Smokin' Hot Green Peppers ~ Recruiting NOW!



  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thank you Magglett. I have a video work out I can try and I think I might do some yard work that is always good to burn some calories. I walk Mon - friday on my lunch and a few short walks to and from the station. But if it is raining I freak out because I cant walk , I may have to try an exercise I can do in my room at night but my dh and son want my attention as soon as I walk in the door. hmmmm will have to figure something out. :grumble:
  • Hey all!!
    Its HUMP day hahahaha:laugh: Wow so I overslept and did not get out to walk the dogs before work, so gonna have to make up that mile somewhere else. I did get off the bus one stop ealier so did a little extra walking there. Maybe when I leave work today I'll walk to the next stop:bigsmile:
    So my goal today is to drink 8 glasses of water.

    We all get heavier as we get older because there is a lot more information in our heads (hahaha if only this was the only reason)

    :heart: Payday
    :heart: SHGP
    :heart: Hump day
    :heart: can walk
    :heart: My kids
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    jacque509 I am going to try to get off the bus a stop or two before that is a great idea to get a little more in. 6 more glasses of water to go :laugh: Drink that water ladies. :drinker:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hi Everyone!! Welcome Crystal and Jenn!! Glad to have ya here!

    Jacque ~ I agree with you on Jillian's behavior. I thought she went a little overboard on the cussing and gosh! :ohwell: Are you getting your water goal in for today? You can do it! Love the comment about gettin older and gainin wt due to all the info in our heads! :laugh: I always say if I have to remember one more thing, I am gonna have to forget something! :laugh: Hey, kudos to you on your evenin walk lastnite!! :drinker:

    magglett ~ lovin the shimmery, flashy signs you post! :love: it makes me happy! thanks! i will share some info from BL...

    It started out with Jillian and Bob in the exercise room and they said (to us, the tv viewers) "Are you ready to listen, or are you gonna get fatter and sicker?" I was like whoa! This season is all about second chances, at life...some have hit rock bottom, and we need to believe in ourselves, be an inspiration. The last thing they said was, "These people aren't like you, they ARE you!" They have at least 4 contestants over 400 lbs, never had a group this huge. Now, there is a woman who is a teacher, 30 yrs and she told the heartwrenching story of losing her husband, 5 1/2 yr old daughter and 2 1/2 wk old son in a car accident in '06. It was so crushing...everyone was upset. At the weigh in, this lady lost I think 15 lbs, and this is what she said while still on the scale " Death does not scare her, death would be a much easier choice. It's 'here' (life) that is hard...getting up, taking that first step is hard...b/c there is not anyone else for is just for me. So, I get up and give it my best... and it feels good!" (she is smiling and happy that she has lost wt) All thru what she is saying they keep showing Jillian and it is obvious she is upset, crying, covering her face. Then it goes to a comment section (not at the weigh in, I suppose after it) of Abby saying "Even when life seems so hard, SO hard, I want it to be the best life it CAN be. By choosing to make these changes and take these steps, I'm changing, my health, from the inside out". Then Allison S asks Jillian to comment(back at the weigh in)....and she says "There's one thing in the world that I have never been able to really rationalize, and that's losing somebody that you love...and I've often said, that if I had gone thru something that Abby has gone thru, that I would kill myself, and um, even now I'm working with this woman and watching her go thru it, I see her beat it, and I think, This woman can do this, I can be stronger, I would be stronger." It was so emotional...but so good too! :cry: :smile: :cry: :smile:

    Crystal ~ glad to see you are still in the game! Don't give up on all your hard work and success! Are you eating enough, maybe you need to change up your workout a little bit. Sometimes our bodies can get used to the same thing after a while. 40 lbs is awesome!

    Jenn ~ you're doing the C25K arent you? what week you at? I had to take a few days off here since my procedure Monday. Am ready tho to get movin again!

    Sindy ~ you are doing so good, and back on track! Doesn't it fee good? :smile: things to do indoors...jump rope, dvd's, walk/jog/sprint in place! I also do floor exercises, stretch and tone or use some hand wts...and you can make your own if need be. I have done many flights of stairs(basement), while carrying something. Don't forget you need rest days too!

