Smokin' Hot Green Peppers ~ Recruiting NOW!



  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    BAIcott ~ truly understand 100% :smile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hello everyone .... i would like to join this group as well as the one i am already in name is megan i am a single mother of 2 kids ....i started MFP in August and love it here ..... my starting weight was 225 and i weighed in today(my other group weighs in on wednesdays) i am at 208 WOOOOOHOOOO..... i work out 6 days a week with the slim in 6 program (love it) ..... hope you get to know all of you :smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hi Megan, and welcome the team! you have done really good in the short amount of time you have been here! so happy for ya! keep on keepin'! :smile:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good morning everyone ... it's a brand new day ...

  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I had a much better night last night! No unauthorized snacking, no overeating at dinner. I was so proud of myself!! I was a little hungry right before bed. Instead of going for that Skinny Cow truffle bar I wanted, I just had some water, brushed my teeth, and went to bed. I woke up with a nasty headache, though. Not sure if it was because I went to bed hungry or some other fluke. I went to bed early, so I don't think it was from lack of sleep.

    Tonight I have my Pokeno group. This is always an iffy day. We play twice a month and rotate who hosts and prepares dinner. Unless I'm hosting, I never know how to plan for this other than to reserve a bunch of calories and hope that I don't go too much over or under for the day. The girl hosting tonight did tell me that we're having chicken enchiladas, but that still leaves a lot of room for variance. Plus, there are bowls of snack mix and candy set out on the table while we play. Please, let me be able to fight the urge to munch my way through playing.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!! Tomorrow is Friday!!
  • A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
    BAIcott-Totallly agree with you on the reality stuff, Well said.But I am still a BL fan hahaha:wink:
    Anyway a little discourage this morning so trying to lift myself up. I ate really good yesterday, the best I had in a month. Woke up this morning and no change in the scalr so a little disappoiting, but I do have another day to do just as good, so here to a better reading on Friday.
    :heart: SHGP
    :heart: Thursday-almost the weekend
    :heart: I have a job
    :heart: Kids (teenagers!!)
    :heart: That truelly God is in controll
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    good morning SHGP! and new name is Jennifer and I have been with this group for a couple of months now. Its a great group of girls and the motivation and dedication is tremendous!
    HEY KELL and JACQUE! :happy:
    I would love to say that I am so pysched about this new group coming on. Everyone seems so great, and I think you all will bring new challenges and ideas to the group to allow us to better reach our goals. With that in mind, I wanted to share one of mine.
    I have 4 sisters and out of the 5 of us, I am the only one whos never gotten a tattoo. I have never really wanted one but a few months back I had started finding an interest in getting one. Nothing big or major b/c it cant be seen on me while at work. Well I have decided i will be getting one but not until I lose at least 8 lbs and can keep it off for a month. I know that doesnt seem like much but thats what I have left to lose and those last few lbs are SOOO hard. I am hoping this will be motivation for me to kick some butt in this weight loss challenge! :bigsmile:
    I am leaving for the Biltmore Estates tomorrow as my hubby and I are celebrating our 1 yr anniversary. It was back in June but we couldnt go then. I am so excited. I had planned on being at my desired weight by now and I am not but oh well. That will not get me down. Its some great one on one quality time with my man! I cannot wait!
    But we are hosting this years halloween party and I would love to be a bit smaller by then. Totally do-able...if I push myself. With just over a month to go....cute tinkerbell costume...HERE I COME! :bigsmile: :drinker:
    I hope all of the smokin hot green peppers have a wonderful day. Talk with you all a little more later or if anything at least tomorrow at weigh in. THINK THIN!! :laugh: :tongue:
    lots of :heart:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Mornin Everyone! Looking forward to the weekend and can't wait to see my dh, he has been in Canada since last Friday...he should be home late tonite or tomorrow! :heart: Am headin to the city today for a few groceries. After my pm bus route I am working a MS football game concession stand. I have never had a problem with the food available there, just fun to be around some social time with other moms. All of you.... I am excited for our start tomorrow! You guys can just post your wt's or message me and I will get a chart goin as soon as I figure one out! :tongue:

    Crystal ~ I am so proud of you mastering your evening! Way to go! :drinker: Stay positive and mindful at your event tonite, maybe drink a couple glasses of water before you go....sounds like you have a plan, just stick to it! You can do it! :flowerforyou:

    Jacque ~ I am BL fan too, it just motivates me so well. Don't let that scale get you down girl....just keep having more days like yesterday and you will see a loss soon! I know you really want to do this!! And I believe in you!! :smile:

    Jennifer ~ Good to hear from ya! I have had tattoo temptations a lot over the yrs...just can't bring myself to do it. It would definately have to be something very, very small! Hope you and dh have an awesome time on your getaway! :smooched:

    I am trying to get back on my JM eating plan. Yesterday, I should have known something was up when I wasn't hungry...the snacking started after my pm route and didn't end til bout 8pm:angry: Back to planning AND prepping! So, today's brkfst I had oatmeal w/blueberries, flaxseed, and organic milk. I am SO full! Lunch will be something fishy, a Laughing Cow, baby carrots and my snack will be walnuts and an orange. Supper, undecided, but lean protein and veggies for sure. Gotta do it. :bigsmile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Jennifer, I have 3 tattoos and I plan to get more. It does hurt while you're getting it, but it is so worth it in my opinion. When it is done healing, you have a beautiful work of art on your body. I'm debating on getting one as a reward when I lose all my weight. I got a new one on my shoulder after 10 weeks of not smoking. :bigsmile: My sis is trying to lose weight too and she wants to get a small star on her back for each pound she loses.

    Jacque, I don't currently watch BL, but I'm seriously considering checking it out after what everyone has said. I know they are in an unrealistic situation, but I can imagine the show provides a lot of inspiration anyway. Right now, I think seeing other people succeeding will help motivate me. I just know not to expect the same results as quickly as they see it.

    Kelly, thanks! I'll be sure to drink plenty of water and maybe chew on a piece of SF gum to keep myself from snacking while we're playing. I'm not going to shovel chex mix in my mouth while I'm chewing on some minty gum. :sick: The hardest part will be resisting dessert, but I can always reward myself for skipping it by having that Skinny Cow bar from last night. :happy: Those things are so good and I'm sure the 100 calories it has will be a lost less than whatever she serves for dessert!! Good luck with your day. Everything you have planned sounds so yummy! I had yogurt and a Kashi bar for breakfast and I'm planning on a veggie burger with a side of pineapple for lunch. Of course, I'll have my spicy V8 at some point but I'm keeping the snacking to a minimum since I don't know how much dinner will cost me.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey morning all !
    I am a SHGP!!!!!:bigsmile:
    So excited to see new people here :)
    Well doing ok this week I guess, walking the kids to school today and whatnot i think it is 1.5 there so 3 miles round trip, but i will see;)
    I will comment a little more when I get them gone for the day!:) :laugh:
    ok;) love you kell and jaque!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: love to the new bee's
  • Hey Girls!

    Since you were so kind to allow me to join, I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself!

    I am a 21 year old on a year-long break from University. I am staying home this year for a few reasons -- to help my family financially, to fully recover from an illness that had me hospitalized earlier in the year, and to take time to decide what I TRULY want to do! In my first 3 years at University, I switched my major...3 times!!!

    I know that I want to be a teacher...but WHAT do I want to teach?! :huh: That is the dilemma!

    My favorite things are the color orange, autumn (which is almost here!!), green apples, crime shows, Animal Planet, video games (xbox360 anyone?), and nature.

    My usual exercise is walking -- 3.0-3.5 mph for 30 minutes to an hour, 3 to 4 times a week. I LOVE to be outdoors and walk! Before I started MFP...I never exercised. I HATED it...or so I thought. I led a completely sedentary lifestyle...but then I discovered you don't have to go to the gym to "really" exercise. Walking around the block COUNTS! This changed my life.

    I have struggled my whole life with my weight. I have been way up (170 in middle school, 206 at my recent heighest) and way down (I suffered with anorexia in high school, and was down to 100 pounds). Now, I want to be HEALTHY. My goal is to have some self esteem and to feel good about and in my body...not to be the skinniest girl around.

    Height: 5'4"
    Highest Weight: 206 lbs
    MFP Starting Weight: 199 lbs
    Current Weight: 192 lbs
    Goal Weight: 125 lbs

    Anyways!! I can't wait to get to know everyone...this seems like such a WONDERFUL group! :heart:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member

    Hope everyone is having a good day .... as for me i got up early and worked out to slim in 6 ( i love when i get it done early) lol
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey morning all !
    I am a SHGP!!!!!:bigsmile:
    So excited to see new people here :)
    Well doing ok this week I guess, walking the kids to school today and whatnot i think it is 1.5 there so 3 miles round trip, but i will see;)
    I will comment a little more when I get them gone for the day!:) :laugh:
    ok;) love you kell and jaque!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: love to the new bee's

    :heart: Ok just got back from droping off the kids, the way we walk it is 4.3 miles (or atleast taht is what it says on the computer route thingy. Who knows it did take 1 hour and 15 mins with 3 girls and me pushing a stroller;) so needless to say Im feeling good right now! that is such an accomplishment lately that I love it!
    Gonna go to the farmers market today and get some fresh cow juice;) Yumo:drinker:
    (For the kids :laugh: )
    WELCOME Laughingfox, megan and crsytal (I know there are more, but I can't look back to see right now:laugh: )
    Crystal I am a total tattoo lady as well ;) just look at teh pictures!
    laughingfox: Glad that you opened up I have in the past, but because we have new members I will again! so here goes!
    MY NAME; erica (The one and only Miss vita von cherry- My bad azzd alter ego):laugh: :laugh:
    I am 27 years old, I have 2 girls ( autumn=6 and amy=5), i am veteran of the us navy, and a military wife at that. My highest weight was 290 and that was 2 years ago or so. I am currently at 225 and have not worked hard enough lately to work it off:) :laugh: But taht is why I stick with the SHGP"S they ROCK the WEIGHT RIGHT OFF:)
    I love the outdoors, i am always working outside or doing something outside! I love it!
    I ALSO love FALL (Hence my daughter is named autumn;) I love the smell in the air i love the smell of pumpking pie (But I DONT BAKE:) and I LOVE to cook ;) I hIDE a lot of healthy things in my food!
    I eat healthy and I love my life and my pepper girls they are life savers!:heart::heart: anything else that you want to know just ask! i am an open book ;) Im gonna post a before and a current picture of me for everyone!
    ending words of the day=
    "Get motivated and STAY dedicated" we can do anything we put our hearts to!
    Todays list to do:
    :heart: my family
    :heart: my peppers!
    :heart: myself
    :heart: my life
    Me 290 december2007

    me today 225 (in my stretch pants before I walked today)
    (Doesn't look like a huge differance to me but Im happy):bigsmile:
    have a great day I will be back tonight!
  • Vita! ur crazy and beautiful!! You look good, gurl! I would love to get down to 225 and of course lower. The sad part the only times I was skinny I was sooo unhealthy. Well today is going good so far. Put in 3 glasses of water so far, eating good, so just got to make sure I walk tonight.
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Hey morning all !
    I am a SHGP!!!!!:bigsmile:
    So excited to see new people here :)
    Well doing ok this week I guess, walking the kids to school today and whatnot i think it is 1.5 there so 3 miles round trip, but i will see;)
    I will comment a little more when I get them gone for the day!:) :laugh:
    ok;) love you kell and jaque!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: love to the new bee's

    no love for me....MISS V??? :sad:
    Love your way either way!:bigsmile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215

    Hope everyone is having a good day .... as for me i got up early and worked out to slim in 6 ( i love when i get it done early) lol

    what is slim in 6? curious b/c you seem to love it
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Crystal I am a total tattoo lady as well ;) just look at teh pictures!
    I love the the one on your chest. I would love to do something like that, but I don't think I could get away with it at work!! It's beautiful! Someday I hope I don't have to work for corp America and I can do whatever I want.
    Miss vita von cherry- My bad azzd alter ego
    Love the name. It makes me giggle ‘cause it kinda sounds like a drag queen name!! :laugh: Please don't take offense. I love drag queens!

