Any Cyclists out there?????

Hi MFP's!!! I am sooooo Excited! I just got a road bike! Wow it was like buying a car...took some time, but I finally said "I'll take it and they got it all set up for me.

I am signed up for a 36 mile ride on the 15th. And I am pushing my husband to take me out on the bike trails. I am a new far so good with clipping in and out. I still need practice with shifting and overall confidence on the bike. I'm excited to push myself to new limits and so far it's fun to really get somewhere fast vs walking or running.

I have another 15 pounds to lose...and love my exercise. I am a regular at the gym and hike, walk run, and now bike. Any tips are welcome and or success stories of weight loss from cycling. I can't wait to hit the bike trails after work today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Wow - Really??? No Cyclists???? I had a great ride yesterday...12 miles on bike kind of riding. We have 60 miles of paths so I am excited to explore them all!!!
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    I'm a new cyclist as well. Bought my bike on Memorial Day weekend and have been going out for a long ride every weekend since. Longest to date is 26 miles. I'm competing in my first triathlon next month so I need to work on bringing my speed up more than increasing my endurance.

    I am still having trouble with the clipless pedals. I hit a dead end on the beach path I was on Sunday and couldn't get my foot out in time. It was a slow motion slide down a pole I was trying to hold onto for balance. Rather funny!
  • Cgirlish
    Cgirlish Posts: 263 Member
    I bought a stationary bike and started that in Feb then went on some trail rides wtih work friends and did
    a 40 mile ride with a century group ride... biked 24 a couple weeks ago and 15 this morning .... hopeing to work
    up to 70 in sept ... dont think I'm up for 100 yet... but working towards an ironman in 2014.

    mostly been using my mt bike for rides as the trails near my house are gravel. only used my triathlon bike for the 40 miler.

  • GoalByFifty
    GoalByFifty Posts: 97 Member
    i love to mountain bike...pittsburgh has great trails along the river !!
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    I am a new cyclist as well, love it. Ultimate goal is to the an MS150 next year.

    Search for july cycling challenge, a little tread to keep us motivated to do more.

    Glad you are having fun on your bike ;)
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    My neighbor just fixed my bike yesterday and I am excited to ride it.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    There are tons of cyclists on here. There are also quite a few cycling groups if you are interested. Congrats on the new roadie!
  • Talarspeed
    Talarspeed Posts: 7 Member
    Definitely a cyclist! I'm a roadie too! Yeah- clipping in and out takes practice. I've clipped in for over a decade now and there are times that I end up falling over because I cant' get out in time. Last week I was climbing a very steep hill and shifted gears- the chain popped off! Very scary sensation when all pressure and traction are gone from the pedals/wheels. When this happens on a steep hill, you come to a stop instantly. In this case, I couldn't get out of the pedals in time - and over I went!
    Welcome to the world of cycling! I love benefit rides because you meet so many people who are passionate about the same things your are: fitness and cycling! Memphis, TN has big ride tomorrow called the Red, White & Blue, but I'm nervous about this ride due to the heat! It's going to be a scorcher!
  • Akious
    Akious Posts: 71
    I love cycling! I do it every day. Except this past week which the heat index is around 106. I just hit the gym bikes until it gets back into the 90s. I live a mile off of a 12.5mile bike path and I ride the length round trip almost daily when its not an oven outside. 27miles house to house.
  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    We are all here...
    welcome and have fun with the new rides
  • pondwater41
    Training for our local 60 mile MS fundraiser in September.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Oh Wow!!! Thanks everyone...I knew there had to be some cyclists here! So excited to hear from all of you! After getting info from the bike shop and looking on line I have found a tri club. I might sign up my hubby and I so we can go on some group rides...hey I might even entertain a small tri! What the heck you only live once. I think I will look up some groups here too :bigsmile:

    I'm so excited we are meeting two other couples tomorrow for a 20 mile ride near the beach! Thanks again and let's hit the road :drinker:
  • mielchat
    mielchat Posts: 41 Member
    I am :) I've been using the stationary bike recently though because it just keeps on raining here. I love cycling! Definitely preferred over running.
  • tinytoyjess
    tinytoyjess Posts: 139 Member
    I envy you. I *want* to be a new cyclist and intend to be eventually. I don't currently own a road bike but have told my husband that as soon as the bike trail in my area opens (currently in development, ETA this Fall) I am going to invest in one. I take spinning classes a few times a week and love it and have been dreaming of a road bike.

    I have 2 daughters, age 5 and 18 months, and have these visions of us going on these family bike rides. :) Anyhow, once I do finally get around to it I am sure I'll be back asking you all for advice on bike purchase, etc.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Me! I cycle! I'm training for midnight ride in chicago in a few months!
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I have recently started cycling again after a break of several years! It's fun, isn't it? I'm envious of your new bike - mine is an old, cheap one, but it does the job at the moment. I don't do running, so cycling is the only chance I have of getting anywhere fast under my own steam! I'm still building up my fitness so it can be quite hard, thirsty work at the moment. My son has got a bike now so I'm hoping we can go out together and maybe when I get a bit better at it I'll look into joining a cycling club.

    Have fun on your beach ride!
  • cubekite
    cubekite Posts: 6
    I used to do lots of cycling. And have just got back into it, as it is the only exercise that i can do that doesn't hurt me. Brought myself a Cube attention comp. Love it.
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Just bought my first real road bike today too, but it won't get here until the 18th or so. I'm green with envy at the moment :)

    Enjoy the ride! Should be PLENTY of fun :)

    370km last month, was looking for 500 this month, but bike broke :p Add me if you want, I'm training for triathlons and added some very awesome friends that bike run and swim too :) I love seeing crazy rides on my front page, gets me moving as well :)
  • azziria
    azziria Posts: 33 Member
    Another cyclist here :)

    Where I live (Cambridge, UK) it's very flat, so lots of people cycle. I cycled a lot before I had my children, then after having my daughter 12 years ago I signed up for a London to Paris charity ride as an incentive to lose weight and get fit again (working on the principle that if I told everyone I was going to do it, I would have to get out there and train!). I bought myself a new bike for that, a hand built tourer, and the ride was fantastic, reaching the Arc de Triomphe was one of the high points of my life :)

    Kind of lapsed and did other stuff after that, just cycling occasionally, but then towards the end of last year the local council built a tarmac cycle path that basically runs the 10 miles from where I live to where I work... kind of a heavy nudge from fate there, which I couldn't ignore, especially as I was looking at getting back into shape after a bout of depression and antidepressant weight gain. So I set myself the target of cycling to work once a week on average, got my partner to buy me some really good bike lights for Christmas (a lot of the cycle path through countryside and not lit), wrapped up warm and started in January (some fantastic frosty sunrises early in the year).

    Of course, now that I'm more cycling-fit, I'm using the bike more and more to get about, into town etc, and going out for a spin at weekends just because I feel like it. I'm remembering why I always loved cycling so much, and it's great :)