How do you sleep?



  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I like it quiet and dark and lots of covers. I go to bed around 10 or 11PM and wake up at 7:30 AM and am at the gym by 8AM. I sleep soundly thru the night and only get annoyed if the cat jumps on my bed and wakes me early or the birds are too loud and their morning chirping wakes me up too early.
  • itskaraxx
    itskaraxx Posts: 46
    I have to have the room totally dark, and be very cold. I actually use my ceiling fan, AC and a fan on my nightstand to keep me really cold at night.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I do not sleep well at all, especially when it's quiet.
    I turn on a fan (even in the winter), I need it to be dark and cool with a fair amount of noise, strangely though I can't sleep with the tv on!
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    After my time in the military I've learned to sleep anytime I can get it. At night, or during the day. With the TV or music, or in silence. With or without 3 of my 4 cats. If I have difficulty sleeping then I will put my TV on sleep timer.
    I guess I'm lucky.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Ceiling fan on , my left side, thinking about this hot blonde.
    I seen her in a thread asking about how do you
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    It needs to be 100% quiet and 100% dark. That light that you leave on in the bathroom like five rooms over? Yeah, I see that light!! LOL
  • Mrsbrandnewmeslimandtrim
    Fan and tv always on or I can't sleep.The fan is very soothing.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I have an app on my iThing that generates some natural sounds and some of those there binaural beat things.

    I like to use that to unwind and defocus.

    That and plenty of red wine ...
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I have to have a fan on me and it MUST make noise.
  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    When I was younger and slept alone, I couldn't sleep at all unless my radio was on. Now with sleeping with fiance, had to get used to sleeping in silence. Now I can't get to sleep unless it's completely quiet or a fan's on. Light/Darkness doesn't bother me (working 3rd shift for a year and a half cured me of that). And I can only fall asleep on my back, which sometimes frustrates my fiance when he wants to cuddle :laugh:
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    I cannot sleep without some sort of cover on me. Even when it's hotter than balls.. I have to at least have a sheet on me.

    And I can't have clothes bunching up and twirling around me. Nekkid sleep is the only way to go.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Total darkness, cool and cave like please. Must have a blanket no matter how warm. I tend to stick my right leg out and ball the comforter up to snuggle with it. Lol. My 4 year old usually stumbles in early in the morning. She always sleeps sideways pushing me clear to the edge of the bed.
  • Matthewgd24
    with my eyes closed
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 241 Member
    I have tinnitus and MUST have white noise on to sleep or I don't sleep at all.
  • jyuubi
    jyuubi Posts: 109
    When I was younger, I slept with a nightlight, but no noise, unless I was using a fan. Need about the same now. My TV is usually on and I always have a fan on. I just can't sleep in the dark and complete silence. Definitely my mind going crazy, but I tend to see/hear things if I'm in the dark and silence.
  • 7bel0
    7bel0 Posts: 192 Member
    sleep? What is sleep? *kidding* I work nights so I have learned that I sleep when I can, when I'm tired, no matter where I am at. I can pretty much sleep anywhere, anytime.

    I envy you. Even when I'm dead tired I can't fall asleep without tossing and turning for at least 20-30 minutes.

    ooh I didn't say I slept great when I do sleep but, every little bit counts. I toss and turn. I'm up every hour to use the bathroom because I drink so much water and tea...
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I sleep not long enough or often enough
    I need quiet and blackness
    And a billion pillows

    My cat used to sleep in my arms at night, but we had to put her down in December so now I have to cuddle a pillow

    Oh and I HAVE to wear a sleep mask to ensure darkness
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I have trouble falling asleep if it's hot, but that's it.
    I sleep anywhere, anytime, anyhow :) My family makes fun of me for it, because I'm known to just fall asleep to make a long car ride seem shorter. (This is especially helpful when we drive 18 hours to Mexico to see extended family).
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    On my right side, cold room, fan or A/C (depending on season) for white noise, facing the door. I'm not too picky about light, as long as it isn't shining in my eyes. Absolutely zero noise allowed, though.

    I go nuts when we stay in a hotel or visit people because I'm usually facing the wrong way and/or on the wrong side... or the room is too hot... or I can hear other people and noises...

    I'm a super picky sleeper.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I sleep like a baby. I wake up crying every couple of hours. :laugh:

    Seriously, I prefer silence and darkness, my wife prefers silence and some light, and my daughter needs a sound machine running with some form of white noise and a little light. So our 3-person family pretty much runs the gamut.