Late Night Snackers Challenge July 2012



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    The only reason I'm giving the point to me is because I had calories to catch up on!

    This is a wise thing to do! Unless you had chips :wink:.
    Thank you and gmukris for keeping this going. I admire you :flowerforyou:. And everyone else who's sticking with it!
    I often think of this challenge and even if I could not keep the cut-off strict, I did not binge or junk-ate at night. So not totally out of the game :wink:, just not able to do this right this time. Hope to be able to join you soon :smile:. Till then:

    keep this going! You're doing GREAT!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Me: 9
    LNS: 3

    I did pig out at dinner, but nothing later in the evening, lol!
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    I guess I give LNS a point last night even though it wasn't a snack--it was dinner out with friends after my cutoff time. I don't know if it counts against me or not?

    Me: 10
    LNS: 2✓
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    It is July 13...and starting again from today. I dropped out of June's challenge for different reasons. I had a sad day today, having to put my granddog to sleep. He developed stomach tumors that grew rapidly to the point of giving him relief by putting him down. He gave us a great six years with him...and he will always be in our hearts. I did not have a real appetite today...but LNS is something I am re-determining to do. I haven't gained wait, but haven't lost either...and I would like to lose another five. If I didn't LNS...I would reach my goal. This group is good commitment for me. Thanks for all of you being here! :flowerforyou:

    July 13 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
  • reesa418
    reesa418 Posts: 22
    what a great challenge! one that i deffinately need! i work untill 11pm so i am always eating a whole meal practically when i get home! i will challenge myself not to eat after ten o'clock every night....

    great idea!
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Day 14. I found yesterday soooooo tough. I'm not sure why, I think just because it was Friday and also because we had friends over for dinner so didn't eat till nearly 9pm, I didn't manage to not snack at all, in fact I ate loads, 2 apples, a kiwi and 2 high cal bit nutritious seed bars and guzzled diet cherry coke. However at dinner I ate a decent portion and whilst they all had a hot brownie pud and icecream I had natural yogurt with berries and 2 meringues (the most sugar I've had in 2 weeks).

    I did however not LNS so the score is a happy

    LNS 12.5
    Me. 0.5

    Just 5 days till sunny Kenya :bigsmile:

    Debilang, my heart goes out to you. I know how sad it is to lose a beloved pet. X x:flowerforyou:
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 11 ✓
    LNS: 2
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    July 13 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 14 - Me - 1 LNS - 0

    Difficult not to snack tonight. Will have a cup of tea...and get to bed soon...
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Starting Day 15 today.

    I did snack yesterday but with regards to LNS last night I was a good girl. Just yummy lentil soup, a slice of bread and Greek yogurt with berries for dinner, then just peppermint tea in the evening.

    LNS 13.5
    Me 0.5

    Snacking in general ? I've lost count, maybe 2 days this month. Fridays and Saturdays are the toughest

    Back to no snacks again from today. 4 days till hols so it all counts now.

    Well done everyone, people are doing so well :drinker:
  • balancejenn
    balancejenn Posts: 234
    Good Morning .. I see I have logged in since Tues.

    Wed Me
    Thurs Me
    Fri LNS..... got me
    Sat Me

    Me 13✓
    LNS 1
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 12 ✓
    LNS: 2
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Debilang, my heart goes out to you. I know how sad it is to lose a beloved pet. X x:flowerforyou:

    Thank you, meant the world to me that you understand. I know you will have a great time in sunny Kenya!! Take care :)
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    July 13 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 14 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 15 - Me - 1 LNS - 0

    Successful last night, and my resolve is getting stronger not to LNS. Thanks for this forum and everyone's support! :drinker: Lifting my water...
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Starting Day 15 today.

    I did snack yesterday but with regards to LNS last night I was a good girl. Just yummy lentil soup, a slice of bread and Greek yogurt with berries for dinner, then just peppermint tea in the evening.

    LNS 13.5
    Me 0.5

    Snacking in general ? I've lost count, maybe 2 days this month. Fridays and Saturdays are the toughest

    Back to no snacks again from today. 4 days till hols so it all counts now.

    Well done everyone, people are doing so well :drinker:

    You are soo encouraging, Kate...GOOD JOB!!! :happy: :happy:
  • TaniaCorric
    TaniaCorric Posts: 51 Member
    Late snacking is my biggggest problem. I can be good alll day, and even excercise. And then those cravings for snacking just take over and then I turn into a monster, and sabotage the whole day. After reading your post and some of the other members, I vow not to snack tonight and join you with no eating after 7pm. I will start a count too, of how many "no snacking" evenings I can complete.

    So far so good.

    I am exactilly the same, how has it been?
  • thinnnnnnner
    It's 1 am and I'm avoiding snacking by typing this right now...

    Nights just kill me! I feel like I'm hungry all the time.
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 13 ✓
    LNS: 2
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Me: 11
    LNS: 4

    We had a party on Friday night and I was still munching on potato chips at 11:00 pm....ugh.

    That's as high an LNS as I've had, mid-month, in SEVERAL MONTHS. So, I really want to taper this down for the remainder of July. Enough is enough. Bad carbs begone!!
  • balancejenn
    balancejenn Posts: 234
    Me 13
    LNS 2✓
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Day 17 on July's LNS

    LNS. 0.5. (bloody hell thats good)

    Me. 15.5

    I also am trying to quit snacking as even though they are healthy ones, i tend to eat them just or the sake of it. I am on nights again at the moment and I am doing really well. I eat a light dinner around half 6, then hold out till around 3am where I eat my first part of breakfast, a banana, then a porridge around 5am then a couple of bits of toast at 9 before bed.Ideally I wouldn't be awake during lunch but th e phone man came ths afternoon so I only slept for a couple of hours. Off to bed now again to see if I can cram in some more sleep. 2 days till holidays and lovely warm sun, yay :drinker:

    Well done everyone.ths group is keeping me strong :wink: