"you don't need to lose weight"



  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    My roommate started doing that to me after I had lost 25 pounds... it was crazy because for the first 25 pounds she said she could never tell the difference, and it wasn't worth all the work. Then it really started showing after 30 pounds, and she kept saying that she supported me, but I looked great. She is about 50 pounds heavier than me. However, I handled her differently. I invited her to join me. She was very resistant at first, but I told her about how easy it could be, and started teaching her how to play tennis. In the first month she lost 10 pounds, and now she is almost 20 pounds down and is just as excited to be losing as I am. Sometimes the best defense is a good (positive) offense!
  • YungBuck
    YungBuck Posts: 50
    I hate this too! It's from all the people who feel threatened by your success with weight loss. Whether it be because they are jealous, don't like change, don't culturally understand, or your loss makes them realize their bad habits, whatever the reason. When it happens to me I just smile and say thank you, silently getting a little more excited that I'm getting closer to my goal.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    yes im getting this. some of my friends on here even! its hard because they cant see the fat rolls or the cellulite on my thighs and bum. it has to come off, which means weightloss! And im still overweight on the chart right now. I know what my body feels like at a certain weight so im just trying to get back there. im just trying to feel good in my clothes. i have ones that i used to fit into, theres no reason why i cant fit back into them for sure! do what you need to do. unless you are having problems not eating I say go for it!
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    My come back has always been to thank them and to let them know that I'm toning up. That way the weight loss isn't as much of an issue.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Just lift your shirt up and show them your belly. Should set them straight.
  • heathercicle
    heathercicle Posts: 91 Member
    I guess I'm lucky. The only times I've heard it are from people who are just trying to make me feel better about myself. I have a good friend (who happens to look like a twig, lol) who constantly tells me I'm not fat. I tell her, "Trust me. I hide it well." haha Her and I have talked about it before and I think she sees me differently because 1. I have a skinny face/neck and this is generally where she looks at me, 2. I'm proportionate. I have a pear shape so I carry my weight in a nice way but I'm still fat. My @$$ goes on for days. LOL I'm in the "morbidly obese" range and I have another 50ish pounds to lose to reach my goal. That's a small child hiding in my clothes (and I don't even have children!)...

    This is slightly off topic but I do know a few people who try to guilt me into eating poorly but are not my friends. They usually tell me "it's ok to eat sweets every once in a while" and instead of explaining my situation, I usually say thanks but I'm not in the mood for it (which is a LIE). Sometimes, people ask if I'm dieting if I turn down certain foods. I usually say, "I'm not on a diet. I'm eating healthy." No mention of my weight loss goals tends to make it easier for me, I think.
  • Dollface_Mama
    I just think to myself, "If you think I'm good enough now - wait until I've reached MY goal. Then look again."

    Amen! When I started this journey I was 158.9 and I'm at 138.6 now and when I tell people that I'm trying to get to at least 130 they think I am insane, but for me its all about being more comfortable in my own skin. I don't like the way I look, I'm starting to finally but I want to be able to love myself fully!
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    Just lift your shirt up and show them your belly. Should set them straight.
    loo done that myself I even let them jiggle it:) to get dead Center of my ideal Bimini would put me back to my 7th grade weight I'm not sure if ill take it that far but ill wait and see.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I keep getting told by almost everyone I know things like: You don't need to lose weight, your fine. Lose weight? where? There's no way you need to lose that much weight. You look fine as you are. Your skinny, what are you talking about?

    Anyone else have these issues? It's not that they are REALLY meaning to make me feel bad, but It's frustrating having people think I'm an idiot for trying to lose weight.

    I also have a lot of bigger family members that keep telling me I'm super skinny as it is, which isn't true at all.

    Just wondering how everyone else is handling these kinds of situations. I'm losing the weight for myself, and I know I won't be happy until I get down to my goal weight, so I really don't care that they think that stuff. But it does get kind of motivational when I hear these things.


