Joining a gym and very overweight



  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Well, you could get up every day for a week or so and work out at your house and see how that goes? I personally have a hard time waking up -- so that is what I would do to test myself. But like others have mentioned -- early in the am at the gym is usually less crowded!

    Would you happen to be near a YMCA? They usually have daycares inside of them -- my sister's gym (not a Y) does too. It's like a dollar or two per kid. If not and getting up early isn't an option, have the kids work out with you at home! My 3 year old does 30 Day shred with me. I mean, she doesn't do it right -- but she has he own weights (1 pounders from the dollar store) and she plays and jumps.

    Good luck -- and don't worry what people think! It's your health! People who judge are lame.
  • MNguerita
    MNguerita Posts: 198 Member
    So, Im thinking about biting the bullet and joining somewhere. - a few issues so I need some support please! :)

    1. This would mean extreme dedication on my part as the ONLY time I can go is first thing in the morning.
    (I work full time, my hubby and I work opposites and no one to take care of the kids in the evening) ---- sooo morning it is.

    2. I'm seriously freaking out at the thought. All I can picture is all these fit people around me wondering what the hell Im doing there. :(

    Okay so now I'm talking myself out of it ..... :(

    You can totally do his! And you don't have to limit it to first thing in the morning....unless you are going to a small strip mall gym, a good portion of gyms these days offer free childcare included ith you membership. Check out the gyms in your area and see what they offer. This could help your commitment if you have more flexibility on when you can go. Go for a tour wherever you go...then you can see who goes there etc. The YMCA is usually a better choice I think for '"normal" people and the usually have the child care too, and their family memberships are pretty affordable and they often have activities you can bring the kids to etc. so if you have one nearby, then I would recommend checking them out. There are so many options...just look into what is available in your area and definitely don't give up.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    If some of them want to judge me for being big and sweating and all that, I'd rather they judge me in the gym where I'm giving my all rather than judge me as I stand in line at Popeye's fried chicken

    Amen! I'll admit it, I judge when I see extremely overweight people doing unhealthy things. I try to remind myself that perhaps that person sitting in front of 2 double cheeseburgers and a mound of french fries as big as a salad plate complaining about how they're just overweight because of genetics......ok, maybe they're just having a really bad binge day, and that they are actually making healthier choices and getting some activity. But I'll admit that is not my first response. (cue attacks in 1,2,3...)
    I have NEVER judged someone exercising, no matter their size. Because it's obvious they're taking action, and I respect that. And I really think that's the reaction you'll get from the vast majority of people at any gym. Don't intimidate yourself out f it!
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I used to be exactly the same and when I went into the gym the first people I saw was two girls with as much makeup on her that a yard brush wouldn't have taken off and looked me up and down. The whole time I was there I felt they were laughing at me.

    Now I go and imagine that the rest are all naked and I am the only one that is clothed, it works because I go in there and totally do my thing with a big smile on my face!!

    Bite the bullet hun and go for it
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    (A little background first. I'm 37 years old, haven't been swimming in 20 years, need to lose 300 pounds, and up until a month ago have never stepped inside a fitness gym.)

    I felt the same way a month ago when I finally joined the YMCA. I knew I needed to join but was nervous about doing so. When I finally when to sign up I had to spend nearly a half hour in my car in their lot psyching myself up to actually walk in.

    I expected the disapproving glances, stareing, and hushed conversations that I've come to expect when I go out. To my surprise and everyone else's credit, none of that happened.

    So far everyone I've met has either been wrapped up in their workouts and ignored me (in a good way) or been friendly and encouraging. In the four weeks I've been a member, I've gone from be aprehensive about the gym to one of the 5 AM regulars and actually look forward to going in every morning..

    I just wanted to add that I've found the early morning schedule you mentioned to be a real boost for me. Not being a morning person, getting up a going to the gym has been difficult. There are a lot of posts on the forum about non scale victorys (NSVs). I'm feeling those victorys every morning I as I'm driving to the gym and after each workout as I'm driving back home. I find these early morning victorys set me up to have a great day. By 7:00 AM I've already accomplished something which has been great motivation to eat better, feel better and generally just have a better outlook the remainder of the day.

    My advise is to take the plunge and join the gym.
  • leea022002
    leea022002 Posts: 16 Member
    You can do it. I love the quote that say something like "everything we do takes us one step closer, or one step farther away, from our goals". Hit up the gym, and you are that much closer to your goal!
    Well said!!!!!:wink::wink: :wink: :wink:
  • marrizia
    marrizia Posts: 88 Member
    I am so excited for you! What a great and fun step you are taking!
    I joined my gym when I turned 40, and it has been one of the best decisions of my life. Like you, I was absolutely scared to death... I am painfully shy and was very self-conscious. But I went in full speed ahead, determined to change my life.
    Our gym is fairly big- we are lucky that it has so much to offer. We have people of all ages and fitness levels all there for the same purpose which is to get or stay healthy. Everyone is so focused on doing his or her own thing that they do not pay attention- in a good way- to anyone else.
    If you are going at roughly the same time every day, you will begin to see familiar faces and start to exchange friendly hellos and smiles. It is so much fun! Get to know some of the staff- they are definitely there to encourage and have guided so many people in their fitness journeys.
    When I first joined, I could do the stair-master for only TWO minutes! Seriously- two minutes and that was even with a couple of breaks. I would be sweating and breathing so hard I thought i would puke. But I kept going. I'll never forget the first time I completed 30 straight minutes on the thing- I got off of it and cried!! Tears of joy!
    Find something you enjoy, and go for it. I've become an avid spinner- something I never thought I'd do.
    I'm still overweight (due to poor eating habits which I am determined to change- part of the reason I am here), but can honestly say that I am stronger and fitter than I was 20 years ago because of the day I decided to join the gym.
    Go for it!
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    Don't let the fear defeat you! Walking into a gym for the first time is the worst part - once you're there and getting strong, it feels AWEsome. You just gotta break through that first day! I was almost 300 lbs when I started, and I'm only 5'3" - I was as big around as I am tall.

