Smokin' Hot Green Peppers ~ Recruiting NOW!

kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
The Green Team is looking for newbies or anyone wishing to join us on our 'journey'. We help and support one another towards the path of living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Let's face it, losing wt is hard, but it can be done. We are all learning here, and yes, slip ups will happen...that is normal. Just focus on what you truly want and your mindset will get you back on track. Most of all, don't give up ~~ you are worth it, you matter! :bigsmile:

Plan is to have a weekly weigh in day (w/ a chart that shows info), and challenges with something like food or exercise, that everyone takes turns choosing. We can post pictures, take measurements, and set personal goals as well....any other suggestions, please do share!

So, let's do this...change our body and our life! We look forward to meeting you! :smile:


  • Hi all,
    I been with this group since last jan. The support is great! any new people are welcome. We recruited before, and met some amazing people! We really like to meet more, will you join us?
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi ladies, I would love to join, I lost 34 pounds and kept it off until I moved and out the window with my eating healthy. I need to get back on track. I was trying to avoid my doctor putting me on medication for my diabeties, but because I gained back some weight he did put me on it but will take me back off if I loose 20 pounds. I have a total of 50 to loose. Any ideas on how to get back into the exercising? Having trouble getting motivated.:sad:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Welcome Sindyb9! glad to have you here with the Smokin' Hot (Green) Pepper's! For many of us here it has been a health issue to lose wt. And, every time I am faced with a new problem I get scared. Just today I had to have a colonoscopy b/c my real mom had stage 2 colon cancer. Well, they did find a polyp, so it was taken for a biopsy. I will know in 2 weeks the results. Going to school and having past jobs in the health field, have not been good enough for me to live a healthy life. I now see, it is the only way. AND, it is only my choice. I was told today I need to increase my fiber intake...and altho i have been eating healthy for most of this year. I guess i need to improve even more. Easy, not really, Necessary, absolutely. i am going to try harder each day to be serious about my health. it is more important to me now more than it ever was. re your motivation for gettin in some exercise. i would say just start out slow and nothing too overwhelming. were you doing a previous routine? do you like to walk? whenever you have some free time whether it's10 minutes or 30, just lace up your shoes and go. the more you do it the sooner you will feel better and then look forward to it. make sure you find an activity you like tho, sometimes we get bored or just don't like what we are doing. i know half the battle can be just gettin started. with all my wt losses ( yo-yo's) over the past 13+ yrs, exercise was always key for me. it is something now i realize that i cannot ever stop. it has to be a regular habit. take one day at a time and before you know it you will be walking miles and down 10 lbs! wishin you luck and success here! enjoy the rest of your day!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Please tell me a bit more.....
    What type of challenges have you done in the past?
    What is the rotation between members regarding the challenges?
    When do you anticipate beginning the new session.

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  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi there BAIcott ~ we have done food challenges such as ~ no chocolate or chips for a week, 2-3 servings daily of fruits or vegetables, 8 + glasses of water/day, ......and for exercise ~ squats, work the upper arms more, take the stairs, sit ups or crunches...and lots of other things. we usually only do one challenge a week but have done a food and an exercise occ'l. you don't have to participate in any of them, it just motivates some of us. depending on how many ppl we have will determine how often the rotation is. it might be once a month or so. and if you don't want to set any challenges, that is fine too. we are just all here for support and it is your wt loss journey as well, so you can go about it however you want. i am thinking we will have our first weigh in this friday, Sept 18, and then have a weekly weigh in from there. if friday does not work for you, just weigh when you can. no guidelines here. there are about a handful of us right now, and we are recruiting anyone else that wants to join in. any other ques just ask or message me. glad to have you along and hope you have a great, healthy day! :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Kelly. I know I found out I was a diabetic and loosing weight is a big thing for me it means no more medicine. I love to walk but with all the rain we were getting and then I moved, I just stopped walking and eating better. Until the doctor put me on the medicine last week. I guess I woke up and realized that this is forever, my health is counting on me to do the right thing. I am back to walking, its like starting all over again. The leg cramps and pain. But I know I can do it, I have. I started taking the stairs when I can and walking 30 min on my lunch every day.

    I hope your test comes back good. I forgot how good it feels to have some support, not that I am alone, but my family does not have health problems. I have more than just diabeties. I have lupus and lots of arthritis. It make normal exercise very painful. But enough of this. I like to look towards the positive.

    I am back on track today. Friday's is when I weigh in so that is perfect. Do you take measurements? that is helpful when you reach a plateu. I will check in at least once a day. I do it early so I can log my food. and after lunch. Well back to work. Have a great day.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hi Sindyb9! :smile:

    I have come here since Jan for most of my support. My dh and teenage sons don't really eat healthy at all, well, sometimes they think they are, but in reality they aren't. I just try to set a good example and don't go on and on about healthy eating...but if anyone ever asks me, I will share anything I know. The rest of my siblings don't eat healthy, nor do my parents or in-laws. I just gotta do what is best for me....and I am still learning too.

    For many years I have stopped and started a stretch and tone tape that is the best one to my knowledge, well for me that is. It has the quickest results and it really helps me feel limber. I need to find just 2 days a week to do it and never stop. I am sore for about 3 days once I start it, then it gets easier and I feel stronger within a week or two. The stairs are very good for your legs, thighs especially. It's our biggest muscle and the stronger it gets, the more calories you can burn all day long. :smile:

    I was on blood pressure meds for a few yrs and lost a good amount of wt and changed my diet a little and was able to stop it. I am still on cholesterol and depression meds. I have been reading a lot about clean eating, and actually that is what I have been trying to follow now for a good week. Immediately, I noticed an increase in my energy level. It has helped making small modifications to begin with instead of all at once. "Improving your life, one meal at a time" is the motto I am currently living by. Another huge thing for me has been planning and preparing food ahead of time. It has been the best tip for keeping me on a clean path. When I don't plan, I stray. I am learning to eat for energy and not for feelings. :ohwell:

    I will measure too on Friday. I go by my clothes sometimes too. I have hung onto some of my skinnier clothes, and just keep trying them on til they fit, and some have even become too big now!:bigsmile:

    I think a lot of this whole process is mental. And you said it well, by the need of staying positive. While setbacks are a natural part of life, it's how we rebound from them that counts. Our diet alone can have a negative impact on our stress levels. I think if we change what we eat, we can change how we feel.

    Are you in Maine? We are having a very dry spell here in Iowa. Even tho we are +12 inches over in rain for August, our yard is starting to get a lil brown in spots. September has actually been warmer than our entire summer...and Fall is here next week! :smile: Enjoy the rest of your day!
  • Hey Kel! Are we starting the new tread here? If so we need to post it on the old one.
    Ok had a rough night last night. Did not get to exercise like I wanted, so will try today. For some reason I blew last night to H$%% and back. First made one of my son most fav meal and over ate. Then literally sat on my butt and did nothing but watch TV! OMG how I fallen, then had a snack that could of been a meal at 9pm. Accomplish nothing, no laundry, home work, or even clean the dishes after the snack. Its like I said I was gonna start slow and my mine said oh no u don't!!
    Well Today is going a little better so far, but promise my son dinner at Case Ole tonight so I gotta figure out how to do this without really blowing it
    :heart: SHGP
    :heart: Payday tomorrow
    :heart: Breathing
    :heart: Kids
  • Hi Sindyb9 and BAlcott,
    Hope to hear more from ya!!
    I been here as Kel since the begining and have to say without my girl Kel and the others I would have given up so long ago! I still have a ways to go, a lonnnnnng way, but the fact is I am still waking up each morning trying to improve, Thanks to the support of this team! Hope you all join us.
    The heart thing I do is to keep me motivated and positive,because its so easy not to be
    :heart: All SHGP new and old
    :heart: Kel our fearless cheerleader and friend
    :heart: I did good at lunch
    :heart: Homework ( not really but hoping it will be one day):laugh:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there ... I've been a member of MFP since June and it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. I report daily to one group or another but I have been looking for a Friday group to help me along. If you don't mind ... I would love to join you all this Friday for your weigh in ... Green is my favourite colour too ... it's a sign!!

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey there magglett! so great to have you here! dont i know you from the xmas thread? i am still boppin around in the 80's and trying to get serious here. my mindset seems to be eager, so i am ready to put it to work and get this ol bod back in shape! yup, we are recruitin and we would LOVE to have you here! you do such a wonderful job with your messages! lots of spirit! we all need that! have a great day!

    my gosh, you are nearing the 60's!! woot woot! :drinker: way to go! :bigsmile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I'm interested in joining.
    What do you want to know about me, my current work-out schedule or eating habits?

    Just tell me what you want me me to do. Realize I'm not able to respond until I get home from work.
    And hopefully it's not a night where I have numerous kids activities.

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  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    biggest loser tonite, wow. i dont think i have ever cried this much for a season opener. love the green team already, allen and abby. abby has so much courage and strength..and what jillian said at the weigh in hit me hard. it was so perfect! i was able to record this, so will be referencing it for motivation....just loved the whole show! :smile: anybody else take anything from it?

    BAIcott ~ you can share anything you like...there's much that comes here, venting, accomplishments, home and work life, questions and advice, whatever is on your mind..... we will listen and help you in any way we can, and look forward getting to know you! just do what works for you. we all have families, kids, work, social life, etc that keeps us busy. we wish you all the best here!

    the eliminated BL teamate left with this comment ~
    Success is the determination in your heart.

    so true! :heart:
  • I know what u mean Kel it was cry city at my house too!!! I love the fact they brought DAN back!!! yeaah. It might just be me but Jillian sure seam to be cussing alot this season. OMG our green team looks like a force to be reckon with!! I so agree with what Jillian said at the weight in, the fact that this woman is able to even go on is amazing!! I so love this show
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Okay ... I missed the show ... my sweet hubby is a "So You Think You Can Dance" fan so you'll have to tell me. What was the comment that Jillian made that has this effect on you? Share please share ... I have to live this show through you.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all ... we've made it to mid-week ... three work days to get through 'til the weekend.

  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I would like to join. I started my journey in Feb and joined MFP in April. By July, I had lost 40. I’ve pretty much been stuck there ever since.

    I need something or someone to motivate me right now. I've had a lot of stress over the summer and I'm having a hard time keeping myself motivated to stick with through the day. My days always start off good, but I'm so overwhelmed by the end of the day that I just say "screw it". I’ll overeat dinner or have a huge bowl or ice cream or a bunch of chips or maybe all three. I know it is bad for me at the time, but I just don't have the energy to deny myself something I want.

    I’m hoping that joining a team will make me accountable. I really want to do this and the longer the scale sticks at 40 lbs, the more discouraged I get. Last night, I actually had the thought that I should just stop trying. I know I really don’t want to do that. I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished so far. I WANT THIS.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    You'll all sound like a great, fun, motivating group - I would love to join.

    I started with MFP in June - really loving the daily interaction with others working toward healthy goals.

    Love the idea of weekly challenges, will be fun to try new things.

  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning ladies:bigsmile:

    Mid week and I have not gone over my calories and exercised everyday. I think I am getting motivated again. I am looking forward to my walk today even though I am sore. (a good pain :laugh: ) I have to think of exercise on the week ends and when it is raining out ? Any suggestions? Those are the days I usually fall off and I am planing ahead this time. What exercises do you all do?

    Thank you for letting me be part of your support. If there is anything I can do to help Im there. Have a great day and drink that water that is my goal today. Get my water in.

    Have a great day::drinker:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning ladies:bigsmile:

    Mid week and I have not gone over my calories and exercised everyday. I think I am getting motivated again. I am looking forward to my walk today even though I am sore. (a good pain :laugh: ) I have to think of exercise on the week ends and when it is raining out ? Any suggestions? Those are the days I usually fall off and I am planing ahead this time. What exercises do you all do?

    Thank you for letting me be part of your support. If there is anything I can do to help Im there. Have a great day and drink that water that is my goal today. Get my water in.

    Have a great day::drinker:

    It's really hard for me to stay motivated so I have to change it up all the time. I guess I'm easily bored. I love hiking which I do often ... I also have a few workout DVDs that I use on rainy days (Zumba, Turbo Jam Party, Jillian Michaels, and Bob's Biggest Loser Boot Camp), sometimes I walk with my tunes going, and then there's Wii Fit. I don't really have a set day or time that I do specific things except on Wednesdays ... that's the day we've booked the physical activity room here at work at 4:30 and who ever show up will do a DVD workout ... tonight will be Zumba. I like to move my tukas every day but if I miss a day or two I don't worry ... I'm way more active then I use to be. For the winter months I plan on joining a gym ... maybe in November or December ... once it's too cold or dangerous to hike outside. I'm looking forward to that. I guess the bottom line is ... to stay motivated with exercise you have to keep it fun and interesting for yourself.
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