Guys; Who cleans in your house?



  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    I'd say about 60/40. She cleans upstairs and i clean downstairs (main level) Then i vacuum the whole house....that being said...all bedrooms are upstairs.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Married for 13 years. He does most of the laundry, and the floors. He scrubs the pots and pans. sometimes he loads and unloads the dishwasher. I wash all of the other dishes, clean the counters and grocery shop.

    It doesn't sound so even, but he has a 5 minute commute. I have a 40 minute commute. Because of that, he does more chores so that I can relax when I'm home, especially after working a very long issue at work.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    For cleaning the house only, we go probably 70/30 (70 her, 30 me). But, I handle getting all of the kids ready for school, baths, homework, getting them to bed and I also do the cooking for the house as well and all of the yard work. So after it's all said and done, I'd say it's 50/50.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I do it all myself, soup to nuts, everything, and I cook dinner too, and bathe the kids...

    Wait, my wife is on here too.

    never mind.....
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I don't have a job and I go to school. So for the most part I do the work. My man does the cooking though, I hate cooking. And if I have a lot of school work (I can get up to 80 hour school week sometimes) My man will help with the cleaning. It really depends on the situation, and there's a lot of differences in each household.
  • dianniejt
    dianniejt Posts: 175 Member
    My husband busts his *kitten* 70 hours a week at work. I cook and take care of kids. The kids and I share the cleaning. (They are teenagers so when I say share I use the term lightly) Husband takes care of the car and we all take turns doing yard work. I do all the shopping and finances. He kills the spiders. And I usually feel appreciated. My husband is very sweet and tells me often that he appreciates what I do. Kids on the other hand, ugh.
  • I do. I kinda have to tho..
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Obviously I am a woman but I cook, he does the dishes. By do the dishes I mean he actually does them, we do not have a dishwasher, but they only get done about once a week. I clean including laundry, scrubbing floors, bathroom, washing/grooming the dogs, repairing the house (inside or out), and taking care of the yard. This is on top of working 2 jobs and going to school. If he appreciated it I would assume he would help me out once in a while but last time I asked for "a little extra help around the house" he told me it's my own fault I'm so busy and I brought it on myself. Thanks. lol

    Oh yeah I take care of the finances and anything like insurance, warranties, planning things like that. He doesn't understand why we're so broke but I look at the accounts every day and see the **** he wastes money on.
  • zewolf77
    zewolf77 Posts: 173 Member
    I was raised doing chores (dishes, laundry, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, etc.), so I try to help out as much as possible. I'm gone 10-12 hours out of the day at work and my wife runs a daycare out of our home. Our home is tough to keep clean because of all the little ones, but if there's laundry to be folded, I fold it... if dishes need done, I do them. If my wife sees me do it, she asks me to stop because she feels like its her job to run the home. Never have I said this to her or requested it of her, she just feels that it's her duty. She also has to maintain a certain level of cleanliness for state regulations/standards also.

    Still, she needs a break too, so I try to help as much as possible.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    My husband and I decided two years ago that he would "retire" and stay home to deal with all of the house and yard work while I kept my job and went to school part-time. Let me say that I'm not domestic and wouldn't do half the job he does if the roles were reversed. He built our deck, is revamping our flower beds and rearranges furniture every so often. Additionally, he steam cleans the carpets and does laundry. We're both happy as hell with this arrangement and wouldn't change it for anything!
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    My wife and I have been married a year and I'll admit that she does most of the cleaning. I clean the bathroom and do the heavier stuff that requires more upper body strength, like moving things or scrubbing the kitchen floor, which I did this past weekend and without air conditioning, it proved to be quite a workout!
    However, while she does the majority of the cleaning, I almost exclusively cook. I'm good at it and love to do it and my wife, well neither of those statements really apply.
    She also takes care of the household finances because she just has a better organizational mind than I do, but I deal with the landlord, fix stuff that needs to be fixed, take care of the cars, etc..
    So overall, while she does more cleaning, I think we do an adequate job of splitting responsibilities evenly. A lot of it also has to do with our strengths and knowledge, ie. she knows how to balance a checkbook, I know how to fix the brakes on her car. Both important tasks, but require far different skillsets.
    ^^^^ This exactly...however my efforts go unnappreciated
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    i love when people argue with people on the internet and tell them to get a life if all they have to do it argue with people on the internet when they themselves are arguing with people on the internet.

    cyclical! ;-)
  • I do most of the cleaning and the majority of the cooking as well, but SO helps (without complaining) when asked (and sometimes on his own). He'll take out the garbage for example, clear the table, move chairs so that I can vacuum, or put things that I've cleaned back up on the highest shelves until I need them again. He also grills and cooks a few basics like rice, pasta noodles, grits, or simple casseroles.

    I don't mind too much, other than perhaps cleaning the bathroom (which is only fair since he gets stuck fixing any problems with said bathroom's older plumbing, such as clogs--ick!).

    And we're both very good about letting the other know how much we appreciate the help. For example, he'll sneak up behind me and give me a big hug while I'm tackling a pile of dishes, which occasionally results in a startled squawk if I'm holding knives.

    No lawn or house, just an apartment, so the division of labor may change with time. I see him being more likely to mow the grass than I am, but I'm probably the one that's more handy with a hammer or power tools.
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    I do the cleaning and husband does the 'tidying' I have trouble organizing and neatening things up, so I do dishes or laundry, he puts them away, I vacuum, mop, wipe, scrub, he puts everything away in its proper place.

    Sounds like my boyfriend and I, except I HATE to vacuum :mad:. I'd rather have him tidy up the living room, dining table (papers just seem to "appear" on it every day), vacuum, that sort of stuff. And he picks up practically every day, without asking me for help because he likes to "piddle." I like to do the down and dirty cleaning waaay more than the "picking up" around the apartment. Picking up annoys me and feels like a chore, where as actual cleaning makes me feel good :smile:

    I prefer to load/unload the dishwasher because he likes to run it half full, or the dishes unorganized for improper cleaning, or put tupperware on the bottom rack. I also disinfect the kitchen, sweep and mop, organize and disinfect the bathroom and do the laundry because I like the way it gets done when I do those things. He will get those things clean, but not to my "standards." He always seems to miss a few goatee clippings around the faucet (we have a granite countertop in the bathroom and for whatever reason it's too dark for him to see every hair that's fallen onto it, but my eyes IMMEDIATELY hone in on the 5 he misses :laugh: ) or I just feel as though the toilet and shower aren't REALLY clean unless I know I did it "the correct way.' :tongue: Same for the laundry, except he puts his own away, I just wash and dry it. He will also iron the few articles I have that need to be ironed with his 3637942 things that need to be ironed (thank God for my business casual shirts and slacks that get wrinkle-free after 5min in the dryer in the morning! Judge me if you must :tongue: )

    ETA--And I got off early from work 2 days ago and did EVERYTHING, even the picking up. My bf was so thrilled and impressed that we went out for dinner and bowling :blushing:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    the cleaning lady that comes every other week.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    me. i can work a steam mop like nobody's business.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    probably 50:50...

    I do all the cooking...

    He deals with the bins / trash, mows the lawn, hoovers... He does his own ironing.

    We both do laundry, load/unload the dish washer,...

    I'm more likely to clean the kitchen and he's more likely to clean the bathroom.

    We both work full-time too so I think it's fair.
  • I was raised woman clean cook and feed babies keep husband happy & a man goes out makes money to support his family.:)) and i agree 100% with being a housewife..i take pride in knowing im taking care of my family. My husband trys to help me clean but by time he gets home everything is done. :)