How do you people stay at 1200 a day??



  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    Every time I feel hungry I drink some more out of my Brita Water bottle. I have been told you should drink 1/2 your body weight in water so right now I weigh 207 pounds so I should be drinking at least 104 ounces of water a day. It's easier to do with a water bottle, at least for me! I use Slim Fast during the morning and lunch. I eat Greek yogurt. I usually eat a Healthy Choice for dinner. I know fixing food myself is a better option, but this works for me. I use 100 calorie snacks and I chew sugarless gum, which has 5 calories per piece. That is what has helped me stay under 1200 most of the time.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I started at 1200 cals a day, but I usually eat around 1300 now... I have a 'day off' so really on a weekly look at things I eat more if you balanced it out.

    Anyways, I realized REALLY quickly that if I was to be satisfied on even 1300 cals a day I would have to eat alot healthier. Now it's really second nature. I know what calories I aim for with each meal and snack and go from there. I eat alot of the same things.

    So it can be done, you can be full and actually eat healthy! Well you have to or you would starve LOL!!!
  • kidral97
    kidral97 Posts: 23 Member
    when i first started the 1200 calorie, i didnt think i'd make it. i eat 3 meals a day, with at least 2 snacks...sometimes 3. i eat lots of vegetables & fruits. lunch/dinner are about 250-300 calories. i drink alot more water too! i have 1 cheat day a week, its in the middle of the week. i noticed cheating on weekends, i'd eat whatever i lost. hahaha
    it's worked for me.
  • jpvieira
    jpvieira Posts: 50 Member
    Just my two cents, you've lost 22 pounds already, don't sell yourself short! You've got a ways to go, but it isn't like you haven't budged. As far as exercise, don't jump into an hour a day of hardcore stuff or you are likely to quit in a couple of weeks, You;d be surprised how a half hour brisk walk done every day adds up and is quite easy to do. Look up 23 1/2 hours on You Tube, it changed how I look at exercise, you don;t have to run marathons to be healthy! As far as the hunger thing, try for higher fiber foods as they'll make you feel full longer, choose lean proteins and veggies over starches if you have the choice and google low glycemic foods as these will lead to less spikes in blood sugar and tend to last in your system longer. Also drinks lots of water, and green tea (unsweetened) is a good addition to your daily regimen.
  • jsmith0644
    jsmith0644 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm hungry at the appropriate times. When breakfast, lunch or dinner rolls around I'm ready. I was never as hungry as I thought I was. I ate to fill the whatever. I'm usually at or just above 1200. I started this thing at 325, the exercise was not harder than the strength of my committment. I tried and felt short and tried and fell short until finally I started to get strong again. Twelve hundred may be a bit low for your body right now. Want it, push it, and you will succeed.
  • chica23GK
    chica23GK Posts: 100 Member
    Don't be discouraged - you have made progress already. This is a learning process - if it were really easy, we would've done it quite a while ago. I only go over calories when I indulge in sweets/non-nutritious carbs. I eat 3 meals & 2 snacks a day with moderately low carb, moderately hi-protein and 25g of fiber (helps me feel full). The closer I get to my fiber & protein goals, the fuller I feel. Sometimes I'm under in calories but it's because I'm not hungry. Macros are an individual thing - we find what works and use it until it's time to adjust them. :)
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I polish off 1200 calories by lunchtime most days. I'm 34 years old, 5'5" and about 120lbs and I eat an average of 2200/day. I would probably gnaw off my arm if i had to stick to 1200. OK, maybe not, but I would be a total grouch and my husband and kids would get rid of me!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    You dont HAVE to eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight!! STOP starving yourself. Eat between your BMR and TDEE.

    ^^^ THIS!

    double ditto!!!
  • Dave_MFP
    Dave_MFP Posts: 32
    I could never stick with 1,200 long term as I would wither away and die from starvation. But for me it is good for quickly losing weight as long as you go back to eating what your body needs when you reach your weight goal.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Im 1200 but i also do two protein shakes a day, and add a spoon of fiber to it. then, i have typically a large 500-700 calorie meal, and i split that into two, so i can eat "dinner" twice. Then i also have a few snacks in the evening, to try to get to my calories, but like today.. im 400 under! I am one that cant seem to get enough calories. I am 35 years old, 5'6" and weigh 222 pounds currently. i am ALWAYS searching for little things to eat to help me with calories. Yesterday, i had a six pack of beer and was under goal.. tonight, under goal even after eating half of a king size three muskateer!

