Five random facts about yourself



  • wyllaya
    wyllaya Posts: 51 Member
    1- I wish i was Asian

    2- I speak a little Japanese and Korean

    3- I dont watch T.V. i watch only JDRAMA and KDRAMA

    4- people find it funny because i cant ``Spread`` my toes as much as my finger (i was sure until recently that it was nothing special but apparently it is)

    5- i dont go to bed if there is a knive on a counter
  • LunaPhaedra
    LunaPhaedra Posts: 71 Member
    1. I hate sleeping with the bedroom door open
    2. I dislike a lot of words, and avoid saying them!
    3. I pick the skin off the sides of my thumbs when im nervous
    4. Roseanne is my favorite tv show of all time!
    5. I dont like to look in the mirror

    I'm the same as 1 and 3. 2 confuses me; the only time I've heard of people saying that they avoid works if they taste bad, lol!
  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    1. I have always had a secret crush on Jeff Goldblum.
    2. I can shotgun a beer faster than a frat boy and I VERY rarely even drink!
    3. I sleep with my eyes open, so I am told.
    4. I can recite the movie Beetlejuice, verbatim.
    5. I can still do a mean cartwheel.

  • Jani2416
    Jani2416 Posts: 275 Member
    1. I have have mild ocd when it comes to my routine.

    2. I'm obsessed with mani's/pedi's and nail polish.

    3. I don't sleep more then 4-5 hours per night.

    4. I can watch true blood over and over again

    5. I love reading, I have 4 books on the go right now
  • LunaPhaedra
    LunaPhaedra Posts: 71 Member
    1. I have double jointed fingers (and my pinkies can touch the backs of my hands)

    2. I can play the oboe

    3. I'm a synaesthete (specifically, all numbers and letters have colours and genders)

    4. I spend the majority of the time in my own head because my mind has pretty much always been a wonderland of fanfiction.

    5. Because of each of my parent's religion's rules, I technically wasn't born into any religion at all (and it's been that way ever since, lol!)
  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
    1. Im obsessed with Vampire Diaries
    2. Twilight is a close 2nd
    3. I like to flirt but don't wanna commit to anyone
    4. Purple is my favorite color
    5. I can eat a whole habanero without having a drink:smokin:
  • ciaobellaxo
    Here are my five random facts:

    1. Lifetime and Hallmark channels. Need I say more? I've watched LMN for the last two days & I love these channels during the holidays & Valentines Day! Yes, I am a hopeless romantic. I barley watch any show/movie without some romance, and I honestly don't believe in "true love" but am a sucker for it in movies.

    2. Before I die, I'll be wrestling a gator & cage diving with sharks! :D

    3. Favorite food? Peppers. The most amazing food I've ever eaten... ;)

    4. I am that girl that you'll see singing & dancing to her favorite songs in the car while you drive past her on the highway.

    5. Nothing scares me, except people I love dying & bugs. (Spiders are covered with bugs.)
  • morganmay92
    1.I'm a hairstylist
    2.Have two Pomeranian's
    3.A loner...big time
    4.I've been to plenty concerts since I turned 13, mostly bands I love and local crappy bands I used to like.
    5.I used to hate my body, now I slightly do but don't :)
  • kotcherr
    kotcherr Posts: 34
    1. I live in West Philadelphia but someday hope to live in a cabin in the woods.
    2. I'm a Biologist but also love writing.
    3. I have a CD on iTunes.
    4. I really wish that I was stronger physically! (working on that)
    5. I'm in a Shakespeare company.
  • chickabee5
    chickabee5 Posts: 90
    1. I met my husband when he was my best friend's blind date. He started the date with her and ended it with me (with her blessing).
    2. I have a fascination with the psychology of serial killers.
    3. I'm a fantastic cook, but a horrible baker.
    4. The taste or smell of raspberries makes me sick.
    5. I was adopted when I was a couple days old. Because of this I'm 5'2" in a family that's all over 6 ft. tall.

