Joining a gym and very overweight



  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    If they do make a comment, because there will always be an insecure person waiting to say something don't sweat it, rest assured knowing that while your body is easily enhanced by working out and diet, being an asshat is impossible to fix.

    This made me LOL .. thanks!! :)
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    Join a YMCA, they're affordable, you can take the kids with you - they have classes for kids and also observed playrooms for the little ones. And best of all, the Y attracts people of all fitness levels and body sizes. I've never felt judged (or judgmental) there. I once saw a 90+ year old guy going around the track with a walker and people were cheering him on. You will have so much fun!

    that is awesome and inspirational!! 90 with a walker ... amazing! good for him
  • Salasel
    Salasel Posts: 69 Member
    My stats

    Start Weight:256 pounds
    Current Weight 228.4
    Goal: 190 pounds

    Our story

    My Fiance and I Joined Xsport in fairfax and got trainers this is probably one of the best decisions we have ever made. Out of respect for her im not going to post her progress but as far as weight loss her goals are slightly different but over all weight loss pr0gress is on par with mine. We both have different trainers and work out at different times due to my work schedule being different every week. The end results have been great and we couldnt have done it with out the help of MFP and our trainers.

    As far as cost I would say im breaking even. I spent alot money on beer and at starbucks, coldstone, panera and baskinrobins not that there is anything wrong with those places. you just cant drink the koolade and super size everything. Now the money I would spend per month there goes to the Gym and my trainer.

    Getting more fit has also brought us closer together in every way possible. we get so pround of eachother we we get back from the gym and tell the other one about achivements that we might not have been able to do the day before. She also says that working out has made me just a lot more mentally stable since my job tends to be very stressful.

    GO FOR IT you wont regret it !
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I started at 305 pounds with the gym.

    Bite the bullet and dont give a f_ook what others think.

    Yes- you will get looks. Yes- you may hear off hand comments. Yes- the "fit" people will look at you as a two week tourist. Yes- it is embarassing showering before work with all the hard and semi-hard bodies giving you looks.

    WHen I started I could NOT do even 10 minutes on an elliptical and was so fat that a push up or sit up was out of the question.

    A year on I am now running half marathons/5Ks/10Ks/warrior dashes and mudders, I work out with weights daily (going from barely doing 10 reps in 2 sets using 12 pound weight for biceps- now my "normal" is 15 reps, 3 sets with 30 pound weights for bi's), and I take krav maga 6-7 times per week. Oh- and I can bang out 25-30 push ups and yesterday did 120 sit ups in one shot.

    ALso- all the people in the gym who gave me the snide looks and overheard comments? AFter 3 months the "you are really doing a good job" comments started to flow. Now a year on a bunch of those people, while not friends, are gym acquiantances that provide encouragement and support, we spot each other, and so on.

    Just keep your head high, ignore the haters and go for it. And get a personal trainer if you can- mine worked wonders for my lift program (I already had the diet and cardio under control by the time I hired her)
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I love my gym - they know my name, they weigh me each week (I need the discipline of being weighed by some one that is not me), they are soooo supportive of what I am doing, no-one is mean.
    Just do it! You will not regret it:smile:
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    You guys have been absolutely fabulous!! If I could give you all a hug I would!

    I didnt realize how insecure about my weight I truly was until I thought about walking into a gym ... most times Im confident but apparently it's failing me lately ... I used to work out all the time in my younger years and I didnt care what people thought.
    I'd go to aquafit classes etc.

    Now, I just need to get off my butt and do something about it....
    I have tried working out at home, I get bored and feel I need to be accountable .. maybe to myself would be the first step!!
    I want to leave the house, see other people going through the same thing as I am ... getting healthy!

    I live in a town with only one option for a gym .. the local community center.