    I think we will start a new thread Friday, since that is our official weigh in day. Be thinking of ideas for our challenge.....Have a great day all!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Kelly, yes it does feel good. It is so hard when the snack basket for our clients is full of chocolate sits on my desks.:grumble: But it is funny too as long as I dont look at it, I dont touch it. Thanks for some great idea's on exercise. I just moved into a house with stairs, laundry is in basement. I have ankle and wrist weights that I use sometimes. When the walking gets easy I put those on to make it harder.

    When you start a new thread to you call it the same so I can find it on Friday?
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Kelly, yes I'm eating enough. I'm eating too much and that's the problem. My exasperation last night was after helping my husband finish off a large pepperoni pizza. I would like to say that he had all but a slice or 2, but I would be lying to myself. :embarassed: I know the problem and the solution, I just need to find the willpower.
  • Ok not bad at lunch, mostly ate salad with not enough dressing :wink: and a roll. So all in all ok. 3 glasses of water down. Fixin to fill up bottle again and bring it up to 5. Just got done reading Kel recap of last night BL and just got re motivated!! yeah!!:smile:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Oh my Goodness Kelly ... thank you for sharing that Biggest Loser stuff. What a nice thing to read.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Sinday ~yes, the stair workout! i have even loaded up a backpack and lugged it up and down, or carried things, but then i gotta be careful about my back. the name for the new thread will stay the same ~ Smokin' Hot Green Peppers ~ and we will link it from here! we will always be under the Motivation and Support section.

    Crystal ~ I have faith in you and know you can do this! it's normal to have some bumps in the road on this journey! just get back on track and stay positive!

    Hey Jacque ~ you are doin so good! what ever makes you feel better, i say keep at it! when i watched BL again, i cried even more! geeez, gonna have to re-do my face! :cry:

    i am having a strange problem today...I am not hungry. not even a rumble from my tummy? i had an orange and 15 whole almonds for breakfast and then decided around 12:30 i better eat...but i was not hungry at all? i had celery sticks, peanut butter, whole wheat toast and a laughing cow wedge. got some cod thawing for supper to grill with some fresh veggies. YUM!:tongue: , hope my appetite improves, well, i think i hope:huh:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Wish I could give you some of mine. Headed to the breakroom to grab my spicy V8 out of the fridge. that should ease mine for a little bit.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Kelly, I have had days like that so I just did not eat until I felt hungry. What a mistake because one bite of food and I did not want to stop and did not feel full for the rest of the day, went to bed feeling hungry. Now I cut up veggies and eat them through out the afternoon even if I am not hungry. keeps me full and away from the snack basket. :laugh: finished 3 glasses of water have to go refill bottle. I will get to 8 glasses:drinker:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    i have a few more things to share from the show, mostly for motivation...

    ~ first step, everything starts today, one step at a time
    ~ when we are physically too big, we put limitations in our life
    ~ do great things for yourself, every day
    ~ ppl depend on you, you need to be the best YOU
    ~ you have to help yourself, it's up to you
    ~ that you can turn a tragedy into an opportunity
    ~ you have to change your mind, make a choice, make a DIFFERENT choice, or no one can help you
    ~ that there is no crying with 'tractor tires"...:laugh: per Jillian to a male contestant
    ~ positive changes start with the choices we make every day

    and i was just a waitin for that pastor to say somethin to Jillian and her mouth! :laugh: i thought maybe he was gonna go up and bless her or ask for forgiveness:bigsmile:
    did ya all see Allison's boobs hangin out the side of her dress:bigsmile:

    i have thought this for quite some time, well, many, many years. but, on the show i realized (again) how mean ppl can really be towards over wt and obese ppl. there was even a hint of this from Bob and slightly Jillian.... i think it is very sad. these ppl have issues and there IS a that they have not solved yet....they are still searching. and another thing i was thinkin is, just look at how many ppl are on MFP, ppl that watch BL and in general the entire US, mainly b/c we have an epidemic here, that maybe someday, and i hope sooner than later, we will get this under control, we will win the war on wt. what do you guys think? i mean i am always hearin, seein on the tv, readin in magazines about ppl losing wt and gettin healthy, is it possible? it just motivates me to see the fight ppl go thru with their bodies, their minds, to get healthy! i want to feel that way too! :flowerforyou:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good afternoon all ... just stopping in to say hi. So today's eating hasn't been too bad so far ... and I have a chilli in the crock pot for supper tonight. Yesterday was a bad day for eating ... I just couldn't get full ... I hate those days. Went over by a good 500+ calories. Oh well ... what's done is done. I'm going to try and have better control tonight. I have so much to do at home that I find myself eating to avoid it ... there ... now I've confessed it ... now it's behind me. I wish you all healthy and happy days.

  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Kelly- your BL recap is great. I watched most of it, you have definitely hit the high points.

    You do know me from C25K - I backed up a week a couple of weeks ago, was starting to have pain in my hip, so I'm working back up there now - on week 5. Still love the program.

    This thread is great, so nice to hear from everyone.

    Friday weigh in sounds great.

    The water challenge is good. I drink 8 glasses every day (have a 32 oz bottle I refill twice) then whatever I get in at night is just bonus. I am not as good about drinking water on the weekends, that will be my goal, to make sure I get them all in on Saturday and Sunday.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    i have a few more things to share from the show, mostly for motivation...

    ~ first step, everything starts today, one step at a time
    ~ when we are physically too big, we put limitations in our life
    ~ do great things for yourself, every day
    ~ ppl depend on you, you need to be the best YOU
    ~ you have to help yourself, it's up to you
    ~ that you can turn a tragedy into an opportunity
    ~ you have to change your mind, make a choice, make a DIFFERENT choice, or no one can help you
    ~ that there is no crying with 'tractor tires"...:laugh: per Jillian to a male contestant
    ~ positive changes start with the choices we make every day

    and i was just a waitin for that pastor to say somethin to Jillian and her mouth! :laugh: i thought maybe he was gonna go up and bless her or ask for forgiveness:bigsmile:
    did ya all see Allison's boobs hangin out the side of her dress:bigsmile:

    i have thought this for quite some time, well, many, many years. but, on the show i realized (again) how mean ppl can really be towards over wt and obese ppl. there was even a hint of this from Bob and slightly Jillian.... i think it is very sad. these ppl have issues and there IS a that they have not solved yet....they are still searching. and another thing i was thinkin is, just look at how many ppl are on MFP, ppl that watch BL and in general the entire US, mainly b/c we have an epidemic here, that maybe someday, and i hope sooner than later, we will get this under control, we will win the war on wt. what do you guys think? i mean i am always hearin, seein on the tv, readin in magazines about ppl losing wt and gettin healthy, is it possible? it just motivates me to see the fight ppl go thru with their bodies, their minds, to get healthy! i want to feel that way too! :flowerforyou:

    ~ when we are physically too big, we put limitations in our life

    I like that. It’s so true. One somewhat silly example, I love to ride amusement park rides. A few years ago, my then boyfriend (now DH), his brother, and I were getting on a ride. I was MORTIFIED when I had to get off because the bar wouldn’t close over my chest. It was all I could do not to cry while I stood on the ground waiting for them. I haven’t been on one since because I didn’t want to ever been that embarrassed again. The fair is coming around soon and I WILL ride rides. I’m hoping that me minus 40 lbs equals the bar closing!!

    I do believe that we as a nation can beat our weight problem, but not until we stop fooling ourselves about what is causing it and what the solution is. It would be easy (and was easy for YEARS) to sit back and say that I’m over wt because my parents and 3 out of 4 grandparents are over wt. While that fact doesn’t help me, I’m over wt because of what and how much I ate and how little I exercised. I can’t tell you what woke me up and made me start trying to lose wt. I just did one day and I saw really how simple the weight loss equation is. It is hard to stick with all the time, but I understand what has to be done. I know there are real medical reasons why people are over wt. I just don’t believe that the epidemic we see now is because of that.
  • Kelly, I have so many thought running in my head about the meaness issue you brought up. And I have type and retype several things. The bottom line is all I was typing was verbal crutches to justify my overeating and being over weight. So this is what I come up with, We all have issues, and I think the meaness is their insercurity coming out. I think when they see someone overweight they feel threaten in some way to make them want to be mean to them. It is a nation wide problem. An the bottom line nobody want to deal with other people issues. They tell themsslves if I have to deal with my issues, they should deal with their own. Except there are so many people who really and trully do not know how. I have found myself on many ocassion not dealing with something just because I don't know how to.
    So I think the key is to keep askin question, keep looking up new things, Listen to people around you, and make heroes out of the people who have overcome these issues and let Tom, Madonna, and all them others stop clouding our judgement.
  • i have a few more things to share from the show, mostly for motivation...

