Joining a gym and very overweight



  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Look for a gym that offer's child care. Go talk to as many gyms in your area as you can, all the people will be really friendly with you because you are looking to join, you want to take care of your body!!

    Look, I went into the gym at 270lbs, I was treated with the upmost respect at one gym, some respect at another and what seemed to be only a slight amount of respect at the third (There are only 3 gyms in my area, not counting Curves, not my idea of a gym) I went with Anytime Fitness because they treated me like a PERSON! I get high fives and fist pumps each time I share a new scale and non scale victory with the owners. I love my gym!

    You NEED to get over the fear of what other people might think when they see a larger person on exercise equipment... I have more respect for the ones working out than the ones walking by the front of the gym.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    Go! Suck up the initial anxiety & pain, settle into a routine & you will luv going. Time to yourself, a chance to burn off your anger, etc & a real sense of accomplishment :) Good Luck & Enjoy.

  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    The gym is a safe place. It has become my home away from home. Everyone is there because they have goals that are right for them and they want to reach the goals that they have set for them. They are not there for anyone else. When you are there and you are really working hard, people will show you a lot of respect. In my experience the only people in the gym that get any flack are the ones that are not there to work. Go, play, learn, and have some fun. The gym offers SO many resources to assist you in your weight loss journey. Good luck!!!

  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Early mornings are best at my gym. Its always either the totally dedicated gym rats, or folks like me with busy lives who just want to fit it in. Either way, no one there will be judging you, and honestly, who cares if they do? Just be a good member, and be friendly, and you'll fit right in. I look forward to my gym mornings now, and I sure never thought Id say a thing like that!
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Do it !!! you will look back in 6 months and think what the hell were you getting so hyped up about

    You should get an induction and a training programme when you sign up, tell the instructor that you haven't got a clue about using the equipment and he/she will take you through it all explaining what each bit of equipment is for and how to use it

    Good luck and best wishes on your journey :drinker:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have never seen an unfriendly person at the gym, regardless of size/level of fitness. Everybody is there for the same reason, and everybody started off in worse shape then they are in. Just go and get your workout on.
  • Diyah13
    Diyah13 Posts: 76 Member
    I, too, am overweight. I have a gym membership, and the only time I could fit in any time to use it was the morning. I would show up in my ugly clothes, hair was combed and pulled back, no shower yet in the morning, and some water before I went. The wonderful thing I discovered was that the other people who were there got to know my face and my routines and would greet me in the morning. It was like a whole new circle of friends! I would walk the track that circled the basketball court where several guys were playing before they started their jobs in the morning, and I would also go into the Nautilus room where there were several more people working out before they started their day. In the cardio theater there were a few more people who were doing the same thing I was---getting a workout before the day started. Give it time, and use the showering facilities if they have it. Just be sure to bring your flip flops to where in the shower. Now that my life situation has changed, I no longer go in the morning, but when I can. I miss the morning crowd.
  • leea022002
    leea022002 Posts: 16 Member
    I am very over weight as well and just joined a gym a few days ago.... I know its easier said than done but don't let it bother you I was kinda feeling overwhelmed that the trainers and employees would kind of look down on me but they are there to help. As far as the other people they should be the lease of your concern you are there to get healthy if anything maybe they can help you out. Your already defeating half the battle by getting yourself to the gym and trying to improve on yourself.... You go girl :flowerforyou: I feel so good just in a few days and have more energy, start out slow and work your way up that is what i'm doing. Good luck!!!
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    So, Im thinking about biting the bullet and joining somewhere. - a few issues so I need some support please! :)

    1. This would mean extreme dedication on my part as the ONLY time I can go is first thing in the morning.
    (I work full time, my hubby and I work opposites and no one to take care of the kids in the evening) ---- sooo morning it is.

