Dr Oz love him or hate him?



  • Huntress52
    Huntress52 Posts: 12
    Not sure. I'm trying his latest advice about using raspberry keytones for wt. Loss..nope not yet :(
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I'll say one more thing though. He's a whole lot better than that Hungry Girl chickadee. She's all calories, calories, calories, lowfat, lowfat, lowfat! Don't eat this, don't eat that. Don't EVER order this at a restaurant. At least, Dr. Oz (contradicting or not over the next few days) is not calorie obsessed. He'll try to convey some sense of actual nutrition.

    i can't stand her either!

    No kidding. And her fetish for those mini babybel cheeses is ridiculous!!! She puts them on everything. I once asked her if she had a sponsorship deal with them and my post got removed!

    Oh she definitely has some sort of affiliation with them. :) I don't mind that tbh. Every show needs its sponsors, and I quite like the cheese. Haha. It's her adamant calorie preaching that pisses me off. 35 calories per cheese wedge! 4 calories per splenda packet! 10 calories per 1 second spray of PAM! And God forbid if anything has over 5 or 6 grams of fat.

    My eye is twitching already.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    I watch his show, but don't get into all the gimmicks......love how he explains the working of the Heart.....as a Heart Patient I would not mind if he did a full work up on me........his daughter Daphnae I don't like at all.......
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I don't love Dr. Oz but I do appreciate what he has done as far as raising the awareness of obesity in America. When he was on Oprah years ago, he once showed the omentum of someone who was only 20 pounds overweight! It was this HUGE sheet of fat, that shocked the heck out of me and got me really thinking about my weight. This tissue is supposed to be thin, but in overweight and obese people can become immense.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    The minute he said that an uncirc'd "member" was a diseased organ, he lost any kind of interest I ever had in anything he had to say.
  • Jamee_J
    Jamee_J Posts: 63
    My 25 year old brother says every time he watches or hears Dr. Oz he learns he has a new type of cancer. Lol
  • Jamee_J
    Jamee_J Posts: 63
    Not that cancer is funny, just that everything Dr. Oz says can be taken to the extreme.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    I don't have an active TV subscription so never get subjected to his crap (Boxee+XboxLive+NetFlix+HuluPlus weeeeee)

    However, I always seem the same mind numbingly stupid things pop up on the forums that can be traced back to this douchenozzle. I'm pretty sure if I actually found out what he looked like and ever happened to run across him I would make a conscious effort to hit him with my car and go on knowing I made the world a more betterer place to *kitten* around in.
  • Latona38
    Latona38 Posts: 111 Member
    LOVE HIM!!! Every since the apple juice episode I have stopped giving it to my kids. there is never an excuse for arsenic to be in our foods. He provides great information for people to help themselves and live healthier lives. I do have to say some things can be taken to the extreme but that's where discretion comes in.
  • itsgood
    itsgood Posts: 85 Member
    when $$$ is the bottom line you lose your perspective. He has an hour to fill every day...he sold out. It's a shame, he didn't start that way.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    LOVE HIM!!! Every since the apple juice episode I have stopped giving it to my kids. there is never an excuse for arsenic to be in our foods. He provides great information for people to help themselves and live healthier lives. I do have to say some things can be taken to the extreme but that's where discretion comes in.

    Arsenic exists in a whole lot more than you realize, and it all depends on how much is in what.

    For example, if you've ever owned an iPod/iPhone prior to 2011, you were loving up on arsenic all day erry day.
  • TarynLgh
    TarynLgh Posts: 10 Member
    Well, I'll go against most in here but I like him. I don't take to heart every little thing he says. But, for me, I hear of things I normally wouldn't that might help me. He's not MY doctor so I don't start anything without a ton of research anyway to find out if it's for me. And actually, my doctor has me on some of the supplements he talks about anyway.
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    To me, he's an entertainer which makes medical advise lose credibility in my eyes. He is a surgeon so clearly he has medical info and experience and he seems have tidbits of good info in there.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    I don't hate him and his show can be entertaining. I have learn things. But I don't accept everything he says as the truth either.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    no idea who he is....

    You're not missing anything....honest.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Well, I'll go against most in here but I like him. I don't take to heart every little thing he says. But, for me, I hear of things I normally wouldn't that might help me. He's not MY doctor so I don't start anything without a ton of research anyway to find out if it's for me. And actually, my doctor has me on some of the supplements he talks about anyway.

    See the problem is quite a few Doctors; like all people in business, have a bottom line.

    My doctor recommended to me a thermogenic supplement to "boost" my metabolism. It amounted to Vitamin D (the only worthwhile thing in it, but sorry, not a fat burner), Caffeine/Green Tea, and Acai berry. In other words it was your typical snake oil "fat burner hurr durr antioxidents" supplement that people shill all the time; and it was coming from my physician who is a veteran in the field, experienced, and one of the top rated in Dallas.

    When I declined and said it was crap, he just smiled and said, "Well worth a shot!"

    Things like Raspberry Ketones? Acai Berry? Horsesh*t.

    Raspberry Ketones is just pure "someone had to have been blackout drunk to come up with this" nonsense, especially for fat loss. Acai berry? Decent tasting berry, funny how Brazilians (where most acai berries come from) don't give near as much a **** about it as the rest of the world looking for a magical quick fix. Interesting note? Acai berry loses absurd amounts of its actual nutritional value in the various ways it is packaged and sold; not that it had much in the first place compared to many other cheaper and easily obtainable fruits. If you want Vitamin C and fruit based polyphenals eat some friggin blueberries or strawberries. I guarantee they are cheaper.

    Unless you have some pre-diagnosed medical condition that warrants it, about the only things you should even consider supplementing are fish oil, vitamin d, and a multi...the only one I would even consider crucial being the vitamin d. The rest is completely optional if you are eating an even remotely balanced diet and not even every day at that.
  • Stpjudge
    Stpjudge Posts: 129 Member
  • cavenderh
    cavenderh Posts: 1
    Dr.Oz i think is a very good informative tv show. The only thing is all the stuff he shows you for healthy eating, you can never find it it local stores! Also if you watch Dr. Oz and the also watch the Doctors they contradict each other so you dont know what is actually good or not.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member

    That is all.
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    I dont like him... he has a face that says punch me, Im a moron...its true and you know it! :laugh: