


  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    Its got to be cycled for 2 week periods
    Again, it acts more like a crutch into getting people to start thinking more about macro and calorie tracking
  • MerBear1FL
    MerBear1FL Posts: 32
    I have tried it twice with initial success with weight loss. However, I was unable to sustain the weight loss when off the pills. Both times I reverted to my old diet and gained the weight back plus some. My boss and coworkers often refer to it as the "Crazy Pills" because everyone who takes it loses their minds at some point. Ultimately, it is your CHOICE, your BODY...don't let anyone's opinion influence you!
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    lol, speed. lol, asking for information but not wanting to give out stats. ok.

    Anyway, have you ever been on diabetic medication? I had the same issue, was 220 pounds and eating "well" and exercising but could not lose weight - turns out i was Insulin Resistsant. Did your doctor check into that or do they just want to put you on speed instead of finding the root cause of your problem?
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    phentermine killed a bunch of people when it was sold rapidly as a part of fen-phen in the early 90's.. and taken off the market. Everyone I have known who has taken it has experienced weight loss but never experienced a lifestyle change. So.. they either stopped taking it and are still fat and never lost any more or stopped taking it and gained all their weight back. Drugs are not necessary. There are hundreds of people on this site that have experienced significant weight loss without the possibility of death, high blood pressure, heart tremors, lack of sleep, and non-stop thirst (side affects).
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    lol, speed. lol, asking for information but not wanting to give out stats. ok.

    Agree with this.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member

    Yes it will work. But only because you will not eat. Once you go off and start eating you will gain it all back. I know from experience as well. I gained it all back plus another 25 pounds.
  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    lol, speed. lol, asking for information but not wanting to give out stats. ok.

    Anyway, have you ever been on diabetic medication? I had the same issue, was 220 pounds and eating "well" and exercising but could not lose weight - turns out i was Insulin Resistsant. Did your doctor check into that or do they just want to put you on speed instead of finding the root cause of your problem?

    I am asking for other people's experiences with the medication, not medical advice; therefore I see no point in offering up that information. I am consulting with my physician and she has 42 years of medical experience. I am confident in her ability to calculate how many calories I should be consuming each day. As far as finding the "root" cause of my problem. I have had test after test to try to determine if there was an underlying cause to my weight retention. I already mentioned that my thyroid is fine. I have been test for everything from diabetes to parasites. I am perfectly healthy across the boards.
  • DMarieLVT
    DMarieLVT Posts: 71 Member
    My doctor prescribed it to me after several years of battling my weight. I know EXACTLY how you feel and I don't want to sugar coat it for you because I think you need the honest truth. I felt AWFUL after a few months of taking it. It suppressed my appetite to almost nothing and I was getting weak and could no longer work out in the capacity that I was used to. It made my heart race and it felt like I was having an anxiety attack 24/7. I tried halving the pills, but it didn't make much of a difference. I was seeing a huge difference on the scale but not so much in my body. That's when I found my personal trainer/nutritionist and she was HORRIFIED at what had happened to me. She did a lot of calculations and tests on me and found that I was basically starving myself and was losing muscle mass as well as crucial organ function. I tried taking it only once a day in the morning and at work I was shaking so hard it was difficult to function. I felt like I was drinking gallons of coffee each morning! I gradually weaned off of it and then the real horror began...I gained everything I had lost and THEN some because I was finally eating again and my body was holding on to it for dear life! It was frustrating and I told my doctor exactly what I thought about it and showed him what it had done to my body. Since then he has become very supportive of my healthy eating and exercise routine. It's a lot slower but I can tell you that I feel 110% better. Good luck to you and I hope whatever you do works for you :flowerforyou:
  • Elebode
    Elebode Posts: 2
    First time I took them , 2 years ago, went from 146 lbs to 128 lbs, in few months .. mostly, because it killed my appetite .. (yay ), so I wasn't eating that much .. no exercise ... Took it again few months after .. lost few more lbs .. then stopped ... gained some weight .. started again ... and the last time I did .. my body was so used to them .. it did nothing for me ... I felt "good" while on them, the only side affect, for me , was that I couldn't breathe sometimes .. I would have a really hard time catching my breath ... not cool . And of course, I've gained almost all the weight back ... So... I started working out ... Insanity .. :) ... Long story short ... They do work ... but they're not for the long run .. Plus .. the guy from Cvs told me that they cause some sort of heart holes, if you continue taking them for a long period of time .. So ... I don't know ...
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I don't need any negativity or patronage from anyone who doesn't feel like medication should be used to lose weight.

    SO, you want all of us to lie to you?
  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    My doctor prescribed it to me after several years of battling my weight. I know EXACTLY how you feel and I don't want to sugar coat it for you because I think you need the honest truth. I felt AWFUL after a few months of taking it. It suppressed my appetite to almost nothing and I was getting weak and could no longer work out in the capacity that I was used to. It made my heart race and it felt like I was having an anxiety attack 24/7. I tried halving the pills, but it didn't make much of a difference. I was seeing a huge difference on the scale but not so much in my body. That's when I found my personal trainer/nutritionist and she was HORRIFIED at what had happened to me. She did a lot of calculations and tests on me and found that I was basically starving myself and was losing muscle mass as well as crucial organ function. I tried taking it only once a day in the morning and at work I was shaking so hard it was difficult to function. I felt like I was drinking gallons of coffee each morning! I gradually weaned off of it and then the real horror began...I gained everything I had lost and THEN some because I was finally eating again and my body was holding on to it for dear life! It was frustrating and I told my doctor exactly what I thought about it and showed him what it had done to my body. Since then he has become very supportive of my healthy eating and exercise routine. It's a lot slower but I can tell you that I feel 110% better. Good luck to you and I hope whatever you do works for you :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for sharing. I will definitely keep your story in mind.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    lol, speed. lol, asking for information but not wanting to give out stats. ok.