    Why cant you all come with me on the first day? haha
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    The only time I have had an issue of feeling uncomfortable is at a Gold's gym. I didn't realize when I joined that it is mostly a training gym for weight lifters. The staff was nice and gave me some training lessons but the other clients did not appreciate me being there. I am now at a LA fitness and it is awsome. People of all shapes and sizes. They offer a free lesson with a trainer to show you the equipment and they even have a day care that will watch your kids up to an hour a day. Great gym. I am over 300lbs and everyone has welcomed me.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    So, Im thinking about biting the bullet and joining somewhere. - a few issues so I need some support please! :)

    1. This would mean extreme dedication on my part as the ONLY time I can go is first thing in the morning.
    (I work full time, my hubby and I work opposites and no one to take care of the kids in the evening) ---- sooo morning it is.

    2. I'm seriously freaking out at the thought. All I can picture is all these fit people around me wondering what the hell Im doing there. :(

    Okay so now I'm talking myself out of it ..... :(

    A. Most people are doing their own thing so they probably won't really be thinking about/paying attention to you
    B. Odds are some of those fit people were exactly where you are now at some point, and won't judge you at all
    C. Not everyone there is going to be in amazing shape.

    Go. You'll be glad you did.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Another thought I just had, I dont know if anyone else suggested but if you feel that nervous/self conscious maybe you should get a few personal trainer sessions? It might make you feel more confident using the equipment and get you going on a good program you are comfortable with.
  • andeey
    andeey Posts: 709 Member
    What you are feeling is completely normal! I joined when I was 270 and it was the single best decision I made (after joining MFP, of course!). I practically peed my pants like a scared puppy when I walked through the doors, but once I saw the place - and the wide range of folks there - I felt better. The first few times I went, I was anxious and assuming everyone was staring at me, but you know what? They could care less! Everyone tends to be in their own world with their headphones or whatnot and they're focused on what they're doing.

    I hired a trainer after my first couple of weeks there because I knew I needed strength resistance/training and despite my being able to do the cardio on my own, the weight section was still scary for me. OMG, another stellar decision. I love, love, love my trainer! He shows me proper form on everything I do, holds me accountable (without being a di*k), helps with nutrition and has never once judged me. Even if you can't afford a trainer (they're expensive!) please see if you can get a few lessons in to learn the machines/weights so you are more effective.

    One of the really cool things is now that I've been going there regularly (3xs/week), it's like a Cheers bar - the staff all know me and make comments about my progress and dedication and I have random other people just start conversations with me while waiting for my trainer or in the locker room. Everyone is VERY friendly and supportive. Go for it - you will not regret it! Add me as a friend if you like, I'm happy to have a few more! =)
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I've always tell people to only get a gym membership after you've proven to yourself that you can keep the routine.. (saves money too if you end up never going to the gym).. Walk 30min everyday for 30 days.. once you can do that. You know you can keep the routine, plus you then can "earn" your reward of a gym membership.

    I wouldn't worry about who's around you, they know everyone starts somewhere... be worried about improper form as that might get some looks. so do some research ( has videos and descriptions of everything!) and one intro training session is a great idea.

    I work out at LA Fitness, btw. :)

    "Lift Heavy! Run Hard!" =D (daily motivation quotes, pics, etc)
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    OK, I'm going to echo what everyone else is saying. Go for it. It only take one step, and you got this.
  • Megabot
    Megabot Posts: 173 Member
    Don't talk yourself out of it!!

    To be quite clear, you took the first step already of saying "I think this is going to be hard." Now, the next step is realizing that is as hard as it will ever be!! Really think about it - you're taking the emotional hit of being afraid at people at the gym without EVEN being there. Don't do that to yourself!!! Go, and learn how *not* scary it can be. Otherwise, you're stressing yourself for absolutely no reason.

    Tell yourself you just have to go. No ifs, ands, or buts. Many people will secretly be cheering you on. I lost a bunch of weight last year, (I recently started my ticker over, in fact!) and after I lost about 15 pounds, a bunch of people said they had seen me coming in all the time and were really impressed at how far I'd come. Now I have gym buddies I wave to, that call me by name, and it's like a little family I get to see every day.