    I guess I can tell you ladies a bit about myself. I'm 31 and I've been over weight since I was a kid. I grew up on a diet of Little Debbie snack cakes and bag of Frito Lay chips. I should post some pics. :frown:

    I married a wonderful man a year ago in July. It is a second marriage for both of us. He's wonderful, he's my world and he loves me no matter what. We have 2 mutts (I :heart: mutts!) who brighten up our house.

    I really don't know exactly what my top weight was. I'm going to ask my doctor the next time I go. I do know that it began with a 3, which is why I chose not to remember it at the time. When I started this in Feb, I weighed 273. I want to get down to 170, which is the high of my healthy weight range. I've lost 40 lbs, although the past few months I have plateaued. Which is why I’m here now. The plateau is to due a lot of stress and the inability to keep my motivation through it. I'm hoping the group with help stay motivated.

    Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    afternoon peppers!

    was able to get some more clean foods today, so now i just need to plan, plan, plan!

    jacque ~ you are doing so good today! keep it up! :bigsmile:

    erica ~ that is an awesome walk to school! we live 2 blocks from our elementary and on the edge of town ( 750 ppl here ) i have to walk from my home to the country to get in a mile! i must say, Miss V, you are so pretty and you are def a smokin hot pepper! i am so proud of your accomplishments! i am gonna do a start picture too...and this will be big for me since i still avoid the camera. will be measuring as well tomorrow! if the scale don't move much, i know inches will keep me going! i was almost the wife of a military vet. my dh had his life planned out from Feb of our Sr yr. to become a US Marine. he took tests, physicals, the whole shabang, and Oct 8, he left for San Diego....yeah i was heartbroken :brokenheart: and 23 days later he was back at my side. :love: He fractured his ankle when he was 7 and had 3 surgeries before he was 17. Turns out they never should have passed him in Des Moines. His ankle is now termed 'deformed' and has a 3/4 inch diff in his legs....which has caused him back, hip, leg pain. We are still dedicated to the military tho...and we tell each other "Semper Fi" (Fidelis) all the time. I love the Marine ads...makes me choke up about the what if's? :ohwell:

    laughing :laugh: fox~ neat name! we have very similar stats. i am bout 5' 3 3/4", and started out here at 210.4. altho my heaviest was 231 in 2002. totally understand your situation with school. my son is 19 and going for secondary history teaching with a minor in---?? we don't know...i have heard phys ed, english, now he is talking Superindendant of Schools... just take your time..and it's normal to not know! i love Fall too! my fav! you are doing a great job on the walk routine! YIPPPY!

    megan~ ditto from kitn on the slim in 6, plz do tell...does it take only 6 minutes. :bigsmile: i too am thinking exercise needs to happen in the i have it out of the way and no excuses, plus it will keep my metabolism goin all day!

    just got a call from my dh...he will be home around midnite!! :blushing:

    i will try to check in later and let's get pumped up peppers! tomorrow is the day! WOOT WOOT! :drinker:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Crystal ~ i feel kinda like you. i lost around 33, from mid Jan > end of May, and have actually put on about 10. it is my own fault. i just stopped. well, that wont, i am ready to get my butt in gear and move forward. and i am the Queen of Yo- Yo'er's too. I lose it, then just quit, and gain it all back. It truly has to be a lifestyle change. i am still obese and just gettin to about 173ish will put me in the over wt range, the high end of it. that is at least 16 lbs away. i will feel great then, and this is where i have struggled and been done in the past. really want to bust thru it this time and keep on goin! i know each and everyone of us here can do this. we just gotta stay positive and take one day at a time!! :flowerforyou:

    you have all gotten me so excited about this, i could just scream and shout for us all! i'm lovin' it! :smile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: HI KITN! sending out your JAM today lady love!:heart: sorry I forgot you, didn't see you in the thread! lOL:laugh:
    Thank you all for the love and the strength:)
    retaped my inches chart and lost over 20+ inches since being on MFP:) YAY!
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