Late Night Snackers Challenge July 2012

Since June had such a good following, I thought I'd start a July thread.

My cutoff time is still 7 PM and that means I will not snack after that time. And I succeeded last night, so I'm:

Me: 1
LNS: 0

No haters here please--if you want to eat until midnight, that's your choice. Let those of us who want to avoid late night binging and ruining our otherwise clean record for the day with junk, do this challenge in peace.


  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    Setting my cutoff time at 10.

    I didn't snack last night either!

    1: No LNS
  • ready4achange1
    This challenge is just right for me, I :heart: to late night snack and is one of my biggest problems.

    ME: 1
    Late Night Snacking (LNS):

    My stop time is: 8:30 PM

  • ambaree143
    Late snacking is my biggggest problem. I can be good alll day, and even excercise. And then those cravings for snacking just take over and then I turn into a monster, and sabotage the whole day. After reading your post and some of the other members, I vow not to snack tonight and join you with no eating after 7pm. I will start a count too, of how many "no snacking" evenings I can complete.

    So far so good.
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    I applaud your self control!!

    I am most hungry when trying to go to sleep and will snack just so my belly rumblings dont keep me awake!!

    I havent been doing this diet thing long enough to go without the snack but am trying to make it healthier rather than crisps and sweets, swapping for carrots or a small peanut butter wholemeal toast.

    Best of luck and i will keep an eye out for good tips ;)
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    This challenge is just right for me, I love to late night snack and is one of my biggest problems.
    In fact, I lost last night

    ME: 0
    Late Night Snacking (LNS): 1

    Cut off Time = 9:00 PM
    I read you should stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed so this should work for me!
  • balancejenn
    balancejenn Posts: 234
    I'm moderating myself to 1- 200cal or less after dinner snack or better yet no LNS at all.

    Me 1 ✓
    LNS 0

    Thanks gmukris for posting a July challenge. Good luck everyone!
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    I am coming over from the June thread where I did really well for the first couple of weeks, then had a piggy weekend. So starting from July 1st (which being as its the first day of the second half of the year I almost see it as a New Years Resolution).

    So far so good

    Me: 2
    LNS: 0

    And as I am quitting unnecessary snacking in general I will score that too here

    Me: 2
    UN: 0

    Good luck everyone :drinker:
  • balancejenn
    balancejenn Posts: 234
    Me 2✓
    LNS 0
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Glad to have people join me!

    Me: 2
    LNS: 0
  • g_a_b
    g_a_b Posts: 9
    Such a fantastic idea!x I would love to join in! I This is one of my major problems!!! I have a perfect day, then start to nip away at bits and pieces and feel so dis-heartened.

    I didn't snack last night and am going to try really hard to continue throughout the rest of July!x

    I am going to put my cut off time at 8.30! :-)

    Good Luck Everyone!xx
  • g_a_b
    g_a_b Posts: 9
    I should have added:

    Me: 1
    LNS: 0
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'm doing fine for July:

    Me: 2
    LNS: 0
  • ready4achange1
    ME: 2
    Late Night Snacking (LNS):
  • alex5000
    alex5000 Posts: 2
    i think i'll try giving this a go too! I usually try and leave enough allowance for a small snack after dinner, say near 9pm, usually a healthier cereal option.

    So going to set a cut off of 10pm initially as often go to bed at midnight but try and keep anything after 9:30pm at a minimum.
  • juliemarie911
    I'm making my cut-off time 8pm!!!
    1 -for last night :)
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    gmukris, :flowerforyou:

    I am staring late, but I am definitely in!

    Cut-off is dinner. In other words, I do not want to eat anymore after I put my baby to bed.

    Good luck, anyone! Waiting for June's determined bunch of people to keep this going in July!

    For newbies, here's June's motto:
  • g_a_b
    g_a_b Posts: 9
    Good Morning All!
  • g_a_b
    g_a_b Posts: 9
    Feeling rather proud! :happy:

    ME: 3:
    Late Night Snacking (LNS): 0
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Me :3

    LNS : 0

    Yay. I've cut back majorly on sugar too, so no cakes or puds until at least during or after my hols which are two weeks away.
    Well done everyone. Going strong.:wink:
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Good morning everyone!

    Me: 3
    LNS: 0

    Happy 4th of July to all the Americans!