Should I give up



  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    I'm sorry and I know how you feel. I can only tell you from personal experience DO NOT GIVE UP.
    Quick backstory. I was extremely thin and in good shape growing up. I still had body issues (who didn't in the 70s and 80s). Twelve years ago I had my first baby and felt extremely lethargic and couldn't lose the body weight. They told me I have post partum depression and I believed them. Had second baby and the scale kept going up and up, lethargic, moody, bad periods, the list goes on and on. Then I tried a popular weight loss company and lost close to 15 lbs I was excited. Then I had a breast cancer scare and doctor told me to stop eatting the prepared processed food. I quickly gained back the weight and an additional 10 lbs. 7 years later my sister was diagnosed with hashimotos hypothyroidism and I finally got my thyroid tested. Yep I had it too. Got put on medicine but the medicine is not a magic weight loss pill. You still have to diet and exercise. In January of 2011 I stumbled upon MFP
    Now it's taken me 18 months to lose 22 lbs. is it frustrating yes because I'm all about instant gratification. I've used. mFP as my gauge as to what works for me and what doesn't work. I use it to steal ideas and food diaries. I use it as a scientist would keep a lab record. When I find something that works I keep doing it. I give a new exercise or new meal ideas about a month or so depending on how I feel.
    The point is if I gave up after a month or two starting MFP I would be 22 plus. For the last 18 months I've seen the scale go down or stay the same and not up!
    I hope my ramble helped because many people's rants on MFP helped me.:flowerforyou:
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member

    INCREASE the calories??

    To lose weight you CUT the calories, THAT is how weightloss works.

    Where on earth did you get the idea that increasing calories causes weightloss. I really must let the Government of Ethiopia know about this one, they could stop their starving people dying by cutting out their food.

    Seriously, sometimes I feel like shooting myself!!!!!!!!!

    Agree enthusiastically 100% (except about shooting you, not a good idea)

    My plan to make my car use less gas is to put a lot more gas in it.
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    it sounds like you are giving up before REALLY giving it your all.

    the weight won't come off just because you asked it nicely...and pouting burns very few calories!
  • AHealthyMe1lbAtATime
    AHealthyMe1lbAtATime Posts: 188 Member
    I have been logging for over two months and the scale has barely moved.... I have although lost a few inches... so you just have to keep trucking and know that even though you may not be losing, you are getting healthier! I have two girls at home that need me and this is the first summer, that I've actually had the will power to get off my *kitten* and do something with them! It feels great. Hoping soon that the weight will start moving again, but I guess God made me like this for a reason and I will take it with a grain of salt:) Don't give up.... You deserve to be happy and healthy!!!!
  • BreakingUpWith75lbs_Cass
    Never give up. fight the fight till the very end.
  • GermanicKnight
    1) NO! Don't give up!
    2) don't log sometimes, log always. The first thing you need to do is know what you're eating, then you can adjust. Remember, the math is simple calories in < calories out = weight loss.
    3) Never give up!

  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    What do you eat? Do you workout? YOU have to WANT it. We cannot tell you what to do. Well, we can, but unless you really want it, you won't do it. You have to find it in yourself and just do it. Tell yourself you will eat healthy for a solid 7 days and go on a walk or do some kind of exercise for 3 or 4 of those days. See how you feel. I bet you feel great and WANT to keep going. Then you make a new goal, and a new one, and a new one. I started this journey at 197 pounds and I am now 147. It CAN be done. You just have to find that determination inside yourself. Cut out some carbs, that really helped me. I rarely eat bread, pasta or potatoes anymore. Try it, see if it works. If you have fruit, try berries instead of an apple or banana. Good luck! You can do it :wink: If you want any other advice, feel free to message me! I never thought I'd get this far either, but here I sit!
  • jackie2866
    jackie2866 Posts: 62 Member
    It is interesting to see the excuses we use to not lose weight.. .. to not change our lifestyle.

    I too had at one point decided I was destined to remain BIG.. I too am menopausal.. I too tried n tried (half heartedly) and nothing worked. Did I get frustrated.. YUP did I give up ...YUP but it only got me fatter and more miserable and unhealthy. It took my husband getting sick and die to knock some sense into me.. dont let things progress that far with you.

    Discouragement and frustration will come.... it is inevitable but one cannot give up. Even with myself .. in losing the weight I have...I still get discouraged and frustrated. I cannot allow myself to be sucked into that vortex and neither should you.

    Get COMMITTED to yourself!! be HONEST, log your food, eat what you should, learn about your body and how it works with food and exercise...change habits, eat healthy, exercise daily and the weight will come off.

    Bless your heart - so sorry about your husband.
    Congratulations on your terrific progress.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    sounds like you dont want this. In which case, yeah, give up.

