Rubbing cellulite away?



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Because your skinny fat.

    Ladies, pick up the weights!

    STFU. I've been a dancer my entire life, have legs of steel, and I still have it. It's called genetics.

    What is your body fat %? If it isn't low enough, then you will increase the chances of having cellulite, regardless if you are a dancer, hockey player or whatever.

    It's currently 18%. I suffered a horrible injury in December which resulted in me having to be completely sedentary for several months, so I'm still working to get my body back. But I've had cellulite since I was 12, no matter how skinny or how muscular I am, it's always there. I do dry brushing each morning, and exfoliate with coffee and yogurt in the shower, and drink tons of water and eat a very clean vegetarian diet. I stand by my "it's genetics" statement.

    I don't discount that genetics play a part of it, but if you were 14% then, it might be different. Also, have you ever looked at what your body fat % is just for that area. I only have 9% body fat in my legs but 18% in my stomach with overall body fat around 12%. So if you are storing your body fat in your legs, then that is what you have to eliminate the fat.
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member

    It's currently 18%. I suffered a horrible injury in December which resulted in me having to be completely sedentary for several months, so I'm still working to get my body back. But I've had cellulite since I was 12, no matter how skinny or how muscular I am, it's always there. I do dry brushing each morning, and exfoliate with coffee and yogurt in the shower, and drink tons of water and eat a very clean vegetarian diet. I stand by my "it's genetics" statement.

    I don't discount that genetics play a part of it, but if you were 14% then, it might be different. Also, have you ever looked at what your body fat % is just for that area. I only have 9% body fat in my legs but 18% in my stomach with overall body fat around 12%. So if you are storing your body fat in your legs, then that is what you have to eliminate the fat.

    Hmm, I honestly had no idea you could measure body fat % for just one specific area! How is that done anyway? I think 14% body fat overall would be pretty difficult for me to achieve, and that's not what I'm going for anyway - I like having feminine curves, breasts, hips, and a nice round booty. :wink:
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Cellulite everyone can have..even the fittest people.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    If you think of cellulite as fat stores, you will soon realize you have to burn cellulite off. There are many treatments and remedies out there, however there is no scientific or medical research to back up their claims.

    It seem the best treatment is a healthy diet with exercise.
    Maybe all the exercise they get rubbing the salt in.....:laugh:
    Does this ever end?
    No offense, but when will people just accept that diet and exercise is the only valid path?
    There are no magic wands, miracle pills, macro revelations, far eastern discoveries, exotic enzymes, divination or hidden roots or berries from the rain forest..
    Just eat right and exercise.
    End of story :smokin:
  • CaSome11
    CaSome11 Posts: 38 Member
    Because your skinny fat.

    Ladies, pick up the weights!

    First of all: rude.
    Second: you're*

    People of all shapes and sizes have cellulite. I agree with those that say eat right and exercise, and you'll eventually see results. Toning up is key. Also, love yourself, cellulite and all! :wink:
  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    Cellulite is no indication of how fit you are, because some of the most fit women still have cellulite.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Because your skinny fat.

    Ladies, pick up the weights!

    STFU. I've been a dancer my entire life, have legs of steel, and I still have it. It's called genetics.

    I don't recall dancing as being the same as weight lifting. *cough*
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    The only way of reducing cellulite is exercise, and not drinking alcohol (any, ever). And even that only reduces it - it doesn't get rid completely.
  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    The only way of reducing cellulite is exercise, and not drinking alcohol (any, ever). And even that only reduces it - it doesn't get rid completely.

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    yeah... it might reduce the appearance but i don't think it will get rid of it. This will likely happen with FAT LOSS. :)

    I use "Buffy" by Lush.,en_US,pd.html

    and it makes them look damn nice.
    Best of luck!
  • kristinlbrammer
    kristinlbrammer Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a "pear" so to speak too. Try Brazilian Butt Lift!! There are several different DVD's - one for cardio, abs, and SCULPTING. I really think the sculpting is helping me. He helps me work parts of my "bum" and thighs that I couldn't figure out how to on my own.

