Anybody willing to admit to lying to MFP?



  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    We all omit things from time to time. Unfortunately, the results don't lie! Lol!

    We are in fact only lieing to ourselves, but yes we all do it.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    On Wednesday I was full but I still had approx 400cals left to eat.

    On Thursday, I had eaten all my daily allowance, but my husband had a piece of chocolate slice and offered me some of it.

    I ate it and logged it, but I added it to Wednesday, to even out my daily totals.
  • DianneBoo
    DianneBoo Posts: 226 Member
    I do the best I can to log everything. But, I have forgotten a few times to log a coffee or a snack. Or, forgot I had double of something and only logged 1/2. When I notice I have done this, I try to add 15 minutes of exercise in the next day!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I have found that exercise is more important for my weight loss than my calorie deficit. So I am not obsessive about logging every little thing.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Tonight, I didn't lie exactly, but I ate after midnight, some real junk -- oreos and coke, and cheese and crackers.

    Instead of logging it for Thursday, since it was after midnight, I logged as a Friday snack, which is technically true, but usually I don't snack until later in the day.

    But I've logged in for 190 days and kept off about 10 lbs this year, (total of 34 lbs), but I keep going up and down a couple of lbs. Logging has helped prevent me from regaining everything...but it's six months into 2012, and for the holidays, I really want to lose another 30 lbs.

    If I'm being honest with myself, I need to do something very different. So I'm not "lying" but I've been playing games, I think.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Yes, I over estimate things I eat so nobody looks at my diary and says I'm not eating enough, lol.
    Often the quantities I log in some foods are up to double the amount that I've actually eaten.
    Also stops MFP from giving me the token 'you're not eating enough calories' message all the darn time :laugh:
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Lying to MFP does not help me in any way. There is no weight loss because my calories SHOW 500 below maintenance... I lose weight because my calories ARE below maintenance. Therefore, I do not intentionally 'LIE" to MFP.. That being said, there are a few little things I may not show on my daily log.. usually by accident. There is usually some probable overage somewhere along the line thought that helps make up for it. But to intentionally not record something only makes my record inaccurate and causes a bit of confusion along the way.
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    I track as accurately as i can but i don't really count drinks tbh. I only drink water, green tea, squash and diet soda though, it's not as if i'm drinking eight pints of beer every night, lol.
  • barbielovesgym
    I don't lie when I log my food to MFP, thats just counterproductive. And also, in case I stall or something, I like to have record to see what I ate/did differently on those days so I can correct the problem. I even log 0 calorie things just to have a 100% accurate record of everything I was eating.

    "What you eat in private, you wear in public."
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I only lie if I'm being reallly lazy
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    MFP doesn't care.
    Do you really think you're doing yourself any good by lying to and misleading yourself?
    Your body knows the truth even if you mind doesn't.
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    I've been meticulous from the beginning, but in the last week I went to a wedding and a BBQ where I did a lot of nibbling...and wine drinking. I think I did pretty darn good at logging after the wedding. But the BBQ was yesterday (got pretty tipsy drinking wine in the sun), and all day today I kept remembering things I totally forgot to log...pistachios, a bite of goat cheese, one brussel sprout, the few slices of jicama I stole while my boyfriend was making the salad. I didn't go back and add it in, I just stayed under goal today and burned a ton riding my bike to work and Zumba. I took responsibility for it, so I really don't consider it "lying", and I wouldn't if a friend did the same.
  • eidnahenri
    eidnahenri Posts: 16
    I allow people very close to me in my real life to view my diaries here, so they can help keep me accountable. One of them gets pretty frustrated with me for overdoing certain exercise (contrary to physical therapist's orders), so I only log half or less of what I actually do, simply to avoid the argument. I also intentionally log larger portions than I actually eat, for the same reason. I look like I eat them, so I may as well say I eat them, if it means he'll stop worrying so much.

    I don't do it to purposefully "lie" to mfp, myself, or anyone else... just conflict avoidance, I guess.
  • roguestates
    roguestates Posts: 223
    If I go over by a lot, I'm usually too ashamed to add it to my log. Which is dumb, because I'm sure if I just added it anyway, that would be just the kick in the pants I needed to give up whatever bad habit caused me to go over my goal.

    Why are we so afraid of food? Let's not cultivate an unhealthy relationship with food; it nourishes us. Some days, we're going to eat more than we need, but other days we won't. The guilt only triggers a bad cycle of thinking/behavior.

    It's counterproductive to lie to MFP, and some of the examples sound like they're bordering on eating disorder territory...

    I can admit to not being as precise as I could be because I don't own a food scale (yet) and can't find some of my foods in the database, especially when I eat out. I try to get as close as possible and err on the conservative side, though.

    I also don't trust MFP's catalog of calories burned for physical activities; they seem a bit generous. Thus, I don't eat back 100% of calories burned. If I do, it's by accident, lol.
  • nostalgicfortune
    I dont... lie.. persay... but once a week my family and I -who are all in it together- have a 'cheat' day.. where we don't log our foods and get to indulge a little ... we still eat pretty healthy... just.. well we get that fudge bar we've been craving all week... or that cheeseburger... a nice cheesy omelet...mmmm .... saturday is almost here for me lol can you tell???
  • naughtyfushsia_wechnaged
    i track everything that passes my lips every day, chore i know but if i didn't i would slip and give up, i be honest and strictish with myself so i make sure i have 100 cals left over for the day "just incase" i under estimate a certain food which isn't in the data base then im safe with the 100 cals that i have to play with ;o)
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    I have lied too.

    When I first started here I had a terrible habit of overeating. I was really ashamed of myself and lack of self control.

    On my wall I often lamented that 1200 cals weren't enough... mate, 3000 would have been more achieveable...

    So I would only log up to 1200 - or a bit over and then I would just hate myself and not log. (I didn't want to be confronted by the truth)

    Now, many months of changing my eating habits later... I lie the other way - I overestimate calories if I'm unsure and underestimate workout calories - because I'm always unsure.

    It works better this way. :)
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    at the end of the day you are not lying to mfp you are decieving yourself if you don,t care why should we its the result at the end of each week that counts if your not getting results you want then your only hurting yourself :wink: :wink:
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    You're not lying to MFP. You're lying to yourself!
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    The only person your lying too is yourself