    As motivating as that all is, it WAS hard at the beginning to keep convincing myself to go. I fought myself like hell to go to the gym. I didn't want to. It was early. I hated it. I'm NOT a morning person. My boyfriend literally pushed me out of bed some mornings. I had to get all my clothes ready before, or I wouldn't go. There were some mornings I had to trick myself into going. "I just have to go and get to the parking lot," I figured it would help my morning routine even if I didn't work out, I'd keep the pattern of getting up and going. And you know what? Every time I did that, I'd go inside and suck it up and do something anyway.

    Just go to the gym, and do it. You might be scared, but everyone's there for the *exact* same reason. Just do it!
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    This forum was well timed - I was told by my surgeon that I have to walk daily this month and in August join a gym - with a trainer. Besides not having the income to pay for this trainer (but I'll find a way), I too am terrified of walking in the door, expect the trainer to be a judgmental jerk and don't want to be around people. I've dropped from 320 to 243 on my own, with some help from the surgeon (medically necessary amputation of my largest roll of fat) and some exercise, but not nearly enough. In order to get the most out of my new found abdominal muscles (formerly buried under a fortress of fat) I was told to "work on my core" - whatever that means. I can do this and all the positive help from people here has helped to change my attitude. I just hope I can find a trainer that I can afford.
  • Maureeeen
    Maureeeen Posts: 9
    I know exactly how you feel. I was the same way. The health club I belong to did an assessment at the beginning and I cried all the way home. I did awful. I thought I don't belong there. But.... somehow I got the nerve to go and kept on going. The more you go the more comfortable you get. I realized everybody is there to get fit, just like me. After 3 months I got another assessment and was amazed at how much better I did. The personal trainer said it was incredible.

    Another story: i was chatting with an older lady at the gym and told her I would like to start running but I didn't think I should because too many body parts jiggle! She really got after me and I didn't even know her! She said don't worry about what other people think. Just do it. Glad she did get after me because I love it and improving every day. I've lost 33 pounds since January.

    So my advice to you.....go ahead and join that gym. You won't regret it.
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    I've always tell people to only get a gym membership after you've proven to yourself that you can keep the routine.. (saves money too if you end up never going to the gym).. Walk 30min everyday for 30 days.. once you can do that. You know you can keep the routine, plus you then can "earn" your reward of a gym membership.

    This is VERY good advice!! I just said the same thing to someone else. It's summertime, weather is great.
    Im going to start by getting up in the morning and walking outside .. if I can do that until Sept, I will join!

    Wish me luck!!!!!!
  • gazz777au
    gazz777au Posts: 157 Member
    My first morning walk I ever went on when I started this I had the thought "don't look back, don't worry what other people think".

    Many people are too fixated on themselves to give you a thought.

    Now, do this for YOU !
  • TexanGirl20
    I completely understand the scary factor of going to a gym for the first time. I joined 24 Hour Fitness this past May and was so afraid that I almost cancelled. To my shock, no one even looked at me a second time. Of course, people notice when you walk by, etc, but no one cares. Everyone in the gym is there to either get into shape, or stay in shape, and all of us are too self absorbed and in the "its all about me" zone to give a crap about anyone else LOL :D Just get that first day over with, and it will get sooo much easier. Also, I know 24 HF has a child daycare center service, so you can look into that if working out in the mornings is too much for you. Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    When I started at the gym I weighed 148 kg at 5ft 3. I soon realised that even tho I was people watching all the time, everyone else was busy getting on with their work outs. The only comments I have had from others have been positive. I was even called an inspiration which was a definite NSV. I fitted in 2 40 minute sessions after work and 1 long session at the weekend. I lost 20 kg over 4 months and I can't wait to get back after my operation.

    Honestly, get some comfy tops and tracksuit bottoms, a pair of good trainers and go for it!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Most people see folks working on their health in the gym favorably.
    GO FOR IT!
    One day you will be that fit person in the gym encouraging other newbies :flowerforyou:

    It's a whole different attitude in the gym than when we see a fat person stuffing themselves in McD....