Five random facts about yourself



  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    1. I was kicked out of Sunday School (For asking too many questions and arguing with the priest, I was 5).
    2. I am a role player table top and live action to including reffing (I normally reff Ravenloft).
    3. I enjoy computer games, online and offline
    4. I have written poems and stories for as long as I can remember.
    5. I play the Native American Flute.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    i already added 5 about myself but i want to add 5 more because i love reading this thread! LOL

    1. I have the most beautiful children! Of course, my opinion is biased, but even still... they are my WORLD!
    2. I love geocaching! If you don't know what it is, you should. LOL
    3. I love to sing loudly in the car to just about anything, but especially songs from the 90s. And I love even more that my husband will do it with me! He melts my heart.
    4. I am a chocoholic. If there is chocolate involved, count me in!
    5. I love breakfast! I could eat it for all of my meals! It's amazing! LOL
  • lostwisdom
    lostwisdom Posts: 73 Member
    1. I'm a bit of a closet geek and love astronomy and science!
    2. I'm a black belt in TaeKwonDo :)
    3. I've played piano since I was five years old and music is my biggest passion
    4. I used to be a proper goth when I was 16!
    5. I only ever wear trousers/pants for exercising, you'll hardly ever find me out of a skirt or dress!
  • zozzabubba
    zozzabubba Posts: 137 Member
    1. I was conceived through IVF
    2. I was born with 2 mommies
    3. I'm not usually a hipster but the exception is Harry Potter - been a fan since there were only 50 kids in the fanclub! One of my whole-life obsessions
    4. I love kids more than anything and could spend all my time with them, but never want to have my own, just adopt
    5. I've had the strongest urge to dye my hair black for about 4 years but never been brave enough
  • ScarlettIsSpiffing
    ScarlettIsSpiffing Posts: 121 Member
    1: I have to have an even number on dials always on evens & can't get up if the alarm goes on to an oddie.
    2: I've got 4 tattoos & 12 piercings
    3: I dance like a loon on acid & don't care who's watching
    4 : I'm very, very clumsy & can be relied on to trip over or drop something at least once a day
    5: I can't keep secets, especially when I'm a tad tipsy

  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    1. I'm just about 21 years old, and I'm happily married
    2. I'm a military wife
    3. I am a photographer
    4. I like faces
    5. I'm finally starting to like my body
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    1. I quote movies and tv shows like it's my job.
    2. I'm fluent in sarcasm.
    3. My bro tells me that I hit like a man.
    4. Allergies: penicillin, certain types of mold and bull****.
    5. It gets me all hot when people use they're, their, and there correctly.

    That is all...
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    1. I was a debutante, but hated it!
    2. I love driving and would love to own a Lancia!
    3. I travelled a lot in Eastern Europe when it was still Communist.
    4. I write poetry.
    5. I was brought up in a menage a trois - my mother and father had separate bedrooms, and her boyfriend 'lodged' in our home!

    Great thread!
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    1. I am terrified of balloons, spiders and cockroaches.
    2. I owned 2 motorbikes before I owned a car.
    3. I have only one child, a son who has Aspergers Syndrome, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, and ADHD.
    4. I was once invited to the Mayor's Christmas party in recognition of my good work in the community.
    5. I've lived in 33 different houses, in 4 states and 2 countries.
  • xxTAMxx
    xxTAMxx Posts: 614
    1. I have never met my biological father and don't need dad rocks!
    2. I don't like wearing jewellery except a belly bar.
    3. I like Tim's. Very much!
    4. I am always in need of a massage
    5. I love wine way more than I should....can you tell?
  • jcriscuolo
    jcriscuolo Posts: 319 Member
    1. I have skydived (in spite of my fear of flying and fear of heights)
    2. I completed two sport triathlons (had to learn how to swim to compete)
    3. I have hiked into the Grand Canyon, camped at the bottom and hiked out over a three day period. (first hike ever)
    4. I raced a 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner at Cecil County Dragway
    5. I have made one hole in one while golfing at Glen Dornach in Myrtle Beach.
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    I play piano.

    I am Kentucky born & bred & I don't really like basketball much. (gasp! unheard of here)

    I have 1 dog, 3 children & 4 cats.

    I have a tattoo of a music note, but the note part is a heart with my husband's initial in it.

    I love antiques, and actually wish the world would go back to the way it was in the 40's.
  • GaglianiGirl
    1. I a tweezer addict. I'm always looking for the perfect pair.
    2. I once broke up with a guy for smelling his socks after he took them off.
    3. I was 21 before I had my first date.
    4. I met my husband on an aviation website while working on my private pilot license.
    5. I love deodorant. I use it in 5 places on my body everyday, and both armpits only count as 1.
  • MissSherryBobbins

    1. I don't tell people this because i wonder if i would get judged as arrogant, but... i'm a member of Mensa

    2. I have relative pitch. Ie, i can play songs just from hearing them.

    3. I work at a university and it's awesome! That's also where my gym is, and a perk is that i get discounted membership. Yay!

    4. I'm related to a celebrity

    5. I have mental illness
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member

    1. I don't tell people this because i wonder if i would get judged as arrogant, but... i'm a member of Mensa

    2. I have relative pitch. Ie, i can play songs just from hearing them.

    3. I work at a university and it's awesome! That's also where my gym is, and a perk is that i get discounted membership. Yay!

    4. I'm related to a celebrity

    5. I have mental illness
    We have the same #1!
  • MissSherryBobbins
    We have the same #1!

    Cool! I've only ever met one other person online who is a Mensan. Do you find you don't tell people because you don't want to be perceived a certain way?
  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    1~ I love to learn and have a head full of useless/useful? knowledge

    2~ I quit my job to go to school to become a nurse because I wasn't happy and needed a change

    3~ I would do anything to be able to have a baby

    4~ I love playing the 'name that singer/band' game and i HATE when I'm wrong

    5~ I love to make people smile
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    I usually don't tell because people expect me to know everything about everything and love to point out when I do something stupid. I also find that I am often not understood and I get annoyed with people when I have to dumb down my language. That statement makes me sound as arrogant and saying I'm a Mensan, but I sometimes wish I was just average.
  • _beautiful_disaster_
    i dont know how to upload a picture in here to prove my third nipple to you guys, and I cant post it on my page, cause someone I work with is on it, any suggestions?
  • johnvargo112233
    Let's see....

    1. I play too many video games.
    2. I still like cartoons.
    3. I am very open minded.
    4. I hate to fly.
    5. I shave my chest. lol! That one only my wife knows lol!