500 calories a day: Please Help:)



  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    My goodness some people are so rude on here! 500 calories is plenty (even lower). If it works for you, then do it! However, just make sure your bmi is in the healthy range. It doesn't seem like you have an eating disorder (maybe EDNOS though). If you do drop into the underweight zone, you may develop anorexia if you continue. THEN, you should seek help. :)

    are you aware of what an eating disorder is????
  • aubreykkkk
    aubreykkkk Posts: 147 Member
    My goodness some people are so rude on here! 500 calories is plenty (even lower). If it works for you, then do it! However, just make sure your bmi is in the healthy range. It doesn't seem like you have an eating disorder (maybe EDNOS though). If you do drop into the underweight zone, you may develop anorexia if you continue. THEN, you should seek help. :)

    You are f*cking off your rocker.
    Wow! How did you know that my post was mostly in response to yours? :)
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    please, take the advice given here, and seek help with your Dr.

    You owe it to yourself to be healthy, and you need to find a way to get there. You can do this!!!
  • aubreykkkk
    aubreykkkk Posts: 147 Member
    My goodness some people are so rude on here! 500 calories is plenty (even lower). If it works for you, then do it! However, just make sure your bmi is in the healthy range. It doesn't seem like you have an eating disorder (maybe EDNOS though). If you do drop into the underweight zone, you may develop anorexia if you continue. THEN, you should seek help. :)

    are you aware of what an eating disorder is????
    Yes I do. I have one. (EDNOS with an anorexia and binge-eating subtype).
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    I think that you really need to talk to a nutritionist as well as a therapist/doctor. It sounds like you know that you need help, that's why you are asking for it here. It also sounds like a lot of people are worried about you on MFP and they don't even know you! If you truly want to be healthy start with talking to a nutritionist. You have made the first step with asking for help, now take it to the next level. We are all here for you!!!
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    My goodness some people are so rude on here! 500 calories is plenty (even lower). If it works for you, then do it! However, just make sure your bmi is in the healthy range. It doesn't seem like you have an eating disorder (maybe EDNOS though). If you do drop into the underweight zone, you may develop anorexia if you continue. THEN, you should seek help. :)

    are you aware of what an eating disorder is????
    Yes I do. I have one. (EDNOS with an anorexia and binge-eating subtype).

    ok so I am assuming you have the qualifications to diagnose one then since that's what you are doing in your previous post? How can you say 500 calories or lower is enough??
  • RoseRoiz
    RoseRoiz Posts: 95
    You need to get help and see a Doctor. Your body can not function like that!!
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    my advice :: first and foremost, seek professional help . try to eat more. if you find you cannot eat FOOD, take supplements and drink ensure or some type of drink that will give you the nutrients your body needs.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    I'm trying to say this in the nicest way... Have you accepted the fact the you have an eating disorder? Please seek professional help from a physician, dietitian and psychologist. You're doing lots of damage to your body by depriving it of essential nutrients.

    I agree with this.
    In the short term you may like the way your body is looking, but in the long term the damage may be so significant that it may not be able to repair itself.

    This... seek help before you do long term damage to your brain, heart, and other major organs.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    one more person chiming in:
    1) talk to your mother. she has reason to be worried about you.
    2) talk to your doctor (I think you also need to get help from a psychiatrist or psychologist who specializes in eating disorders)
    3) gum is NOT breakfast food
    4) I would highly recommend that you don't add people on MFP who are pro-ED and NOT in recovery--that will not help you. There are lots of lovely people here, men and women, who have experienced EDs firsthand and are in recovery and are HEALTHY--those are the folks you need for community support, not the girls telling you that 500 calories a day or less is ok and safe for your health.
  • ahipsher
    ahipsher Posts: 46 Member
    My goodness some people are so rude on here! 500 calories is plenty (even lower). If it works for you, then do it! However, just make sure your bmi is in the healthy range. It doesn't seem like you have an eating disorder (maybe EDNOS though). If you do drop into the underweight zone, you may develop anorexia if you continue. THEN, you should seek help. :)

    Please show me your medical degree.

    As a recovering bulimic, I agree with the rest of the people on here - get help.
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    My goodness some people are so rude on here! 500 calories is plenty (even lower). If it works for you, then do it! However, just make sure your bmi is in the healthy range. It doesn't seem like you have an eating disorder (maybe EDNOS though). If you do drop into the underweight zone, you may develop anorexia if you continue. THEN, you should seek help. :)

    You are f*cking off your rocker.
    Wow! How did you know that my post was mostly in response to yours? :)

    LOL. I agree, definitely off her rocker.

    honey how old are you? you look really young you probably shouldnt even be on this site. and i'm sure you don't know much about eating disorders as you cannot eat 500 calories a day and be okay. STOP GIVING THIS GIRL FALSE ADVICE. its funny youre the only one who is telling her its okay.