    If you do want this, youre gonna have to understand that actions are the only thing that counts. Words are wind. You'll have to prove it. You cant coast through this. Besides, coasting is lame unless you actually pedaled up the other side of the hill.
  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    Go to a nutricionist and follow them in a diet plan could be that you just need to know the right things to eat.
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    There is no magic tea or vitamin that is going to do this for you. When you truly have reached the point where you are ready to do what it takes as long as it takes, then you will do it. Don't give up! Your health & the way you feel & look will be the reward. Nothing is going to take it off fast, it takes time. Get up everymorning & walk for 30 or 40 min. to start w/ & eat natural healthy foods. Nothing processed & no sugar. I've been in menapause for 5 yrs. now & I don't blame my weight on that. It's a natural process all women will go through. My weight is because I got lazy & threw discipline to the wind. Take one day at a time & over time you will succeed. We live in a "I want it now" society & getting our fat butts & bellies off takes time. Good luck. Add me to your friends & will support you.
  • nursedonnaj
    nursedonnaj Posts: 57 Member
    Hi. Never give up. I had logged in every day for 175 days, lost weight and felt great, and then life threw me a curve ball in the form of a divorce after 20 years of marriage. I stopped logging "I can keep track in my head, I don't have time" and 3 months later I have gained 10 pounds. I am now back on track. So enough blah blah blah about me - I just wanted you to know that I think the logging in and keeping track of EVERY little thing you eat, the motivation you get from your MFP pals, and exercise = you can do this. Don't give up!
  • hopeC12
    hopeC12 Posts: 38
    Not only do you need to log daily, but you need to carefully read labels of the food you eat. Cutting out refined sugars and processed foods will make a huge difference.
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    I understand what you are going through. I have weight issues since I was 10 after sexual abuse by a family member. I was heavy as a teen. The thanksgiving before I had my daughter I was approaching 300 pounds. In the february of 2007 when I officially started my journey, my official weight was 272. The day I got married in September of 2008 I had made it down to 230 but quickly put back on 20 to 30 pounds. After going so far as traveling to Oklahoma City for a casting call for the Biggest Loser and meeting Bob Harper, I am officially down to 198 as of saturday. I never ever thought I would make it this far and have given up several times. The one thing I have learned is that I am stronger than I gave myself credit for. One day at a time. Never, ever give up!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    u shouldnt be cutting calories.

    i just assume ur eating way too few calories and thats y ur gaining. this seems to be everyone's problem around here.

    just increase ur calories

    First of all she doesn't know how many calories she's eating cause she's NOT logging it. How you gonna tell her to increase it when you she doesn't know what she's eating. She could be getting over 4 or 5000 a day and would therefore need to cut some out and start some kind of exercise regime.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    How many calories are you eating a day? Maybe you aren't eating enough. I firmly believe that eating MORE than 1200 is the key. I have tested this theory on myself and as soon as I started eating more I started losing. You have to WANT THIS! Believe me I am the worlds worst procrastinator and I tend to give up easily..but when I do gain that momentum than I'm off and running. You need to log your food everyday. This is one thing that has helped me tremendously keep track of what I'm putting into my body. Also, you need to get moving even if it is small things at first. Take it a day at a doesn't and wont happen over night. Slow and steady wins the race. DON'T GIVE UP!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    You sort of sound like you already gave up. Maybe you need to find out if losing weight is really what you want to do then work on finding a good method from there. You won't get any help from supplements. They only work for people who just want to put in extra effort and are already working out pretty hard.
    THIS. You don't sound committed to it. If you aren't, then you have no plan to really follow.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I didn't read all the posts, so please forgive me if I repeat what others have said (but then again, if that many people believe it, perhaps it bears repeating).
    It sounds like you've given up on yourself, and that you just don't have the oomph to take action. I recommend a trip to the doctor for some completely honest and open discussion about how you feel. I reached my highest non-pregnant weight this Jan, and hated it. I hated how I felt, physically and emotionally. I knew what to do -- eat better and be more active -- but I just couldn't make myself DO it. I mentioned it to my doctor, and he ran several tests. Turns out I was low on iron, among other things, and wasn't getting nearly enough protein. As soon as I changed both of those things, I had enough energy to get the motivation to start moving....and once I started moving, the energy kept going up and the weight kept coming off. Sometimes you just need a kick-start, be it the right supplement, anti-depressant, or medication for a currently-unknown medical condition.
    Please don't give up on yourself. Get help.
  • Stardiva37
    Stardiva37 Posts: 169 Member
    you can't log sometimes,you have to log everyday what you eat and be honest with yourself,and your friends on here. if you want you can add me. i will help anyway i can:flowerforyou:
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member

    it's fuel in - effort used = results need to be commited and have friends who will support you here or in real life. It's not easy...but nothing worth doing is...