    ~ first step, everything starts today, one step at a time
    ~ when we are physically too big, we put limitations in our life
    ~ do great things for yourself, every day
    ~ ppl depend on you, you need to be the best YOU
    ~ you have to help yourself, it's up to you
    ~ that you can turn a tragedy into an opportunity
    ~ you have to change your mind, make a choice, make a DIFFERENT choice, or no one can help you
    ~ that there is no crying with 'tractor tires"...:laugh: per Jillian to a male contestant
    ~ positive changes start with the choices we make every day

    and i was just a waitin for that pastor to say somethin to Jillian and her mouth! :laugh: i thought maybe he was gonna go up and bless her or ask for forgiveness:bigsmile:
    did ya all see Allison's boobs hangin out the side of her dress:bigsmile:

    i have thought this for quite some time, well, many, many years. but, on the show i realized (again) how mean ppl can really be towards over wt and obese ppl. there was even a hint of this from Bob and slightly Jillian.... i think it is very sad. these ppl have issues and there IS a that they have not solved yet....they are still searching. and another thing i was thinkin is, just look at how many ppl are on MFP, ppl that watch BL and in general the entire US, mainly b/c we have an epidemic here, that maybe someday, and i hope sooner than later, we will get this under control, we will win the war on wt. what do you guys think? i mean i am always hearin, seein on the tv, readin in magazines about ppl losing wt and gettin healthy, is it possible? it just motivates me to see the fight ppl go thru with their bodies, their minds, to get healthy! i want to feel that way too! :flowerforyou:

    ~ when we are physically too big, we put limitations in our life

    I like that. It’s so true. One somewhat silly example, I love to ride amusement park rides. A few years ago, my then boyfriend (now DH), his brother, and I were getting on a ride. I was MORTIFIED when I had to get off because the bar wouldn’t close over my chest. It was all I could do not to cry while I stood on the ground waiting for them. I haven’t been on one since because I didn’t want to ever been that embarrassed again. The fair is coming around soon and I WILL ride rides. I’m hoping that me minus 40 lbs equals the bar closing!!

    I do believe that we as a nation can beat our weight problem, but not until we stop fooling ourselves about what is causing it and what the solution is. It would be easy (and was easy for YEARS) to sit back and say that I’m over wt because my parents and 3 out of 4 grandparents are over wt. While that fact doesn’t help me, I’m over wt because of what and how much I ate and how little I exercised. I can’t tell you what woke me up and made me start trying to lose wt. I just did one day and I saw really how simple the weight loss equation is. It is hard to stick with all the time, but I understand what has to be done. I know there are real medical reasons why people are over wt. I just don’t believe that the epidemic we see now is because of that.

    The same thing happen to me last spring break. I took my kids to six flags and I coludnt get on a ride with them and the rest of the day I was just so upset, I didn't have any fun. It is a horrible feeling, and I really don't want to go thru that again.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    It's great that there are individuals willing to be on national television in attempts to lose weight. However, if given the opportunity to vent regarding these type of shows I am. I believe these reality weight loss shows are not really reality. Well, at least not my reality.

    Sure if I was away from my full time job & family obilgations in a weight loss environment I would lose weight too. IF all I had to do was do the exercise someone tells me to & eat what I'm told to. Perhaps the show is more than this ..... (I rarely sit still long enough to watch any tv)

    Reality is for me -- dealing with weight loss issues when your co-workers bring in office treats, finding time to exercise w/3 children in after school activities, learning to go out for dinner/drinks w/friends w/o over eating (or drinking), and taking care of household responsibilities.

    I would say a better reality weight loss show would be a fitness/nutritionist invading into my personal life. Live in my household. Go to work w/me, shadow my family committments. Grocery shop w/me and three kids in tow..... explain how to do workouts when there is laundry, homework, shuttle kids to actitivies, get dinner done, clean house, prepare for upcoming scout meetings (I'm a leader for cub scouts & girl scouts), show me how to avoid emotional unhealthy eating when my teenager is stressing me out.... etc etc.

    I do apologize to fans of these shows. It's just not for me........

    Created by - Free Calorie Chart
  • Is it too late for me to join you guys? :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    no, you can join!! we have our official weigh in this Friday. Glad to have ya and good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
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