Anderson Cooper's gay: Am I the only how doesn't give a damn



  • How much less could you care? I hope your goal of caring less is met soon . I look forward to not seeing more threads about this once you can't care less.

  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    When all the hatred and bigotry in the world ends, there won't be a reason for stuff like this to make the news. Since humans are mainly douches, it will probably always make news. I would rather hear about this then the Cruise divorce. CNN seriously played a special about their whole marriage for an hour. C N N. >.<
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I didn't like him when he was straight either.
    :laugh: This exactly! I can't stand him!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    It is a sad comment on American News Media that this is even a story.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    You cared enough to post about it.

    It is important because there is still a lot of hatred, discrimination, and violence against gay people. When that's a thing of the past, celebrities won't need to come out.

    Are you kidding me? The guy will probably write another book about it and make millions of dollars. That's why "celebrities" come out.

    You obviously have no clue. They come out for the same reason why those who have had cancer etc talk about it. It's to raise awareness. If people see that even celebrities are gay, have illnesses, etc it allows "regular" people to relate and be more aware. I can't remember the last person who wrote a book solely on their sexuality and made a bunch of money off it.

    You are not seriously comparing being gay with having cancer, are you?
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    You cared enough to post about it.

    It is important because there is still a lot of hatred, discrimination, and violence against gay people. When that's a thing of the past, celebrities won't need to come out.

    Are you kidding me? The guy will probably write another book about it and make millions of dollars. That's why "celebrities" come out.

    You obviously have no clue. They come out for the same reason why those who have had cancer etc talk about it. It's to raise awareness. If people see that even celebrities are gay, have illnesses, etc it allows "regular" people to relate and be more aware. I can't remember the last person who wrote a book solely on their sexuality and made a bunch of money off it.

    Did you seriously compare coming out to having cancer? Cancer awareness is raised to encourage people to get checked and help fund research for treatments. Cancer eats your insides away and is difficult for both the patient and those who love them. So you're saying celebrities are raising awareness so we should all get checked to see if we're gay? Is there an annual physical we need to go to to get tested? How does that test work? Do they have us watch porn and whatever turns us on the most dictates our orientation.

    Don't compare sexuality to devastating diseases.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Personally I don't care whether he is or isn't, but then I'm not a celebrity tracker. But if he's fully coming out so that he can speak up against bullying good for him. the more voices against that the better.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Not a surprise, but actually sad that he felt he needed to announce it. The US is so uptight and bigoted against people who are different, it's pathetic. I was recently in Toronto and the amount of acceptance there is almost tangible - quite different from the majority of the US.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Where have you been? He has been "out" for years. I thought everyone knew!

    PS... who cares anyway? I gues someone does...
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    If Anderson Cooper has cancer, who am I to judge? Live and let live, I always say.

    Perhaps we can start a new group here: We just don't care about Anderson Cooper!

    We can all post daily about how we have absolutely zero interest in his life, his loves, his terrible illness, etc.

  • aaarrgghhh
    aaarrgghhh Posts: 12
    You cared enough to post about it.

    It is important because there is still a lot of hatred, discrimination, and violence against gay people. When that's a thing of the past, celebrities won't need to come out.

    Are you kidding me? The guy will probably write another book about it and make millions of dollars. That's why "celebrities" come out.

    You obviously have no clue. They come out for the same reason why those who have had cancer etc talk about it. It's to raise awareness. If people see that even celebrities are gay, have illnesses, etc it allows "regular" people to relate and be more aware. I can't remember the last person who wrote a book solely on their sexuality and made a bunch of money off it.

    No, he does have a clue. Awareness is everywhere. Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, and countless others have come out and brought their sexuality in the spotlight. Who is still in the dark about it? Where is it being hidden and suppressed in the U.S. flagrantly and purposefully? I can't think of anywhere. It's all over the place like heterosexuality so the point being made is whether or not, as it relates to celebrities, it has reached a point of societal saturation yet. The Op and me lean towards thinking it has but that's not going to make or break us, the parties involved, or the cause in an of itself.