    It works differently for different people. I have never been a eater. I am obese, and yet i was lucky if i ate 800 calories before i started this. I have crohns disease, so i was always throwing up.. which meant early in the morning, i certaintly didnt want to eat!! The shakes help me by putting something light on my stomach, and giving me ALOT of nutrients!!

    You just have to find what works for you! Every one is different, thats what makes us special. =)
  • dmariearce
    I actually found it hard to eat the 1200 for a few days...when i eat whatever n not healthy stuff i can rack up 600 at wendy's in a sandwich. but when i started eating good for me foods and measuring/weighing foods I was driving myself crazy.

    I found I can eat quite a lot of food with 1200 calories, i can make a large salad with fixin's n dressing for under like 100 and then add some protien and some light dressing. If i spread my meals out a few hours apart with a veggie snack, carrrots or celery or a small friut and a mini baby bell cheese wedge, I don't have time to get hungry.

    on the other hand if we go out to eat, or like last week a wedding. it's very hard to do 1200 calories and i exercize to offset some and chalk the rest to "we don't eat out often anymore"

    keep in mind the 1200 cal may not work for you based on your needs/goals and you can tweek can juggle how you spread your allotment thru the day, it took a few days for me to get into the swing
  • BALANCED1969
    Vegetables! Lots and lots of vegetables! Also "Mean and Green" Juice
  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    mind over matter. pre pack your food. stay busy!
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member

    Some really good ideas!
  • babicak3z
    babicak3z Posts: 79 Member
    ive found it helpful to eat a lot of fruits nuts and veggies i literally go to costcos one a week for fresh fruit but now im used to it so im not starving myself i also change up sometime protein shakes for breakfast or oatmeal and fruit that way i wont get tired of the same stuff but i dont eat meat i rarely eat it im not a vegan i just dont like meat i love veggies ive always been that way sweets was the cause to my weight gain and no activity so over eating has never been a problem with me i was addicted to sugar
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    The key is eating clean. If you prepare healthy meals with lean meats and vegetables and fruits you won't have a hard time eating around the 1200 calorie level. Actually it will be the opposite, you will be looking for items to help fill your calorie goal.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I've never tried to eat 1200 a day - I just don't see the point.

    Unless you are really tiny (and it sounds as though you aren't) then it's really unlikely that you would need to cut calories so low in order to lose weight.
    I lost weight last year eating around 1500 - 1700 net calories a day. Anything under 1450 (net) or so is too low for me, I'm hungry, grumpy and not nice to be around.

    I've decided that the only way I'm going to maintain my weight loss is by making changes that I can keep up for the rest of my life. Depriving my body of energy and nutrition is not something I want to do even in the short term, let alone for ever.
  • Jenloma
    Jenloma Posts: 77 Member
    Eat tons of veggies and how much dressing you are using and count those calories....
    Eat string cheese and cottage cheese when you snack or STARVED
    Fat-Free Jello is awesome when STARVED
    My secret is that I have about a 250-300 calorie meal with a huge salad. Good luck!
  • chennes
    chennes Posts: 7
    I try my best to stay at 800cals a day since im still trying to lose my last 15lbs once I get into maintenance for maintaining my weight it will probably be around 1200/1500day it's hard now but I have come along way and if I snack I try to keep it light Iike string cheese or protein bar. I eat a lot of salads for Dinner and protein with it to of course.
  • naturegrrl43
    I think 1200 is way too low for most people. I am a registered dietitian/certified nutritionist. I was given a 1480 calorie level. I upped it to 1600 and then went in and adjusted carbs to 40%. It's very doable.

    What makes it better is getting exercise everyday. That can buy another 200 calories at least, even for walking, if you do it for 30-60 mins.
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