"I'm sorry, your spouse is going to die...



  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I cannot type this without wiping a tear.

    me too :cry:
  • Alzzak
    Alzzak Posts: 89 Member
    Please say this is not a serious thread?

    This is serious. To a degree. I posted in the chit-chat section because it didn't pertain to anything weight-related.

    I'm curious as to if anyone else would handle it the way my husband did when they told him this news. 3.5 years ago. Clearly, i did not die. They were wrong.

    What did he do? and way to go!!!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Who knows how I would really react. Probably be freaked out...and start getting hiim to make sure that his last will and testament is prepared...and then spend the rest of the time doing something we both love to do together. I'd try to make his week special.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I'm pretty sure I would settle into a depression so deep I would never return. I likely wouldn't eat, sleep, or let him out of my sight..... My guy is my best friend, and has been for over half my life...i've never been with anyone else and I'm totally happy with that....I just hope I never hear those words, the ambulance trip on xmas eve with him shook me badly enough

    I'm so sorry you had to have that scare! Hope things are looking up for him now!!

    He's OK, BAD accident with a very sharp knife...cut the artery, nerve, and three tendons off in his wrist, blade went in one side and out the other. He still has no feeling in his thumb and first finger, but he's regained most of the range of motion. Doctor aid if I hadn't done what I did, he would have died. So scary, blood sprayed all over the presents under the tree...sorry if that's TMI folks...
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    I can't even imagine. He's everything to me. And more. Him just being away these past two months at boot camp has killed me! I hope that this isn't true. If it is I would spend every single second with him and maybe go to a place he's always wanted to go to if you have the money. That would be the most awful thing. I don't even want to imagine that...!!!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I have heard those words, 12 years ago in april I lost my first love and the father
    of my children to cancer, he was 38 yrs old.
    What did i do ? I honestly don't remember I saw everything thru a haze and pondered
    why my neighbors were mowing there grass why kids were playing basket ball and
    laughing and birds were singing Didnt they know my Bill was dying ! I remeber a pic nic
    and a butterfly exhibit I remember screaming into a towel in my bathroom for god to
    take him cause i couldnt do it anymore and the guilt I still feel for that request.
    Fast forward almost 13 years my kids are grown and parents, my husband of almost 10yrs
    will be 44 and after surgery Chemo and Radiation over the past 10 months I now await those words again
    What if ? I hope you never get your answer........
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    I'd push all the anger, hurt, sadness, and confusion out of me and stay positive and happy for my husband. I would do everything I could to make sure his last week was the most amazing week of his life.

    After he died I would probably break and be devestated for a very long time.

    Ugh. I don't even wanna think about it. My husband is my best friend, my love, my everything. I can't imagine life without him.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Please say this is not a serious thread?


    ^ this. :/
  • Notorious_T
    Notorious_T Posts: 384
    I lost mine last year in a car accident, the unexpected loss left so may what-ifs and made it so hard. I'd def prefer to never again deal with this loss, but I think knowing time is limited, you could at least say the things you needed to. :sick:
  • ForeverIrish
    ForeverIrish Posts: 232 Member
    I am not currently married but I do have a significant other. The BF is pretty cool and I don't want him to die.

    If this question was directed to me about my ex spouse, I'd tell you that this is a problem that needs to be addressed by the skank he knocked up.

    April 30th is my divorce date. I throw an Independence Day party every year. I was divorced in 1993.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    I have heard those words, 12 years ago in april I lost my first love and the father
    of my children to cancer, he was 38 yrs old.
    What did i do ? I honestly don't remember I saw everything thru a haze and pondered
    why my neighbors were mowing there grass why kids were playing basket ball and
    laughing and birds were singing Didnt they know my Bill was dying ! I remeber a pic nic
    and a butterfly exhibit I remember screaming into a towel in my bathroom for god to
    take him cause i couldnt do it anymore and the guilt I still feel for that request.
    Fast forward almost 13 years my kids are grown and parents, my husband of almost 10yrs
    will be 44 and after surgery Chemo and Radiation over the past 10 months I now await those words again
    What if ? I hope you never get your answer........

    so sorry you had to go through this. i'll keep you in my prayers that you don't have to again!!
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    I lost my first love that way....within 3 days of diagnosis....just gone...I would be devestated if my husband now of 10 years was taken away....no words...I still haven't fully accepted the 1st death....
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    I lost mine last year in a car accident, the unexpected loss left so may what-ifs and made it so hard. I'd def prefer to never again deal with this loss, but I think knowing time is limited, you could at least say the things you needed to. :sick:

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I think you're right, that at least this way there would be a chance to say it all... ((Hugs)) for you!!!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Celebrate that I get full custody of the kids!

    Is your spouse an actual danger to your children? Or do you just not like him/her? Because saying you would celebrate the fact that your children would have to grow up without a mother/father sounds pretty effed up to me..

    Some of the answers on here... smh :noway:
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Depends on why? and if there is anything that can be done to prevent it? I.E. a health issue,losing weight whatever and then man controls nothing God controls everything so I would be on my knees saying the Serenity Prayer and then move on and live life:)
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    ask my mfp crushes if they wanted to go on a date a week from now.
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    I have heard those words, 12 years ago in april I lost my first love and the father
    of my children to cancer, he was 38 yrs old.
    What did i do ? I honestly don't remember I saw everything thru a haze and pondered
    why my neighbors were mowing there grass why kids were playing basket ball and
    laughing and birds were singing Didnt they know my Bill was dying ! I remeber a pic nic
    and a butterfly exhibit I remember screaming into a towel in my bathroom for god to
    take him cause i couldnt do it anymore and the guilt I still feel for that request.
    Fast forward almost 13 years my kids are grown and parents, my husband of almost 10yrs
    will be 44 and after surgery Chemo and Radiation over the past 10 months I now await those words again
    What if ? I hope you never get your answer........

    so sorry you had to go through this. i'll keep you in my prayers that you don't have to again!!

    I didn't have any time to prepare, they diagnosed him on Feb 17, 1997 and he was gone Feb 20th 1997...I was so damn angry that the world kept going...I remember making some bad mistakes and everything was a haze for me as well...
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    I lost my first love that way....within 3 days of diagnosis....just gone...I would be devestated if my husband now of 10 years was taken away....no words...I still haven't fully accepted the 1st death....

    I'd wish this on no one. I'm sorry.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    I don't want a spouse... but I had to play this game with my mom... last year... not a game I want to try to define
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    I could only pray that I'd be able to fulfill his every want and dream. I'd pray to have a relationship like my friend who tragically lost her husband at 30 years old. She left nothing on the table with him before he passed on.