    My fiance on the other hand swears by running sprints - UGH! My least fav. thing!
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member
    Because your skinny fat.

    Ladies, pick up the weights!

    STFU. I've been a dancer my entire life, have legs of steel, and I still have it. It's called genetics.

    I don't recall dancing as being the same as weight lifting. *cough*

    I lift too, 5-6 days a week - I was simply implying that I have strong dancer's legs.

    And what kind of workouts do YOU do, pray tell? :tongue:
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Because your skinny fat.

    Ladies, pick up the weights!

    STFU. I've been a dancer my entire life, have legs of steel, and I still have it. It's called genetics.

    I don't recall dancing as being the same as weight lifting. *cough*

    Your body is a dang heavy weight.

    I've read that there's not much you can do about it. Genes, I guess.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    It's genetic. You can do things to reduce the apperance temporarily, but it will never go away. I'm overweight and don't have a smidge of celulite, nor does my mother who is thin, while my best friend is skinny and fit and she has it, as does her mom who is overweight. Unless it's really bad, chances are nobody notices it anyway.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator

    Hmm, I honestly had no idea you could measure body fat % for just one specific area! How is that done anyway? I think 14% body fat overall would be pretty difficult for me to achieve, and that's not what I'm going for anyway - I like having feminine curves, breasts, hips, and a nice round booty. :wink:

    Judging by your response, I am assuming you are using a bioimpedance machine (scale or hand held device) to measure your body fat. Here is the thing, they can be fairly inaccurate by 2-3%. A more accurate way is to use body fat calipers where you measure up to 10 different areas to measure body fat. So even though a machine might say you are 18%, it could be more likely you are 20-21%... not to burst your bubble. Hydration level alone or how you set up a scale can make it very. If i put my scale on ahtlete, it has me at 9-10% but if it's on normal, it has me at 15-18%.
  • nickmast78
    nickmast78 Posts: 65
    Because your skinny fat.

    Ladies, pick up the weights!

    First of all: rude.
    Second: you're*

    People of all shapes and sizes have cellulite. I agree with those that say eat right and exercise, and you'll eventually see results. Toning up is key. Also, love yourself, cellulite and all! :wink:

    First of all: sensitive
    Second: you're*
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    90% of women have cellulite. Its not because they are skinny fat, its because women are prone to cellulite.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Of course, it WOULD be a guy commenting on a women's issue with ZERO sensitivity. SMH.
  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    If you think of cellulite as fat stores, you will soon realize you have to burn cellulite off. There are many treatments and remedies out there, however there is no scientific or medical research to back up their claims.

    It seem the best treatment is a healthy diet with exercise.

    I weigh 131.6 and I'm 5'4'' so I'm technically in the "healthy" range for my height/weight ratio. Why then do I still have it?

    I have no real idea why you have it. There are "treatments" for it, but they are not supported by the medical or scientific communities. Until there is more research done, we may never know.
  • 110lbs50kgs
    STFU. I've been a dancer my entire life, have legs of steel, and I still have it. It's called genetics.
    - - - - -
    i lift weights and still have cellulite- eat decent and run - still have some problem areas.
    but thanks for the "compliment'

    Women are more likely to have cellulite than men and there are some reasons why it is so:

    A difference between cell structure of women and men – female fat cells are clustered in sacs, arranged in vertical columns.
    A percentage of body fat – men have lower percentage of body fat than women.
    As for men, fat is stored in the abdominal area and as for women, fat is stored in the area of tights and buttocks.
    Men have thicker skin and the fat chambers are smaller and more tightly-held together.

    On a side note, I've had cellulite since I was about 12, and at 21 it's finally starting to be less noticeable. I never really worked out, but now I do a lot of squats and lunges, it's helped me. Both of you sound active, so I guess your genetics are even worse than mine.