    Anyway, have you ever been on diabetic medication? I had the same issue, was 220 pounds and eating "well" and exercising but could not lose weight - turns out i was Insulin Resistsant. Did your doctor check into that or do they just want to put you on speed instead of finding the root cause of your problem?

    I am asking for other people's experiences with the medication, not medical advice; therefore I see no point in offering up that information. I am consulting with my physician and she has 42 years of medical experience. I am confident in her ability to calculate how many calories I should be consuming each day. As far as finding the "root" cause of my problem. I have had test after test to try to determine if there was an underlying cause to my weight retention. I already mentioned that my thyroid is fine. I have been test for everything from diabetes to parasites. I am perfectly healthy across the boards.

    If your doctor has 42 years of medical experience and you trust everything she has done for you, why in the world would you care what we think? Take the damn pills and be done.
  • tgbyfield
    tgbyfield Posts: 62
    I don't need any negativity or patronage from anyone who doesn't feel like medication should be used to lose weight.

    SO, you want all of us to lie to you?

    No... I want the truth and advice from people who have had experiences with the medication... not opinions from people who have never taken it, are not medical professionals and have not experienced what I am with my weight loss. There are many people who have shared their stories and some say do it some say stay away...and I take their stories more seriously, no matter their suggestion... because they have personal experience.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Just saying, a doctor who's been practicing for 42 years would make me run for the hills when it comes to nutrition advice! Those who've been in the field the longest are usually pretty set in their ways. In my personal experience working with some different doctors.

    I realize you asked about this drug specifically but from the experiences of those who've been on it, I hope you can see it's not going to be an easy longterm solution for you, and taking the advice of those who are willing to offer true guidance and support based on your situation would be your best bet.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I don't need any negativity or patronage from anyone who doesn't feel like medication should be used to lose weight.

    SO, you want all of us to lie to you?

    No... I want the truth and advice from people who have had experiences with the medication... not opinions from people who have never taken it, are not medical professionals and have not experienced what I am with my weight loss. There are many people who have shared their stories and some say do it some say stay away...and I take their stories more seriously, no matter their suggestion... because they have personal experience.

    Seems like alot of us have experience with it. Obviously, very few of us are medical experts. And as far as your problems with weight loss, yours are the same as the rest of ours: EXCUSES AS TO WHY WE REFUSE TO EAT PROPERLY and EXERCISE.
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    diet pills that speed up your heart can damage your valves, cause right sided heart failure that can result in death. It is a risk factor to consider. death and valve damage is permanent. the weight loss is usually not. it might harm you it might not. you make an educated decision based on your research including and then live with it. good luck!
  • MD1Girl
    MD1Girl Posts: 46 Member
    I was prescribed this by my Doctor many years ago, when I was only about 25 pounds overweight. I was hoping that it would help. Instead after taking it for two-three days, I ended up at the emergency room. I was having difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, dizziness, and I felt like I was bouncing off the walls while sitting still. I've never had a reaction to any other medication, other than this one. If you are going to take this, be careful. I know that everyone reacts differently to medication, but that was my experience and I would not ever recommend anyone I know to take this.
  • artgal82
    artgal82 Posts: 4
    I have been taking it for the last 2 weeks and starting on my third. I have lost 10.5 lbs in two weeks. The main side effect I've felt is the cotton mouth, but I don't think of it as a negative side effect as it encourages you to drink the amounts of water you're supposed to be drinking anyways. The energy is great, but it's not super energizer bunny energy for me, it just means that after I finish my 9 hour work day, I'm not absolutely exhausted and can then go exercise before I head home. The number one thing you have to remember is that the phentermine is not supposed to be the "cure for fat loss" in a pill... it's an appetite suppressant so that when you overhaul your eating habits and start eating healthy and in the correct portions, your body doesn't go into starvation mode. The main thing is to use the time you are on it to break yourself of bad habits, and learn to enjoy the healthy correct portions and exercise, so that when you wean yourself off of it you don't slide backwards because you've made a total lifestyle change. Your attitude is everything! Good luck!
  • laneikqua
    laneikqua Posts: 29 Member
    I agree completely I have been overweight majority of my life. I exercise counted calories. Just because your DOCTOR prescribes you medicine doesn't mean your taking the easy way out. We to watch what we eat and exercise.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    I took it years ago and didn't change my eating habits, so I didn't lose much weight (I was also taking an antidepressant at the time and it was what had caused me to gain the weight in the first place, so they kind of cancelled each other out).

    I am off the antidepressants now and have just started back with the phentermine. My doctor did every test in the book and has me on 1/2 to one tablet per day and 1200 calories. I can say that the only negative side effect I have had so far is dry mouth, but that just makes certain that I get my 8+ cups of water in per day. I love that it gives me a little more pep so that I can workout like I have wanted to do. I find that I still have an appetite, but it no longer overwhelmes me.

    I read many posters state that once they went back to their "normal" eating patterns, the weight came back. That is going to be true of any weightloss program..."if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." So, when you are finished with the phentermine, you will have to make sure that you don't go back to those old habits.

    All that being said, I am sure you have looked up the potential side-effects, so you know that you should see your doctor regularly for monitoring. I will be going to my doctor's office once every 2 weeks and will be weighed, have my pulse and blood pressure checked, etc. I think this can be done safely and effectively so long as you work with your doctor and use your brain once you have reached your goals.

    Good luck with your decision. Also, there is a phentermine group on here if you would find that helpful.
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