    Haha it's funny 'cause I'm a great baker, but a horrible cook lol!
  • stpetegirl
    stpetegirl Posts: 241
    1. I'm a great cook.
    2. I love to drive fast.
    3. I love my music loud so I can sing along with it.
    4. My favorite kinds of books and movies are about Vampires.
    5. I've been working on my own Vampire novel.
  • SpartanSweetie
    SpartanSweetie Posts: 10 Member
    If its not pink I don't like it.

    I get called "Barbie" a lot

    My ancestors are Spartans according to my Croatian Great-nan

    I can't not have lip gloss on - I hate my lips feeling dry

    I LOVE to read!
  • saraketcherside
    1. I have secretly believe a zombie-like Apocalypse will happen, and kinda would think it was awesome except for people dying.

    2. I love researching serial killers, and studying psychology.

    3. I love to read.

    4. I am scared to death of bugs...

    5. I miss high school cause all my friends where in the same place not spread out all over creation... :)
  • otterheinman
    1. I love having the hiccups

    2. When someone does one of my pet peeves, it will almost drive me CRAZY in my head, but as soon as I tell them that it bothers me, then it no longer does if they continue to do it. Of course, usually they quit. Even better!!

    3. I have gone skydiving

    4. I LOVE riding on the back of a motorcycle but was petrified with fear, when I was learning how to be the driver. No thanks, I'll just ride.

    5. I'm a firefighter and an EMT-B. Currently not working as either, have for the last 5 years. Miss it, but not sure if I'll go back or not.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    1. I am a death metal vocalist and I sound like a straight up dude, but I listen to mostly rap and hip hop these days
    2. I have a birth mark on my chest that kids used to say was a third nipple.
    3. I broke my arm 4 times growing up, once requiring surgical repair because the bone popped out of my arm... like literally out of my skin. It was because I was jumping ramps on my bike and trying to look like a badass in front of all the neighborhood boys. I had to assert my dominance.
    4. I had knee surgery after tearing my meniscus playing paintball in 2006. I jumped into a creek to try to hide in the water with my head at bank level and snipe people out, but for some reason, when I landed, my knee was stuck bent and I couldn't move it at all. Freak fricken accident. All I did was jump. Not even a cool story, bro.
    5. I really like drag queens.
  • lalaCNSbFS
    lalaCNSbFS Posts: 83
    1.I'm ambidextrous.

    2.I hate the smell and taste of beef and lamb meat.

    3.I just finished reading all 10 pages of this thread.

    4.I can speak about 5-6 foreign languages.

    5.I am a science nerd
  • meadowskl
    meadowskl Posts: 1
    1. My favorite book is Fifty Shades of Grey

    2. I sleep with my dog because I hate sleeping alone. ( I get scared)

    3. I am a Country girl and proud of it!!!!

    4. I smile and laugh all the time because I guess everything and one around me is amusing i guess.

    5. Hmmmm The last thing is that its hard to take a compliment about anything because them I feel cocky of too self confident
  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    1) I have never done a carwheel in my life (nor have I even ever tried)

    2) I can't swim. I have never learned to put my face under water without plugging my nose.

    3) Flossing creeps me out. can't do it. Although I've never had a cavity and get told every Dentist visit how perfect and beautiful my teeth are.

    4) I can fold my tongue in half and stick it out that way as well as touch the bottom of my nose. (not while still folded!)

    5) I love animals more then people. (I'm a nurse - don't leak that out)
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I liked this, its great to know there are so many ppl with similar weird things. I read through and saw a lot of things that made me respond "me too!"

    also glad to know that I am not the only smart phoneless person. lol

    fun stuff.
  • racemary
    racemary Posts: 52 Member
    Hahaha pretty much this
    1.I'm ambidextrous.

    2.I hate the smell and taste of beef and lamb meat.

    3.I just finished reading all 10 pages of this thread.

    4.I can speak about 5-6 foreign languages.

    5.I am a science nerd

    Let's see if I can find 5 of my own

    1) I'm terrified of wasps. I tell people it's because I'm so allergic I could get an anaphylactic shock, but I might have made that up
    2) I feel pretty even though I'm overweight
    3) I love learning - absolutely anything
    4) I have very sensitive ears which makes scuba diving very painful. I'd rather be deaf in one ear than never dive again.
    5) I can't do somersaults