    Your body is going to fail. If you keep this up. you are KILLING yourself.. you're ruining your chance at happiness, growing up, doing everything you want, and probably ruining your reproductive system.PLEASE, seak medicial help, RIGHT AWAY.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    My goodness some people are so rude on here! 500 calories is plenty (even lower). If it works for you, then do it! However, just make sure your bmi is in the healthy range. It doesn't seem like you have an eating disorder (maybe EDNOS though). If you do drop into the underweight zone, you may develop anorexia if you continue. THEN, you should seek help. :)

    are you aware of what an eating disorder is????
    Yes I do. I have one. (EDNOS with an anorexia and binge-eating subtype).

    ok so I am assuming you have the qualifications to diagnose one then since that's what you are doing in your previous post? How can you say 500 calories or lower is enough??

    her response tells you all you need to know--she has EDNOS--recommending dangerous behavior to others means she's probably not in recovery. not a good support for the OP if the OP really wants to get healthy.
  • DawnMcUK
    DawnMcUK Posts: 53
    My goodness some people are so rude on here! 500 calories is plenty (even lower). If it works for you, then do it! However, just make sure your bmi is in the healthy range. It doesn't seem like you have an eating disorder (maybe EDNOS though). If you do drop into the underweight zone, you may develop anorexia if you continue. THEN, you should seek help. :)

    are you aware of what an eating disorder is????
    Yes I do. I have one. (EDNOS with an anorexia and binge-eating subtype).
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    My goodness some people are so rude on here! 500 calories is plenty (even lower). If it works for you, then do it! However, just make sure your bmi is in the healthy range. It doesn't seem like you have an eating disorder (maybe EDNOS though). If you do drop into the underweight zone, you may develop anorexia if you continue. THEN, you should seek help. :)

    You are f*cking off your rocker.
    Wow! How did you know that my post was mostly in response to yours? :)

    LOL. I agree, definitely off her rocker.

    honey how old are you? you look really young you probably shouldnt even be on this site. and i'm sure you don't know much about eating disorders as you cannot eat 500 calories a day and be okay. STOP GIVING THIS GIRL FALSE ADVICE. its funny youre the only one who is telling her its okay.

    Your body is going to fail. If you keep this up. you are KILLING yourself.. you're ruining your chance at happiness, growing up, doing everything you want, and probably ruining your reproductive system.PLEASE, seak medicial help, RIGHT AWAY.

    She's been reported.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    My goodness some people are so rude on here! 500 calories is plenty (even lower). If it works for you, then do it! However, just make sure your bmi is in the healthy range. It doesn't seem like you have an eating disorder (maybe EDNOS though). If you do drop into the underweight zone, you may develop anorexia if you continue. THEN, you should seek help. :)

    I think you need to check again. Calories that low will cause cardic arrest. Look it up or call a MD and ask. There are reasons they tell people not to cut their calories so low. And there are reasons people with Anorexia die. It's called a heart attack.
  • 2fat4knees
    2fat4knees Posts: 25 Member
    You are effectively STOPPING your metabolism from helping you lose weight by putting your body into "starvation" mode...you cannot lose those last few pounds at such a low calorie intake because you have shut down your metabolism and your body is hoarding every calorie it can get. You must add some healthy protein ....chicken, fish, yogurt, low fat cheese, etc. Also, there is nothing wrong with eating small amounts of complex carbs. I agree with the other posters that suggest that you seek medical help because a severely restricted diet and obsession with every mouthful and every pound are signs of a possible eating disorder. Please don't delay seeing a Dr.....your health sounds seriously in jeopardy
  • uglyhobo
    uglyhobo Posts: 108 Member
    500 calories is plenty (even lower)

  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    Your very next phone call should be to a doctor - one you know and trust. Print out your exact post here as it is a scream for help. Discuss this with professionals.

    You are killing yourself - for what?

    Get help, please. I don't want to read about you in the papers. You are beautifully & wonderfully made in the image of God and He loves you. Now you must love yourself enough to seek help. You've asked for advice and you have tons of it here - all of basically saying the same thing.
  • ShawtyHotPink
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