Should I give up



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I have been in this site for 6-7 months and have gained weight. I log occasionally.

    you "log occasionally" and are thinking of giving up.

    giving up what? you have not really even started so how can you give up? until you log every thing that goes in your mouth, you havnt started.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    It is interesting to see the excuses we use to not lose weight.. .. to not change our lifestyle.

    I too had at one point decided I was destined to remain BIG.. I too am menopausal.. I too tried n tried (half heartedly) and nothing worked. Did I get frustrated.. YUP did I give up ...YUP but it only got me fatter and more miserable and unhealthy. It took my husband getting sick and die to knock some sense into me.. dont let things progress that far with you.

    Discouragement and frustration will come.... it is inevitable but one cannot give up. Even with myself .. in losing the weight I have...I still get discouraged and frustrated. I cannot allow myself to be sucked into that vortex and neither should you.

    Get COMMITTED to yourself!! be HONEST, log your food, eat what you should, learn about your body and how it works with food and exercise...change habits, eat healthy, exercise daily and the weight will come off.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I really like your profile picture. I think that being successful at losing weight really is about making small changes and sticking with them - turning them into habits. You say you feel your will power has been drained, but I think will power only gets you so far anyway. First, you've got to want it enough, to be determined enough to put in the effort and then you've got to create new habits.

    The main thing that sticks out from your post is that you're not consistently logging, so start with that. Log everything. Don't beat yourself up about what you're eating, but just being aware of what you're consuming will put you back in control. Then you can go from there. You can do this! It's not something that will happen over night, but days become weeks, which become months, and suddenly you'll find you're in a much better position than you are now.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Only you can decide if you are going to give up. Have you found your motivation? What drives you to want to lose weight? That has to mean more to you than <insert favorite foods here>. Do you have an exercise that you enjoy?

    Have you been to the doctor? Have you had your thyroid and hormone levels tested recently?

    Only you can decide what you are going to do, but I know you can lose weight and feel better - if that is what you want!
  • wellbur
    wellbur Posts: 240 Member
    i'm sure you will find that logging everything and eating your workout calories will really help. Please don't give up, it will be worth it in the end
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Losing weight is hard.

    Being overweight is hard.

    Giving up and admitting defeat is hard.

    Choose your hard!!!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    It's just a problem you need to figure out how to overcome.

    Clearly, something you're doing isn't working so you need to change things whether it's:
    -eating more (are you eating too few calories a day or underestimating calorie burn or overestimating portions?)
    -eating less (are you eating too much for your daily activities or underestimating portions or overestimating calorie burn?)
    -moving more (are you doing any exercise? are you lifting weights?)
    -moving less (are you doing too much exercise and not letting your body recover?)
    -eating at different times of the day (are you eating your daily calories too early then getting hungry later and sneaking more in towards the end of the day?)
    -adjusting the type of food you're eating (too many simple carbs will keep you feeling hungry)
    -doing different kinds of exercises (the body is good at adapting; constant state exercises can work for a while)

    Food for thought; have a think about the above and be willing to question your own understanding of what it takes to lose weight.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    if counting calories isn't working, try counting carbs. a whole new lifestyle just might work ;)
  • kathiemcn
    kathiemcn Posts: 96
    No, definitely not.
    Just start logging every day, even if you're not dieting or staying under calories. That's what I'm doing at the moment, as I'm not up to dieting right now, but it really helps to see what you are eating and why you are gaining, and it gives you the incentive to be more careful with what you choose to eat.
    Then when you get the urge to diet again, if I were you I would cut your calories down gradually until you get back on track.
    Best of luck :-)
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    I lost the majority of my weight not by logging on MFP (and I still don't), but by buying a journal and logging everything in there. I found having it with me at all times, and being able to quickly & easily just jot down what I was eating/what exercise I just completed helped me out a lot.

    I've never operated on a calories in vs calories out basis, but each day I would log what I ate, the times I ate, what I drank, and how I exercised.

    After a while my eating habits became less erratic and I started noticing the need for structure -- not just in my diet, but in my daily routine too -- now I eat four (properly portioned) meals a day, every day, and exercise every day, too.

    MFP does have its limitations, the majority of my fitness regime is strength training and the predicted calories burned for that isn't accurate, and it's not for everybody. The basic principle that logging your nutritional intake and exercises will help you lose weight always applies, though... so if you can't get on with MFP, try a journal, and just use MFP to log your weight loss progress.
  • rawfull
    rawfull Posts: 178
    Thats the question you should be asking yourself. The people here can only offer encouragement, assistance, and motivation.
    You have to make the decision whether you want to loose weight or not.

    People here are willing to help you if you ask for it. And if what you're doing is not working, you're doing something wrong.
    Remember, putting on weight is effortless, but loosing it takes a healthy plan, and sticking to it. And thats not easy, given social situations, temptations and stress.

    I know you can do it, if it's something you really want...