    Are you kidding me?? Teenagers still commit suicide over this, parents still send their gay children to damaging camps to *fix* them, churches still preach hatred against gays, gays are still not allowed the same rights this country offers to straight people, people are still murdered because they are gay. Yet you think they should all just let it go now? They've made their presense known and that should be the end of it??

    I encourage more and more people to *come out* until all of the above stops, or AT LEAST the majority of the population accepts them and fights against these atrocities. They should keep *coming out* until their presence is accepted and their rights are equal to ours. Until then, there is still work to do.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    This news is older than your t-shirt
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Not a surprise, but actually sad that he felt he needed to announce it. The US is so uptight and bigoted against people who are different, it's pathetic. I was recently in Toronto and the amount of acceptance there is almost tangible - quite different from the majority of the US.

    That may be true, but you can't pack heat while jogging in Toronto, that's for sure...

  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    He has been more than open about being gay for years. Dont know why the "news" is...well ... news
  • cmdwyer00
    cmdwyer00 Posts: 40 Member
    You cared enough to post about it.

    It is important because there is still a lot of hatred, discrimination, and violence against gay people. When that's a thing of the past, celebrities won't need to come out.

    Are you kidding me? The guy will probably write another book about it and make millions of dollars. That's why "celebrities" come out.

    You obviously have no clue. They come out for the same reason why those who have had cancer etc talk about it. It's to raise awareness. If people see that even celebrities are gay, have illnesses, etc it allows "regular" people to relate and be more aware. I can't remember the last person who wrote a book solely on their sexuality and made a bunch of money off it.

    No, he does have a clue. Awareness is everywhere. Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, and countless others have come out and brought their sexuality in the spotlight. Who is still in the dark about it? Where is it being hidden and suppressed in the U.S. flagrantly and purposefully? I can't think of anywhere. It's all over the place like heterosexuality so the point being made is whether or not, as it relates to celebrities, it has reached a point of societal saturation yet. The Op and me lean towards thinking it has but that's not going to make or break us, the parties involved, or the cause in an of itself.

    Are you kidding me?? Teenagers still commit suicide over this, parents still send their gay children to damaging camps to *fix* them, churches still preach hatred against gays, gays are still not allowed the same rights this country offers to straight people, people are still murdered because they are gay. Yet you think they should all just let it go now? They've made their presense known and that should be the end of it??

    I encourage more and more people to *come out* until all of the above stops, or AT LEAST the majority of the population accepts them and fights against these atrocities. They should keep *coming out* until their presence is accepted and their rights are equal to ours. Until then, there is still work to do.

    Exactly! For every gay celebrity that comes out, hopefully there's one less kid out there that will get bullied or harassed for their actual or perceived sexual orientation.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    i think the media is more concerned than the average person. Alot of what is reported as "news" is not important to me either.
  • Salamanda425
    Salamanda425 Posts: 358
    honestly, I was a little sad. He is so hot to me!! Well another one bites the dust.

    Same here!
  • primalchaos
    primalchaos Posts: 135 Member
    Why is everyone making such a big deal about Anderson Cooper 'coming out' about being gay? I could care less. He's gay, good for him. Why is this even in the news? People in this country are too concerned about sexual orientation and sexual preference. Live and let live.

    Again, another really obvious fact I care nothing about.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    This news is older than your t-shirt

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    while there are stills states out there that are actively oppressing gay rights, (..tap tap, north carolina) which are actually civil rights, which are basic HUMAN rights, there are obvs people, powerful people, legislators (as civil servants) and the people they "serve" who have a ton of hate, fear, and bigotry within them enough to keep an entire populace of people from being equal to everyone else. so until equality is real and true, and gays can get married everywhere and have the same rights as heteros, we NEED the anderson coopers to keep coming out. visibility matters. your own neighbor could be gay and you might not know. as long as a climate of hatred exists, and people can't feel safe being who they are, there's work to be done towards equality. the same can be said of race and gender.