Five random facts about yourself



  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    1) I'm terribly aware of my own intelligence level and I'm always self conscious about it. Which is probably a good thing because I'm always trying to learn.

    2) I've been biting my fingernails for the majority of my life. To the point where my hands bleed.

    3) I'm probably more in love with my wife now than I was when we met...I think about her pretty much all day long. 50% of the time its about how much I love her...50% of the time its fantasizing about things I'd like to do to/with her. I also don't think I've ever really told her that.

    4) I listen to hip-hop music constantly. I like other types as well but I've loved hip hop for 20+ years. I can talk about it all day long if I needed to and I would enjoy every single minute of it.

    5) Sometimes I feel ok with being fat. Like I'm satisfied with it. Other times I hate myself for it.
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    1. I like even numbers ( and if I am able will do things evenly)

    2. I keep a dream log

    3. My best friends are all on line and live far away from Me

    4. I can almost do the splits....6more inches to

    5. I love chocolate :-)
    Off subject- your eyes are crazy AMAZING!
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    1. I have a third nipple

    Pics or you're lying.

    this ^^^

    i'm taking a picture when I get home.

    I need to see this.
  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    1. I still have my yellow lamb stuffed animal from when I was a baby
    2. I conceived via artificial insemination
    3. I love to sing
    4. I have a tattoo of my sons initials
    5. I use to sing and rock myself to sleep
  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    1. I have a third nipple

    Pics or you're lying.

    this ^^^

    i'm taking a picture when I get home.

    I need to see this.

    are you sure its not just a nubbin? (shout out if you know this from the show Friends)
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 222 Member
    1. I have a third nipple

    Pics or you're lying.

    this ^^^

    i'm taking a picture when I get home.

    I need to see this.

    are you sure its not just a nubbin? (shout out if you know this from the show Friends)
    Shout! And eww!
  • meggersd
    meggersd Posts: 55
    1. I'm a twin
    2. I have to pee immediately before going to bed
    3. I quit smoking not because I didn't like it but because I was smart enough to know it will kill me, I could easily smoke a whole pack right now but not one for 5 years.
    4. I hate being drunk.
    5. I would much rather read a book then do anything else
  • ikoiko33
    ikoiko33 Posts: 43
    1) I hate talking on the phone, most likely because I'm on the phone at work all day.

    2) I fall UP the stairs …

    3) I love to come up with new and creative ways to torture the telemarketers that call my house.

    4) I'm addicted to Coach bags.

    5) I'm an adult, but I still love drawing and coloring with my scented Mr. Sketch magic markers.
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    1) I'm more than slightly obsessed with zombies.
    2) I'm sure I'll get slaughtered on the forums for this, but I don't like bacon.
    3) I'm epic on the grill.
    4) My favorite author is now and always will be Kurt Vonnegut.
    5) It's extremely difficult (at best) to upset me. I am a wave of tranquility.

    Let the bacon assault commence.
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 222 Member
    1) I'm more than slightly obsessed with zombies.
    For this, I'll forgive your bacon heresy.
  • DaGsGirl
    DaGsGirl Posts: 194
    1. Im a natural red-head
    2. I drive a Mercedes
    3. Im a house cleaning FREEEAK
    4. I LOVE Mexican food
    5. I can be very quiet at times (believe it or not) :wink:
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    1. I have a third nipple

    Pics or you're lying.

    this ^^^

    i'm taking a picture when I get home.

    I need to see this.

    are you sure its not just a nubbin? (shout out if you know this from the show Friends)

    I love the episode where he has it removed and thinks it took away his sense of humor. too funny. I love friends.
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    1) I'm more than slightly obsessed with zombies.
    For this, I'll forgive your bacon heresy.

    Thank you, and I almost spit liquid on my keyboard @ bacon heresy.
  • _beautiful_disaster_
    1. I have a third nipple

    Pics or you're lying.

    this ^^^

    i'm taking a picture when I get home.

    I need to see this.

    are you sure its not just a nubbin? (shout out if you know this from the show Friends)
    Shout! And eww!

    its not a full on nipple, but if you google 3rd nipple, thats what I have.
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 222 Member
    1. I have a third nipple

    Pics or you're lying.

    this ^^^

    i'm taking a picture when I get home.

    I need to see this.

    are you sure its not just a nubbin? (shout out if you know this from the show Friends)
    Shout! And eww!

    its not a full on nipple, but if you google 3rd nipple, thats what I have.
    I don't think I should Google that at work, lol!
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    1. I'm queer.
    2. I'm a feminist.
    3. I was kicked out of home at 17 and haven't had contact with my mother since.
    4. I have more feels towards fictional characters than I do most real life people.
    5. I'm naturally blonde-haired and blue-eyed, but have been dying my hair since I was 15.
  • _beautiful_disaster_
    1. I have a third nipple

    Pics or you're lying.

    this ^^^

    i'm taking a picture when I get home.

    I need to see this.

    are you sure its not just a nubbin? (shout out if you know this from the show Friends)
    Shout! And eww!

    its not a full on nipple, but if you google 3rd nipple, thats what I have.
    I don't think I should Google that at work, lol!
    you wont get in trouble, I promise!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    1. I can wiggle just my right nostril

    2. I auditioned for Star Search in the late 80s (not for wiggling my nostril) and made it to the next round, but I was too busy partying so I didn't go to the 2nd audition.

    3. I have ADD, and can get to the very end of a movie before realizing I've already seen it.

    4. I'm writing a children's book about poop (for potty training) from which I will donate proceeds to childhood cancer research (haven't picked the hospital yet) and also 4 Paws for Ability, a group that provides dogs to autistic kids.

    5. I think farts are hilarious. Not the smell, just the noise they make. :bigsmile:

    yoovie's sounds like a song!
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    1. I always have to put my left shoe on first. Even if I take my right shoe off for some reason, I won't put it back on until I take off my left shoe and put it on first again.

    2. I'm one of four daughters and all of our names begin with "J."

    3. When I took my SATs in high school, I got tired of reading the questions and answers, so I wrote A, B, C, D on the sides of my pencil...and then rolled it and wrote down whatever answer it landed on. I scored a 1510.

    4. I tried to be bulimic when I was in high school...but I have no gag reflex so it didn't work for me AT ALL.

    5. A group of friends and I started a magazine in 2000 with basically no money...and then later sold it to a VERY large publishing company in 2003 for $1 million dollars...and they in turn shut it down because they had no idea how to keep it going.
  • alpha1029
    alpha1029 Posts: 139
    1. I read the Harry Potter books every summer
    2. I have always lived in the same zip code
    3. I love science. A lot.
    4. I have never done any kind of drug in my life. I barely even drink (maybe twice a year).
    5. I used to get really bad night terrors, but they've stopped since I started dating my now-husband.