500 calories a day: Please Help:)



  • StrongandTender
    StrongandTender Posts: 44 Member
    You said for us to be honest.

  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    There is a limit to how much fat you can metabolise in a day. A deficit beyond that means any weight loss will come from your lean mass - muscles, organs, bones etc. You need to get professional help now before you cause yourself permenant harm or illness. Less than 500 calories is not reasonable for anyone not under STRICT medical supervision. I have a 40lbg dog that eats about 800 a day.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I agree with all of the above posters. You need professional help to get a handle on your eating disorder. What you are doing is not healthy. It doesn't matter how skinny you are if you are not around to enjoy it. Please give your body the fuel it needs to survive.
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    You're worth more than what you're doing to your body and your health, sweetheart. You're a beautiful person and i wish you could see that. I echo everyone else who encouraged you to speak to somebody who knows about this stuff. I believe in you.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Either keep eating like you are and wither away until it kills you (which is what happens when people don't eat) or start upping your calories.

    If you do not, once you reach your goal and start eating normally you will gain everything back, and then some.

    Start upping your calories by like 300 every week. You are eating so little you need to do it in larger increments like that.

    Once you are eating normally again and are at at least 1200 calories start lifting weights. That will make you healthy lean, not sickly thin.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Honesty: Reading this and looking at your food diary is one of the most terrifying, sad things I have ever encountered on this site.

    Please seek medical help now. Do not wait. NOW.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I agree with the others, this is really not healthy at all. You are too young to be doing such possibly irreparable damage to your enitre body. You could be setting the stage for lifelong disabilities.
  • moonpieto
    moonpieto Posts: 76 Member
    Simple starvation leads to the marasmus type of malnutrition, characterized by
    insufficient coverage of need for both energy and proteins (protein-energy type of

    Stress starvation leads to kwashiorkor type of malnutrition, in which deficit of
    proteins prevails.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    You're drowning in the psychosis of ED...nobody here can help you.
    Seek professional help or you could die.
    Your choice.
    Good Luck.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I'm not saying anything everyone else hadn't said, but I'm chiming in so it's one more voice. You have lost sight of your health, and you need help refocusing. Good on you for realizing you're not on the right track, but right now you need to seek professional help to get healthy. PLEASE tell your doctor.
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    You definitely have an eating disorder. You need to understand that being healthy is more important than being skinny.
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    Honesty: Reading this and looking at your food diary is one of the most terrifying, sad things I have ever encountered on this site.

    Please seek medical help now. Do not wait. NOW.

    I feel the same way. :frown: Looking through your diary is breaking my heart, darling. Please don't do this to yourself, get help...you are far too precious to treat yourself this way.
  • hapilymarried2006
    hapilymarried2006 Posts: 27 Member
    Wow I thought I was bad i have been there exactly where you are :( I was told that i damaged by body so bad that I would never have children which as you can see i was able to pull myself together and have 4 wonderful kids if you worry about the calories and what you are intaking just slowly start eating more protein you will not gain weight from protein...I was told from a dr to slowly add an oz of protein per meal up to three times a day so If i wasn't use to eating breakfast then try and eat an oz of protein for breakfast or drink a protien shake and so on it truely helped I still struggle with even having an appitite but seem to manage good luck hit me up if you need some that has been in your shoes its a hard road to walk but you can do it if you put your mind to it :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    You're drowning in the psychosis of ED...nobody here can help you.
    Seek professional help or you could die.
    Your choice.
    Good Luck.
    The sad truth.

    Also, you list your inspiration as a sexy body. How sexy do you think it is to have no energy, to be weak and in pain, throwing up? If you feel your HEART is breaking down, truly in your mind you know this is very wrong without even asking us.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    There is a limit to how much fat you can metabolise in a day. A deficit beyond that means any weight loss will come from your lean mass - muscles, organs, bones etc. You need to get professional help now before you cause yourself permenant harm or illness. Less than 500 calories is not reasonable for anyone not under STRICT medical supervision. I have a 40lbg dog that eats about 800 a day.

    This....but I don't have a dog.
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    Honesty: Reading this and looking at your food diary is one of the most terrifying, sad things I have ever encountered on this site.

    Please seek medical help now. Do not wait. NOW.

    ^This. Reading your diary was terrifying. Gum is not food. Please get help.
  • SuzyLy
    SuzyLy Posts: 133 Member
    Your diary is very upsetting . . . please see a doctor soon!!
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Please contact a mental health professional, or tell your doctor. To increase the likelihood that you will get help quickly (which is what you need), consider printing out a couple of pages of your diary and show the professionals what you have shown to us.

    Be gentle with yourself - which does not mean continuing denial - it means getting help. Good luck.
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member

    ^^^^^^^^^^^She didnt think she had an issue either, and by the time this brave woman went to turn her life around it was far too late.

    Now youre on here asking for help. Kudos, now seek a professional and improve the relationship with food that you admit is sucking monkey nuts right now. Youre honest about how crappy you eat but we cant give you ALL the help you need, just be aware of that.

  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I am concerned for you. As are many others.

    Please tell your mother what you just wrote. Let her help you find the help you need, especially if you don't know where to turn.

    Get to the doctor and be honest about all this.

    You can do it! You can be a healthy weight, love yourself and your body AND EAT, too! It's possible but it sounds like you need more help than we can provide you to get you back on that path.
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