Everything I wish someone had told me 100 pounds ago...



  • heathercicle
    heathercicle Posts: 91 Member
    Two tips for water consumption (that work for me):

    1. Drink a glass or more of water upon waking. I do my 2 minute restroom thing then go grab a bottle of water before I brush my teeth or shower. I try to drink at least 16 fl. oz. of water before I leave the house for the day. It's a great way to jumpstart a good habit for the day.

    2. Carry a bottle of water with you every where you go. In your hand. Not in your bag or in your work area, etc. Keep it as close to your hand as possible and in your hand the rest of the time. I personally have a habit of "snacking" or sipping on whatever is in my hand so keeping that water bottle there (and filled!) makes me drink water like crazy. I don't track my water regularly but when I have, I get at least 14 glasses of water on days I don't work out.

    I sincerely hope these few tips help someone!
  • jenjones28
    jenjones28 Posts: 66 Member
    Awesome advice, and congratulations on your weight loss. Definitely going to print these tips out and keep them close as a reminder! One thing I've been trying to keep in mind as well (that I need to be ALOT better about) is trying to have a "rainbow" of foods each day. I think it's hard not to have a variety of veggies and fresh foods if you're trying to have a rainbow of foods each day. This is an area I need to improve on.
  • sourberry
    sourberry Posts: 22
    Very useful advice, thank you! (And congratulations!)
  • phenixred
    phenixred Posts: 26 Member
    Good tips, i want to add something to it. When people go out to eat in a resturant, the portion sizes are always huge. Some people go out quite often, some dont. If your the kind who does, when you order your meal, ask for a to go container with it, and immediately when it comes put HALF of your meal in to it. Dont wait to do this till after you ate. If the food is sitting there while your eating eat, you feel compelled to eat it, if you take the food away befor you eat, your body wont miss it. I find this has worked out well for me. Cuts the meal in half, and leaves you some for tommorow...
  • noneedforspeed
    noneedforspeed Posts: 13 Member
    nice post! sensible suggestions.. thanks for sharing and great job on the weight loss
  • sefrank
    sefrank Posts: 26 Member
    Great advice! Congrats on your weight loss. I started my weight loss journey o 4/30/2012 and have lost 48lbs, have about 95-100 left to go and cant impress upon how important logging my food is for me. It has made me very aware of everything i put into my mouth, i rarely eat something without checking on fitpal to get an estimate of calories and carbs, which are equally as important for me. I really like the 5:30 rule, I'll have to keep that one in mind.
  • workingthisout
    workingthisout Posts: 35 Member
    Awesome tips that everyone should follow, thanks for sharing!!