    In my view, your reply should be: "I'm not trying to lose weight. My goal is to lose fat."
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    People have told me to stop losing weight, that i am too skinny. I am aiming for aroud the middle of healthy weight for my height. I am happy as a size 6, i'm not aiming to be a size 0 or 2.

    I will stop trying to lose when i am happy, and i will never stop improving on myself.
  • danithegirl89
    danithegirl89 Posts: 203 Member
    My stepmom does this! She always tells me that I am going to look sick if I lose more weight. It drives me crazy. She even told me that once I got to 150 that I wasn't allowed to lose anymore weight! WTF?! But the way I see it, she is just saying that because she has gained weight. I figure as long as I'm in my healthy weight range and not Skeletor, then just brush off what they say even though it's SO ANNOYING!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I got the "where do you need to lose weight?" comment just from telling someone I prefer diet soda!

    People that didn't know me when I was overweight tend to think of me as one of those girls that "thinks she's fat" and I don't even mention that I'm trying to lose weight. I'm also really careful to keep my body hate to myself to avoid any over-sensitive "then what do you think about me?" reactions.

    I don't care what people think. I'm doing this for myself!
  • Akious
    Akious Posts: 71
    I get this all the time. I used to be a "healthy" 282lbs. I am 170 now and want to drop a few final lbs and everyone is telling my I have an eating disorder, need to eat more, and throwing food at me in general. One of my good friends finally admitted he was acting that way because he was jealous of my progress. I offered help and he is starting out and getting results.

    In the end, do what YOU want to do and ignore those who want to hold you back.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I didn't read all the replies to this thread, so someone else might have already shared a similar experience.

    I get that all the time from my family and from a few friends. Some people are genuinely concerned, and don't want you to think that you NEED to lose weight, and then overdo it, and become unhealthy.

    However, there are a few people (I have one of these in my life) that just wish you were "fun" again like you used to be before you started counting calories. Back when you used to say yes to every junk food item that came your way, etc.. They see change, and they just want you to be you again, even if it means you're a little chunky. Plus, they don't really realize how much weight you may have put on, because they see you all the time, or because you're always wearing clothing around them, or just because they don't really look that hard.

    I don't know if that last part made any sense.

    The best encouragement I've gotten was from my boyfriend: You look great all the time. If you want to lose weight or whatever, that's your business. Just don't get all unhealthy to where you look like a Holocaust victim.
    (It may be brash, but I loved it)
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    ive lost 50+ ibs so far since last Nov, everyone thinks im sick or i dont eat, they tell me that i need to gain my weight back or stop losing weight. someone asked me the other day why are you losing weight and i told them cause i wanted to, i want to be healthy and live a long life and im not getting any younger so i rather do this now that 10-15 years later down the road.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    I think some people just don't know how to respond so someone when they express that they are working out. I mean, what do you say? "Good for you, you need it?" People will naturally try to lift them up, and sometimes wordvomit comes out, even if it's not true. Just thank them for being kind and move on, I say.

    Then again, I've never received a comment like that. >.>
  • morganmay92
    Ah yes, I get told this all the time mainly by guys online but I just tell them I'm doing it for myself and not you, if you can't appreciate my decision for wanting to lose some weight...its not going to kill me and if I get to skinny I can always gain a little weight. OR if its girls..they are probably jealous that you are losing weight and getting smaller.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Since I have lost 107 pounds. I have a lot of people telling me the same thing. I feel as if I could lose 3-5 more pounds. We will see if I do it. I'm just taking it slow now.

    Good luck
  • serentity78
    serentity78 Posts: 89 Member
    Some people carry weight well and sometimes don't look as big as they are....most people don't realize how much I weigh and when I say I need to lose 60pounds they are like NOOOO....but to look at me I feel bigger than what I am! Then if you family is big maybe you are smaller than them so to them that is healthy! I would just tell them you don't feel healthy and are trying to be healthy. Sometimes it can even be that they see your ambition when maybe they don't have that to try to lose.
  • sumeetn
    sumeetn Posts: 56
    stop telling people. its none of their business.