    Good Luck in whatever you decide...
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    u shouldnt be cutting calories.

    i just assume ur eating way too few calories and thats y ur gaining. this seems to be everyone's problem around here.

    just increase ur calories

    No. You don't lose weight by eating more calories. Please don't give anyone this terrible advice. If you're saying eat more than at present but continue to maintain a reasonable calorie deficit, then I probably agree (knowing nothing about the OP, daily calorie intake, etc.). But facile statements like "eat more calories" are not helpful.

    OP: you need to figure it out for yourself. Your diary is closed, so what can we say? Maintain a calorie deficit and you will lose weight. If you're serious about taking control of your health, then do the research and make it happen.

    Otherwise, just keeping doing it half-way and continue to fail. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's the reality.

  • sailorsiren13
    don't give up i'm having the same issues even though i'm not menopausal i just can't seem to lose. I have cut down on carbs and sugar! Sugar is the devil it's in everything we eat that is processed. I read the Perfect 10 Diet that is all about hormones and when i'm following it closely i sleep better and feel better. Also Strength training will help greatly! when i'm lifting is when i see it the most. Feel Free to add me for extra support. :flowerforyou:
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    u shouldnt be cutting calories.

    i just assume ur eating way too few calories and thats y ur gaining. this seems to be everyone's problem around here.

    just increase ur calories

    INCREASE the calories??

    To lose weight you CUT the calories, THAT is how weightloss works.

    Where on earth did you get the idea that increasing calories causes weightloss. I really must let the Government of Ethiopia know about this one, they could stop their starving people dying by cutting out their food.

    Seriously, sometimes I feel like shooting myself!!!!!!!!!
  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    I have te same issues... Menopause.. Hypothyroidism..So Frustrating! Feel free to friend me.. It would be nice to support each other.. Don't give up!
  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    I don't think you should give up. I been this weight for a while, and my nutrionst suggested maybe my body is comfortable at this weight, of course I didn't take that. I sat down and I change alot of things, I stopped all the process carbs... I just try to stay natural, even thiough it does not taste as good. I try my best to wake up with a better mind frame, and just do it. To me weight loss is all about your mind, and your way thinking... "plus giving up" does not exsist. Take some time out a recollect urself and come back again! I hope this works for you!:smile:

    Think about this : Many of Life Failures are People who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
    -Thomas Edison
  • stephanie_pephanie
    Don't give up, you are not destined to be overweight. Calorie in < calorie out = weight loss. Find a way. MFP is not the only way (I personally think it doesn't give you enough to eat which is why so many people seem to find it hard to stick to). I've lost 20 kg over 6 months using this:

    I log every day and use MFP to get calorie counts of the food I eat. You can still have chocolate / wine / chips, anything you want - just in moderation. Keep it simple - forget supplements or no carb this and protein that - just create a deficit and you will lose weight (of course it is much easier to create a deficit if you eat lots of fruit and veges!)
  • Eisskween
    Eisskween Posts: 84 Member
    Read your avatar, it says it all. It's a series of several small steps to success. If you fall off the wagon, get right back on the next day. Mornings are precious because they hold a new beginning. I'm not really into supplements, because once you go off, you tend to go back to square one. Eating clean and healthy is all it takes. Since I gave up processed foods, the weight is falling off and I noticed that I'm not as tired and am in a much better mood. I, too, am post menopausal. You can do this. It might take your all, but you will feel so much better afterward. Feel free to add me as a buddy, I'll send you an invite in the meantime. Have a blessed and beautiful day! :)
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    u shouldnt be cutting calories.

    i just assume ur eating way too few calories and thats y ur gaining. this seems to be everyone's problem around here.

    just increase ur calories

    No. You don't lose weight by eating more calories. Please don't give anyone this terrible advice. If you're saying eat more than at present but continue to maintain a reasonable calorie deficit, then I probably agree (knowing nothing about the OP, daily calorie intake, etc.). But facile statements like "eat more calories" are not helpful.

    OP: you need to figure it out for yourself. Your diary is closed, so what can we say? Maintain a calorie deficit and you will lose weight. If you're serious about taking control of your health, then do the research and make it happen.

    Otherwise, just keeping doing it half-way and continue to fail. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's the reality.


    when most ppl here complain abt not losing, they are usually eating way too few calories and are probably netting below their bmr.

    i stated that she should increase her calories with the assumption that she isnt eating enough calories in the first place..

    every other thread on here is always about "y am i not losing", and they are only eating 1000 calories per day. its always the same thing

    Eat more calories OP
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Eat more calories OP

    How can you say that when you have no clue what she is doing now?

    And on a completely unrelated note, is it really so much more effort to write "you" instead of "u", "you're" instead of "ur," "people" instead of "ppl," etc.? Sorry, perhaps you're 12, not a native speaker, and learned English from texting. If so, my apologies. But it's incredibly annoying trying to have an adult discussion when you write like that.

    u no waht im sayn?
