Just been told I am too thin

I was at a business meeting today and was told I was too skinny. :noway:

I am about a BMI of 24.8-25.0 so on one scale I am at the high end of healthy. I don't want to go down the whole body size debate but why would someone say that? :frown:

I'm training for a 10k run and would like to drop another few pounds and the training might help with that. I kind of feel like I have done all this hard work to clean up my diet and excersise and people don't value my hard work!

Never mind. I think I will go for a run and put it all behind me. :tongue:


  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I get this all the time and I am the same of you BMI of 24. I still have a tummy that I need to shift for me. It is about how you feel not others as long as you are sensible and within a healthy weight range. Don,t let it get you down you have done really well and good luck with the training. I am doing a couple of 10k soon and I am also training for a marathon in october.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Geesh I would love to hear that! At least you know what's good for you-- nobody's opinion matters.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    Just looked at your profile pic.
    I wouldn't say you're too thin although you may need a clean shave :laugh:

    All kidding aside, stay true to you !
    There are so many people out there who are only out to squash another person's efforts. Hold your head high and be proud of your accomplishments !!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    People say what people say, and whatever.
    There is only one vote that counts: YOURS! :drinker:
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    i get that too, but im way off for being too thin, and im still overweight according to bmi, (almost to high end of normal weight though)
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Geesh I would love to hear that! At least you know what's good for you-- nobody's opinion matters.

    Haha right!!
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    I have this problem with elderly relatives, but i think its cos they are seeing how much less of me there is now compared to how much there used to be- I know I still have a bit to lose, and so don't take them seriously. I think it might be partly a shock-thing- they were expecting the same old you maybe!

    Think of it as a compliment! People can see a difference, so you're getting to where you want to be :smile:
  • kickers19
    kickers19 Posts: 63 Member
    I have lost just over 20 lbs, and now my boss nit picks everything about my body. Most recent, I don't have any boobs... Way to ruin my ego.
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    People say what people say, and whatever.
    There is only one vote that counts: YOURS! :drinker:

    True to a point but I know so many people who go too far and become ill with their weight, the obsess over every oz of food they have, and maybe the person saying it has genuine concerns? We dont know the OP< maybe he sat through the meeting telling everyone how he is going to have water and a wafer for dinner and then do a 5 mile run because he ate a grape for breakfast?

    In instances like that I wouldnt trust the person who is dieting to know what is healthy.

    I am not saying that any of this applies to you OP but you have to ask yourself, are they saying it to be *****y and they a jealous of you, which is just as likely to be fair. Or are they your friend and they are worried you might be overdoing it and on the verge of having an illness?

    Like I said I don't presume to know you and I mean no offense.
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    I have lost just over 20 lbs, and now my boss nit picks everything about my body. Most recent, I don't have any boobs... Way to ruin my ego.

    Now this is a classic case of *****y.

    Just tell her to go F herself :) or himself.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I get this too - old relatives, co-workers.. - it's annoying, ignore it. Ultimately, it's your body and you need to be comfortable in it.
  • susiebear29
    susiebear29 Posts: 266
    I get told that a lot, it used to upset me and people would say oh you look so ill or you looked better when you were bigger, I don't listen to them because I know that I eat really healthy and do lots of exercise, I am fit and strong and my heart is really good so don't worry about what other people say only you know what's best for you!!!! :smile:
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I'm willing to bet they're just saying that because they're jealous of their fat stomachs. You should feel awesome for doing something they wish they could do.

    People only ever insult other people to boost their own self esteem.
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    I have lost just over 20 lbs, and now my boss nit picks everything about my body. Most recent, I don't have any boobs... Way to ruin my ego.
    WOW. WOWOWOWOWWO. Just wow.

    Do something about this. Seriously.
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member
    BMI is rubbish, it really is!
    Many excellent medical professionals think so too....

    It needs to be scraped before perfectly healthy people develop eating disorders :/
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I have lost just over 20 lbs, and now my boss nit picks everything about my body. Most recent, I don't have any boobs... Way to ruin my ego.

    If you live in North America, that sort of behaviour is against the law. You can sue them, or report them for doing so, and they would be fined for harassment.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I have lost just over 20 lbs, and now my boss nit picks everything about my body. Most recent, I don't have any boobs... Way to ruin my ego.
    If this is true... why, exactly, are you not suing that company out of existence??

    I mean...that's def an HR issue right there!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    At a business meeting? When you're a perfectly reasonable weight? How big are the idiots saying such things?

    It scares me that people's idea of normal would make that kind of BMI 'too thin'. Where are you, exactly?
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    I work in a physicians group. Three doctors have said something to the effect "you have lost a lot of weight, are you okay?". I get their concern but I did just have a kid in December which had me gain 48 pounds (alot was fluid) and I had lost an additional 20 pounds more than than the 48 that I had gained. So yes 68 pounds in 6 months but do take in account most was baby weight.

    I don't plan on losing anymore than 1.5 more pounds and that is just for mental reason (be at an exact number). My BMI is 21.7 and that is normal weight range.

    I too am like you and question what they have said, especially since they are physicians. Then I just have to remember that the physicians who say something are the ones who haven't seem me in months so to them I have lost a lot of weight since the last time they had seen me. Maybe that is your case as well and you just come as a shock to someoene.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Sad reflection on the current state of the world and the obesity epidemic if they think 'normal' (according to your BMI) is thin... but most likely a combination of jealously and denial.