    Good idea, too, to get a trainer for a few sessions. It's helped tremendously to overcome the "what on earth is THAT thing".

    Go for it! See ya there!
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! I especially love going early in the morning. Everyone there is very focused on their workout, and there are few people -- usually the same people every day. You'll just get to be one of the morning crowd regulars! :D

    Edit: I was 273 when I started going and felt like a cow being led to the slaughterhouse on the treadmill. Now I feel like a superhero going to the gym every day.
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    Do it. NO ONE there is worrying about what *you* are wearing, doing, look like, etc.

    If you can afford it and can find a trainer you like, I would recommend at least getting a few sessions to keep you accountable. It's a lot harder to hit that snooze if someone is waiting on you, and if you have paid for something!

    If not, and there are early a.m. classes you could take, I would suggest that... get to know the instructors. Any good instructor will miss you when you aren't there and will call you out on it! :bigsmile:

    At the very least, do you have a workout buddy that could go with you? Anything to help with accountability and motivation will make you more likely to go.

    Good luck!!
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    I actually like the gym early in the morning because there are less people there. It seems to fill up with muscle heads and girls with a full face of makeup just there to flirt in the evening. Put in your earbuds and enjoy yourself.
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    Most people are not as judgmental as you would think. When I started the C25K I was terrified of being made fun of while running outdoors on the road, but so far all I've gotten is (very, very fit) joggers and cyclists supporting me. I've known a few people who were upset at overweight people "taking up space in their gym," but those jerks seem rare.
  • TeineAulelei7
    Hey girl,

    I was worried about joining a gym too because I did notice quite a few stares from the fit people, but eventually I came to the point where I could let that get to me or just push through it. It may feel awkward at first, but you just stick with it, don't let those people bring you down, speaking from experience, I enjoy working out now regardless if there is a super model next to me in the gym or not, it's about making your goals a priority over others opinions.

    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt

    You can do it! :happy:
  • pweber1
    pweber1 Posts: 1
    Anyone who is at the gym and working out are probably not going to be thinking about you. They are concentrating on what they need to be doing. If they are paying attention, I bet most of them are cheering you on. Go for it.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    If you have your choice of gyms just go in and take a look around. Like any thing there are going to be differences.

    I notice here locally certain clubs tend to be filled with the 20 somethings in shape people walking around showing off trying to get a gym date. Most of the clubs around here are more family fitness oriented and so I picked one of those.

    The only reason why people will watch you when your heavy at the gym is to make sure they are beating you in whatever you are doing. I know it sounds odd, but I realize I do it now so I am assuming other people. When I see guys or girls bigger than I am (not many) and they are kicking *kitten* harder on a treadmill or machine I find myself trying to surpass them. Every one benefits it is ok.

    If they do make a comment, because there will always be an insecure person waiting to say something don't sweat it, rest assured knowing that while your body is easily enhanced by working out and diet, being an asshat is impossible to fix.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Join a YMCA, they're affordable, you can take the kids with you - they have classes for kids and also observed playrooms for the little ones. And best of all, the Y attracts people of all fitness levels and body sizes. I've never felt judged (or judgmental) there. I once saw a 90+ year old guy going around the track with a walker and people were cheering him on. You will have so much fun!
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    I'm just going to copy & paste what I said on a similar topic last night. :)

    I'm the "fat girl" at the gym. I'm always the biggest one there. I don't have cute workout clothes yet, I am sweating by the time I walk in from the parking lot. I can't move as fast as others.

    But I go. I work. I sweat. I smile at people, and they smile back. They talk to me and support me in ways that they're probably not even aware of. Because, you see, I'm THERE. I'm working, just like them. If some of them want to judge me for being big and sweating and all that, I'd rather they judge me in the gym where I'm giving my all rather than judge me as I stand in line at Popeye's fried chicken waiting for food.

    So my advice? Just do it. :) Just go and do your thing. It's for YOU, not for anyone else!


    I have been going for a little over a month now, and it's the BEST THING EVER. I feel better, I've already lost nearly a foot in inches, my ankles have stopped swelling, and sweet jeebus, I have MUSCLES underneath my jiggly parts.

    I do wonder if I'm being gawked at because generally I am usually the biggest person there and it's 99% college kids (since it's the university fitness center), but you know what? I'm not here for them. I'm here for ME. Screw what anyone else thinks. GO! GO! GO!
  • EternalJourney
    No one will care or pay any attention.

    Honestly, its much harder when you went to a gym and then quit it and put on a lot of weight and then go back and see the same people who are much fitter and I am in worse health. Now that was embaressing!
  • Giniac
    Giniac Posts: 36 Member
    You'd be surprised how many of these 'super fit' people you see, it's less than you think. And when you're in the gym everyone is too focused on their workout to look at who's in.
    It'll also be fairly empty in the mornings.
  • MomMel65
    MomMel65 Posts: 47 Member
    F = False
    E = Excuses
    A = Appearing
    R = Real

    Fear will only keep you from your goals.

    I joined Planet Fitness a couple months ago and love, love, LOVE it. Never thought I'd be sitting in my house after dinner and WANTING to go to the gym - LOL! Addicted - you bet!! Do I care what others think? Not one iota. I've got 90 minutes worth of my favorite music on my MP3, so I go, plug in, get in my zone, and I'm finished!

    You go do it!! You won't regret it!!