. Strangely, the piano was right next to where the door opens. Well, my friend and I went and were playing some of the keys on the piano when I kept hearing talking. I asked my friend if she heard anything, and she said no. So I figured the seniors just had a spooky tape in the background to scare us. And the talking kept getting louder, and I asked my friend if she was sure because it was getting really loud. I then realized that the voices were in my head and they were getting louder! It sounded like three different voices, all saying EXTREMELY nasty things. I still remember one saying, "We're going to rape you." I was sooo startled that I ran out of the house. I ended up asking the senior (who was a neighbor of mine at the time) if they had a tape in their, because I was trying to rationalize it and she said they didn't. I have never been more freaked out at that moment in my life. I KNEW I wasn't hearing them outside of my head, but it was freaky to hear something and no one else hear it. There used to be pictures online of this place, and I just looked and they are no longer available. That's how I found out it was an actually considered a haunted house since a new friend of mine used to have a website with the pictures of the house. The story he wrote was that the guy was nuts and murdered his wife. I don't know for sure, but something like that you don't forget. I had a hard time sleeping for the next few nights.

    The last story I will mention happened after tragically my friend Emily died, and my ex-bf committed suicide a week later. Obviously, I was having a terrible time dealing with this. During this time, I had my own phone line in my bedroom that I would use for dial up. We lived in the middle of nowhere, and that was our only option. I always had internet on, and never used my phone. No one even had that phone number since it was exclusively used for the internet. Well, after my friends had died, I would always get these phone calls of just static. It ALWAYS happened when I was home alone, sometimes as early as 5am right after my parents left for work. It kind of creeped me out, because it's like someone knew I was awake. Eventually, the phone calls turned into mumbling with static. I couldn't make out anything. It would even happen Saturday mornings when I was home alone. It was so weird.. always when I was home alone. Sometimes I would hang up knowing it was the eerie static phone calls, and I would turn off the answering machine because it's even creepier to not answer the phone and hear it on the answer machine while you're home. Well, I remember one day I actually turned the internet off and my phone started ringing. So OK.. answered it and it was the same static mumbling! I quickly hung up and unplugged the phone. This went on for a good month/month and a half. Then, this one day when I was home alone on a Saturday morning, the phone rang and I had the courage to answer it and try to listen. I was trying to listen to the mumbling and realized it sounded just like my dead ex-bf! I even said, "DAN?!" and I never hung up the phone so fast! Well, as I did that and turned around I saw this blueish-white light come out of no where, get bigger in the middle of my dad's room, and make a weird crackling noise as it disappeared. It's hard to explain what I saw, but I'll never forget it. I was sooooo freaked out, and I couldn't do anything! I was stuck at home, no car, in the middle of winter. So I turned on the TV, called someone on the phone, and waited for my parents to get home. After that, nothing happened. No more phone calls or anything. Weeks later, I told my friend what had happened and she told me that her sister (also friends with both of my friends) was having the same experiences.

    This isn't even EVERYTHING I've experienced, but these are the ones that always stick out in my mind more than anything.
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    While I think that most experiences that people ascribe to ghosts can be naturally explained (electromagnetic fields can make you feel "watched" and even touched), yes, I do believe in ghosts. I've had experiences myself, and my son saw and described a ghost (the "pink man") in a historic home in Columbia, TN when he was 3yrs old. In the driveway after the visit, we asked my son if he had liked the house, and he said he didn't because he didn't like the pink man. There was no man in the house except for my husband. His description was real and vivid enough to make my firmly unbelieving husband change his mind. The ghost apparently had walked next to us upstairs, and my son said he didn't like it when "the pink man tried to grab Mommy's shirt." Yeah, that was a creepy moment.
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 576 Member
    Thank you all for sharing your experiences and your opinions alike ... very interesting reads. Can't comment on them all, but thanks for sharing with us all!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Yeah I think so. I think there was a little boy following my son around for a few days. One time I was in my bedroom doing something in the mirror... my makeup or hair or something and my son was playing at the bottom of the stairs (which are right outside my bedroom) and I saw in the mirror reflection a young boy (who I assumed to be my son) walk into my room so I turned around and he was gone, so I was like "hey, whatcha doing?" because I thought he just walked back out the door, but when I walked out of my room my son was still at the bottom of the stairs playing. I was like wtf? who just walked into my room?

    There was another time I saw him but I don't know if I was just seeing things. I also heard things at my old house. My boyfriend swears his old house that he lived in when he was little was haunted and he thinks there is a ghost living at his house now. *shrug*
  • roosnanny
    roosnanny Posts: 3
    i belive and i am very sure i have seen them and heard them too.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I believe!!!!

    We lived in an apartment in Austin that was haunted. Even our cat saw her. He'd growl really loud when she'd appear.

    Going to my second ghost tour in September for my birthday. Can't wait !!!!!
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    Yes, I believe and I have had soo many experiences. But, even if I tell you about them. You will still doubt until you yourself have seen them or experienced them.

    I always say Ghost don't scare me.. people do. :huh:
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    Ooh, I love this thread despite not having read the whole thing yet!

    I totally believe, but have never had a personal experience. I think you have to be a certain type of person to see ghosts, and I reckon total cynics are less likely to do so, as are people who are too desperate to see them (like me). My family have had heaps of experiences but my favourite one is this:

    My great-uncle went to buy some meat from the butcher, and he had a choice of going the long main road route or the quick but creepy short cut. No prizes for guessing which he chose! On the way back he heard a rustling in the long grass that lined the pathway, and he saw two hands come out and part the grass. Then through the gap he saw a face which he described as having "long teeth like bananas" and he was so scared that he ran all the way home. And, when he unwrapped the meat, it was rotten and crawling with maggots!

    (I never saw any of this myself as it happened before I was born, but he told me about it when I was a kid - I still find it astounding!)