    2. I'm seriously freaking out at the thought. All I can picture is all these fit people around me wondering what the hell Im doing there. :(

    Okay so now I'm talking myself out of it ..... :(

    1. Although I don't have the same commitments as you, I get up every morning regardless of what time I start work and I train. Whether that be for 30 mins or 2 hours - I go! Generally in the morning you get people that are serious about training and less that are there to 'look good'. (and before anyone says anything, I am not saying that if you go any other time of day you are only going to look good!) Also because it's early, everyone tends to be in a zone of their own and I certainly don't take much notice of what's going on around me!

    2. A year ago I weighed 126lbs and was a UK size 8 and trained every day. At that stage I recall a lady that was quite overweight and was really throwing herself into training, I mean, really! She was unbelievable to watch and left a trail of water in her path. A year later I am 50lbs heavier and UK size 14 and yet the lady I was talking about it still in the gym every morning and is looking AMAZING. She is a true inspiration that hard work and commitment to exercise really does pay off. So yes, I notice her, but only for positive reasons!!!

    Join, start off slow, don't beat yourself up and enjoy the changes you see to your body. You can do it, you really can!!!!

    Good luck!
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    So, Im thinking about biting the bullet and joining somewhere. - a few issues so I need some support please! :)

    1. This would mean extreme dedication on my part as the ONLY time I can go is first thing in the morning.
    (I work full time, my hubby and I work opposites and no one to take care of the kids in the evening) ---- sooo morning it is.

    2. I'm seriously freaking out at the thought. All I can picture is all these fit people around me wondering what the hell Im doing there. :(

    Okay so now I'm talking myself out of it ..... :(

    Everyone in the gym will respect you for wanting to improve your health. At the gym I attend, not everyone is fit---there are plenty of people at all fitness levels. They also have free introduction sessions with a trainer to help you learn the equipment. I'd recommend doing a session just so you can get an idea of how many reps to do, too. You can do it! I really love gyms that have a lot of classes, too...lifting can be boring to me, so I like to incorporate other things. We're rooting for you!!
  • sfoster3171982
    sfoster3171982 Posts: 76 Member
    So, Im thinking about biting the bullet and joining somewhere. - a few issues so I need some support please! :)

    1. This would mean extreme dedication on my part as the ONLY time I can go is first thing in the morning.
    (I work full time, my hubby and I work opposites and no one to take care of the kids in the evening) ---- sooo morning it is.

    2. I'm seriously freaking out at the thought. All I can picture is all these fit people around me wondering what the hell Im doing there. :(

    Okay so now I'm talking myself out of it ..... :(

    1. Try to find one with child care so then maybe morning isn't your only option ( i am not a morning person)
    2. I am the only over weight woman at the gym and I pay no mind to anyone else. I stopped being the only black person a month ago so I can't say that one anymore.

    If you are dedicated enough you will walk in that gym and not give two craps about anyone saying anything. This is your second job and the pay is healthy life for you and your children.
  • KarenMac2
    KarenMac2 Posts: 4

    I joined a gym weighing 274 pounds, it is quite daunting but after a while you just dont care and people now seem to respect me more as they see the little (not so fat) girl throwing kettlebells around and running on a treadmill. Did a 10k a few weeks ago too so just do it, I get up at 5.15 every day now and love it! Im 210 now, taken a year but its all worth it.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    Go for it girl, i go every morning and am now an addict (lol)...
    everyone will be thinking good on you :-)
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    There are people of all shapes and sizes at the YMCA that I go to. It can be a bit intimidating to be amongst people that are in much better shape than you without a doubt.

    One thing that I have found personally satisfying is that after really working on the strength training for just three months (I did primarily cardio the first couple months on MFP) I'm already stronger than some of the other "buff" guys who work out with the dumbbells and such. I primarily focus on my own improvement, but it still feels good to see some progress compared to others.

