question for people who have been fat all their life



  • underthisfatareabs
    ive been fat my whole life and it made me upset so i ate more fat and the cycle continued till i was 225 lbs. now im 130 and losing my last 10. i know ill never be that fat again. i cringe at old pictures
  • hot2def
    hot2def Posts: 80 Member
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I've also been fat my entire life. Not huuuuge, but.. bigger than everyone else.

    I just got used to it. I was never really bullied at school for my weight but I've had confidence issues for so long now. I want to be able to wear bikinis and skimpy clothing and leave the house without worrying whether I look fat in this.

    This. In high school I used to think I was fat, but I was super athletic and actually looked pretty good - just not tiny.

    I know I will feel a lot better about myself now than I did then, regardless of weight. (Doesn't hurt that the skinny kids in high school are now bigger than me, though:)
  • mish24canada
    mish24canada Posts: 152 Member
    wow that amazing I have a hard time loosing and keeping off 10 pounds.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I've never been skinny, although I had a period of fitness in elementary school with track. I never got any attention from guys, but honestly, I don't think I would have appreciated it - by the time I was in high school, the only attention I had gotten had been as jokes, and I would have taken any advance that way if it had happened. I don't remember weighting myself except once in high school when we weighed for an aerobics class. I was 170 then, but I don't remember if I felt skinnier than I do now, even though I weight less. I had more muscle then, so maybe I was slimmer, but the fog of time limits me.

    Since I was never skinny, I didn't really have the feeling of being "fat" until I got up to almost 190 last year. I could tell that my thighs were getting quite big when I sat on the bus on my commute to work.
  • Lyndz_88
    Lyndz_88 Posts: 29
    Yep, always been big... i was a healthy weight once in my adult life, and i loved it! But it didnt last long. Got in a serious relationship, and the typical thing happened, i got comfy and slipped back into old habits again. But yea, it was awesome. Just felt so free! Wanna get back there so bad.
  • eliteboss987
    I've always been a big girl. Since I was in kindergarden I was always the biggest or second biggest girl in the class. At 5th grade I was already around 250 and 5'10. At around 8th grade I was 280-290 and sophomore year I was like 320. I graduatedat around 340 and gained a lot of weight afterwards. I was tall so I didnt look terrible even though I was so fat. But of course after high school I partied a lot and though "whats the point in losing weight now?" I would just laugh it off and make jokes about it. I still do to this day, I'm a big woman and I'll probably never be thin, I'm tall (5'11-6'0) and big boned and broad. I was around 360-370 when I was 27, I'm now around 315 and a size 26, I plan on getting down to 200.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I never really saw myself as fat till I went to the doctors and she was all O_O you are OVERWEIGHT! Then came the shattering emotions. I was in High School then ( all through till freshman year I was 125lbs to my 5'2 frame) and was being told I weight 175lbs in Sophomore year. I understood I was stressed from all the new homework and stresses HS brings. But I didn't know I was that bad! I would chalk it up to late night pizza binges while doing essays and such. My first attempt to lose weight was an eating disorder. ( I DO NOT CONDONE EATING DISORDERS! SEEK HELP) I would binge eat and force myself to throw up and then also would go days on end without eating.. My parents became aware of this when they found me passed out on the bathroom floor. They then both put their foot down and had me go to a nutritionist. I was then a Junior at this time. I got my weight all the way back down to 140lbs by the end of junior year and into senior year all the way through. After Senior year tho I hit back up to 185lbs and then met my husband. At that point after I got married I went into cheesecake and happy bliss eating mode. and hit all the way up to 250lbs. I worked it off down to 220lbs then a ton of stress in life and then had a major car accident and hit all the way up to 330lbs!!!! ( couldn't walk for 1 1/2yrs and was eating comfort foods) then here I am now at 287 and working my way down :D!

    I sort have always been fat in the moments in life that mattered. I am fighting to lose weight now for my health and for the future of my un born children. They deserve so much more from me as a mom and my husband deserves so much from me as a wife :)
  • hbk991
    hbk991 Posts: 192 Member
    Hi, ive been fat all my life, my heaviest was 287lbs, now im at 197lbs. i always was one the tallest and biggest in my school, i was overweight due to excess of homemade food, never junk, im not a fan of junk food, the only awkward part was that was hard to find clothes, and all was tight lol, but i never felt bad at all during my heavy days, but i have to say that i wouldnt like to return to the heavy club :)
  • rheigneann
    I've been fat all my life! And the bad thing about it, is that I was the only FAT person compared to my siblings! They are all skinny and sexy and seems to never gain any weight at all! It's so embarrassing! I grew up in a country where when you start to diet they will tease you about it and make you feel bad about yourself. But if you don't do anything about your weight, they will start calling you names and they even tease you more about it.

    I never really got used to it, the biggest that I have been was probably 260 and I was so scared of reaching 280 coz then it means I hit the end of the scale! I am always hurt whenever people call me names or won't let me ride tricycles or bicycles coz I was so fat! But I learned how to just ignore it, growing up with the weight is harder, people tend to look at you older even if I was only 12 they thought I was 25! and I don't even look 25, just because I was big! They always thought I gave birth or I already had a child coz I was soo fat!

    I never got the support from my family, i tried pills to help me lose my apettite and I lose 60 pounds! From 260 I went down to 200, but now I'm gaining it all back again and I'm so scared! I'm no longer a teen and I'm not getting younger anymore! It's scary to think no one will love me, because I'm so fat!
  • CeeHannah
    CeeHannah Posts: 9 Member
    Fat all my life. Suffered some severe teasing in school, too, which perhaps helps explain my at times crippling shyness all these years later. I've never felt comfortable in my skin. As someone else said, I know in my head that I'm not really fat anymore (even though I have haven't reached my ideal weight yet), but I don't feel that way yet. Also, I don't trust it. I've lost weight before (over 170 lbs once), and I gained it all back plus more.

    People who have never been overweight--and I mean really overweight, not the people who want to lose 10-15 lbs--have no idea how biased the world is against obese people. Apparently, it is quite acceptable to make fun of fat people on TV--Andy Rooney once commented on "60 Minutes" that the only two groups that it was politically correct to hate now are fat people and insurance companies. Try watching "Bones" for awhile and see how fat people are regarded on that show. If there's a fat person on the show, I know that person is going to end up being the killer.

    I have noticed only in the past couple of years that I am treated differently at times. I will probably realize even more when I lose my weight...