Where is the science!



  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    It would be fantastic to have a definitive answer to "How to lose weight" given to us by a trusted source.

    this answer is everywhere.........eat less calories than you need

    that simple answer is always there but gets hidden with gimmicks and convoluted nonsense.

    Jeez, people. If they give us a definitive answer - how will they make all the money?????

    By giving people what they want to hear: how to lose weight quickly and easily.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    If that means trying some of the things that others feel has helped them, then I will try them, if they don't work for me I will discard them. After all what have I got to lose?
    Eh, your health? A year or two? Your figure? Money?

    There was a post on here the other day that was along the lines of "I drink hot liquids to melt the fat away and I've lost 140lbs"

    We simply shouldn't be guessing about such an important issue these days! We don't say "I'm knocking down my internal asbesdos wall, but a friend of mine said I would be ok if I breathed through my nose because it worked for them" No - we get told outright by health organisations what we should and should not do!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    1. There are a lot of variables involved and, no, not everyone's body reacts exactly the same. We also don't have one of those little scanner things that Dr McCoy used on Star Trek to wave over your body and tell you instantly what's exactly going on. Bodies are very complex, hence so are the questions.

    2. There is a lot of definitive science out there that answers most of your questions. It's not that the answers are unknown. It's that they are unpopular.

    3. The human capacity for self-BS is almost unlimited. No amount of definitive knowledge can change that.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Why are all those questions so important to you anyway? Eat less and exercise. Experiment with meal timing and see what works for you. If you don't trust artificial sweeteners, don't use them. Don't make everything so hard.

    The questions arent that important to me - only out of interest. But my weight isn't spoiling my life, my weight isn't a big issue. The questions ARE that important to many though - hence the thousands of messages about them. Obese people shouldnt need to experiment to see what works for them, there should be answers, its a science!
  • fhsjewfro
    fhsjewfro Posts: 101 Member
    All of the questions you asked can likely be found out through light-moderate intensive research via the internet, in fact i could answer a few of them just from the very light research i myself do

    the info is out there, you just have to know where and how to look for it

    you are not a child, use your critical thinking skills and learn how to look for these things

    i refuse to be the grade school teacher just spoon feeding you information and expecting you to learn from that, not going to happen

    i myself lost a decent chunk of weight, and i am dam proud to say that. I am even prouder to say that i didnt have one person telling me what i needed to do and holding my hand through the entire process. i did it by researching the internet as much as i could and occasionally going to a friend or two that are reputable sources for a little help

    not trying to come off as a jerk here but you have to understand how annoying it is to see stuff like this where you are basically not making any attempts to find these things out for yourself, you just want them given to you in an envelope titled "magic secrets to weightloss" , i'll be damned if that ever happens

    i wish you all the luck in the world in whatever your goals happen to be, but please do not expect it to be easy. it will be a little tough, it will challenge you, but by the end, you will look back and have a huge smile on your face knowing you have come this far
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    The problem is, as a society, we have not learned delayed gratification. We want everything RIGHT NOW. Well, unfortunately weight loss is not one of the things that money can buy. It takes dedication to a plan and time. Something we are not used to having to do. Well, it works - if you are honest, dedicated and have patience. Any other quick fix, is just that.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I guess what baffles me is why it's so hard for some people. You have to eat less (quantity and fewer calorie-dense foods) and get some activity. That's seriously it. If you do those things, you won't be obese. Certain bodies might be more apt to be under or overweight but you won't weigh 350 lbs. after a year of being sensible.

    Stop thinking about it/talking about it and start DOING IT.

    It's that simple.

    No one is genetically inclined to be morbidly obese.

    It's when we start assigning arbitrary numbers from arbitrary metrics that we get ourselves into trouble: "I weighed 102 lbs. when I was 14 years old in 9th grade! I should weigh that now as a grown-@$$ 38-yr. old mother of four! I'm gonna lose 80 lbs. in a month!"


    It's about being real with yourself and not expecting to look like Miranda Kerr after photoshop.

    Just sayin'.

  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member

    3. The human capacity for self-BS is almost unlimited. No amount of definitive knowledge can change that.

    Yes to some extent. But 50 years ago many smokers were unaware of the dangers of smoking, whereas most smokers these days are aware of the dangers but chose to regardless. Not many (although some) dispute the evidence and BS themselves into thinking that smoking is actually not harmful at all

    Smoking evidence is now pretty much accepted as facts, and we are advised accordingly. Food and diet evidence is not, and we are not!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    It would be fantastic to have a definitive answer to "How to lose weight" given to us by a trusted source.

    this answer is everywhere.........eat less calories than you need

    that simple answer is always there but gets hidden with gimmicks and convoluted nonsense.

    This is true but until I joined MFP I was one of those people who thought there was a "magic" formula or pill and was seduced by the gimmicks and nonsense. Then I started listening to people like yourself on the forums and tried what you suggested and hey presto it is working for me. So I have found "my" definitive answer and I sincerely thank you and others here on MFP who have pointed me in the right direction and given me support. I hope the OP can find his definitive answer as well :flowerforyou:
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    If that means trying some of the things that others feel has helped them, then I will try them, if they don't work for me I will discard them. After all what have I got to lose?
    Eh, your health? A year or two? Your figure? Money?

    There was a post on here the other day that was along the lines of "I drink hot liquids to melt the fat away and I've lost 140lbs"

    We simply shouldn't be guessing about such an important issue these days! We don't say "I'm knocking down my internal asbesdos wall, but a friend of mine said I would be ok if I breathed through my nose because it worked for them" No - we get told outright by health organisations what we should and should not do!

    I am not talking about fad diets. I am not completely stupid, well not any more, :laugh: but there are things that people have suggested on the forums that have helped me, like lifting heavy, and watching my macros more closely. Healthy suggestions are always welcome.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    All of the questions you asked can likely be found out through light-moderate intensive research via the internet, in fact i could answer a few of them just from the very light research i myself do

    the info is out there, you just have to know where and how to look for it

    you are not a child, use your critical thinking skills and learn how to look for these things

    i refuse to be the grade school teacher just spoon feeding you information and expecting you to learn from that, not going to happen

    i myself lost a decent chunk of weight, and i am dam proud to say that. I am even prouder to say that i didnt have one person telling me what i needed to do and holding my hand through the entire process. i did it by researching the internet as much as i could and occasionally going to a friend or two that are reputable sources for a little help

    not trying to come off as a jerk here but you have to understand how annoying it is to see stuff like this where you are basically not making any attempts to find these things out for yourself, you just want them given to you in an envelope titled "magic secrets to weightloss" , i'll be damned if that ever happens

    i wish you all the luck in the world in whatever your goals happen to be, but please do not expect it to be easy. it will be a little tough, it will challenge you, but by the end, you will look back and have a huge smile on your face knowing you have come this far

    The information isn't for me - I'm at a very fit, healthy weight. There are millions and millions struggling to know what is best for them, struggling to know what to do.

    If those questions can be found by moderate research then why are we still debating them? Let me use an example.

    Type "will breakfast boost my metabolism?" into google. EVERY answer on the results page says it will. Every one!

    Yet here on MFP the consensus amongst the seemingly knowledgable experienced posters say otherwise
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    It would be fantastic to have a definitive answer to "How to lose weight" given to us by a trusted source.

    this answer is everywhere.........eat less calories than you need

    that simple answer is always there but gets hidden with gimmicks and convoluted nonsense.

    I'm afraid not. My mum did this 50 years ago. She ate less calories than she needed. 500 a day, certainly less than she needed. There are people on here blinkered to see just that pearl of wisdon "eat less calories than you need". They are exercising and eating only hundreds of calories. that isn't the answer as people frantically tell them!

    Eat less calories than you need is NOT the simple answer to weight loss
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    It would be fantastic to have a definitive answer to "How to lose weight" given to us by a trusted source.

    this answer is everywhere.........eat less calories than you need

    that simple answer is always there but gets hidden with gimmicks and convoluted nonsense.

    I'm afraid not. My mum did this 50 years ago. She ate less calories than she needed. 500 a day, certainly less than she needed. There are people on here blinkered to see just that pearl of wisdon "eat less calories than you need". They are exercising and eating only hundreds of calories. that isn't the answer as people frantically tell them!

    Eat less calories than you need is NOT the simple answer to weight loss

    How about - Eat less than you use, but enough to satisfy your nutritional needs.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Eat less calories than you need is NOT the simple answer to weight loss

    actually, yes it is.

    but you apparently have made up your mind to stay confused.

    have fun with that.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    That's why what you eat is as important as how much you eat. By gaining large amounts of weight, we are altering our bodies. Not just our physical outside, but how it works on the inside. It takes a while to "unlearn" bad habits. It takes a long while to lose significant amounts of weight. It takes a while for our bodies to figure out how to run efficiently again. Most don't have the patience to stick this out. That's why there is so much for sell out there to help overweight people.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Eat less calories than you need is NOT the simple answer to weight loss
    Actually it is. Scientifically. Conservation of mass and all that. It's physically impossible to burn more than you take in and NOT lose weight.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Type "will breakfast boost my metabolism?" into google. EVERY answer on the results page says it will. Every one!
    Stop using google for your scientific questions?
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Eat less calories than you need is NOT the simple answer to weight loss

    actually, yes it is.

    but you apparently have made up your mind to stay confused.

    have fun with that.

    Ok - let me re-phrase that as you seem to be being deliberately obtuse

    Eat less calories than you need is NOT the simple answer to HEALTHY OPTIMUM weight loss

    If it were than a simple 500 calorie a day diet would be the answer - and it's no
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Type "will breakfast boost my metabolism?" into google. EVERY answer on the results page says it will. Every one!
    Stop using google for your scientific questions?

    Care to share what you do? How have you arrived at the answer to that question?
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Big companies make a lot of money off us being overweight and sick, that is why it is so hard.