    The biggest issue with going to the gym is to have reasonable expectations of what you can do. Don't worry about anyone else is doing at first. At first, do only what you find comfortable to do. Whatever weight you pick for each exercise, make sure you can finish three sets of ten (or four sets of eight). After a couple trips, up the weight for each exercise by five pounds. Every few weeks, try to up your lifts by five pounds. Life is a marathon.....not a sprint. Even if you start out only doing 5-10 lbs on a lift, you'll find yourself doing far more after a few months and you'll see dramatic changes to your body in the meantime. There will be some people who judge, but don't worry about them and keep it up. In a few months, you'll feel bad when you don't go to the gym. I've seen some amazing transformations on this site and hitting the gym is one of the smartest ways to be one of those people.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I dont normally notice much about the other people at the gym. When I am waiting for the squat rack or something I may pay attention to the form of who is using it for pointers or something but I couldnt tell you what they look like. After you go a few times you will see that noone really cares about who else is there. There are all shapes and sizes and most people at the gym, if they are focused on what they are doing, dont see anyone else.

    To keep going, Dont think of "having to do a whole workout". Sometimes I start talkig myself out of going and I say to myself...ok...just go do one exercise and then be done.

    Once I get there and get warmed up I always stay for a decent workout. Works everytime.
  • dfranks43
    dfranks43 Posts: 18
    That is the best thing you can do for yourself. Don't worry about others around you they are there for themselves not to look at you. Start slow and you will notice the difference. When I started I was almost 300 pounds...44 pounds gone now and I have made some great friends.
    Perhaps you can even find a gym with a built in daycare, a lot are offering that now.
    Once you join try out a few of the classes they offer that is where I have found some wonderful friends. We are all at a different level and the instructors know that so they show different options of ways to do the exercises so you get the same benefit.
    Wish you the best of luck and if you need someone to encourage you add me as a friend on here.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    1 - At the early morning times, most are still half asleep.
    2 - Who cares what they think. It's about you not them.
    3 - Not all are fit; most are exactly where you are and just as scared.
    4 - The fit ones don't care what anyone looks like; they are there for a purpose. Most have been going for a long time and have seen it all.

    Are there any women only gyms in your area? I found that it was easier to start there. Mine also does not allow anyone under 18 so it fits my demographic well. All the classes at mine start around 5 AM so check out those in your area. They tend to cater to the working class with early morning and late evening for classes.

    It's worth it. It really is. I feel so much better when I go and just know that every time is one step closer to being where I want to be.
  • treblemaker90
    treblemaker90 Posts: 65 Member
    Why don't you try and find a gym that has a room for kids too? Some local rec centers or a YMCA kinda thing usually have a kids fitzone- if they get excited about going it might help with motivation since they'll probably bug you about going :)

    Also don't worry about other people. That was probably my biggest fear about joining a gym and then signing up for fitness classes- but everyone is there for the same reason TO BE HEALTHY! Whether they are maintaining their healthy lifestyle or creating one they are there to get fit. I used to hide in the corner with my headphones so that I could pretend I was the only one there but now that I'm more comfortable I've begun talking to people and they are all really supportive! Kinda like real life MFPals ;)
  • Xniecex
    Xniecex Posts: 39 Member
    Dont talk yourself out of it just because there are "fit people" at the gym. They are doing the same thing you are
    .....working out!!

    Early morning is a great time to go.... i used to go at 5am and it was always the handful of people. I know i saw a very heavy older man come in with his teenage daughter a few times. Then i started seeing him with a trainer working his butt off!! The results were amazing.... hard work and dedication pays off thats for sure!!!! Had i not been so shy... i would have congratulated him. I m sure he would have liked some random person he probably didnt know existed tell him KUDOS on a job well done :) it would encourage me thats for sure!!!
  • CajunNino
    CajunNino Posts: 269
    It's been less than a week since I joined Anytime Fitness. I was very self-conscience my first day. I was one of, if not the heaviest person in the place. As I found a treadmill to warm up on, I just pictured everyone naked and freaked me out even more! So I just pictured everyone with blueberry pie on their faces and they needed to work it off.

    Keep at it. You'll do fine.