Rethinking my weight goal? 5'6" female help please :)



  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    ok. So I am ALMOST 5'7" and have a lot of muscle mass.... I am 23% body fat

    I currently weigh 153, and I don't think I'll be seeing anything less the 145 if I keep eating/training at the level I do. (I shouldn't eat less, and I shouldn't train more.)


    This was at a recent race, so you can see what I look like at 153(ish)
    That's a good example of what I meant when I said people who look good (or great) at that height and weight! I weigh a pound more than you but I don't look like that at all! My body fat % is probably much higher!
  • mommamisty823
    I'm your height, and have been at your weight before. I've been down to 135 and felt my most comfortable there. I think a lot of it depends on your build though.
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I'm 5'6" and 177 atm but my goal is 145-147 which my doctor supported. I also have a rather large frame :/ I think you should see how you feel at 150. For our height the range is 116-154 which is crazy big!! I think 140-145 is reasonable depending on your frame :)
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I would love my waist to be that small at 164! Mine is that size now and I'm 142 at 5'8, with muscle (most of my weights in my middle!)

    What I would do in your sitation though is wait until you are actually 150 and then reevaluate. Everyone looks different, even at the same weights so you may find you're happy at that weight, or you may want to push for more. :smile:
  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    hi! so i'm 5'6" and currently weigh around 136-138, depending on the day. my measurements are 34 - 27- 38 (i carry my weight low) and wear a size 8. i'm aiming for 125, but have really been struggling because i'm a cyclist and train constantly so have a lot of muscle mass. still pretty soft in places too, so i'm aiming for lower, but i might just end up losing a few more pounds and working on toning - still haven't decided. I hope this helps!
  • mamato2babes
    Hi there! I'm 5'6" and right now I'm about 138-140. My original goal was to get down to 130-135, but I've stalled at this weight for quite some time. I can tell that I have gained muscle though despite the scale staying the same.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
  • LizJ08
    LizJ08 Posts: 127
    I'm also 5'6" and weigh 134. My waist is 26 in and hips are 36.5. I've personally decided not to lose anymore bc I don't want to lose anymore of my womanly curves, lol. I'm focused now on gaining muscle definition and maintaining current weight. You can look at my profile to see my pics but everyone's bodies are all so different that what works for me might not work for you.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    I'm 5'6 and leaving high school i was 140 or so and that was the best my body has ever looked. 150 for my height/body type was on the beginning of being overweight.
  • maddiey
    maddiey Posts: 231 Member
    Hmm I didn't think I would end up with this many replies!
    Well I'm going to take what you guys have said and think about it. I would really like to lose a couple inches around my waist and thighs, but I think I will just wait until I actually am 150 to evaluate myself again. I think I'm just becoming a little obsessed with it!

    I wish I could take into consideration my body fat % but I don't have a way of measuring. My scale at home says I have 35% body fat but that can't be right, considering everyone other type of reader has read much less than that (like 25%, or 27%) for my body fat % and also, it's said that for months now lol. I think it's broken. I've lost like 10 pounds since I bought it and it hasn't changed.

    Anyone know a good way to measure body fat % besides going to the doctor?
  • ytfelmi
    ytfelmi Posts: 47
    I agree with just doing what's best for you! When I was on another diet program a few years ago, I had no idea what to set as my "ideal goal weight". I started at 190, and thought there was no way I could lose more than 50lbs, so I set my goal at 140. Once I hit it, I asked my consultant if I could lose more! I ended up finding that I'm happiest between 125-135. Though, when I was hovering around 135, I felt bloated. Granted, I'm just barely 5'5, and I wasn't working out at all.

    This time around, I'm working hard to tone ALONG with healthy eating, and so I set my goal at 130. I'm all for changing that once I see the results I looking for.
  • ytfelmi
    ytfelmi Posts: 47
    My scale fluctuates body fat % all the time! I read that it sends an electrical currant through your body, and measures it that way. There's a gym by my house that does a measurement thing where you lay in a big tub of water... But it was like $50, so I figured it's not REALLY that big of a deal yet.. I might want to know later though. Haha
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    My question is...why set a goal at all? Why not just eat healthy, make exercise part of your lifestyle, and see where your body settles at? The number you pick may not be the place it wants to be at!

    I took that approach many years ago, after trying to get back to my college weight (127). I'm 5'7", and at that weight, I was a size 8/10. I now weigh 140 - and have been seriously strength training for 3 years now, in addition to eating clean. I'm also a size 4. In other words - screw the scale! I now know that with the exercise path I've chosen, it is not realistic nor healthy for me to be at 127. I am quite content with being healthy and with how I look in jeans, and isn't that the point of life?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Hmm I didn't think I would end up with this many replies!
    Well I'm going to take what you guys have said and think about it. I would really like to lose a couple inches around my waist and thighs, but I think I will just wait until I actually am 150 to evaluate myself again. I think I'm just becoming a little obsessed with it!

    I wish I could take into consideration my body fat % but I don't have a way of measuring. My scale at home says I have 35% body fat but that can't be right, considering everyone other type of reader has read much less than that (like 25%, or 27%) for my body fat % and also, it's said that for months now lol. I think it's broken. I've lost like 10 pounds since I bought it and it hasn't changed.

    Anyone know a good way to measure body fat % besides going to the doctor?

    get some calipers and measure the amount of fat you can grab at a few sites. there are few sites where you can plus this in and they will give you an estimate
  • maddiey
    maddiey Posts: 231 Member
    I like to have a goal because I feel like then I'm working towards something. I'm in it for the long run, and after I do reach a goal I will keep wanting to work on my body to be better, but at the same time it gives me some motivation! I definitely agree with you and just to work hard and see what happens, but for me it's like a mental reminder :)
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Hmm I didn't think I would end up with this many replies!
    Well I'm going to take what you guys have said and think about it. I would really like to lose a couple inches around my waist and thighs, but I think I will just wait until I actually am 150 to evaluate myself again. I think I'm just becoming a little obsessed with it!

    I wish I could take into consideration my body fat % but I don't have a way of measuring. My scale at home says I have 35% body fat but that can't be right, considering everyone other type of reader has read much less than that (like 25%, or 27%) for my body fat % and also, it's said that for months now lol. I think it's broken. I've lost like 10 pounds since I bought it and it hasn't changed.

    Anyone know a good way to measure body fat % besides going to the doctor?
    I did mine on fat2fit and put my measurement s in the military calculator
  • cynful71
    cynful71 Posts: 9
    The chart that I have says somewhere in between....I'm 5'4" and the chart says 117-146...and my goal is 125...since I know I can live with it and be healthy that's all that matters to me :)